331 research outputs found


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    Estimation of influence of tangential cutting force on a stress state of grinding instrument

    Algorithms of blended learning in IT education

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    The urgency of the research. Blended learning is a modern trend in education. It enables the formation of synergies between traditional educational communications, electronic information dialogues and appeals to electronic resources. The effectiveness of introducing of blended learning in IT education depends not only on the adaptation of known approaches but also on the IT readiness of students and teachers, as well as the

    Features of the cellular immune response in men with disorders of reproductive function depending on the type of alcoholic beverages consumed

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    im. Guided by the lack of clear information about the alcoholic beverages influence on both the subpopulation of lymphocytes in particular and the fertility of the ejaculate as a whole, the purpose of this study was to study the features of the cellular immune response in men with disorders of reproductive function depending on the type and quantity of alcohol consumed. Materials and methods. A total of 74 men aged 20 to 55 years, who were divided into 3 groups, were examined. The control group consisted of 17 fertile, practically healthy men who do not drink any alcoholic drinks and have 1 to 2 children. The 2nd group (comparison) consisted of 17 men without fertility impairment, who consume but don’t abuse of all types of alcoholic beverages (1 – 2 doses of alcohol approximately once every 1 to 3 months). The third group consisted of 40 men with impaired fertilizing ability of ejaculate, who abuse alcoholic beverages (6 or more units of alcohol at a time or 22 or more doses per week). Depending on the type of alcohol, this group was divided into 3 subgroups: the 3a subgroup consisted of 13 patients abusing strong alcoholic beverages; the 3b – 15 patients abusing beer and the 3c ("mixed" group) – 12 patients abusing beer and strong alcoholic beverages. All men underwent a comprehensive examination including: a survey using the AUDIT screening test and the estimation of specific cellular immunity indices. Results. In all the men we examined (either with or without reproductive disorders) secondary T-cell immunodeficiency was identified. Consumption of various types of alcoholic beverages was the factor resulting in more profound immune disorders. Conclusions. Consumption of various types of alcoholic beverages increases the immunogenicity of self proteins and, as a consequence, causes an autoimmune response which is more pronounced in beer drinkers (signs of an autoimmune process development long before the clinical picture) and less pronounced in drinkers of strong alcoholic beverages (vodka) - only an autoimmune component presence

    Stress-induced diseases of the thyroid gland in Ukraine during hostilities

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    The aim of the study: to analyze and evaluate the relationship between previous life events of a stressful nature in patients who have surgical diseases of the thyroid gland. Materials and methods. We used the questionnaire method (The Life Experiences Survey Irwin G. Sarason, 1978) of patients before planned surgical intervention on the thyroid gland. The number of positive and negative events that happened to patients during the previous year was evaluated. Results. Among individuals, significantly more adverse events were reported by patients with Graves’ disease (128.0 ± 2.3 points) and proliferative hyperthyroid nodular goiter (105.0 ± 1.7 points) compared to patients treated surgically for euthyroid nodular goiter (53.0 ± 0.7 points of negative events) and thyroid carcinomas (62.0 ± 0.8 points of negative events). Conclusions. It has been proven that stress and negative life events can be triggers for dysfunction and development of thyroid gland diseases. Analysis of a patient survey before thyroid surgery indicated a possible relationship between acute stress and the initiation of Graves’ disease and proliferative hyperthyroid nodular goiter


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    The paper presents comparison of different methods for identifying the dynamic characteristics of objects associated with thermal energy generation or the medium cooling in the cooling systems of internal-combustion engines. Reaction identification to the reference exposure is considered, videlicet – stepwise, impulse and harmonic. The study shows that on a number of occasions for the type of objects being involved their application is unacceptable. In those instances it is expediential to apply statistical characteristics of the input and output signals, i. a. to employ the data of so-called passive experiment. In which case the task is divisible into two stages – determination of statistical characteristics of the variates at the ins and outs of the object and calculation of the dynamic characteristics based on them. The statistical characteristics of the variates at the input and output are obtained through time averaging of values of the variates dependent on the ordinate of the processes. Inasmuch as stochastic processes occurring in the objects under examination possess ergodic property, their averaged values are constant. All the data required for calculating characteristics of the linear systems appears in their correlative functions. Heat generating objects as well as the cooling systems of internal-combustion engines are the objects fed back by the regulator. Therefore, in this instance cross-correlated functions are employed for determining their dynamic characteristics. The suggested random-input analytical method for dynamic characteristics constitutes a good match with the results of active experiments reported in a variety of sources. This allows recommending the random signals estimation method of dynamic characteristics for the involved type of objects. Выполнено сравнение различных методов идентификации динамических характеристик объектов, связанных с генерацией тепловой энергии или охлаждением теплоносителя в системах охлаждения двигателей внутреннего сгорания. Рассмотрены идентификация по реакции на стандартные воздействия – ступенчатое, импульсное и гармоническое. Показано, что в ряде случаев для рассматриваемого типа объектов их использование не приемлемо. Тогда целесообразно применять статистические характеристики сигналов на входе и выходе в процессе нормальной эксплуатации, т. е. использовать данные так называемого пассивного эксперимента. При этом задача состоит из двух этапов – определения статистических характеристик случайных сигналов на входе и выходе объекта и вычисления по ним динамических характеристик. Статистические характеристики случайных процессов на входе и выходе получены посредством осреднения по времени значений случайных величин, зависящих от ординат процессов. Поскольку случайные процессы, происходящие в рассматриваемых объектах, обладают свойством эргодичности, их средние значения являются постоянными. Вся необходимая информация для расчета характеристик линейных систем содержится в их корреляционной функции. Теплогенерирующие объекты и системы охлаждения двигателей внутреннего сгорания являются объектами, охваченными обратной связью через регулятор. Поэтому в этом случае для определения их динамических характеристик использованы взаимно коррелированные функции. Предложенный метод расчета динамических характеристик по случайным воздействиям дает хорошее совпадение с результатами активного эксперимента, приведенными в различных источниках. Это позволяет рекомендовать метод определения динамических характеристик для рассматриваемого типа объектов с помощью случайных сигналов.

