101 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic Waves Excitation by Thin Impedance Vibrators and Narrow Slots in Electrodynamic Volumes

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    Linear vibrator and slot radiators, i.e., radiators of electric and magnetic type, respectively, are widely used as separate receiver and transmitter structures, elements of antenna systems, and antenna-feeder devices, including combined vibrator-slot structures. Widespread occurrence of such radiators is an objective prerequisite for theoretical analysis of their electrodynamic characteristics. During the last decades, researchers have published results which make it possible to create a modern theory of thin vibrator and narrow slot radiators. This theory combines the fundamental asymptotic methods for determining the single radiator characteristics, the hybrid analytic-numerical approaches, and the direct numerical techniques for electrodynamic analysis of such radiators. However, the electrodynamics of single linear electric and magnetic radiators is far from been completed. It may be explained by further development of modern antenna techniques and antenna-feeder devices, which can be characterized by such features as multielement structures, integration, and modification of structural units to minimize their mass and dimensions and to ensure electromagnetic compatibility of radio aids, application of metamaterials, formation of required spatial-energy, and spatial-polarization distributions of electromagnetic fields in various nondissipative and dissipative media. To solve these tasks, electric and magnetic radiators, based on various impedance structures with irregular geometric or electrophysical parameters and on combined vibrator-slot structures, should be created. This chapter presents the methodological basis for application of the generalized method of induced EMMF for the analysis of electrodynamic characteristics of the combined vibrator-slot structures. Characteristic feature of the generalization to a new class of approximating functions consists in using them as a function of the current distributions along the impedance vibrator and slot elements; these distributions are derived as the asymptotic solution of integral equations for the current (key problems) by the method of averaging. It should be noted that for simple structures similar to that considered in the model problem, the proposed approach yields an analytic solution of the electrodynamic problem. For more complex structures, the method may be used to design effective numerical-analytical algorithms for their analyses. The demonstrative simulation (the comparative analysis of all electrodynamic characteristics in the operating frequencies range) has confirmed the validity of the proposed generalized method of induced EMMF for analysis of vibrator-slot systems with rather arbitrary structure (within accepted assumptions). Here, as examples, some fragments of this comparative analysis were presented. This method retains all benefits of analytical methods as compared with direct numerical methods and allows to expand significantly the boundaries of numerical and analytical studies of practically important problems, concerning the application of single impedance vibrator, including irregular vibrator, the systems of such vibrators, and narrow slots

    Аналіз обсягу споживання пероральних цукрознижувальних лікарських засобів протягом 2014-2017 років на фармацевтичному ринку України

