44 research outputs found

    L’endocardite à Bartonella en Tunisie: Particularités lésionnelles et évolutives

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    L'endocardite à Bartonalla est une infection ubiquitaire, son diagnostic est difficile vu qu'il s'agit souvent d'endocardite à hémoculture négative. Lebut de cette étude est d'analyser les particularités lésionnelles et  évolutives de cette entité dans un pays du nord d'Afrique, la Tunisie et dedémontrer la gravité de cette infection. Nous avons étudié  rétrospectivement les dossiers médicaux de 20 patients atteints  d'endocardite à Bartonella, confirmée selon les critères de Dukes modifiés. L'âge moyen de nos patients était 37 ans avec une prédominance  masculine (SR=3). Tous nos malades avaient un niveau socio-économique bas. Le motif essentiel de consultation était la dyspnée, 6 patients étaient admis dans un tableau d'insuffisance cardiaque congestive. Une  prédilection des lésions au niveau de la valve aortique a été notée (14 cas). Quatorze patients avaient des végétations endocarditiques avec une taille qui dépasse 10 mm chez 8 malades. La majorité des patients (18 patients) présentaient une régurgitation valvulaire massive en rapport principalement avec des mutilations importantes (6 cas de ruptures de cordages mitraux, 2 cas de déchirures des sigmoïdes aortiques, un cas de perforation valvulaire aortique, un cas de désinsertion de prothèse  mitrale). Quinze malades (3/4) avaient nécessité une chirurgie à la phase active de la maladie, l'indication majeure était l'insuffisance cardiaque. Une complication neurologique était notée chez 2 malades et une  complication rénale chez 3 malades. Treize patients étaient guéris, 5 malades étaient décédés et 2 malades opérés ont présenté une  réinfection à staphylococcus aureus et à candida albicans en  postopératoire. L'endocardite à Bartonella est une infection grave. Cette Bactérie possède un potentiel destructif important. Le recours à la chirurgie est quasi constant. La morbi-mortalité est élevée. La recherche de cette bactérie devrait être alors systématique chez nos malades suspects d'endocardite d'autant plus que la bartonellose est endémique sur nos terres

    Psychosocial predictors and psychological prevention of soccer injuries: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature

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    Objectives: To examine (a) the relationships between the psychosocial risk factors and injury rates and (b) the effects of psychological-based prevention interventions on the injury risk of soccer players. Design: Scholarly electronic databases (PubMed/MEDLINE, Google Scholar, Scopus) were searched on 1 January 2017, complemented by manual searches of bibliographies. Setting: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Participants: We identified 13 eligible studies, including a total of 1,149 injured soccer players aged between 14 and 36 years. Main Outcome Measures: Psychosocial risk factors, psychological-based prevention interventions and injury risk in soccer players. Results: Personality traits, such as trait anxiety and perceived mastery climate, along with a history of stressors, like negative-life-event stress or high level of life stress, daily hassle, and previous injury, are the main predictors of injury rates among soccer players. Also, from injury prevention studies, it has been shown that psychological-based interventions reduce injury rates (effect size = 0.96; 95% CI 0.34-1.58; p = 0.002) in senior soccer players. Conclusions: Practitioners need to ensure injured soccer players are psychologically and socially ready to play. They should also employ psychological-based interventions (i.e., mindfulness, imagery, self-talk, stress management, relaxation, goal setting) when designing injury prevention programs

    Acute Effects of Moderate versus High-Intensity Strength Exercise on Attention and Mood States in Female Physical Education Students

