100 research outputs found

    Organ-dependent in vivo priming of naive CD4+,but not CD8+,T cells by plasmacytoid dendritic cells

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    Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (PDCs) play a pivotal role as cytokine-secreting accessory cells in the antimicrobial immune defense. In contrast, the capacity of PDCs to act as antigen-presenting cells in naive T cell priming remains unclear. By studying T cell responses in mice that lack conventional DCs (cDCs), and by the use of a PDC-specific antigen-targeting strategy, we show that PDCs can initiate productive naive CD4+ T cell responses in lymph nodes, but not in the spleen. PDC-triggered CD4+ T cell responses differed from cDC-driven responses in that they were not associated with concomitant CD8+ T cell priming. Our results establish PDCs as a bona fide DC subset that initiates unique CD4+ Th cell–dominated primary immune responses

    Acoustic and relaxation processes in supercooled o-ter-phenyl by optical-heterodyne transient grating experiment

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    The dynamics of the fragile glass-forming o-ter-phenyl is investigated by time-resolved transient grating experiment with an heterodyne detection technique in a wide temperature range. We investigated the dynamics processes of this glass-former over more then 6 decades in time with an excellent signal/noise. Acoustic, structural and thermal relaxations have been clearly identify and measured in a time-frequency window not covered by previous spectroscopic investigations. A detailed comparison with the density response function, calculated on the basis of generalized hydrodynamics model, has been worked out

    Life after charge noise: recent results with transmon qubits

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    We review the main theoretical and experimental results for the transmon, a superconducting charge qubit derived from the Cooper pair box. The increased ratio of the Josephson to charging energy results in an exponential suppression of the transmon's sensitivity to 1/f charge noise. This has been observed experimentally and yields homogeneous broadening, negligible pure dephasing, and long coherence times of up to 3 microseconds. Anharmonicity of the energy spectrum is required for qubit operation, and has been proven to be sufficient in transmon devices. Transmons have been implemented in a wide array of experiments, demonstrating consistent and reproducible results in very good agreement with theory.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Review article, accepted for publication in Quantum Inf. Pro

    Model Analysis of Time Reversal Symmetry Test in the Caltech Fe-57 Gamma-Transition Experiment

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    The CALTECH gamma-transition experiment testing time reversal symmetry via the E2/M1 mulipole mixing ratio of the 122 keV gamma-line in Fe-57 has already been performed in 1977. Extending an earlier analysis in terms of an effective one-body potential, this experiment is now analyzed in terms of effective one boson exchange T-odd P-even nucleon nucleon potentials. Within the model space considered for the Fe-57 nucleus no contribution from isovector rho-type exchange is possible. The bound on the coupling strength phi_A from effective short range axial-vector type exchange induced by the experimental bound on sin(eta) leads to phi_A < 10^{-2}.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex 3.

    Observing Supermassive Black Holes across cosmic time: from phenomenology to physics

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    In the last decade, a combination of high sensitivity, high spatial resolution observations and of coordinated multi-wavelength surveys has revolutionized our view of extra-galactic black hole (BH) astrophysics. We now know that supermassive black holes reside in the nuclei of almost every galaxy, grow over cosmological times by accreting matter, interact and merge with each other, and in the process liberate enormous amounts of energy that influence dramatically the evolution of the surrounding gas and stars, providing a powerful self-regulatory mechanism for galaxy formation. The different energetic phenomena associated to growing black holes and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), their cosmological evolution and the observational techniques used to unveil them, are the subject of this chapter. In particular, I will focus my attention on the connection between the theory of high-energy astrophysical processes giving rise to the observed emission in AGN, the observable imprints they leave at different wavelengths, and the methods used to uncover them in a statistically robust way. I will show how such a combined effort of theorists and observers have led us to unveil most of the SMBH growth over a large fraction of the age of the Universe, but that nagging uncertainties remain, preventing us from fully understating the exact role of black holes in the complex process of galaxy and large-scale structure formation, assembly and evolution.Comment: 46 pages, 21 figures. This review article appears as a chapter in the book: "Astrophysical Black Holes", Haardt, F., Gorini, V., Moschella, U and Treves A. (Eds), 2015, Springer International Publishing AG, Cha

    Confining QCD Strings, Casimir Scaling, and a Euclidean Approach to High-Energy Scattering

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    We compute the chromo-field distributions of static color-dipoles in the fundamental and adjoint representation of SU(Nc) in the loop-loop correlation model and find Casimir scaling in agreement with recent lattice results. Our model combines perturbative gluon exchange with the non-perturbative stochastic vacuum model which leads to confinement of the color-charges in the dipole via a string of color-fields. We compute the energy stored in the confining string and use low-energy theorems to show consistency with the static quark-antiquark potential. We generalize Meggiolaro's analytic continuation from parton-parton to gauge-invariant dipole-dipole scattering and obtain a Euclidean approach to high-energy scattering that allows us in principle to calculate S-matrix elements directly in lattice simulations of QCD. We apply this approach and compute the S-matrix element for high-energy dipole-dipole scattering with the presented Euclidean loop-loop correlation model. The result confirms the analytic continuation of the gluon field strength correlator used in all earlier applications of the stochastic vacuum model to high-energy scattering.Comment: 65 pages, 13 figures, extended and revised version to be published in Phys. Rev. D (results unchanged, 2 new figures, 1 new table, additional discussions in Sec.2.3 and Sec.5, new appendix on the non-Abelian Stokes theorem, old Appendix A -> Sec.3, several references added

    Large-Eddy Simulations of Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence in Heliophysics and Astrophysics

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    We live in an age in which high-performance computing is transforming the way we do science. Previously intractable problems are now becoming accessible by means of increasingly realistic numerical simulations. One of the most enduring and most challenging of these problems is turbulence. Yet, despite these advances, the extreme parameter regimes encountered in space physics and astrophysics (as in atmospheric and oceanic physics) still preclude direct numerical simulation. Numerical models must take a Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach, explicitly computing only a fraction of the active dynamical scales. The success of such an approach hinges on how well the model can represent the subgrid-scales (SGS) that are not explicitly resolved. In addition to the parameter regime, heliophysical and astrophysical applications must also face an equally daunting challenge: magnetism. The presence of magnetic fields in a turbulent, electrically conducting fluid flow can dramatically alter the coupling between large and small scales, with potentially profound implications for LES/SGS modeling. In this review article, we summarize the state of the art in LES modeling of turbulent magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) ows. After discussing the nature of MHD turbulence and the small-scale processes that give rise to energy dissipation, plasma heating, and magnetic reconnection, we consider how these processes may best be captured within an LES/SGS framework. We then consider several special applications in heliophysics and astrophysics, assessing triumphs, challenges,and future directions
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