193 research outputs found

    The Tulczyjew triple for classical fields

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    The geometrical structure known as the Tulczyjew triple has proved to be very useful in describing mechanical systems, even those with singular Lagrangians or subject to constraints. Starting from basic concepts of variational calculus, we construct the Tulczyjew triple for first-order Field Theory. The important feature of our approach is that we do not postulate {\it ad hoc} the ingredients of the theory, but obtain them as unavoidable consequences of the variational calculus. This picture of Field Theory is covariant and complete, containing not only the Lagrangian formalism and Euler-Lagrange equations but also the phase space, the phase dynamics and the Hamiltonian formalism. Since the configuration space turns out to be an affine bundle, we have to use affine geometry, in particular the notion of the affine duality. In our formulation, the two maps α\alpha and β\beta which constitute the Tulczyjew triple are morphisms of double structures of affine-vector bundles. We discuss also the Legendre transformation, i.e. the transition between the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian formulation of the first-order field theor

    Hamiltonian of a spinning test-particle in curved spacetime

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    Using a Legendre transformation, we compute the unconstrained Hamiltonian of a spinning test-particle in a curved spacetime at linear order in the particle spin. The equations of motion of this unconstrained Hamiltonian coincide with the Mathisson-Papapetrou-Pirani equations. We then use the formalism of Dirac brackets to derive the constrained Hamiltonian and the corresponding phase-space algebra in the Newton-Wigner spin supplementary condition (SSC), suitably generalized to curved spacetime, and find that the phase-space algebra (q,p,S) is canonical at linear order in the particle spin. We provide explicit expressions for this Hamiltonian in a spherically symmetric spacetime, both in isotropic and spherical coordinates, and in the Kerr spacetime in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates. Furthermore, we find that our Hamiltonian, when expanded in Post-Newtonian (PN) orders, agrees with the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner (ADM) canonical Hamiltonian computed in PN theory in the test-particle limit. Notably, we recover the known spin-orbit couplings through 2.5PN order and the spin-spin couplings of type S_Kerr S (and S_Kerr^2) through 3PN order, S_Kerr being the spin of the Kerr spacetime. Our method allows one to compute the PN Hamiltonian at any order, in the test-particle limit and at linear order in the particle spin. As an application we compute it at 3.5PN order.Comment: Corrected typo in the ADM Hamiltonian at 3.5 PN order (eq. 6.20

    Higher-order spin effects in the dynamics of compact binaries I. Equations of motion

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    We derive the equations of motion of spinning compact binaries including the spin-orbit (SO) coupling terms one post-Newtonian (PN) order beyond the leading-order effect. For black holes maximally spinning this corresponds to 2.5PN order. Our result for the equations of motion essentially confirms the previous result by Tagoshi, Ohashi and Owen. We also compute the spin-orbit effects up to 2.5PN order in the conserved (Noetherian) integrals of motion, namely the energy, the total angular momentum, the linear momentum and the center-of-mass integral. We obtain the spin precession equations at 1PN order beyond the leading term, as well. Those results will be used in a future paper to derive the time evolution of the binary orbital phase, providing more accurate templates for LIGO-Virgo-LISA type interferometric detectors.Comment: transcription error in Eqs. (2.17) correcte

    The de Sitter Relativistic Top Theory

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    We discuss the relativistic top theory from the point of view of the de Sitter (or anti de Sitter) group. Our treatment rests on Hanson-Regge's spherical relativistic top lagrangian formulation. We propose an alternative method for studying spinning objects via Kaluza-Klein theory. In particular, we derive the relativistic top equations of motion starting with the geodesic equation for a point particle in 4+N dimensions. We compare our approach with the Fukuyama's formulation of spinning objects, which is also based on Kaluza-Klein theory. We also report a generalization of our approach to a 4+N+D dimensional theory.Comment: 25 pages, Latex,commnets and references adde

    Motion of a Vector Particle in a Curved Spacetime. II First Order Correction to a Geodesic in a Schwarzschild Background

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    The influence of spin on a photon's motion in a Schwarzschild and FRW spacetimes is studied. The first order correction to the geodesic motion is found. It is shown that unlike the world-lines of spinless particles, the photons world-lines do not lie in a plane.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX2e, second paper in the series (the first one: gr-qc/0110067), replaced with typos and style corrected version, accepted in MPL

    The Poisson Bracket for Poisson Forms in Multisymplectic Field Theory

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    We present a general definition of the Poisson bracket between differential forms on the extended multiphase space appearing in the geometric formulation of first order classical field theories and, more generally, on exact multisymplectic manifolds. It is well defined for a certain class of differential forms that we propose to call Poisson forms and turns the space of Poisson forms into a Lie superalgebra.Comment: 40 pages LaTe

    Motion of test bodies in theories with nonminimal coupling

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    We derive the equations of motion of test bodies for a theory with nonminimal coupling by means of a multipole method. The propagation equations for pole-dipole particles are worked out for a gravity theory with a very general coupling between the curvature scalar and the matter fields. Our results allow for a systematic comparison with the equations of motion of general relativity and other gravity theories.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex forma

    Multipole particle in relativity

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    We discuss the motion of extended objects in a spacetime by considering a gravitational field created by these objects. We define multipole moments of the objects as a classification by Lie group SO(3). Then, we construct an energy-momentum tensor for the objects and derive equations of motion from it. As a result, we reproduce the Papapetrou equations for a spinning particle. Furthermore, we will show that we can obtain more simple equations than the Papapetrou equations by changing the center-of-mass.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Dirac equations in curved space-time versus Papapetrou spinning particles

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    We find out classical particles, starting from Dirac quantum fields on a curved space-time, by an eikonal approximation and a localization hypothesis for amplitudes. We recover the results by Mathisson-Papapetrou, hence establishing a fundamental correspondence between the coupling of classical and quantum spinning particles with the gravitational field.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Dynamics of test bodies with spin in de Sitter spacetime

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    We study the motion of spinning test bodies in the de Sitter spacetime of constant positive curvature. With the help of the 10 Killing vectors, we derive the 4-momentum and the tensor of spin explicitly in terms of the spacetime coordinates. However, in order to find the actual trajectories, one needs to impose the so-called supplementary condition. We discuss the dynamics of spinning test bodies for the cases of the Frenkel and Tulczyjew conditions.Comment: 11 pages, RevTex forma