318 research outputs found

    Peculiarities of spectra of induced emission of polymethine dye solutions at low temperatures

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    Results from studying the induced emission spectra with monochromatic excitation (superluminescent regime) within a temperature range of 300 K - 5.2 K are presented. The significant feature of such operations is the appearance of quasi-lines whose minimum width is realized at 4.2 K. The frequency distribution of the quasi-lines unambiguously characterizes the dye investigated. When interpreting these results, the idea of an inhomogeneous broadening of the polymethine dye spectra in the solution being studied experimentally was used for the first time. The quasi-lines observed are interpreted as a manifestation of the electron vibration structure of singlet states of a complex molecule

    OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY IN PATIENTS WITH REFRACTIVE ERRORS. Part 1: The thickness of the peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer

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    Purpose. To develop an available method to correct the influence of the optical system of long or short eyes on the thickness of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (pRNFL), measured using the optical coherence tomography (OCT).Material and methods. The study involved 46 patients (46 eyes) aged 18 to 40 years, with moderate and high myopia and the best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) not lower than 0.8, as well as 53 healthy persons with emmetropia of the same sex and age (comparative group) and 117 healthy emmetropic individuals aged 41-84 years (group «over 40 years old»). The OCT was performed using a Cirrus HD-OCT device (Carl Zeiss Meditec). An analysis of the literature was conducted for the selection of the optimal method to correct the influence of the eye optical system on the pRNFL parameters.Results. Taking into account the literature data, Littmann’s method (1982), modified by Bennett et al. (1994), was chosen for a correction of the influence of the ocular optical system on the pRNFL. The method was modified and adopted to the emmetropic eye with a 23.5 mm axial length. The pRNFL normative data were defined for such eyes. Despite the high visual acuity, the patients with myopia showed a significant decrease in the thickness of pRNFL (83.9±5.4 µm) compared to the healthy individuals (96.1±8.2 µm, P<0.000) and the correlation of the pRNFL thickness with the axial length of the eye (r=-0.394; P=0.007).After the correction by the suggested modified method, the average RNFL thickness (96.0±5.8 µm) did not differ from the healthy individuals, and there was no correlation with the axial length of the eye. A table was developed that allows to correct the pRNFL thickness taking into account the axial length of the eye.Conclusion. The OCT devices of most manufacturers do not consider the effect of refractive errors, especially in case of high degree, on quantitative measurements of structures of the eye fundus. For a correct interpretation of pRNFL measurements in these patients, the existing methods of calculation were improved and an original table was proposed, which provides a quick assessment of the obtained results

    The National Model of Social Policy as a Factor of Economic Development

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    The content of social policy as a factor of economic development is disclosed. In the context of the growing role of human potential and the use of modern technologies, new forms of capital (intellectual, human, social) are acquiring special weight. Reproduction of these forms of capital is possible through an efficient national social policy. It is proved that only in conditions of an inclusive institutional mode of flexible, active and comprehensive social policy it is possible to accumulate national potential of both the level and the quality of life of population. A characterization of the main existing models of social policy is provided and the need to develop an own model of social policy is defined, which would take attention of the national peculiarities of development (economic, political, demographic) along with the mental specificity of population of the country. It is proved that only under such conditions social policy becomes a component of economic development. The directions of improvement of social policy in Ukraine are summarized

    Semi-analytical hybrid approach for modelling wave motion excited by a piezoelectric transducer in a laminate with multiple cracks

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    A semi-analytical hybrid approach is presented here to simulate the dynamic behaviour of a multi-layered elastic waveguide with a system of delaminations and a piezoelectric transducer mounted on the surface of the waveguide. The proposed hybrid approach combines the advantages of the frequency domain spectral element method, which is applied to discretize a complex-shaped piezoelectric structure, and the boundary integral equation method employed to simulate wave propagation in multi-layered waveguide with multiple delaminations. The proposed method is applicable to the multi-parameter analysis of the phenomena related to elastic wave scattering and excitation. The advantages of the presented extended semi-analytical hybrid approach method along with the results of the parametric analysis of wave propagation in the considered structures are discussed

    Design of the University Mobile Educational Environment

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    The article addresses issues related to the description of the aspects of the instructional design of a mobile educational environment of a modern higher education institution. The authors give the definitions of the mobile educational environment, describe its functional features, and also consider the requirements for its instructional design and development. The article presents the clustering of digital services for the full implementation of a mobile educational environment (services for planning and supporting educational activities, services for organizing and supporting educational activities, communication and feedback services, general information services). The results of the experimental research to identify the attitude of students, teachers and administrative workers to the functional significance of mobile technologies and their application in the educational process are presented

    Influence of summer temperatures on basic economic and tourism indicators of the middle mediterranean