    Submental Myodermal Flap in Buccal Reconstruction after Extended Combined Resection

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    Background. Oral mucosal cancer is the most prevalent squamous cell cancer of head and neck, with 6,723 cases registered in Russia, including 94 per Volgograd Region, in 2018. A high tumour advancement and complex topography of the surgical area result in extensive soft-tissue defects and impaired swallowing, chewing and speech.Aim. Efficacy assessment of submental myodermal flap application in buccal reconstruction after extended combined oncological resections.Materials and methods. Submental myodermal flap was used as a buccal reconstruction technique in 112 patients aged 42 to 75 years during 2015–2020. Surgery for primary tumour was performed in 88 cases, and in 24 — for recurrence after radiotherapy or surgical excision.Results and discussion. A six-year experience of the submental myodermal flap usage in reconstructive surgery allowed evidently wider indications for extensive oral resection combined with extended, also bilateral, lymphadenectomy. Clinical records on the technique application in primary and recurrent cancer are presented.Conclusion. The submental myodermal flap technique in combination with extended or extended combined surgery for oral mucosal cancer notably increases the tumour resectability at this location and improves function restore in patients. The method widens indications for higher-volume operative aid, considerably reduces postoperative complications and holds a promise to enable more radical surgery. This plastic surgery technique is aesthetic and effectively repairs speech and digestive functions, bringing improvement to the patients’ quality of life and social adaptation

    Аналіз показників якості і безпечності м’яса курей-бройлерів за умов комплексного застосування симбіотичних та біоцидних препаратів за повного циклу вирощування

