85 research outputs found

    Immunotoxin-Mediated Tract Targeting in the Primate Brain: Selective Elimination of the Cortico-Subthalamic “Hyperdirect” Pathway

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    Using a neuron-specific retrograde gene-transfer vector (NeuRet vector), we established immunotoxin (IT)-mediated tract targeting in the primate brain that allows ablation of a neuronal population constituting a particular pathway. Here, we attempted selective removal of the cortico-subthalamic “hyperdirect” pathway. In conjunction with the direct and indirect pathways, the hyperdirect pathway plays a crucial role in motor information processing in the basal ganglia. This pathway links the motor-related areas of the frontal lobe directly to the subthalamic nucleus (STN) without relay at the striatum. After electrical stimulation in the motor-related areas such as the supplementary motor area (SMA), triphasic responses consisting of an early excitation, an inhibition, and a late excitation are usually detected in the internal segment of the globus pallidus (GPi). Several lines of pharmacophysiological evidence suggest that the early excitation may be derived from the hyperdirect pathway. In the present study, the NeuRet vector expressing human interleukin-2 receptor α-subunit was injected into the STN of macaque monkeys. Then, IT injections were made into the SMA. In these monkeys, single-neuron activity in the GPi was recorded in response to the SMA stimulation. We found that the early excitation was largely reduced, with neither the inhibition nor the late excitation affected. The spontaneous firing rate and pattern of GPi neurons remained unchanged. This indicates that IT-mediated tract targeting successfully eliminated the hyperdirect pathway selectively from the basal ganglia circuitry without affecting spontaneous activity of STN neurons. The electrophysiological finding was confirmed with anatomical data obtained from retrograde and anterograde neural tracings. The present results define that the cortically-driven early excitation in GPi neurons is mediated by the hyperdirect pathway. The IT-mediated tract targeting technique will provide us with novel strategies for elucidating various neural network functions

    SNP Analysis of Genes Implicated in T Cell Proliferation in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis

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    Previous studies on primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) have focused on the role of T lymphocytes as potential effectors of tissue injury. We hypothesized that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of genes involved in lymphocyte proliferation would be responsible for uncontrolled expansion of T cells and autoreactivity. To address this, we genotyped DNA from 154 patients with PBC and 166 ethnically matched healthy controls for SNPs of five candidate genes (60G/A CTLA-4, 1858 C/T LYP, -IVS9 C/T foxp3, p1323 C/G ICOS and -9606 T/C CD25) using a TaqMan assay

    Expression of cytokine and chemokine mRNA and secretion of tumor necrosis factor-α by gallbladder epithelial cells: Response to bacterial lipopolysaccharides

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    BACKGROUND: In addition to immune cells, many other cell types are known to produce cytokines. Cultured normal mouse gallbladder epithelial cells, used as a model system for gallbladder epithelium, were examined for their ability to express the mRNA of various cytokines and chemokines in response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide. The synthesis and secretion of the tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) protein by these cells was also measured. RESULTS: Untreated mouse gallbladder cells expressed mRNA for TNF-α, RANTES, and macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2). Upon treatment with lipopolysaccharide, these cells now produced mRNA for Interleukin-1β (IL-1β), IL-6, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), and showed increased expression of TNF-α and MIP-2 mRNA. Untreated mouse gallbladder cells did not synthesize TNF-α protein; however, they did synthesize and secrete TNF-α upon treatment with lipopolysaccharide. METHODS: Cells were treated with lipopolysaccharides from 3 strains of bacteria. Qualitative and semi-quantitative RT-PCR, using cytokine or chemokine-specific primers, was used to measure mRNA levels of TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, KC, RANTES, MCP-1, and MIP-2. TNF-α protein was measured by immunoassays. CONCLUSION: This research demonstrates that gallbladder epithelial cells in response to lipopolysaccharide exposure can alter their cytokine and chemokine RNA expression pattern and can synthesize and secrete TNFα protein. This suggests a mechanism whereby gallbladder epithelial cells in vivo may mediate gallbladder secretory function, inflammation and diseases in an autocrine/paracrine fashion by producing and secreting cytokines and/or chemokines during sepsis

    Enhanced Extinction of Aversive Memories by High-Frequency Stimulation of the Rat Infralimbic Cortex

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    Electrical stimulation of the rodent medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), including the infralimbic cortex (IL), immediately prior to or during fear extinction training facilitates extinction memory. Here we examined the effects of high-frequency stimulation (HFS) of the rat IL either prior to conditioning or following retrieval of the conditioned memory, on extinction of Pavlovian fear and conditioned taste aversion (CTA). IL-HFS applied immediately after fear memory retrieval, but not three hours after retrieval or prior to conditioning, subsequently reduced freezing during fear extinction. Similarly, IL-HFS given immediately, but not three hours after, retrieval of a CTA memory reduced aversion during extinction. These data indicate that HFS of the IL may be an effective method for reducing both learned fear and learned aversion

