557 research outputs found

    Insights into the Effect of Urban Morphology and Land Cover on Land Surface and Air Temperatures in the Metropolitan City of Milan (Italy) Using Satellite Imagery and In Situ Measurements

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    With a concentration of people, activities, and infrastructures, urban areas are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change. Among others, the intensification of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect is leading to an increased impact on citizen health and the urban ecosystem. In this context, this study aims to investigate the effect of urban morphology and land cover composition-which are established by exploiting the Local Climate Zone (LCZ) classification system-on two urban climate indicators, i.e., Land Surface Temperature (LST) and air temperature. The study area is the Metropolitan City of Milan (northern Italy). LCZ and LST maps are derived by leveraging satellite imagery and building height datasets. Both authoritative and crowdsourced in situ measurements are used for the analysis of air temperature. Several experiments are run to investigate the mutual relation between LCZ, LST, and air temperature by measuring LST and air temperature patterns in different LCZs and periods. Besides a strong temporal correlation between LST and air temperature, results point out vegetation and natural areas as major mitigating factors of both variables. On the other hand, higher buildings turn out to increase local air temperature while buffering LST values. A way lower influence of building density is measured, with compact building areas experiencing slightly higher air temperature yet no significant differences in terms of LST. These outcomes provide valuable tools to urban planners and stakeholders for implementing evidence-based UHI mitigation strategies

    Active dispersal of Aedes albopictus: a mark-release-recapture study using self-marking units

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    BACKGROUND: Understanding the dispersal dynamics of invasive mosquito species is fundamental to improve vector surveillance and to target control efforts. Aedes albopictus has been deemed a poor flyer as its range of active dispersal is generally assumed to be limited to a few hundred metres, while laboratory studies suggest this mosquito could actually fly several kilometres. The discrepancy may be due to differences in the local environment or to the methodological approach. In Switzerland, Ae. albopictus has been present since 2003 and has since then expanded its range. While passive dispersal is a key driver, it remains unclear how far this mosquito spreads through active flight and what the age structure and size of the local population are, all important parameters for vector surveillance and control. METHOD: We investigated the active dispersal, daily survival rate and population size of Ae. albopictus in mark-release-recapture studies in Coldrerio and Lugano, two areas of intensive control in Switzerland. To mark mosquitoes emerging from breeding sites, we used self-marking units with fluorescent pigment that have minimal impact on mosquito survival and behaviour. We recaptured the adult mosquitoes with BG-Sentinel traps within a radius of 1 km from the marking units over 22 consecutive days. RESULTS: We found that 77.5% of the recaptured Ae. albopictus individuals flew further than 250 m, the limit that is usually deemed sufficient for vector containment. The average age of females and males was 8.6 days and 7.8 days in Coldrerio and Lugano, respectively, while the estimated mosquito population densities were 134 mosquitoes/ha in Coldrerio and 767 mosquitoes/ha in Lugano. CONCLUSIONS: Self-marking units are an effective tool to mark wild mosquitoes. Using this approach, we found that mosquitoes survive long enough to potentially transmit arboviral disease in our study area and that host-seeking Ae. albopictus females may travel further than previously assumed for European mosquito populations. This finding has direct implications for vector control as emergency treatments around positive cases, as well as surveillance and control around detections of new infestations, might need to be extended beyond the usual recommended range of just a few hundred metres

    Self organized mode locking effect in superconductor / ferromagnet hybrids

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    The vortex dynamics in a low temperature superconductor deposited on top of a rectangular array of micrometer size permalloy triangles is investigated experimentally. The rectangular unit cell is such that neighboring triangles physically touch each other along one direction. This design stabilizes remanent states which differ from the magnetic vortex state typical of individual non-interacting triangles. Magnetic Force Microscopy images have revealed that the magnetic landscape of the template can be switched to an ordered configuration after magnetizing the sample with an in-plane field. The ordered phase exhibits a broad flux flow regime with relatively low critical current and a highly anisotropic response. This behavior is caused by the spontaneous formation of two separated rows of vortices and antivortices along each line of connected triangles. The existence of a clear flux flow regime even for zero external field supports this interpretation. The density of induced vortex-antivortex pairs is directly obtained using a high frequency measurement technique which allows us to resolve the discrete motion of vortices. Strikingly, the presence of vortex-antivortex rows gives rise to a self organized synchronized motion of vortices which manifests itself as field independent Shapiro steps in the current-voltage characteristics.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Validation of Constraints Among Configuration Parameters Using Search-Based Combinatorial Interaction Testing

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    The appeal of highly-configurable software systems lies in their adaptability to users’ needs. Search-based Combinatorial Interaction Testing (CIT) techniques have been specifically developed to drive the systematic testing of such highly-configurable systems. In order to apply these, it is paramount to devise a model of parameter configurations which conforms to the software implementation. This is a non-trivial task. Therefore, we extend traditional search-based CIT by devising 4 new testing policies able to check if the model correctly identifies constraints among the various software parameters. Our experiments show that one of our new policies is able to detect faults both in the model and the software implementation that are missed by the standard approaches

