86 research outputs found

    Наноалмазы как идеальные наноносители для циансодежащих цитостатиков

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    Цианосодержащие цитостатики - новый класс открытых нами лекарств, которые благодаря цианогруппам хорошо закрепляются на наноалмазах, с увеличением активности

    A survey of helminths of polar bears in the Russian Arctic

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    The polar bear Ursus maritimus is a circumpolar species classified as vulnerable and included in the IUCN Red List. It is considered to be practically free of helminth parasites with the only species reported being Trichinella spiralis s. l. Samples of feces were collected on Chukotka coast, Wrangel Island and on ice floes in the Kara, Laptev and Chukchi seas in 2013-2015 in different seasons of the year. Coprological diagnostics was carried out using the standard flotation and sedimentation methods. In the samples collected in the snow-free period, a single sample (3.7%) was found to contain eggs of the nematode Toxascaris sp. In three out of 9 samples collected in the winter, eggs of a cestode Diphyllobothrium sp., of unidentified trematodes (presumably Heterophyidae) and of the strongylid nematode Uncinaria stenocephala were found as well as the first stage nematode larvae tentatively identified as Crenosoma sp. Viable Trichinella nativa larvae were recovered from the muscles of a female animal from north of Yakutia

    Development of technology for obtaining electrodes based on copper wire using in the manufacture of solar modules

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    To optimize the technological process of manufacturing copper wire coated with solder of the POIN-52 grade, the optimal modes for the tinning temperature, linear velocity, diameter of the diamond die and flux were identified. It was found that the best wire tinning process is achieved when cleaning the surface of a copper wire by the method of electrochemical degreasing. The results of the tests showed that, in terms of mechanical and electrical parameters wire meets the require-ments for electrodes in the manufacture of solar modules. The results of climatic tests of solar modules  showed a high degree of reliability with a power loss of 0.86% and thermal cycling tests with a power loss of 0.4%, which is within tolerance

    Structure and Hardness Variations Through Section of Hot-Forged Pipe Billet from PT-1M Alloy

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    In this paper structure and hardness variations through the section of the hot-forged pipe billet from the PT-1M alloy were studied by the methods of macro, micro, X-ray structural and durometric analyzes. A coarse nonuniform structure through sections of the pipe billet and the relationship between the structure and the hardness were established.     Keywords: titanium alloy PT-1M, hot deformation, macrostructure, microstructure, hardness


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    HIV infection poses a threat to the existence of humankind as a whole. Currently, lamivudine is widely used in antiretroviral therapy regimens. Modern methods of assessing quality, both in substance and in tablets, are characterized by a number of shortcomings: high cost of equipment, expensive GSO production of the United States. The development of new methods for the analysis of lamivudine, as well as the improvement of existing methods, is an urgent problem. The purpose of this study is to develop a new technique for the quantitative determination of lamivudine by UV spectrophotometric method using a standard sample. The absorption spectrum of lamivudine solutions was studied at different pH values (1.1-14.1) in the wavelength range 200-400 nm. The optimal solvent for the spectrophotometric determination of the test substance was 0.1M HCl (pH 1.1). At pH 1.1, two absorption bands with absorption maxima at wavelengths of 212 ± 1 nm and 279 ± 1 nm are observed in the absorption spectrum of the lamivudine solution. A substance of organic nature, 4,4'-dihydroxyphthalophenone, was chosen as the standard sample for the determination of lamivudine. The maximum absorption of lamivudine (279 nm) is included in the optimal range for 4,4'-dihydroxy-phthalophenone (268-282 nm). The conversion ratio of lamivudine for 4,4'-dihydroxyphthalophenone is 0.1985. The error in determining lamivudine in the substance does not exceed 0.85 %, in tablets -1.6 %. The validation assessment confirmed the compliance of the developed methodology with normative documents and its suitability for analysis


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    Nowadays in chronic diseases structure mental derangement leading to disability and mortality of population comes to the front. As a result of illicit traffic of drugs extension, using psychoactive medicinal agents by drug abusers for intensification of intoxication and alleviation of abstinence syndrome has been fixed to increase. It results in occurrence of poisonings. The main goal of the work is a development of strategy of chemical-toxicological analysis of psychoactive medical agents useable for combined poisonings via thin-layer chromatography method. The research offers the results of studying the chromatographic behaviour of tofisopam and fluoxetine combined with psychoactive medicinal agents on chromatographic plates "Sorbfil UV-254" and "Armcorb UV-254" in general solvent systems. It is shown that separation of psychoactive substances does not occur accurate enough. Therefore, it is necessary to develop particular chromatographic systems. A system of composition of toluol - acetone - 25% solution of ammonia is revealed and can be recommended in screening while carrying out a nondirectional analysis of tofisopam and fluoxetine. In this system, all combinations under research are detected. A search of particular chromatographic systems was carried out by changing the quantity of toluol, acetone and ammonia. It is established that solvent systems of toluol - acetone - 25% solution of ammonia in a ratio 50:50:1 and 50:50:4 are optimal for identification of combinations with tofisopam and fluoxetine accordingly. The developed method allows detecting tofisopam and fluoxetine in urine on a preliminary step of research both individually and in combinations with psychoactive medicinal agents