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    The presumed benefits of exercise/physical activity on the brain are an important public health issue. However, the experimental approach to understanding the effects of physical activity on the brain, and more particularly on cognitive functions, has only been studied recently. In particular, females remain underrepresented in the research, despite having a specific training/exercise adaptation/response. The aim of the present study was to examine the acute effects of high- and moderate-intensity strength exercise (3 sets of 8–10 repetitions and 3 sets of 6 repetitions, respectively, with each session lasting approximately 30 min) on attention and mood states in female physical education students. Forty-six female physical education students (Mage = 20.02 ± 1.05 years, MBody Mass Index = 21.07) volunteered to participate in this study. They were divided into three groups: a moderate-intensity strength exercise group (MISEG: n = 15), a high-intensity strength exercise group (HISEG: n = 16), and a control group (CG: n = 15). Attention and psychological states were assessed using the d2 test, Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and the Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS) questionnaire, respectively, before and after each session. The data showed that in the MISEG attention increased, in terms of concentration (p = 0.05). RPE values, fatigue and confusion were higher for the HISEG than the CG (p < 0.05) and the MISEG (p < 0.05). Vigour was higher for the MISEG than other groups (p < 0.05). In conclusion, moderate-intensity resistance exercise is an appropriate method to improve attention in female participants. The elevated cognitive performance may be due to the changes in RPE and mood states (fatigue, vigour and confusion subscales)

    Acute febrile illness is associated with Rickettsia spp infection in dogs

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    BACKGROUND: Rickettsia conorii is transmitted by Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks and causes Mediterranean Spotted Fever (MSF) in humans. Although dogs are considered the natural host of the vector, the clinical and epidemiological significance of R. conorii infection in dogs remains unclear. The aim of this prospective study was to investigate whether Rickettsia infection causes febrile illness in dogs living in areas endemic for human MSF. METHODS: Dogs from southern Italy with acute fever (n = 99) were compared with case–control dogs with normal body temperatures (n = 72). Serology and real-time PCR were performed for Rickettsia spp., Ehrlichia canis, Anaplasma phagocytophilum/A. platys and Leishmania infantum. Conventional PCR was performed for Babesia spp. and Hepatozoon spp. Acute and convalescent antibodies to R. conorii, E. canis and A. phagocytophilum were determined. RESULTS: The seroprevalence rates at first visit for R. conorii, E. canis, A. phagocytophilum and L. infantum were 44.8%, 48.5%, 37.8% and 17.6%, respectively. The seroconversion rates for R. conorii, E. canis and A. phagocytophilum were 20.7%, 14.3% and 8.8%, respectively. The molecular positive rates at first visit for Rickettsia spp., E. canis, A. phagocytophilum, A. platys, L. infantum, Babesia spp. and Hepatozoon spp. were 1.8%, 4.1%, 0%, 2.3%, 11.1%, 2.3% and 0.6%, respectively. Positive PCR for E. canis (7%), Rickettsia spp. (3%), Babesia spp. (4.0%) and Hepatozoon spp. (1.0%) were found only in febrile dogs. The DNA sequences obtained from Rickettsia and Babesia PCRs positive samples were 100% identical to the R. conorii and Babesia vogeli sequences in GenBank®, respectively. Febrile illness was statistically associated with acute and convalescent positive R. conorii antibodies, seroconversion to R. conorii, E. canis positive PCR, and positivity to any tick pathogen PCRs. Fourteen febrile dogs (31.8%) were diagnosed with Rickettsia spp. infection based on seroconversion and/or PCR while only six afebrile dogs (12.5%) seroconverted (P = 0.0248). The most common clinical findings of dogs with Rickettsia infection diagnosed by seroconversion and/or PCR were fever, myalgia, lameness, elevation of C-reactive protein, thrombocytopenia and hypoalbuminemia. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates acute febrile illness associated with Rickettsia infection in dogs living in endemic areas of human MSF based on seroconversion alone or in combination with PCR

    Epidemiology of Coxiella burnetii infection in Africa: a OneHealth systematic review