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    Diabetes mellitus is the most urgent problem of modern endocrinology, and it is due to the high prevalence and complications that develop on the background of the disease.Aim. To analyze the study of consumption of oral hypoglycemic agents at the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market within 2014-2017.Materials and methods. Oral hypoglycemic agents presented at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine were analyzed according to the “Pharmstandard” analytical system of the pharmaceutical market research by the “MORION” company. The consumption volumes of oral hypoglycemic agents were studied using the ATC / DDD methodology recommended by the WHO. The information concerning the DDD values is available on the WHO website.Results. During the analysis of consumption of oral hypoglycemic agents in the period of 2014-2017 it was found that among the monocomponent oral hypoglycemic agents the increase in their intake was observed within the study period for the MNN A10BA02 Metformin ranked first in the analysis of the consumption volume among oral hypoglycemic agents of other groups. The second place was INN A10B B12 Glimepiride, and the third one belonged to MNN A10B B09 Glyclazide. But there was a decrease in the consumption of MNN A10BB01 Glibenclamide due to the high risk of hypoglycaemia. Regarding the fixed combinations, INN A10B D02 Metformin and Glibenclamide were in the greatest demand among consumers at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine.Conclusions. The results of the use of oral hypoglycemic agents indicate the spread of the European trend for the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes: early diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, as well as the treatment of pre-diabetes and mild forms of diabetes with metformin.Сахарный диабет является одной из актуальных проблем современной эндокринологии, что обусловлено широкой распространенностью и осложнениями, которые развиваются на фоне заболевания.Цель: анализ исследования объема потребления пероральных сахароснижающих лекарственных средств (ПСЛС) на украинском фармацевтическом рынке за 2014-2017 годы.Материалы и методы: представленные на фармацевтическом рынке Украины ПСЛС анализировали по данным аналитической системы исследования фармацевтического рынка «Фармстандарт» компании «Морион»; объемы потребления ПСЛС исследовали с помощью рекомендованной ВОЗ ATC/DDD-методологии; сведения о величинах DDD взяты с сайта ВОЗ.Результаты. В процессе анализа объема потребления ПСЛС за период 2014-2017 гг. было обнаружено, что среди монокомпонентных ПСЛС увеличение потребления прослеживается на протяжении всего периода исследования для МНН A10BA02 метформина, который занимает первое место по результатам анализа объема потребления среди сахароснижающих ЛС других групп. Второе место занимает МНН A10B B12 глимепирид, а третье – МНН A10B B09 гликлазид. Но произошло уменьшение объема потребления МНН A10BB01 глибенкламид, что обусловлено высоким риском развития гипогликемии. Что касается фиксированных комбинаций, то на фармацевтическом рынке Украины наибольшим спросом среди потребителей пользуется МНН A10B D02 метформин и глибенкламид.Выводы. Результаты потребления ПСЛС указывают на распространение европейской тенденции лечения больных СД 2 типа: ранняя диагностика ЦД 2 типа и лечение преддиабетического состояния и легких форм диабета метформином.Цукровий діабет є однією з актуальних проблем сучасної ендокринології, що обумовлено широкою розповсюдженістю та ускладненнями, які розвиваються на тлі захворювання.Мета: аналіз дослідження обсягу споживання пероральних цукорознижувальних лікарських засобів (ПЦЛЗ) на українському фармацевтичному ринку за 2014-2017 роки.Матеріали та методи: представлені на фармацевтичному ринку України ПЦЛЗ аналізували за даними аналітичної системи дослідження фармацевтичного ринку «Фармстандарт» компанії «Моріон»; обсяги споживання ПЦЛЗ досліджували за допомогою рекомендованої ВООЗ ATC / DDD-методології; відомості про величини DDD брали на сайті ВООЗ.Результати. У процесі аналізу обсягу споживання ПЦЛЗ за період 2014-2017 рр. було виявлено, що серед монокомпонентних ПЦЛЗ збільшення споживання простежується протягом усього періоду дослідження для МНН A10BA02 метформіну, що посідає перше місце за результатами аналізу обсягу споживання серед цукрознижувальних ЛЗ. Друге місце посідає МНН A10B B12 глімепірид, а третє – МНН A10B B09 гліклазид. Але відбулося зменшення обсягів споживання МНН A10BB01 глібенкламіду, що обумовлено високим ризиком розвитку гіпоглікемії. Щодо фіксованих комбінацій, то на фармацевтичному ринку України найбільшим попитом серед споживачів користуються МНН A10B D02 метформін та глібенкламід.Висновки. Результати споживання ПЦЛЗ свідчать про поширення європейської тенденції лікування хворих на ЦД 2 типу: рання діагностика ЦД 2 типу та лікування переддіабетичного стану і легких форм діабету метформіном

    The effect of nitrate nitrogen and salicylic acid on aerenchyma formation in typha angustifolia grown in mesocosms

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    Macrophytes play a significant role in the functioning of hydroecosystems. Their activities include changes at the physiological and anatomical levels toward the action of various pollutants. This study was intended to reveal some features in aerenchyma formation in roots of Typha angustifolia exposed to various concentrations of nitrate nitrogen and salicylic acid. It was found that the resistance of T. angustifolia to nitrate nitrogen is mediated by redistribution of aerenchyma formation in the root system. The action of salicylic acids results in decreasing influence of nitrate nitrogen in two types of adventitious roots. Features of aeren-chyma formation in the soilborne roots and aquatic ones were different. © 2011

    Asymmetric neurotransmitter release enables rapid odor lateralization in Drosophila