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    The Middle Mediterranean is characterized by long, hot, and dry summers, significant historical and cultural values, and the warm Mediterranean sea, making it attractive for coastal tourism. Given these characteristics, the goal of our paper is to analyze the influence of summer temperatures in the region of the Middle Mediterranean on the values of underlying economic and tourism indicators. The method of simple linear correlation and regression was used. Based on the results of testing, we came to the conclusion that the temperatures in the summer months have no significant influence on selected economic and tourism indicators. Also, we conclude that social factors have the greatest influence on these indicators. The coefficients of variation are calculated in the observed period to analyze the variability of the tested values. It could not be identified a statistically significant relationship of indicators with summer temperatures

    Endothelial dysfunction in adolescents with arterial hypertension: results of rheovasographic evaluation and heart rate variability analysis

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    Background As a major regulator of local vascular homeostasis, the endothelium maintains vascular tone through the balance between vasodilatation and vasoconstriction. Upsetting this tight balance leads to endothelial dysfunction . The latter is thought to be a marker of future cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients. The purpose of this research was to assess endothelial vasomotor function with relation to heart rate variability in adolescents with arterial hypertension. Material and methods 56 adolescents (33 males, 23 females, aged 22 ± 2 years) were subdivided into equal groups (regarding gender, age, body mass index and genetic burden) according to hypertension appearance and smoking habits. All of them underwent forearm rheovasography with measurements of reactive hyperemia test heart rate variability being taken (a five-minute recording). As reliable values for evaluating endothelial function, relative changes in the peak blood flow velocity (DdZ/ /dT) and pulse blood volume (DdV) at the 1st min after reperfusion were used. The following parameters of the time (RRNN, SDNN, RMSSD, pNN50, CV) and frequency (TP, VLF, LF, HF; LF/HF) domain analysis were used for assessing heart rate modulation. Results Our analysis elicited a significant difference in both velocity and volume characteristics between hypertensive smokers and healthy individuals. Endothelial function in hypertensive non-smoking patients and normotensive smokers was also impaired. Heart rate variability was decreased and sympathetic tone prevailed in hypertensive adolescents. Both are associated with endothelial dysfunction. Conclusions Endothelial function is likely to be impaired in hypertensive adolescents, particularly among those who smoke. Moreover, heart rate variability is decreased and sympathetic tone prevails with relation to endothelial dysfunction towards the autonomic imbalance


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    The article examines the role of innovations in the development of the national economy. We have analyzed the dynamics of budget financing of strategic priorities of innovative activities and activities in the field of technology transfer in Ukraine for 2019-2021. Priorities support increases annually, and there were identified priorities where funding  decreases.We conducted a predictive assessment of innovative projects using the clustering procedure. The implementation of the proposed proposal is highlighted in the example of 46 research works in the medical field. A scoring system for planned scientific results and products of research work has been developed, and relative values of indicators were calculated,  which were the basis of clustering. The Fuzzy Clustering and Data Analysis  Toolbox program set is used to solve the problem of fuzzy clustering based  on the fuzzy c-means algorithm. It was determined that factors such as  novelty, the expected effect of implementation, the methodological level and  material and technical base of the study, and the qualifications of the  main performers of the study have an impact on the predictive effectiveness  and the final results. The results of clustering research work according to the specified indicators, and three clusters were obtained. Analysis of the structure of indicators in clusters showed that the first cluster includes the most effective research works and the second – intermediate ones. The  hird cluster includes ineffective scientific research. Attribution of the planned research to a certain cluster based on expert evaluations of four  selected informative indicators allows for predicting the possible  ffectiveness of the innovation with sufficient accuracy.The statistic of indicators of average scores in each cluster was analyzed. Reliable differences between clusters were established using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test. The conducted clustering provides reasonable recommendations regarding the feasibility of financing  an innovative project based on forecast expert assessments. У статті розглянуто роль інновацій у розвитку національної економіки.  Проаналізовано динаміку бюджетного фінансування стратегічних  пріоритетів інноваційної діяльності та діяльності у сфері трансферу  технологій в Україні за 2019–2021 роки. Визначено пріоритети, підтримка  яких зростає щорічно, та пріоритети, де фінансування зменшується. Запропоновано здійснювати прогнозну оцінку інноваційних проєктів з використанням процедури кластреризації.  Висвітлено реалізацію винесеної пропозиції на прикладі науково-дослідних робіт медичної сфери. Показано бальну систему експертної  оцінки інноваційних розробок. Визначено показники, що мають  найбільший вплив на прогнозну ефективність. Наведено результати кластеризації науково-дослідних робіт за визначеними показниками. Проаналізовані статистичні показники середніх бальних оцінок в  кожному кластері. Встановлено достовірні відмінності між кластерами з використанням непараметричного критерію Манна–Уітні. Проведена  кластеризація дає обґрунтовані рекомендації щодо доцільності  фінансування інноваційного проєкту на основі прогнозних експертних оцінок.