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    Background: Q fever is a common cause of febrile illness and community-acquired pneumonia in resource-limited settings. Coxiella burnetii, the causative pathogen, is transmitted among varied host species, but the epidemiology of the organism in Africa is poorly understood. We conducted a systematic review of C. burnetii epidemiology in Africa from a “One Health” perspective to synthesize the published data and identify knowledge gaps.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Methods/Principal Findings: We searched nine databases to identify articles relevant to four key aspects of C. burnetii epidemiology in human and animal populations in Africa: infection prevalence; disease incidence; transmission risk factors; and infection control efforts. We identified 929 unique articles, 100 of which remained after full-text review. Of these, 41 articles describing 51 studies qualified for data extraction. Animal seroprevalence studies revealed infection by C. burnetii (&#8804;13%) among cattle except for studies in Western and Middle Africa (18–55%). Small ruminant seroprevalence ranged from 11–33%. Human seroprevalence was &#60;8% with the exception of studies among children and in Egypt (10–32%). Close contact with camels and rural residence were associated with increased seropositivity among humans. C. burnetii infection has been associated with livestock abortion. In human cohort studies, Q fever accounted for 2–9% of febrile illness hospitalizations and 1–3% of infective endocarditis cases. We found no studies of disease incidence estimates or disease control efforts.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Conclusions/Significance: C. burnetii infection is detected in humans and in a wide range of animal species across Africa, but seroprevalence varies widely by species and location. Risk factors underlying this variability are poorly understood as is the role of C. burnetii in livestock abortion. Q fever consistently accounts for a notable proportion of undifferentiated human febrile illness and infective endocarditis in cohort studies, but incidence estimates are lacking. C. burnetii presents a real yet underappreciated threat to human and animal health throughout Africa.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt

    Multispacer typing of Rickettsia isolates from humans and ticks in Tunisia revealing new genotypes

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    BACKGROUND: Rickettsioses are important remerging vector born infections. In Tunisia, many species have been described in humans and vectors. Genotyping is important for tracking pathogen movement between hosts and vectors. In this study, we characterized Rickettsia species detected in patients and vectors using multispacer typing (MST), proposed by Founier et al. and based on three intergenic spacers (dksA-xerC, rmpE- tRNA(fMet), mppA-pruC) sequencing. METHODS: Our study included 25 patients hospitalized during 2009. Ticks and fleas were collected in the vicinity of confirmed cases. Serology was performed on serum samples by microimmunofluorescence using Rickettsia conorii and Rickettsia typhi antigens. To detect and identify Rickettsia species, PCR targeting ompA, ompB and gltA genes followed by sequencing was performed on 18 obtained skin biopsies and on all collected vectors. Rickettsia positive samples were further characterized using primers targeting three intergenic spacers (dksA-xerC, rmpE- tRNA(fMet) and mppA-purC). RESULTS: A rickettsial infection was confirmed in 15 cases (60%). Serology was positive in 13 cases (52%). PCR detected Rickettsia DNA in four biopsies (16%) allowing the identification of R. conorii subsp israelensis in three cases and R. conorii subsp conorii in one case. Among 380 collected ticks, nine presented positive PCR (2.4%) allowing the identification of six R. conorii subsp israelensis, two R. massiliae and one R. conorii subsp conorii. Among 322 collected fleas, only one was positive for R. felis. R. conorii subsp israelensis strains detected in humans and vectors clustered together and showed a new MST genotype. Similarly, R. conorii subsp conorii strains detected in a skin biopsy and a tick were genetically related and presented a new MST genotype. CONCLUSIONS: New Rickettsia spotted fever strain genotypes were found in Tunisia. Isolates detected in humans and vectors were genetically homogenous despite location differences in their original isolation suggesting epidemiologic circulation of these strains

    From cat scratch disease to endocarditis, the possible natural history of Bartonella henselae infection

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    BACKGROUND: Most patients with infectious endocarditis (IE) due to Bartonella henselae have a history of exposure to cats and pre-existing heart valve lesions. To date, none of the reported patients have had a history of typical cat scratch disease (CSD) which is also a manifestation of infection with B. henselae. CASE PRESENTATION: Here we report the case of a patient who had CSD and six months later developed IE of the mitral valve caused by B. henselae. CONCLUSION: Based on this unique case, we speculate that CSD represents the primary-infection of B. henselae and that IE follows in patients with heart valve lesions

