1,274 research outputs found

    Creation and Spatial Analysis of 3D City Modeling based on GIS Data

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    The 3D city model is one of the crucial topics that are still under analysis by many engineers and programmers because of the great advancements in data acquisition technologies and 3D computer graphics programming. It is one of the best visualization methods for representing reality. This paper presents different techniques for the creation and spatial analysis of 3D city modeling based on Geographical Information System (GIS) technology using free data sources. To achieve that goal, the Mansoura University campus, located in Mansoura city, Egypt, was chosen as a case study. The minimum data requirements to generate a 3D city model are the terrain, 2D spatial features such as buildings, landscape area and street networks. Moreover, building height is an important attribute in the 3D extrusion process. The main challenge during the creation process is the dearth of accurate free datasets, and the time-consuming editing. Therefore, different data sources are used in this study to evaluate their accuracy and find suitable applications which can use the generated 3D model. Meanwhile, an accurate data source obtained using the traditional survey methods is used for the validation purpose. First, the terrain was obtained from a digital elevation model (DEM) and compared with grid leveling measurements. Second, 2D data were obtained from: the manual digitization from (30 cm) high-resolution imagery, and deep learning structure algorithms to detect the 2D features automatically using an object instance segmentation model and compared the results with the total station survey observations. Different techniques are used to investigate and evaluate the accuracy of these data sources. The procedural modeling technique is applied to generate the 3D city model. TensorFlow & Keras frameworks (Python APIs) were used in this paper; moreover, global mapper, ArcGIS Pro, QGIS and CityEngine software were used. The precision metrics from the trained deep learning model were 0.78 for buildings, 0.62 for streets and 0.89 for landscape areas. Despite, the manual digitizing results are better than the results from deep learning, but the extracted features accuracy is accepted and can be used in the creation process in the cases not require a highly accurate 3D model. The flood impact scenario is simulated as an application of spatial analysis on the generated 3D city model. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-01-08 Full Text: PD

    Remodeling of cellular cytoskeleton by the acid sphingomyelinase/ceramide pathway

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    The chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin is widely used in treatment of solid tumors. In breast cancer cells, cisplatin produces early and marked changes in cell morphology and the actin cytoskeleton. These changes manifest as loss of lamellipodia/filopodia and appearance of membrane ruffles. Furthermore, cisplatin induces dephosphorylation of the actin-binding protein ezrin, and its relocation from membrane protrusions to the cytosol. Because cisplatin activates acid sphingomyelinase (ASMase), we investigate here the role of the ASMase/ceramide (Cer) pathway in mediating these morphological changes. We find that cisplatin induces a transient elevation in ASMase activity and its redistribution to the plasma membrane. This translocation is blocked upon overexpression of a dominant-negative (DN) ASMaseS508A mutant and by a DN PKCδ. Importantly; knockdown of ASMase protects MCF-7 cells from cisplatin-induced cytoskeletal changes including ezrin dephosphorylation. Reciprocally, exogenous delivery of D-e-C16-Cer, but not dihydro-C16-Cer, recapitulates the morphotropic effects of cisplatin. Collectively, these results highlight a novel tumor suppressor property for Cer and a function for ASMase in cisplatin-induced cytoskeletal remodeling

    Physiological characteristics of the extreme thermophile Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus: an efficient hydrogen cell factory

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    Global concerns about climate changes and their association with the use of fossil fuels have accelerated research on biological fuel production. Biological hydrogen production from hemicellulose-containing waste is considered one of the promising avenues. A major economical issue for such a process, however, is the low substrate conversion efficiency. Interestingly, the extreme thermophilic bacterium Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus can produce hydrogen from carbohydrate-rich substrates at yields close to the theoretical maximum of the dark fermentation process (i.e., 4 mol H2/mol hexose). The organism is able to ferment an array of mono-, di- and polysaccharides, and is relatively tolerant to high partial hydrogen pressures, making it a promising candidate for exploitation in a biohydrogen process. The behaviour of this Gram-positive bacterium bears all hallmarks of being adapted to an environment sparse in free sugars, which is further reflected in its low volumetric hydrogen productivity and low osmotolerance. These two properties need to be improved by at least a factor of 10 and 5, respectively, for a cost-effective industrial process. In this review, the physiological characteristics of C. saccharolyticus are analyzed in view of the requirements for an efficient hydrogen cell factory. A special emphasis is put on the tight regulation of hydrogen production in C. saccharolyticus by both redox and energy metabolism. Suggestions for strategies to overcome the current challenges facing the potential use of the organism in hydrogen production are also discussed

