800,573 research outputs found

    Endpoint Mobility Ratios for Vertical and Horizontal Wells with Incidence of Scale Deposition

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    One of the most difficult and profit hurting problems found in the oil field is the build-up of scale deposits in the well bore, production string, flow lines and even in storage tanks. These deposits act as a restriction during build-up in the wellbore causing a gradual decrease in production and, in many cases, as a solid barrier for wellbore fluid flow. This paper presents an analytical model based on the existing thermodynamic model showing the endpoint mobility ratios for both vertical and horizontal wells with the incidence of scale precipitation and deposition at the near wellbore region during water flooding. The results revealed that Endpoint mobility ratio for a vertical well with radial flow approaches unity “1” faster than for the horizontal well with elliptical flow. And horizontal wells are good candidates for managing scale precipitation and deposition during waterflooding

    Two Parameters for Three Dimensional Wetting Transitions

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    Critical effects at complete and critical wetting in three dimensions are studied using a coupled effective Hamiltonian H[s(y),\ell]. The model is constructed via a novel variational principle which ensures that the choice of collective coordinate s(y) near the wall is optimal. We highlight the importance of a new wetting parameter \Omega(T) which has a strong influence on critical properties and allows the status of long-standing Monte-Carlo simulation controversies to be re-examined.Comment: 4 pages RevTex, 2 encapsulated postscript figures, to appear in Europhys. Let

    Nutritional Qualities of Three Medicinal Plant Parts (Xylopia aethiopica, Blighia sapida and Parinari polyandra) commonly used by Pregnant Women in the Western Part of Nigeria

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    The nutritional potentials of three medicinal plant parts used by pregnant women in the western part of Nigeria Parinari polyandra, Blighia sapida and Xylopia aethiopica were evaluated through their proximate compositions as well as percentage mineral elements composition. Blighia sapida was high in crude fibre (44.09±2.20%) compared with Parinari polyandra and Xylopia aethiopica that were 4.21±1.10% and 12.14±0.70% respectively. Moisture contents of Xylopia aethiopica and Blighia sapida were 16.04±1.25% and 10.17±2.60% respectively while that of Parinari polyandra was 30.65±5.02%. The total ash contents of Parinari polyandra, Blighia sapida and Xylopia aethiopica were 2.53±1.20%, 3.66±1.20% and 4.37±0.85% respectively. The total fat of Xylopia aethiopica, Blighia sapida and Parinari polyandra were 9.55±2.10%, 1.25±0.20% and 0.53±0.15% respectively while the total protein of Blighia sapida, Xylopia aethiopica and Parinari polyandra were 2.1±0.25%, 2.1±0.20% and 7.09±0.20% respectively. The total carbohydrate of Xylopia aethiopica was 55.80±4.26%, that of Parinari polyandra was 54.27±3.20% and that of Blighia sapida was 39.45±2.20%. Xylopia aethiopica can be a good source of magnesium (2.236±0.095), phosphorus (0.620±0.04) and potassium (0.510±0.04) as the amount of these mineral elements were higher than that of the other plant parts with the exception of Parinari polyandra having 0.690±0.11% phosphorus. Blighia sapida is also a good source of phosphorus (0.400±0.20), magnesium (0.430±0.20) and calcium (0.348±0.15). Other mineral elements detected in reasonable amounts were calcium, zinc and sodium. Further tests revealed that heavy metals such as lead, chromium and cadmium were not detected. The results of this research indicated that the three plants parts have nutritional qualities that could provide the users with additional nutrients

    Effective coupling between two Brownian particles

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    We use the system-plus-reservoir approach to study the dynamics of a system composed of two independent Brownian particles. We present an extension of the well-known model of a bath of oscillators which is capable of inducing an effective coupling between the two particles depending on the choice made for the spectral function of the bath oscillators. The coupling is non-linear in the variables of interest and an exponential dependence on these variables is imposed in order to guarantee the translational invariance of the model if the two particles are not subject to any external potential. The effective equations of motion for the particles are obtained by the Laplace transform method and besides recovering all the local dynamical properties for each particle we end up with an effective interaction potential between them. We explicitly analyze one of its possible forms.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur


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    Salah satu pembahasan dalam ilmu mawaris adalah pembahasan tentang penghalang dalam kewarisan. Penghalang dalam kewarisan ada tiga penyebabnya yaitu pembunuhan yang disengaja, beda agama dan perbudakan. Beda agama adalah apabila antara ahli waris dan pewaris salah satunya beragama Islam dan yang lain tidak beragama Islam. Tentang perbedaan agama antara pewaris dan ahli waris, dapat menggugurkan hak seseorang untuk mewarisi harta peninggalan. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini ialah bagaimana kedudukan ahli waris non muslim dalam kewarisan Islam dan apakah pertimbangan Hakim dalam putusan nomor : 1578/Pdt.G/2010/PA.JT telah sesuai dengan hukum Islam serta Kompilasi Hukum Islam. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan peneliti adalah library research (yurudis normatif). Yaitu suatu pendekatan alternatif yang menganalisa bahan-bahan pustaka di bidang hukum yang norma- normanya tertulis dan spesifikasi penelitian deskriptis analitis, yaitu dengan menggunakan metode dan teori ilmu-ilmu sosial tentang hukum untuk membantu peneliti dalam melakukan analisis. Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh kesimpulan yakni : (1) Hukum Islam menegaskan prinsip dalam kewarisan bahwa ahli waris non muslim tidak mempunyai kedudukan untuk mewarisi harta dari pewaris muslim, sebagaimana yang telah diatur dalam Al-Qur’an, Hadits serta Kompilasi Hukum Islam. (2) Dalam pertimbangan hakim Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Timur dianggap telah terjadi kekeliruan mengenai pemahaman tentang kompetensi absolut Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Timur yang menetapkan masalah kewarisan Islam, karena pada dasarnya yang mempunyai kewenangan absolut ialah Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Timur. Hal tersebut menimbulkan dasar penolakan hakim Pengadilan Agama menolak gugatan perkara ahli waris, yang menyebabkan ahli waris non muslim memperoleh kembali hak kewarisannya. Hasil dari putusan tersebut ditinjau secara sudut pandang Islam sangat bertentangan dengan Al- Qur’an dan Hadits serta ketentuan menurut perspektif Kompilasi Hukum Islam, bahwa mengenai sistem kewarisan Islam tidak mengakui ahli waris non muslim sebagai ahli waris dari pewaris muslim


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    This study investigated the effect of system temperature on the performance of thermosyphon solar water heater. Solar collector was designed and developed with galvanized steel, wood and copper pipes for the experiment. While the copper pipes serves as the tube through which the cold water flows, the wood was employed for the frame and stand, and the galvanized steel for the collector material. Also employed were two hot and cold water tanks of 60 and 110 litre capacities respectively. The period of experiment were taken to be 3 days each for sunshine, sun-off and moderate sunshine days, with the average data employed for the analysis. The results showed that temperature has a domineering effect on the performance of the thermosyphon system. The maximum outlet temperature obtained for sunshine, moderate sunshine and sun-off days were 94.6, 73.5 and 51oC respectively. Also the system efficiency was found to be 61.04%, demonstrating good performance. However, considering the fact that the experiment was carried out in rainy season (between April and September), it was concluded that if it is repeated during the dry periods (October to March), the efficiency of performance will be more as these period is characterized by low cloud cover, high temperature and high radiation intensities. The outcome of the study was compared with published results and it clearly demonstrates that the designed system can suitably be employed for both domestic and industrial uses
