2,290 research outputs found

    Soyuz 22: New contribution to earth study from space

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    The mission of space flight Soyuz-22 was to develop new and improved methods and means for finding tthe Earth's natural resources from outer space to aid the economy. With the help of the new multispectral space camera, MKF-6, the cosmonauts were able to photograph selected areas of U.S.S.R. and the German Democratic Republic in 4 visible and 2 infrared regions of the spectrum. The MKF-6 can simultaneously photograph areas in 6 spectral regions and register both the natural electromagnetic radiation of surface objects and the solar radiation reflected by them

    Mechanisms of water-salt metabolism disturbances in dogs subjected to six month hypokinesia

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    Water-salt metabolism in dogs during prolonged restricted motor activity (hypokinesia) was investigated. It was found that hydration occurred and fluid was redistributed between the extra- and intra-cellular sectors. Also, electrolyte excretion rose, and magnetism and calcium metabolism changed significantly. It is concluded that the forces caused by muscle strain proper (which was decreased under conditions of hypokinesia) influence the state of bone metabolism

    Crisis Identification and Development of Crisis Management Algorithm in the Agricultural Sector

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    The efficiency of many enterprises has declined significantly in the current global crisis. Enterprise management is the management of joint activities of people, which consists of many problems. The primary tactical tasks for most business entities are “patching holes” (or a reactive form of management) and preventing bankruptcy. This approach does not allow to achieve sustainable operation of the enterprise in the long term. Therefore, the formation of an effective mechanism for managing enterprises is acquiring special significance in today's conditions. The crisis is characterized by many interrelated situations that increase the complexity and risk of management. The problem of evaluating the effectiveness of enterprises is still one of the most complex and intractable. The crisis is objectively characterized by many interrelated situations that increase the complexity and risk of management. The crisis state of the enterprise is particularly difficult in predicting the results of management actions, since the course of events can be changed by relatively small impacts. Based on this, the company should be able to analyze both its own interests and the interests of business partners with whom the company enters into economic relations. There is such a problem as low management competence in the agricultural sector. In this regard, the development of enterprises becomes an urgent problem. This can be achieved by forming a scientifically based algorithm of actions aimed at improving the position of enterprises in the market. The subject of the study is the formation of a crisis identification system and the development of an enterprise crisis management algorithm. The theoretical and practical significance of solving problems associated with achieving sustainable development and functioning of enterprises determined the choice of goals, objectives, object and subject of this study. Based on the foregoing, the object of study is industrial (processing) agricultural enterprises. The research task is to propose a set of measures to overcome the crisis in the processing industrial enterprise. A set of measures has been proposed and justified to overcome the crisis in an industrial enterprise, which will help in managing the economic entity and the result of the implementation of this approach should be overcoming the crisis. The proposed measures can be applied not only by industrial processing enterprises, but also by other economic entities

    Патентные исследования в Интернете

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    Paper deals with patent research algorithm in Internet for a concrete case.В статье рассматривается алгоритм патентных исследований в Интернете на конкретном примере

    Educational portal of PetrSU

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    В статье рассматривается образовательный портал ПетрГУ.The article discusses the Educational portal of PetrSU


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    In the present economic situation, effective management accounting of the activities of any agricultural enterprise implies regular monitoring using a whole range of traditional and innovative analytical and management tools. In the conditions of the modern market, the need for research of the theory and practice of management accounting and its features in relation to a specific target audience is growing. Among the diversity of agricultural organizations, the most important is to identify priorities in improving the business in order to increase its efficiency and uniqueness. In this paper, with the help of tools, various aspects of management accounting are analyzed, a new generalized direction of accounting is defined, a new concept of management accounting is given, the most effective and optimal management approaches are identified for effective decision making.The proposed measures can be applied not only by agricultural organizations, but also by other economic entities. The proposed system of management accounting in agriculture can serve as a starting point for scientific research and improvement of management accounting.En la situación económica actual, la contabilidad de gestión efectiva de las actividades de cualquier empresa agrícola implica un monitoreo regular utilizando toda una gama de herramientas analíticas y de gestión tradicionales e innovadoras. En las condiciones del mercado moderno, la necesidad de investigar la teoría y la práctica de la contabilidad de gestión y sus características en relación con un público objetivo específico está creciendo. Entre la diversidad de organizaciones agrícolas, lo más importante es identificar las prioridades para mejorar el negocio con el fin de aumentar su eficiencia y singularidad. En este documento, con la ayuda de herramientas, se analizan diversos aspectos de la contabilidad de gestión, se define una nueva dirección generalizada de contabilidad, se proporciona un nuevo concepto de contabilidad de gestión, se identifican los enfoques de gestión más eficaces y óptimos para una toma de decisiones efectiva. Las medidas propuestas pueden ser aplicadas no solo por organizaciones agrícolas, sino también por otras entidades económicas. El sistema propuesto de contabilidad de gestión en la agricultura puede servir como punto de partida para la investigación científica y la mejora de la contabilidad de gestión.В настоящее время в сложившейся экономической ситуации эффективный управленческий учет деятельности любого сельскохозяйственного предприятия подразумевает регулярный мониторинг, с помощью целого комплекса традиционных и инновационных аналитических и управленческих инструментов. В условиях современного рынка все больше возрастает потребность в исследовании теории и практики управленческого учета и ее особенностей применительно к конкретной целевой аудитории. Среди создавшегося многообразия сельскохозяйственных организаций наиболее важным является определение приоритетов в совершенствовании собственного бизнеса с целью повышения его эффективности и уникальности. В настоящей работе с помощью управленческих инструментов проанализированы различные аспекты управленческого учета, определено новое обобщенное направление управленческого учета, дано новое понятие управленческого учета, определены наиболее эффективные и оптимальные управленческие подходы для целей выработки эффективных решений.Предложенные мероприятия могут быть применены не только организациями сельского хозяйства, но и другими экономическими субъектами. Предложенная система управленческого учета в сельском хозяйстве может послужить отправной точкой для научных разработок и совершенствования управленческого учета