    Neither early Bronze Age Cities nor States in the south of the Levant: another perspective

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    Contrairement aux cultures urbaines et civilisations complexes à écriture de l’Égypte et de la Mésopotamie dans la seconde moitié du IVe millénaire, il faut attendre près de mille ans pour voir se developper l’écriture en Jordanie. Par ailleurs, alors que l’on avait jusque‑là identifié le système d’organisation politique comme celui de la Cité-État, certains chercheurs ont proposé récemment que le Levant Sud du IIIe millénaire n’ait connu ni État ni ville. Nous suggérons ici une autre interprétation de ces questions, fondée sur le travail de terrain réalisé en Jordanie.Unlike the complex urban cultures and civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia, where writing developed during the second half of the 4th millennium bc, Jordan did not use writing until over a thousand years later. In addition, it has been proposed that the south Levantine Early Bronze Age polities, which have been identified as city-states, were neither cities nor states. This study aims at presenting another perspective of this problem based on archaeological fieldworks conducted in the north of Jordan.خلاصة – أثبتت الدراسات الأثرية التي جرت في منطقة بلاد الشرق الأدنى القديم أن كلا من بلاد الرافدين ومصر شهدتا ظهور دولة المدينة، والتمدن، والمجتمعات المعقدة خلال النصف الأول من الألف الرابع قبل الميلاد، حيث عرف الناس هناك الكتابة أيضاً. ومع أن بداية ظهور الكتابة ً في منطقة جنوبي بلاد الشام كانت بعد حوالي ألفي عام على ظهورها في المنطقتين السابقتين ، إلاّ أن بعض المواقع في منطقة جنوبي بلاد الشام، مثل جاوه، وخربة الزيرقون، وخربة البتراوي في الأردن شهدت تطوراً كبيراً في عمارتها المدنية (بيوت ومباني إدارية)، وتحصيناتها (أسوار وبوابات)، والدينية ( معابد خربة الزيرقون). كما وعلى سبيل المثال، تبع موقع خربة الزيرقون عدداً من القرى الأصغر مساحة. لكن هذا لم يكن إثباتاً‘ ودليلاً كافياً لدى بعض الباحثين على وجود مدن أو دول خلال مرحلة العصر البرونزي المبكر (حوالي 3500 – 2000 ق.م) في منطقة جنوبي بلاد الشام، بل ذهبوا إلى نفي وجودها. ونحاول في هذا البحث تقديم الأدلة على عكس ما ذهب إليه هؤلاء الباحثين، معتمدين على قرائن وأدلة من المسوحات الأثرية التي أجريت في المنطقة المحيطة بخربة الزيرقون، ودراسة إحصائية لمواقع العصر البرونزي المبكر في شمالي الأرد

    Henri de Contenson’s archaeological fieldwork in the Eastern part of the Jordan Valley: a re-evaluation

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    Suite à la reprise de travaux à Tell esh-Shuneh esh-Shamaliyyeh (Shuneh Nord) et aux fouilles conduites sur la rive orientale du Jourdain, à Pella, Abu Hamid, Ghassul et sur la rive occidentale à Tell Tsaf, cet article se propose de revoir la périodisation des trois sites de la Vallée du Jourdain, Shuneh, Abu Habil et Tell es-Saʿidiyyeh el-Tahta sondés par H. de Contenson en 1953. Ces établissements, au vu de la céramique et de quelques rares vestiges architecturaux, nous paraissent avoir été occupés pour la première fois à la période chalcolithique et Shuneh Nord l’être resté aussi au Bronze ancien.Considering recent work at Tell esh-Shuneh esh-Shamaliyyeh (Shuneh North) and the results of the excavations conducted at Pella, Abu Hamid and Ghassul on the eastern bank, at Tell Tsaf on the western bank of the Jordan River, this article offers a re-evaluation of the periodisation of three sites tested by H. de Contenson in 1953: Tell esh-Shuneh esh-Shamaliyyeh, Abu Habil, Tell es-Saʿidiyyeh el-Tahta. Regarding the ceramics and architectural remains these settlements seem to us to have been occupied for the first time during the chalcolithic period and North Shuneh remaining alive in the EB period as well.خلاصة – يهدف هذا البحث إلى إعادة تقييم لنتائج الحفريات الأثرية التجريبية التي قام بها هنري دي كونتنسون عام 1953م في مواقع تل الشونة الشمالية وأبو هابيل وتل السعيدية التحتا ؛ وجميعها تقع على الضفة الشرقية لنهر الاردن ؛ وذلك إعتماداً على ما نشر حول نتائج الحفريات التي جرت خلال العقود الأخيرة في مواقع تل الشونة الشمالية وطبقة فحل وأبو حامد وتليلات الغسول وتل تساف.وبعد أن تم إعادة دراسة للمخلفات الأثرية المكتشفة حديثاً ومقارنتها مع مانشره دي كونتنسون، خاصة الأواني الفخارية والبقايا المعمارية، تبين بأن المواقع الثلاث المذكورة أعلاه قد سكنت خلال العصر الحجري النحاسي (حوالي 0054-0053 ق.م.) علماً بأن موقع تل الشونة الشمالية قد شهد استمرارية في السكن خلال العصر البرونزي القديم أي المبكر