    Lymphocyte recruitment and homing to the liver in primary biliary cirrhosis and primary sclerosing cholangitis

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    The mechanisms operating in lymphocyte recruitment and homing to liver are reviewed. A literature review was performed on primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), progressive sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), and homing mechanisms; a total of 130 papers were selected for discussion. Available data suggest that in addition to a specific role for CCL25 in PSC, the CC chemokines CCL21 and CCL28 and the CXC chemokines CXCL9 and CXCL10 are involved in the recruitment of T lymphocytes into the portal tract in PBC and PSC. Once entering the liver, lymphocytes localize to bile duct and retain by the combinatorial or sequential action of CXCL12, CXCL16, CX3CL1, and CCL28 and possibly CXCL9 and CXCL10. The relative importance of these chemokines in the recruitment or the retention of lymphocytes around the bile ducts remains unclear. The available data remain limited but underscore the importance of recruitment and homing

    Food-associated cues alter forebrain functional connectivity as assessed with immediate early gene and proenkephalin expression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cues predictive of food availability are powerful modulators of appetite as well as food-seeking and ingestive behaviors. The neurobiological underpinnings of these conditioned responses are not well understood. Monitoring regional immediate early gene expression is a method used to assess alterations in neuronal metabolism resulting from upstream intracellular and extracellular signaling. Furthermore, assessing the expression of multiple immediate early genes offers a window onto the possible sequelae of exposure to food cues, since the function of each gene differs. We used immediate early gene and proenkephalin expression as a means of assessing food cue-elicited regional activation and alterations in functional connectivity within the forebrain.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Contextual cues associated with palatable food elicited conditioned motor activation and corticosterone release in rats. This motivational state was associated with increased transcription of the activity-regulated genes <it>homer1a</it>, <it>arc</it>, <it>zif268</it>, <it>ngfi-b </it>and c-<it>fos </it>in corticolimbic, thalamic and hypothalamic areas and of proenkephalin within striatal regions. Furthermore, the functional connectivity elicited by food cues, as assessed by an inter-regional multigene-expression correlation method, differed substantially from that elicited by neutral cues. Specifically, food cues increased cortical engagement of the striatum, and within the nucleus accumbens, shifted correlations away from the shell towards the core. Exposure to the food-associated context also induced correlated gene expression between corticostriatal networks and the basolateral amygdala, an area critical for learning and responding to the incentive value of sensory stimuli. This increased corticostriatal-amygdalar functional connectivity was absent in the control group exposed to innocuous cues.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results implicate correlated activity between the cortex and the striatum, especially the nucleus accumbens core and the basolateral amygdala, in the generation of a conditioned motivated state that may promote excessive food intake. The upregulation of a number of genes in unique patterns within corticostriatal, thalamic, and hypothalamic networks suggests that food cues are capable of powerfully altering neuronal processing in areas mediating the integration of emotion, cognition, arousal, and the regulation of energy balance. As many of these genes play a role in plasticity, their upregulation within these circuits may also indicate the neuroanatomic and transcriptional correlates of extinction learning.</p

    Dorsal skin responses to subchronic ultraviolet B (UVB)-irradiation in Wistar-derived hypotrichotic WBN/ILA-Ht rats

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    Dorsal skin responses to a subchronic UVBirradiation (10kJ/m2/rat /day), were examined in Wistarderived hypotrichotic WBN/ILA-Ht rats for up to 3 months. Hyperplasia of epidermal cells and hair follicle epithelial cells as well as parakeratosis developed at 1 month and progressed thereafter, resulting in a prominent epidermis thickening and formation of epidermal ingrowths projecting into the dermis. At the same time, the percentage of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)-positive epidermal cells significantly increased after 1 month. In some portions of the hyperplastic epidermis, especially of the epidermal ingrowths, keratinocytes were somewhat pleomorphic and migrated into the dermis. In the upper dermis, edema with capillary congestion, mast cell infiltration and fibroblast proliferation developed at 1 month, and the intensity of edema and the number of dermal mast cells was most prominent at 3 months. Edema spread to the epidermis, resulting in intercellular edema and subsequent dissociation of epidermal cells. Degeneration of collagen fibers was also detected in the upper dermis, especially beneath the epidermis. In addition, although not significant because of a large individual difference, the serum IgE concentration, showed a tendency to increase after 2 months. The present study clarified the characteristics of the dorsal skin responses to a subchronic UVB-irradiation in rats

    Ultrastructure of spontaneous glomerular lesions in Syrian hamsters of APA strain

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    Electron microscopic observations were carried out on the spontaneous glomerular lesions in male APA hamsters from 3 to 12 months of age. Until 6 months of age, focal expansion of mesangial region due to an increase of matrix material and mesangial cells was characteristic, and segmental thickening of capillary basement membrane and partial effacement of foot processes of podocytes were also sometimes observed. At 12 months of age, although al1 of these changes became more severe, the most prominent alteration was found in podocytes, which showed various degenerative changes. No deposition of amyloid fibrils was detected in any portion of the glomerulus