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    The production of ecologically clean poultry meat with high biological value to meet the needs of public demand is the primary goal of the poultry industry. Poultry meat is a good product for a healthy human diet due to its nutritional, dietary, and sensory properties, economic availability, and quick cooking. At the same time, using the latest, effective symbiotic and biocidal drugs to increase the productivity of poultry requires more in-depth research and evaluation of their impact on the final product. Based on the analysis of the results obtained by us, it has been proven that the use of the complex of symbiotic drugs “Biomagn” and “Biozapin” and in combination with the biocidal agents “Diolaid” and “Biolaid” to broiler chickens of the Cobb 500 cross throughout the entire breeding cycle allows obtaining high-quality and safe poultry products (chicken meat), with improved quality indicators and higher biological value. An increase in the protein content in the muscles of experimental groups of birds and a decrease in moisture in them was established, which is a consequence of an increase in dry matter content in this tissue. As a result, in the muscles of broiler chickens of the II research group, an increase in energy value was recorded to a greater extent and markedly, along with an increase in the content of essential bioelements (Calcium, Ferrum, Copper, Cobalt, and Selenium (Р ≤ 0.05)) and the content of vitamins A and B1, which indicates a higher biological (nutritional) value of poultry meat compared to such indicators in poultry I of the experimental and control groups. When determining the safety indicators of the chicken meat of the research groups, it was established that there were no residual amounts of veterinary drugs, pesticides, and aflatoxin B1, and the regulated indicators of toxic elements did not exceed the PAI specified in the regulatory documents. Therefore, the proposed complex of drugs in the scheme of the growing cycle of broiler chickens does not hurt the quality and safety of the obtained products (chicken meat). On the contrary, according to sensory and organoleptic studies, higher organoleptic qualities of the muscle samples of chickens of the I and II experimental groups were proven under the conditions of the use of a complex of symbiotic and biocidal drugs: the values of the highest overall score for tasting the meat broth are higher (Р ≤ 0.05) compared with the indicator in the control group.Виробництво екологічно чистого м’яса птиці з високою біологічною цінністю для задоволення потреб суспільного попиту є основною метою птахівничої галузі. М’ясо птиці є перспективним продуктом у здоровому раціоні людини у зв’язку з його поживними, дієтичними, сенсорними властивостями, економічною доступністю, а також завдяки його швидкому кулінарному приготуванню. Водночас застосування новітніх, ефективних симбіотичних та біоцидних препаратів для підвищення продуктивності птиці потребують більш глибоких досліджень та оцінки їхнього впливу на кінцевий продукт. За аналізом отриманих нами результатів доведено, що застосування комплексу симбіотичних препаратів “Біомагн” і “Біозапін” та у поєднанні з біоцидними засобами “Діолайд” і “Біолайд” курчатам-бройлерам кросу Кобб 500 прoтягoм повного циклу вирoщування дозволяє отримувати якісну і безпечну продукцію птахівництва (м’ясо курятини), з поліпшеними показниками якості та більш високою біологічною цінністю. Встановлено зростання вмісту білка в м’язах дослідних груп птиці та зменшення в них вологи, що є наслідком збільшення вмісту сухoї речoвини в даній тканині. В результаті – у м’язах курей-бройлерів ІІ дослідної групи більшою мірою та виражено реєстрували зростання енергетичної цінності поряд із підвищенням вмісту есенційних біоелементів (Кальцію, Феруму, Купруму, Кобальту і Селену; (Р ≤ 0,05)) та вмісту вітамінів А і В1, що свідчить про вищу біологічну (поживну) цінність м’яса птиці порівняно з такими показниками у птиці І дослідної та контрольної груп. При визначенні показників безпечності м’яса курей дослідних груп встановлено відсутність залишкових кількостей ветеринарних препаратів, пестицидів та афлатоксину В1, а регламентовані показники токсичних елементів не перевищували МДР, зазначених в нормативних документах. Отже, запропонований комплекс препаратів у схемі повного циклу вирощування курчат-бройлерів не чинить негативного впливу на якість і безпечність отриманої продукції (м’яса курятини). Навпаки, за сенсорно-органолептичними дослідженнями доведено вищі органолептичні якості зразків м’язів курей І і ІІ дослідних груп за умов застосування комплексу симбіотичних та біоцидних препаратів: значення найвищого загального бала за дегустацією м’ясоного бульйону є вищими (Р ≤ 0,05) порівняно з показником у групі контролю

    Малые ледники плато Путорана на фоне климатических перемен

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    The characteristic feature of the Putorana Plateau is that the glaciological objects here are mostly represented by small glaciers and perennial snow patches. Their regime and morphology have so much common features that separation of these two categories of nival glacial formations from one another is extremely difficult problem. The distinctions between results of earlier studies carried out in the 1970s (the USSR Glacier Inventory estimated local resources at 22 glaciers with a total area of 2.5 km2) and at the beginning of the current century (in 2005, V.A. Sarana identified 61 glaciers with a total area of 7 km2) are too large to make any reliable conclusions about the current trends of the Putoran glaciation. In such conditions, the materials of rare field monitoring work performed on individual nival-glacial bodies become very valuable. Three expedition seasons of 2002–2004 included thorough geodetic and mass-balance measurements on 3 reference objects on the northern ledge of Lama Mts. – Prives (No. 30) Glacier, Marlborough (No. 31) Glacier and Strudoms snow patch. Similar field monitoring was repeated in summer’2019. The change in their configuration according to digital photography data, including the results of the analysis of satellite images, make possible to reveal that interannual fluctuations in the area of each glacier occur due to different vector displacements of its different sections along their entire perimeters. In 2019, the somewhat unexpected good budget state of all 3 monitored objects was detected. It manifested itself in growth of their areas and increased fraction of firn basin as well as in larger water equivalent of the firn residue as this followed from results of snow surveys. This fact contradicts the previous conclusion about the steady trend of deglaciation on the Putorana Plateau. The favourable condition for small glaciers occurred here in 2019 was mainly caused by reduced ablation owing to the weakened insolation that resulted from tremendous forest fires in Siberia, remarkable by their abnormal intensity in this year.По итогам экспедиционных исследований снежников и ледников Ламских гор на плато Путорана в 2002–2004 и 2019 гг. для суждений об их современном состоянии получены новые сведения о режиме и эволюции малых форм оледенения на фоне климатических тенденций последних лет. В условиях неблагоприятных климатических перемен малые ледники плато Путорана демонстрируют большую устойчивость по сравнению с крупными ледниками и малыми формами оледенения, существующими в тёплой фирновой зоне льдообразования