    Knowledge and Attitudes of Population Towards HIV/Aids in Four States, Sudan

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    Back ground: HIV/AIDS is a public health problem in the Sudan. The country is the most severely affected in North Africa and the Middle East with an estimated 500,000 people living with HIV/AIDS. The objectives of the study were to determine knowledge and attitude of the localpopulation in selected states about HIV/ AIDS and to determine the relation between knowledge and attitude towards HIV/AIDS and associated social factors.Methodology: Design was descriptive, cross-sectional, community- based study conducted in Gezira, Sinnar, River Nile and Northern states. The population was those found in their settings during the visits in April 2009. Both sexes were enrolled and children below the age of 15 years ofboth sexes were excluded from the study. Data were collected by a pre- coded and pre -tested questionnaire and were analyzed by the computer using SPSS, version 13, soft ware.Results: Knowledge of the population in the selected four states about HIV/AIDS was favorable (73%). Tolerant attitude towards HIV-infected people was low (40%). Results showed that males acquired better knowledge than females (76.2% versus 71.8%) but females were more tolerant towards HIV/AIDS than males (42% versus 37.4%). Results showed that HIV/AIDS Knowledge increased as the educational level increased. Level of knowledge was higher among university graduates (92.6%) followed by basic and secondary (76.7%). Illiterates acquired the least level of knowledge (42.4%). The study showed that tolerance of population towards PLWHA increased according to the level of education. The university graduated was more tolerant (55.1%) than thebasic/secondary (40.5%) and the illiterates (21.9%). It was shown that the single population was more tolerant towards PLWHA, followed by the married, the divorced and the widowed constituting 41.6%, 40.4%, 31.4% and 25% respectively.Conclusion: The study concluded that, level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS of the population in the selected states was good. Level of knowledge among males, the working force and the single population was higher than the females, those without jobs and the married. Level of HIV/AIDSknowledge increased according to the level of education, was higher among university graduates followed by basic / secondary and Illiterates. Attitude of the population in the selected states towards people living with HIV/AIDS “PLWHA” was low, only 40% had more tolerant attitude.Females, the highly educated and the working population were more tolerant towards HIV/AIDS than males, the less educated, and the nonworking population

    Cutaneous Aβ-Non-nociceptive, but Not C-Nociceptive, Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons Exhibit Spontaneous Activity in the Streptozotocin Rat Model of Painful Diabetic Neuropathy .

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    Diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain (DPNP) is the most devastating complication of diabetes mellitus. Unfortunately, successful therapy for DPNP remains a challenge because its pathogenesis is still elusive. However, DPNP is believed to be due partly to abnormal hyperexcitability of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons, but the relative contributions of specific functional subtypes remain largely unknown. Here, using the strepotozotocin (STZ) rat model of DPNP induced by a STZ injection (60 mg/kg, i.p), and intracellular recordings of action potentials (APs) from DRG neurons in anesthetized rats, we examined electrophysiological changes in C-and Aβ-nociceptive and Aβ-low threshold mechanoreceptive (LTM) neurons that may contribute to DPNP. Compared with control, we found in STZ-rats with established pain hypersensitivity (5 weeks post-STZ) several significant changes including: (a) A 23% increase in the incidence of spontaneous activity (SA) in Aβ-LTMs (but not C-mechanosensitive nociceptors) that may cause dysesthesias/paresthesia suffered by DPNP patients, (b) membrane hyperpolarization and a ∼85% reduction in SA rate in Aβ-LTMs by K7 channel activation with retigabine (6 mg/kg, i.v.) suggesting that K7/M channels may be involved in mechanisms of SA generation in Aβ-LTMs, (c) decreases in AP duration and in duration and amplitude of afterhyperpolarization (AHP) in C-and/or Aβ-nociceptors. These faster AP and AHP kinetics may lead to repetitive firing and an increase in afferent input to the CNS and thereby contribute to DPNP development, and (d) a decrease in the electrical thresholds of Aβ-nociceptors that may contribute to their sensitization, and thus to the resulting hypersensitivity associated with DPNP.This research work was supported by a Medical Research Council grant (G0700420) and a Ph.D. studentship from Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council to LD

