755 research outputs found

    The intra-cranial lymphatic systems

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    Application of the European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model (ERSEM) to assessing the eutrophication status in the OSPAR Maritime Area, with particular reference to nutrient discharges from Scottish salmonid aquaculture

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    Aquaculture production of salmonids in Scotland has grown over the last 15 years, exceeded 150,000 tonnes in 2001. There have been conflicting views as to the likely ecological impact of nutrient discharges from this activity. Whilst quantitative assessments of aquaculture nutrient discharges have been carried out, the debate regarding possible eutrophication impacts of these discharges has so far been largely speculative. In order to provide a quantitative basis for this discussion, a marine ecosystem model was used to simulate the consequences of a 50% reduction in aquaculture nutrient discharges, and the results are presented here

    Modelling the behaviour of nutrients in the coastal waters of Scotland

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    The overall goal of this project was to provide Scotland with a strategic ecosystem simulation tool for identifying maritime areas which could be at risk of eutrophication. The tool should provide spatially resolved output, and be capable of discriminating between different types and locations of nutrient inputs, so as to enable scenario analyses of different reduction options. The specific aims of the project were firstly to simulate the annual cycles of nutrients and ecological properties of Scottish waters and advise on areas which might suffer from eutrophication, and secondly, to determine the contribution of Scottish nutrient discharges to eutrophication in the OSPAR maritime area as a whole

    Modelling the behaviour of nutrients in the coastal waters of Scotland - an update on inputs from Scottish aquaculture and their impact on eutrophication status

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    A previous study estimated that salmon farming contributed approximately 6% of Scotland's nitrogen-nutrient input to coastal waters, and 13% of phosphorus (based on 2001 production figures). However, in some areas of the west of Scotland with small freshwater catchment areas and low levels of human habitation, aquaculture inputs represented greater than 80% of the total. In 2002, FRS published results from an ecosystem modelling study involving a collaboration with the Institute for Marine Research, University of Hamburg, and the Macaulay Land Use Research Institute in Aberdeen, to assess the eutrophication impact of various nutrient inputs to Scottish waters. The results suggested that a 50% reduction in aquaculture salmon production would have only a small impact on water quality which would be undetectable against the background of natural variability due to climate variations. Estimating aquaculture nutrient discharge is a difficult task. The 2002 study was based on data relating to the consented biomass of fish at farm sites in sea lochs. Since then, new data have become available on the actual harvest of fish at all sites in Scotland. In this report, we re-assess the salmon production in Scotland in 2001 and the consequent nutrient discharge, and repeat the ecosystem model runs to estimate the impact of reduction scenarios on eutrophication status. The new data indicate that the previous study had overestimated salmon production and nutrient discharge by approximately 18% Scotland wide. Production and discharge at Shetland and in the Southern Hebrides had been under-estimated, whilst that in the Minches had been over-estimated. New runs of the ecosystem model show that the original conclusions on eutrophication impact were sound. A scenario of 50% reduction in salmon production produced regional changes in water quality which were less than 25% of the natural variability due to climate. New runs simulating a cessation of aquaculture showed that even this extreme reduction scenario produced changes in water quality that were less than half the natural variability

    The Effects of Chronic Mercuric Chloride Ingestion in Female Sprague–Dawley Rats on Fertility and Reproduction

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    Thirty-days-old female rats were chronically exposed, for 60 days, to 1or 2 mg/kg/day of mercuric chloride or an equivalent volume of water, via gavage. At 90 days of age they were mated with unexposed males. At approximately day 13 of gestation necropsies were performed on the females. Data were collected on the number of implantations and non-viable implantations in the uterus. No physical signs of Hg intoxication were seen except in weight gain. There were significantly fewer implantations in the high HgCl2 group, with significantly more non-viable implantations in the low and high HgCl2 groups, compared to controls. Lower levels of progesterone and higher levels of pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH) were found in the high HgCl2 group compared to controls, whereas pituitary follicle stimulating hormone levels (FSH), while not significant, showed a dose– response relationship to HgCl2 levels. No difference was found in the number of corpora lutea. The experiment indicated low level chronic ingestion of mercuric chloride, in female rats, while not effecting ovulation, produced disruption of implantation and fetal viability. Lower progesterone levels, higher LH, and possibly FSH levels, indicate that mercuric chloride may have a disruptive effect in the corpora lutea which manifests itself after ovulation