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    Forensic chemical examination is carried out in order to isolate, identify and quantify toxic, narcotic, psychotropic and potent substances in the organs and fluids of the human body. The present study we researched the process of extraction of 2,3-benzodiazepine - tofisopam. There have been cases of tofisopam poisoning. And there are no descriptions of tofisopam isolation from biological fluids in the literature. Liquid extraction, an effective and commonly used method of isolation in the chemical-toxicological analysis, is used when extracting substances from blood, lymph, saliva, urine and stomach washings. The process of isolation may be influenced by the nature of the organic solvent, pH, the presence of an electrolyte, time and frequency of extraction. We have studied the effect of each factor on tofisopam isolation from aqueous solutions. It has been found that the optimal organic solvent for the extraction of the solutions is dichloroethane, which extracts maximum amount of the analyte at pH = 5.0. Saturated sodium sulphate has a salting-in effect for tofisopam. The optimum conditions for tofisopam isolating are 7 minutes with double extraction. Based on the research method of tofisopam isolating the model mixture of urine was developed. We found that this model urine mixture isolates 66.51-67.9l % of tofisopam. We performed validation assessment of the developed method for evaluation of precision and accuracy. The assessment showed the suitability of techniques for the analysis

    Relationship Between Structure and Properties of the Large-Size Billet of Titanium Alloy PT-7M

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    In this paper the interrelation between the structure, hardness and strain resistance at 875 ∘C of the hot-forged pipe billet of the titanium alloy PT-7M (Ti-2.2Al-2.5Zr) was studied by the methods of macro, micro, XRDA, durometric analyzes and hot upsetting operation at 875 ∘C. It was found, that the volume fraction of the large grains reduced and recrystallized from the center to the surface of the pipe billet. As a result, hardness and strain resistance grew at 875 ∘C from the center to the surface of the billet.     Keywords: titanium alloy PT-7M, hot deformation, phase composition, structure, texture, hardness, strain resistance

    Structure and Properties of the Billet of PT-1M Alloy after Expanding

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    In this paper the macro-, microstructure, the hardness and the modulus of elasticity for the billet of the PT-1M alloy after expanding was studied. It was shown the expanding resulted to grain refinement near inner surface of the billet due to the recrystallization. The relationship between the structure through sections, the hardness and the modulus of elasticity was established.     Keywords: titanium alloy PT-1M, expanding, macrostructure, microstructure, hardness, modulus of elasticit

    Effects of radiation and manganese oxide nanoparticles on human glioblastoma cell line U-87 MG glycolysis

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    Gliomas are the most common type of malignant brain tumors. Standard treatment of gliomas consists of surgical excision of the tumor with subsequent chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Tumor cells are characterized by rapid division with an increased uptake of glucose and its catabolism during glycolysis. To maintain rapid division, the level of glycolysis of the tumor cell is significantly increased, compared with normal cells. It is known that some nanoparticles (NP) have the property of accumulating in tumors. In particular, NPs of manganese oxide can penetrate into the brain and, with considerable accumulation, cause toxic effects. These facts served as a prerequisite for studying the effects of manganese oxide NPs on the viability of glioma cells. The purpose of this work was to study the effects of manganese oxide NPs, as well as their combination with gamma irradiation on the glycolysis of glioma cells. The cells were irradiated using the research radiobiological gamma-installation IGUR-1 based on 137Cs. The level of cell glycolysis was determined using the standard glycolytic stress test on a Seahorse XFp platform. Cell viability was determined using the ViaCount reagent staining of living and dead cells. Their count was performed using flow cytometry. We showed that the glycolysis of U-87 MG glioma cells was significantly reduced when incubated for 48 hours with manganese oxide NPs. Irradiation in combination with NPs or alone did not have significant effects on glycolysis of gliomas. Glioma incubation with manganese oxide NPs for 72 hours led to a significant reduction in cell viability. This study may be useful for the development of new therapies and diagnosis of gliomas