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    In Drosophila, most individual olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) project bilaterally to both sides of the brain1,2. Having bilateral rather than unilateral projections may represent a useful redundancy. However, bilateral ORN projections to the brain should also compromise the ability to lateralize odors. Nevertheless, walking or flying Drosophila reportedly turn toward their more strongly stimulated antenna3-5. Here we show that each ORN spike releases ~40% more neurotransmitter from the axon branch ipsilateral to the soma, as compared to the contralateral branch. As a result, when an odor activates the antennae asymmetrically, ipsilateral central neurons begin to spike a few milliseconds before contralateral neurons, and ipsilateral central neurons also fire at a 30-50% higher rate. We show that a walking fly can detect a 5% asymmetry in total ORN input to its left and right antennal lobes, and can turn toward the odor in less time than it requires the fly to complete a stride. These results demonstrate that neurotransmitter release properties can be tuned independently at output synapses formed by a single axon onto two target cells with identical functions and morphologies. Our data also show that small differences in spike timing and spike rate can produce reliable differences in olfactory behavior


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    The introduction of innovative technical developments: the three-dimensional planning, using multileaf collimator, simulated by the intensity radiation therapy, improved methods of fixation significantly improved ability of accurate delivering and escalating of doses of ionizing radiation to the selected volume of tissues. This has changed the perception of the role of radiation therapy in the treatment of liver metastases. Foreign authors data suggest the possibility of reaching 95% local control one year after stereotactic radiotherapy, 92% - after two years (and 100% for tumors smaller than 3 cm.) with the development third or higher degree of radiation damage near in 2%. In 2011, after the technical upgrading of Blokhin Cancer center, the method of stereotactic radiosurgery (SBRS) was introduced in clinical practice for the treatment of patients with liver metastases. This method allows to create a high-dose ionizing radiation in metastatic tumor and cause the destruction of the tumor. This is a promising direction in the treatment of metastatic liver cancer significantly expanded the capabilities of the combined treatment. The article provides an overview of the literature on the treatment of liver metastases, and we publish the results of the use of stereotactic radiosurgery at thirty-five patients with liver metastases and clinical case of successful application of this method in patient with significant co-morbidity.Появление инновационных технических разработок: трёхмерного планирования, использование многолепесткового коллиматора, моделированной по интенсивности лучевой терапии, более совершенных методов фиксации — значительно повысили возможности точного подведения и эскалации дозы ионизирующего излучения к выбранному объёму. Это изменило представление о роли лучевой терапии в лечении метастатического поражения печени. Данные зарубежных авторов свидетельствуют о возможности достижения 95 % локального контроля че-рез год после проведения стереотаксической радиотерапии, 92 % — через два года (и 100 % для опухолей раз-мерами менее 3 см.) при развитии лучевых повреждений третьей и выше степени всего в 2 % случаев. В 2011 году, после технического перевооружения ФГБУ РОНЦ им. Н. Н. Блохина РАМН, в клинической практике для лечения больных с метастатическим поражением печени стала внедряться методика локальной стереотаксической радиохирургии (SBRS). Методика позволяет создать локально в метастатическом опухолевом узле высо-кую дозу ионизирующего излучения и вызвать разрушение опухоли. Это перспективное направление в лечении метастатического рака печени значительно расширило возможности комбинированного лечения. В статье приведен обзор литературы по лечению метастатического поражения печени, также мы публикуем результаты использования стереотаксической радиохирургии у тридцати пяти пациентов с метастатическим поражением печени и клинический случай успешного применения данной методики у соматически отягощенной пациентки

    Musashi expression in β-cells coordinates insulin expression, apoptosis and proliferation in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress in diabetes

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    Diabetes is associated with the death and dysfunction of insulin-producing pancreatic β-cells. In other systems, Musashi genes regulate cell fate via Notch signaling, which we recently showed regulates β-cell survival. Here we show for the first time that human and mouse adult islet cells express mRNA and protein of both Musashi isoforms, as well Numb/Notch/Hes/neurogenin-3 pathway components. Musashi expression was observed in insulin/glucagon double-positive cells during human fetal development and increased during directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) to the pancreatic lineage. De-differentiation of β-cells with activin A increased Msi1 expression. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress increased Msi2 and Hes1, while it decreased Ins1 and Ins2 expression, revealing a molecular link between ER stress and β-cell dedifferentiation in type 2 diabetes. These effects were independent of changes in Numb protein levels and Notch activation. Overexpression of MSI1 was sufficient to increase Hes1, stimulate proliferation, inhibit apoptosis and reduce insulin expression, whereas Msi1 knockdown had the converse effects on proliferation and insulin expression. Overexpression of MSI2 resulted in a decrease in MSI1 expression. Taken together, these results demonstrate overlapping, but distinct roles for Musashi-1 and Musashi-2 in the control of insulin expression and β-cell proliferation. Our data also suggest that Musashi is a novel link between ER stress and the compensatory β-cell proliferation and the loss of β-cell gene expression seen in specific phases of the progression to type 2 diabetes