    Synthesis, Characterization, Fluorescence Properties, and DFT Modeling of Difluoroboron Biindolediketonates

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    We report a simple and efficient strategy to enhance the fluorescence of biocompatible biindole diketonates (bdks) in the visible spectrum through difluoroboronation (BF2bdks complexes). Emission spectroscopy testifies an increase in the fluorescence quantum yields from a few percent to as much as >0.7. This massive increment is essentially independent of substitutions at the indole (-H, -Cl, and -OCH3) and corresponds to a significant stabilization of the excited state with respect to non-radiative decay mechanisms: the non-radiative decay rates are reduced by as much as an order of magnitude, from 109 s−1 to 108 s−1, upon difluoroboronation. The stabilization of the excited state is large enough to enable sizeable 1O2 photosensitized production. Different time-dependent (TD) density functional theory (DFT) methods were assessed in their ability to model the electronic properties of the compounds, with TD-B3LYP-D3 providing the most accurate excitation energies. The calculations associate the first active optical transition in both the bdks and BF2bdks electronic spectra to the S0 → S1 transition, corresponding to a shift in the electronic density from the indoles to the oxygens or the O-BF2-O unit, respectively

    On topological spin excitations on a rigid torus

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    We study Heisenberg model of classical spins lying on the toroidal support, whose internal and external radii are rr and RR, respectively. The isotropic regime is characterized by a fractional soliton solution. Whenever the torus size is very large, R→∞R\to\infty, its charge equals unity and the soliton effectively lies on an infinite cylinder. However, for R=0 the spherical geometry is recovered and we obtain that configuration and energy of a soliton lying on a sphere. Vortex-like configurations are also supported: in a ring torus (R>rR>r) such excitations present no core where energy could blow up. At the limit R→∞R\to\infty we are effectively describing it on an infinite cylinder, where the spins appear to be practically parallel to each other, yielding no net energy. On the other hand, in a horn torus (R=rR=r) a singular core takes place, while for R<rR<r (spindle torus) two such singularities appear. If RR is further diminished until vanish we recover vortex configuration on a sphere.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    C60/NiFe combination as a promising platform for molecular spintronics

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    Spintronics based on ferromagnetic metals and organic semiconductors has attracted great interest in recent years. Molecular-based spintronic devices, such as magnetic tunnel junctions, have been demonstrated with performances competing with those of conventional inorganic devices. Still, there is huge margin for improvement, as many details about the injection of spin-polarized electrons into the molecular layer remain not completely understood. In order to achieve better understanding and control of the physical mechanisms, it is necessary to explore various combinations of ferromagnetic metals and organic semiconductors. In this letter, we study the properties of the combination between the ferromagnetic metal NiFe (commonly known as Permalloy or Py) and the molecular system C60. We produced C60/Py bilayers and characterized them structurally, electrically and magnetically. The C 60 films grow smoothly on both Py and SiO2 substrates, and we estimate that a 5-nm-thick C60 film covers completely the surface underneath without leaving pinholes and can be therefore used in a vertical device, as confirmed by electrical characterization. Furthermore, the C 60 film is robust against the deposition of the top metal electrode, being the intermixing layer of only 1-2 nm at the C60/Py interface. Finally, we show that the magnetic properties of Py are not affected by the deposition sequence, and that a 5-nm-thick Py layer on top of a C60 layer keeps its magnetic properties intact. These results show that the combination between Py and C60 provides a robust template platform for the development of molecular spintronics, and can be used later on for more sophisticated investigations, such as the role of the interfaces in the spin injection.Fil: Gobbi, M.. No especifíca;Fil: Pascual, A.. No especifíca;Fil: Golmar, Federico. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Llopis, R.. No especifíca;Fil: Vavassori, P.. No especifíca;Fil: Casanova, F.. No especifíca;Fil: Hueso, L. E.. No especifíca

    Absence of stable collinear configurations in Ni(001)ultrathin films: canted domain structure as ground state

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    Brillouin light scattering (BLS) measurements were performed for (17-120) Angstrom thick Cu/Ni/Cu/Si(001) films. A monotonic dependence of the frequency of the uniform mode on an in-plane magnetic field H was observed both on increasing and on decreasing H in the range (2-14) kOe, suggesting the absence of a metastable collinear perpendicular ground state. Further investigation by magneto-optical vector magnetometry (MOKE-VM) in an unconventional canted-field geometry provided evidence for a domain structure where the magnetization is canted with respect to the perpendicular to the film. Spin wave calculations confirm the absence of stable collinear configurations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures (text, appendix and 1 figure added

    Magnetoplasmonic design rules for active magneto-optics

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    Light polarization rotators and non-reciprocal optical isolators are essential building blocks in photonics technology. These macroscopic passive devices are commonly based on magneto-optical Faraday and Kerr polarization rotation. Magnetoplasmonics - the combination of magnetism and plasmonics - is a promising route to bring these devices to the nanoscale. We introduce design rules for highly tunable active magnetoplasmonic elements in which we can tailor the amplitude and sign of the Kerr response over a broad spectral range
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