24 research outputs found

    Using the publishing hook to engage faculty in scholarly teaching

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    Our university’s SoTL Work Group members are offering this workshop as a blueprint for other centers and developers to implement in addressing certain pre-conceptions about SoTL work. In this workshop, we show how to use publication as the “hook” to get people interested in Richlin’s (2006) scholarly teaching process. Activities include a review of what journals consider when evaluating manuscripts, a critique of sample manuscripts, completion of a SoTL project worksheet, and discussion of venues for publishing

    SOSORT 2012 consensus paper: reducing x-ray exposure in pediatric patients with scoliosis

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    This 2012 Consensus paper reviews the literature on side effects of x-ray exposure in the pediatric population as it relates to scoliosis evaluation and treatment. Alternative methods of spinal assessment and imaging are reviewed, and strategies for reducing the number of radiographs are developed. Using the Delphi technique, SOSORT members developed consensus statements that describe how often radiographs should be taken in each of the pediatric and adolescent sub-populations

    Efektywne wdrażanie strategii e-CRM

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    In the era of digital economy customer satisfaction and loyalty are key factors for the establishment of good relations with customers and partners in the supply chain. For customers to be satisfied data protection and privacy are prerequisite for obtaining quality information. Information gathered may be transformed through a system of business intelligence into a complete enterprise resource planning system. This results in creation of integrated business systems. Using the innovative solutions enables integration of customers, partners and suppliers in a virtual network that is oriented to the end users. The challenge for the companies in the future is introducing the concept of electronic customer relationship management - CRM to increase productivity and profits of the company and thus gain a sustainable competitive advantage. Companies are increasingly exploring the market and searching the best ways to meet needs and requirements of their customers. In order to adapt to digital economy and accept new business philosophy many companies will implement modern technology and software solutions like e-CRM to their information systems. (JEL: A12, C88, P46).W erze gospodarki cyfrowej satysfakcja i lojalność klientów to kluczowe czynniki dla dobrych stosunków z klientami i partnerami w łańcuchu dostaw. Aby klienci byli usatysfakcjonowani muszą być spełnione warunki ochrony danych i prywatności przy jednoczesnym uzyskaniu wysokiej jakości informacji. Zebrane informacje mogą być przetworzone przez inteligentny system biznesowy w kompletny system planowania zasobów przedsiębiorstwa. Powoduje to tworzenie zintegrowanych systemów biznesowych. Korzystanie z innowacyjnych rozwiązań umożliwia integrację z klientami, partnerami i dostawcami w wirtualnej sieci, która jest ukierunkowana na odbiorców końcowych. Wyzwaniem dla firm w przyszłości, jest wprowadzenie pojęcia elektronicznego zarządzania relacjami z klientami - CRM w celu zwiększenia wydajności i zysków firmy, a tym samym uzyskania trwałej przewagi konkurencyjnej. Firmy coraz dokładniej badają rynek i poszukują najlepszych sposobów, aby zaspokoić potrzeby i wymagania klientów. W celu dostosowania się do gospodarki cyfrowej i przyjęcia nowej filozofii działania wiele firm będzie wdrażało nowoczesne technologie i rozwiązania takie jak oprogramowanie e-CRM do swoich systemów informatycznych

    The difference a CASTL has made: Building on a solid foundation

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    Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne, a comprehensive Master’s I university with 750 full and part-time teachers and an enrollment of more than 13,000 students, became a CASTL Affiliate institution in November 2008. This article describes the journey of our teaching center, led by our faculty members, as together we have embarked on the road toward integrating scholarly teaching into the culture of our university. Our hope is that others will recognize themselves as \u22fellow travelers\u22 and be encouraged by what can be accomplished with fairly modest resources and by becoming members of a larger scholarly community

    Ethical considerations in the use of Pernkopf's Atlas of Anatomy: A surgical case study

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    The use of Eduard Pernkopf's anatomic atlas presents ethical challenges for modern surgery concerning the use of data resulting from abusive scientific work. In the 1980s and 1990s, historic investigations revealed that Pernkopf was an active National Socialist (Nazi) functionary at the University of Vienna and that among the bodies depicted in the atlas were those of Nazi victims. Since then, discussions persist concerning the ethicality of the continued use of the atlas, because some surgeons still rely on information from this anatomic resource for procedural planning. The ethical implications relevant to the use of this atlas in the care of surgical patients have not been discussed in detail. Based on a recapitulation of the main arguments from the historic controversy surrounding the use of Pernkopf's atlas, this study presents an actual patient case to illustrate some of the ethical considerations relevant to the decision of whether to use the atlas in surgery. This investigation aims to provide a historic and ethical framework for questions concerning the use of the Pernkopf atlas in the management of anatomically complex and difficult surgical cases, with special attention to implications for medical ethics drawn from Jewish law

    Ethical considerations in the use of Pernkopf's Atlas of Anatomy: A surgical case study

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    The use of Eduard Pernkopf's anatomic atlas presents ethical challenges for modern surgery concerning the use of data resulting from abusive scientific work. In the 1980s and 1990s, historic investigations revealed that Pernkopf was an active National Socialist (Nazi) functionary at the University of Vienna and that among the bodies depicted in the atlas were those of Nazi victims. Since then, discussions persist concerning the ethicality of the continued use of the atlas, because some surgeons still rely on information from this anatomic resource for procedural planning. The ethical implications relevant to the use of this atlas in the care of surgical patients have not been discussed in detail. Based on a recapitulation of the main arguments from the historic controversy surrounding the use of Pernkopf's atlas, this study presents an actual patient case to illustrate some of the ethical considerations relevant to the decision of whether to use the atlas in surgery. This investigation aims to provide a historic and ethical framework for questions concerning the use of the Pernkopf atlas in the management of anatomically complex and difficult surgical cases, with special attention to implications for medical ethics drawn from Jewish law