263 research outputs found

    Assessment of powdery mildew resistance in wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum L.) populations in the aegean region of Turkey

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    In a study of resistance to powdery mildew, we investigated three populations of Hordeum spontaneum using leaf segment test. For comparison of the reactions, we used 44 barley lines as differentials representing most of the resistance used in barley breeding. The H. spontaneum accessions were infected with 21 isolates selected for their reactions on the differential barleys. The results of H. spontaneum collections did not show any similarities with differential barleys used. Resistance reactions were very rare. There was no resistance to 13 out of the 21 isolates. Horizontal resistance was noticed in most of H. spontaneum lines

    Full Length Research Paper Improving the traditional sesame seed planting with seed pelleting

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    The aim of this study is to determine the effect of seed pelleting in a variety of sesame types on yield and yield factors. In this study, it is suggested that with the help of seed pelleting, it will be possible toachieve a better planting, and subsequently, to acquire an increase in the yield and its elements. In this research, Muganli-57, Ozberk-82 and Golmarmara type seeds were used, which are all officially registered and commonly used seed kinds in Turkey. Two types of planting were utilized: 1- the traditional planting method used worldwide, 2- alternative sensitive method. In the sensitive method, the pelleted sesame seeds treated with a special pelleting mixture had a diameter of 3 mm or larger.These pelleted sesame seeds were planted with a pneumatic spacing planter. This study was done in Adnan Menderes University, Agricultural Faculty, Research and Practice Centers located in MenderesPlain and in the field of the plant production center of Dalaman. The arable field trials were done in two locations with a split plot trial method with three replications. In this study, the height of the plants(cm), number of lateral branches (lateral branches plant-1), number of capsules per plant (capsule plant-1), height of first capsule (cm), number of plants harvested per square meter, yield (kg ha-1) and thousand kernel weight (g) were analyzed for both pelleted and nonpelleted sesame seeds. As a result, the pelleted sesame seeds improved the yield significantly compared to the normal sesame seeds. It was found that the pelleted sesame seeds had a mean yield value of 1976.3 kg ha-1, whereas the nonpelleted sesame seeds had a mean yield value of 1243.2 kg ha-1. Statistically significant differences exist between the pelleted and non-pelleted seeds in terms of the height of the plants (cm), number oflateral branches per plant (branch plant-1), number of capsules per plant (capsule plant-1), height of first capsule (cm), number of plants harvested (plant/ m2), yield values (kg ha-1) and thousand kernel weight (g)

    The effects of seed coating treatment on yield and yield components in some cotton (Gossypium hirsitum L.) varieties

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    The use of delinted cotton seeds in cotton planting instead of fuzzy cotton seeds has spread recently. Cotton planting area of the world was 32,150,000 ha in 2003 - 2004. Approximately 45 - 50% of the planting seed in the world is delinted. This signifies that nearly 16,000,000 ha cotton area is planted by delinted cotton seed. In this study, coating fuzzy cotton seeds is proposed as an alternative to delintation. Coating makes fuzzy cotton seeds more suitable for the pneumatic spacing planter. Also, unlike delintation, sulphuric acid is not used for coating and this eliminates the problems associated with its usage such as seed loss, pollution and threats to human health. The results show that the cultivation of coated cotton seeds has no disadvantage regarding the agronomic and technological characteristics of cotton seed; coating may even improve the characteristics of the seeds. Also, no significant difference exists in terms of yield. Hence, seed coating has the potential to expand organic cultivation of cotton, as the coated seeds can be easily planted with pneumatic spacing drills and as organic seed procurement would be provided with the seed coating method.Keywords: Fuzzy cotton seed, seed coating, yield componentsAfrican Journal of BiotechnologyVol. 9(34), pp. 5523-5529, 23 August, 201

    On the association between greater family identification and lower paranoid ideation among non-clinical individuals: evidence from Cypriot and Spanish students

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    A large literature has provided evidence of the 'social cure': a positive relationship between group identification (a sense of group belonging) and mental wellbeing, commonly measured in terms of levels of depression, anxiety, or stress. However, non-clinical populations may experience other symptoms of mental distress, including paranoia. We hypothesised that since group identification promotes satisfying and supportive relationships (something paranoid individuals appear to lack), there should be a negative relationship between family identification and paranoid ideation. We confirmed this in a cross-sectional study with Cypriot students (N = 108) and in a two-wave longitudinal study with Spanish students (N = 206). The second study also revealed that family identification predicts paranoia over time, but not vice versa. These studies are the first to confirm that family identification is a negative predictor of paranoid ideation, and highlight the need to further explore the effects of group identification on psychotic-like symptoms

    Parallel flow in Hele-Shaw cells with ferrofluids

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    Parallel flow in a Hele-Shaw cell occurs when two immiscible liquids flow with relative velocity parallel to the interface between them. The interface is unstable due to a Kelvin-Helmholtz type of instability in which fluid flow couples with inertial effects to cause an initial small perturbation to grow. Large amplitude disturbances form stable solitons. We consider the effects of applied magnetic fields when one of the two fluids is a ferrofluid. The dispersion relation governing mode growth is modified so that the magnetic field can destabilize the interface even in the absence of inertial effects. However, the magnetic field does not affect the speed of wave propagation for a given wavenumber. We note that the magnetic field creates an effective interaction between the solitons.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex, 2 figures, revised version (minor changes


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    The growth of strained thin films of gadolinium has been investigated with low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and compared to the film growth of unstrained gadolinium. Strained thin films of gadolinium are distinct from the unstrained films by a substrate induced preferential domain growth direction, which is also reflected in the electronic structure