    Evaluation and optimization of a commercial enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for detection of Chlamydophila pneumoniae IgA antibodies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Serologic diagnosis of <it>Chlamydophila pneumoniae </it>(Cpn) infection routinely involves assays for the presence of IgG and IgM antibodies to Cpn. Although IgA antibodies to Cpn have been found to be of interest in the diagnosis of chronic infections, their significance in serological diagnosis remains unclear. The microimmunofluorescence (MIF) test is the current method for the measurement of Cpn antibodies. While commercial enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) have been developed, they have not been fully validated. We therefore evaluated and optimized a commercial ELISA kit, the SeroCP IgA test, for the detection of Cpn IgA antibodies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Serum samples from 94 patients with anti-Cpn IgG titers ≥ 256 (study group) and from 100 healthy blood donors (control group) were tested for the presence of IgA antibodies to Cpn, using our in-house MIF test and the SeroCP IgA test. Two graph receiver operating characteristic (TG-ROC) curves were created to optimize the cut off given by the manufacturer.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The MIF and SeroCP IgA tests detected Cpn IgA antibodies in 72% and 89%, respectively, of sera from the study group, and in 9% and 35%, respectively, of sera from the control group. Using the MIF test as the reference method and the cut-off value of the ELISA test specified by the manufacturer for seropositivity and negativity, the two tests correlated in 76% of the samples, with an agreement of Ƙ = 0.54. When we applied the optimized cut-off value using TG-ROC analysis, 1.65, we observed better concordance (86%) and agreement (0.72) between the MIF and SeroCP IgA tests.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Use of TG-ROC analysis may help standardize and optimize ELISAs, which are simpler, more objective and less time consuming than the MIF test. Standardization and optimization of commercial ELISA kits may result in better performance.</p

    Culture-independent genome sequencing of Coxiella burnetii from a native heart valve of a Tunisian patient with severe infective endocarditis.

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    We report draft genome of a Coxiella burnetii strain sequenced from the native valve of a patient presenting with severe endocarditis in Tunisia. The genome could be sequenced without a cellular or axenic culture step. The MST5 strain was demonstrated to be closely related to the published reference genome of C. burnetii CbuK_Q154

    Chlamydia trachomatis infection increases the expression of inflammatory tumorigenic cytokines and chemokines as well as components of the Toll-like receptor and NF-κB pathways in human prostate epithelial cells

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    Inflammation has been reported to play a major role in prostate carcinogenesis. Several bacterial infections can lead to prostate inflammation; however, until now, the precise molecular and cellular mechanisms linking inflammation to carcinogenesis have remained unclear. We therefore investigated the initiation of inflammation induced by Chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis) infection in human prostate epithelial cells using an in vitro culture system in which human androgen-independent PC-3 prostate cancer epithelial cells were infected with C. trachomatis serovar L2. The expression levels of VEGF, ICAM-1, IL-6, IL-8, IL-1β, TNFα, CCL5, CCL2 and iNOS inflammation-related genes, as well as genes involved in the Toll-like receptor (TLR) pathway (TLR2, TLR4, CD14 and MyD88), were evaluated at the mRNA level in infected PC-3 cells 24 h after infection with C. trachomatis serovar L2. The expression levels of components of the NF-κB pathway (p65 and IκBα) were evaluated at the mRNA level in infected PC-3 cells at different time points (1, 6, 12 and 24 h) after infection. The expression levels of inflammation-related genes, components of the Toll-like receptor pathway and genes involved in NF-κB activation were analyzed in infected and uninfected cells using semi-quantitative RT-PCR. We detected a significant increase (p \u3c 0.001) in inflammation-related cytokines in infected PC-3 cells. During infection, PC-3 cells elicited a proinflammatory response, as shown by NF-κB activation, TLR2 and TLR4 upregulation and the increased expression of inflammation-related genes. Furthermore, we observed significant upregulation of the adhesion molecules ICAM-1 and VEGF, which are two biomarkers correlated with tumor progression and immune system evasion. The present study suggests that human prostate cancer epithelial cells are susceptible to C. trachomatis infection and upregulate proinflammatory markers during infection