    Transcriptome Analysis of Gene Expression Provides New Insights into the Effect of Mild Therapeutic Hypothermia on Primary Human Cortical Astrocytes Cultured under Hypoxia

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    Hypothermia is increasingly used as a therapeutic measure to treat brain injury. However, the cellular mechanisms underpinning its actions are complex and are not yet fully elucidated. Astrocytes are the most abundant cell type in the brain and are likely to play a critical role. In this study, transcriptional changes and the protein expression profile of human primary cortical astrocytes cultured under hypoxic conditions for 6 h were investigated. Cells were treated either with or without a mild hypothermic intervention 2 h post-insult to mimic the treatment of patients following traumatic brain injury (TBI) and/or stroke. Using human gene expression microarrays, 411 differentially expressed genes were identified following hypothermic treatment of astrocytes following a 2 h hypoxic insult. KEGG pathway analysis indicated that these genes were mainly enriched in the Wnt and p53 signaling pathways, which were inhibited following hypothermic intervention. The expression levels of 168 genes involved in Wnt signaling were validated by quantitative real-time-PCR (qPCR). Among these genes, 10 were up-regulated and 32 were down-regulated with the remainder unchanged. Two of the differentially expressed genes (DEGs), p38 and JNK, were selected for validation at the protein level using cell based ELISA. Hypothermic intervention significantly down-regulated total protein levels for the gene products of p38 and JNK. Moreover, hypothermia significantly up-regulated the phosphorylated (activated) forms of JNK protein, while downregulating phosphorylation of p38 protein. Within the p53 signaling pathway, 35 human apoptosis-related proteins closely associated with Wnt signaling were investigated using a Proteome Profiling Array. Hypothermic intervention significantly down-regulated 18 proteins, while upregulating one protein, survivin. Hypothermia is a complex intervention; this study provides the first detailed longitudinal investigation at the transcript and protein expression levels of the molecular effects of therapeutic hypothermic intervention on hypoxic human primary cortical astrocytes. The identified genes and proteins are targets for detailed functional studies, which may help to develop new treatments for brain injury based on an in-depth mechanistic understanding of the astrocytic response to hypoxia and/or hypothermia

    The effect of smoking during pregnancy on severity and directionality of externalizing and internalizing symptoms: A genetically informed approach

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    The objective was to examine the association between maternal smoking during pregnancy (SDP) and (I) severity and (II) directionality of externalizing and internalizing symptoms in a sample of sibling pairs while rigorously controlling for familial confounds. The Missouri Mothers and Their Children Study is a family study (N = 173 families) with sibling pairs (aged 7 to 16 years) who are discordant for exposure to SDP. This sibling comparison study is designed to disentangle the effects of SDP from familial confounds. An SDP severity score was created for each child using a combination of SDP indicators (timing, duration, and amount). Principal component analysis of externalizing and internalizing behavior, assessed with the Child Behavior Checklist and Teacher Report Form, was used to create symptom severity and directionality scores. The variance in severity and directionality scores was primarily a function of differences between siblings (71% and 85%, respectively) rather than differences across families (29% and 15%, respectively). The severity score that combines externalizing and internalizing symptom severity was not associated with SDP. However, a significant within-family effect of SDP on symptom directionality (b = 0.07, p = 0.04) was observed in the sibling comparison model. The positive directionality score indicates that SDP is associated with differentiation of symptoms towards externalizing rather than internalizing symptoms after controlling for familial confounds with a sibling comparison model. This supports a potentially causal relationship between SDP and externalizing behavior.</p

    Education policy and the heritability of educational attainment

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    Is not included in the online volume due to copyright (Nature 1985; 314: 734-736, reprinted in the paper edition with permission from the Nature Publishing Group