    BubR1 as a prognostic marker for recurrence-free survival rates in epithelial ovarian cancers

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    BACKGROUND: Epithelial ovarian cancer is one of the most lethal malignancies, and has a high recurrence rate. Thus, prognostic markers for recurrence are crucial for the care of ovarian cancer. As ovarian cancers frequently exhibit chromosome instability, we aimed at assessing the prognostic significance of two key mitotic kinases, BubR1 and Aurora A. METHODS: We analysed paraffin-embedded tissue sections from 160 ovarian cancer patients whose clinical outcomes had been tracked after first-line treatment. RESULTS: The median recurrence-free survival in patients with a positive and negative expression of BubR1 was 27 and 83 months, respectively (Po0.001). A positive BubR1 expression was also associated with advanced stage, serous histology and high grade. In contrast, Aurora A immunostaining did not correlate with any of the clinical parameters analysed. CONCLUSION: BubR1, but not Aurora A, is a prognostic marker for recurrence-free survival rates in epithelial ovarian cancers.Research in the H Lee laboratory is funded by the National Research Laboratory Program from the Korean ministry of Education and Science (ROA-2008-000-20023-0). This work was also supported by the Seoul National University Hospital Grant (0420080450), the 21C Frontier Functional Genome Project (FG06- 2-14) of the Korean ministry of Education and Science, Korea Research Foundation (KRF-2005-C00097), and the National R&D Program for Cancer Control (0620070) from the Korean ministry of Health welfare and Family Affairs. Imaging facilities in the H Lee laboratory are funded by RCFC (R11-2005-009-04003-0) of the SRC program from KOSEF

    Mapping Neural Circuits with Activity-Dependent Nuclear Import of a Transcription Factor

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    Nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) is a calcium-responsive transcription factor. We describe here an NFAT-based neural tracing method—CaLexA (calcium-dependent nuclear import of Lex A)—for labeling active neurons in behaving animals. In this system, sustained neural activity induces nuclear import of the chimeric transcription factor LexA-VP16-NFAT, which in turn drives green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter expression only in active neurons. We tested this system in Drosophila and found that volatile sex pheromones excite specific neurons in the olfactory circuit. Furthermore, complex courtship behavior associated with multi-modal sensory inputs activated neurons in the ventral nerve cord. This method harnessing the mechanism of activity-dependent nuclear import of a transcription factor can be used to identify active neurons in specific neuronal population in behaving animals

    Structural Disorder Provides Increased Adaptability for Vesicle Trafficking Pathways

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    Vesicle trafficking systems play essential roles in the communication between the organelles of eukaryotic cells and also between cells and their environment. Endocytosis and the late secretory route are mediated by clathrin-coated vesicles, while the COat Protein I and II (COPI and COPII) routes stand for the bidirectional traffic between the ER and the Golgi apparatus. Despite similar fundamental organizations, the molecular machinery, functions, and evolutionary characteristics of the three systems are very different. In this work, we compiled the basic functional protein groups of the three main routes for human and yeast and analyzed them from the structural disorder perspective. We found similar overall disorder content in yeast and human proteins, confirming the well-conserved nature of these systems. Most functional groups contain highly disordered proteins, supporting the general importance of structural disorder in these routes, although some of them seem to heavily rely on disorder, while others do not. Interestingly, the clathrin system is significantly more disordered (,23%) than the other two, COPI (,9%) and COPII (,8%). We show that this structural phenomenon enhances the inherent plasticity and increased evolutionary adaptability of the clathrin system, which distinguishes it from the other two routes. Since multi-functionality (moonlighting) is indicative of both plasticity and adaptability, we studied its prevalence in vesicle trafficking proteins and correlated it with structural disorder. Clathrin adaptors have the highest capability for moonlighting while also comprising the most highly disordered members. The ability to acquire tissue specific functions was also used to approach adaptability: clathrin route genes have the most tissue specific exons encoding for protein segments enriched in structural disorder and interaction sites. Overall, our results confirm the general importance of structural disorder in vesicle trafficking and suggest major roles for this structural property in shaping the differences of evolutionary adaptability in the three routes