455 research outputs found

    Religion and mental health

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    In this paper, we will present an empirical research motivated by the wish to learn how religion affects mental health, by comparing the answers of respondents from the general population, adherents of the dominant religion and smaller confessional communities, and psychiatric patients. The sample was comprised of 621 respondents, believers of Serbian Orthodox Church, Seventh day Adventist, Baptist, and Pentecostal (N=303); general population (N=225) and psychiatric patients (N=94). Instrument we used is MMPI-201. Questions that this paper seeks to answer are: Which variables related to mental health are influenced by religion, and does religion improve or imperil mental health? In what way does the society establish criteria for evaluating the other and the different and in how does this reflect on selfimage of adolescents? These and numerous other questions asked during the work open the possibility of practical application of this researchyesBelgorod State Universit

    Typological analysis of influence of the Internet — space on the formation value orientations of youth

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    С целью исследования особенностей влияния IT- технологий на молодежь, был проведен социологический опрос, а также проведен факторный и кластерный анализ массива данных социологического исследования. В результате чего было выделено два фактора, дающих обобщённую характеристику отношения молодёжи к Интернету.To investigate the features of the influence of IT-technologies for young people, a sociological survey and conducted a factor and cluster analysis of the survey data set. As a result, it has been allocated two factors, giving a generalized characterization of young people's attitudes to the Internet

    Ludwig Tieck‘s Collection “Gedichte”: From a Fragment to an Encyclopedia

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    The first poetic collection of Ludwig Tieck, Gedichte (Poems) came out in 1821, a few years after the publication of the six-volume Fantasus, a collection of all the most significant works of the author. Gedichte thus saw light during the period of Tieck’s creative crisis, when no new collection was needed. The first part of the Poems consists of both the fragments of already published texts and of some new works. The peculiarity of this collection lies in the peculiar approach to the processing of Tieck’s own texts: all the fragments are published without indicating the origin. Being fragmented, the original text is changed and revised, and this makes it difficult to determine its origin. Fragments always get their own name that is short and summative. The titles of the poems feature the main romantic topoi, and the editing of the texts is fulfilled in accordance with the title of the topic. The author organizes the collection thematically, moving from one group of closely related topics to another, cutting out fragments from their original context and giving them a new one. Tieck’s peculiar collection may be interpreted as a kind of “encyclopedia” of early Romanticism. Unlike the universalism of the Fantasus collection where the texts of Tieck, relating to different genres, are framed by a narrative framework that reveals the author’s main aesthetic views, the encyclopedic nature of the Poems implies a new, maximally detached view of one’s own creativity. The collection is fundamentally different from all the other collections by Tieck and, apparently, represents an attempt of the author to rethink his own role in the development of the Romantic movement and also marks the beginning of his disengagement with the movement


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    The consepts of spirituality, spiritual and moral education are considered. The article analyzes the influence of creativity on the spiritual and moral development on a person.Рассматриваются понятия духовность, духовно-нравственное воспитание. Анализируется влияние творчества на духовно-нравственное развитие личности

    Evaluation methods basis of strategy development effectiveness of the enterprise

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    The urgency to study the problem is caused by the necessity to make management decisions in terms of reducing goods life cycle, reducing profitability of production, increasing speed of technological progress. In this context, this article aims to identify and elaborate the tools for integrated diagnostic of strategy efficiency, taking into account the relationship of parameters which characterize various spheres of enterprise activity, and to formulate integral indicator of strategic effectiveness, which can be accepted as the criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of strategic development. The leading approach to the study of this problem was the systems approach, used in the development of methods for efficiency evaluation of strategic development, it allows to identify priority factors of the strategic development of the company. The article substantiates the use of value approach to management as a methodical bases of diagnostics of the effectiveness of the strategic development of the industrial enterprises; the matrix tool was developed, supplementing the information-analytical foundation of management. The results of the research work may be useful for effectiveness evaluation of the strategic development of industrial enterprise and for identifying priority strategic development factors and making recommendations to improve the value of business. © 2016 Zotova et al


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    The publication identifies the problem that arises in the era of change of values and ideals and the difficulties that young people face in this situation. As an effective factor that solves this rather complex task, one and the established areas of extracurricular educational work with students, based on historical and local history material, are presented. The concept of “social adaptation of students” in the practical development of extracurricular activities, combining various aspects of educational and extracurricular processes, is considered.La publicación identifica el problema que surge en la era del cambio de valores e ideales y las dificultades que enfrentan los jóvenes en esta situación. Como un factor eficaz que resuelve esta tarea bastante compleja, se presentan una y las áreas establecidas de trabajo educativo extracurricular con estudiantes, basadas en material de historia histórica y local. Se considera el concepto de "adaptación social de los estudiantes" en el desarrollo práctico de actividades extracurriculares, que combina varios aspectos de los procesos educativos y extracurriculares.В публикации обозначена проблема, возникающая в эпоху смены ценностных ориентиров и идеалов и трудности, с которыми сталкивается молодежь в данной ситуации. Как эффективный фактор, решающий эту достаточно сложную задачу, представлено одно и сформировавшихся направлений внеучебной воспитательной работы со студентами, основанное на историко–краеведческом материале. Рассмотрено понятие «социальная адаптация студентов» в практическом преломлении мероприятий внеучебной деятельности, объединяющих в себе различные аспекты учебно– воспитательного и внеучебного процессов