    Recurrent Perineal Hernia After Benign Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery

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    Abstract Background: Secondary acquired perineal hernias are rare events usually associated with extensive pelvic surgery. Although most are asymptomatic, when symptoms are present surgical intervention is warranted. There is currently no consensus regarding the management of these hernias. An unusual case of a recurrent perineal hernia following sacrospinous fixation resulting in large bowel incarceration is reported. Case: A 64-year-old woman presented with an anterior vaginal wall prolapse and multiple pelvic-floor defects. She subsequently underwent a sacrospinous fixation and enterocele repair. The enterocele recurred and she underwent a second enterocele repair. Approximately 6 months later, she presented with a perineal hernia that involved an incarceration of the large bowel. Results: The hernia was reduced, the pelvic-floor defect was repaired, and a biologic, absorbable mesh was applied. Approximately 5 months later, the patient presented with a recurrence of the perineal hernia. The hernia was reduced and this time a synthetic, nonabsorbable mesh was used, and there were no signs of recurrence at 6 months' follow-up. Conclusions: Acquired perineal hernias are extremely rare events, especially when they recur and involve large bowel incarceration. Several factors may influence the development and possible recurrence of secondary acquired perineal hernias, including lifestyle, occupation, gestational history, and past medical and surgical history. The use of a nonabsorbable mesh to prevent recurrence is suggested, although current literature reports success rates that are fairly similar for users of both absorbable and nonabsorbable meshes. (J GYNECOL SURG 28:230)Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/98451/1/gyn%2E2011%2E0051.pd

    Genome-Wide Assessment of Stress-Associated Genes in Bifidobacteria

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    Over the last decade, the genomes of several Bifidobacterium strains have been sequenced, delivering valuable insights into their genetic makeup. However, bifidobacterial genomes have not yet been systematically mined for genes associated with stress response functions and their regulation. In this work, a list of 76 genes related to stress response in bifidobacteria was compiled from previous studies. The prevalence of the genes was evaluated among the genome sequences of 171 Bifidobacterium strains. Although genes of the protein quality control and DNA repair systems appeared to be highly conserved, genome-wide in silico screening for consensus sequences of putative regulators suggested that the regulation of these systems differs among phylogenetic groups. Homologs of multiple oxidative stress-associated genes are shared across species, albeit at low sequence similarity. Bee isolates were confirmed to harbor unique genetic features linked to oxygen tolerance. Moreover, most studied Bifidobacterium adolescentis and all Bifidobacterium angulatum strains lacked a set of reactive oxygen species-detoxifying enzymes, which might explain their high sensitivity to oxygen. Furthermore, the presence of some putative transcriptional regulators of stress responses was found to vary across species and strains, indicating that different regulation strategies of stress-associated gene transcription contribute to the diverse stress tolerance. The presented stress response gene profiles of Bifidobacterium strains provide a valuable knowledge base for guiding future studies by enabling hypothesis generation and the identification of key genes for further analyses. IMPORTANCE Bifidobacteria are Gram-positive bacteria that naturally inhabit diverse ecological niches, including the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals. Strains of the genus Bifidobacterium are widely used as probiotics, since they have been associated with health benefits. In the course of their production and administration, probiotic bifidobacteria are exposed to several stressors that can challenge their survival. The stress tolerance of probiotic bifidobacteria is, therefore, an important selection criterion for their commercial application, since strains must maintain their viability to exert their beneficial health effects. As the ability to cope with stressors varies among Bifidobacterium strains, comprehensive understanding of the underlying stress physiology is required for enabling knowledge-driven strain selection and optimization of industrial-scale production processes