29 research outputs found

    SPGCam: A specifically tailored camera for solar observations

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.Designing a new astronomical instrument typically challenges the available cameras on the market. In many cases, no camera can fulfill the requirements of the instrument in terms of photon budget, speed, and even interfaces with the rest of the instrument. In this situation, the only options are to either downgrade the performance of the instrument or design new cameras from scratch, provided it is possible to identify a compliant detector. The latter is the case of the SPGCams, the cameras developed to be used with the Tunable Magnetograph (TuMag) and the Sunrise Chromospheric Infrared spectroPolarimeter (SCIP) for the Sunrise iii mission. SPGCams have been designed, developed, and built entirely in-house by the Solar Physics Group (SPG) at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC). We report here on the scientific rationale and system engineering requirements set by the two instruments that drove the development, as well as on the technical details and trade-offs used to fulfill the specifications. The cameras were fully verified before the flight, and results from the assembly and verification campaign are presented as well. SPGCams share the design, although some parametric features differentiate the visible cameras (for TuMag) and the IR ones (for SCIP). Even though they were specifically developed for the Sunrise iii mission, the robust and careful design makes them suitable for different applications in other astronomical instruments. © 2023 Orozco Suárez, Álvarez García, López Jiménez, Balaguer Jiménez, Hernández Expósito, Labrousse, Bailén, Bustamante Díaz, Bailón Martínez, Aparicio del Moral, Morales Fernández, Sánchez Gómez, Tobaruela Abarca, Moreno Mantas, Ramos Más, Pérez Grande, Piqueras Carreño, Katsukawa, Kubo, Kawabata, Oba, Rodríguez Valido, Magdaleno Castelló and Del Toro Iniesta.This work was funded by the Spanish MCIN/AEI, under projects RTI 2018-096886-B-C5, PID 2021-125325OB-C5, and PCI 2022-135009-2, and co-funded by European FEDER funds, “A way of making Europe,” under grants CEX 2021-001131-S and 10.13039/501100011033.Peer reviewe

    Reactive navigation in extremely dense and highly intricate environments

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    [eng] Reactive navigation is a well-known paradigm for controlling an autonomous mobile robot, which suggests making all control decisions through some light processing of the current/recent sensor data. Among the many advantages of this paradigm are: 1) the possibility to apply it to robots with limited and low-priced hardware resources, and 2) the fact of being able to safely navigate a robot in completely unknown environments containing unpredictable moving obstacles. As a major disadvantage, nevertheless, the reactive paradigm may occasionally cause robots to get trapped in certain areas of the environment ---typically, these conflicting areas have a large concave shape and/or are full of closely-spaced obstacles. In this last respect, an enormous effort has been devoted to overcome such a serious drawback during the last two decades. As a result of this effort, a substantial number of new approaches for reactive navigation have been put forward. Some of these approaches have clearly improved the way how a reactively-controlled robot can move among densely cluttered obstacles; some other approaches have essentially focused on increasing the variety of obstacle shapes and sizes that could be successfully circumnavigated; etc. In this paper, as a starting point, we choose the best existing reactive approach to move in densely cluttered environments, and we also choose the existing reactive approach with the greatest ability to circumvent large intricate-shaped obstacles. Then, we combine these two approaches in a way that makes the most of them. From the experimental point of view, we use both simulated and real scenarios of challenging complexity for testing purposes. In such scenarios, we demonstrate that the combined approach herein proposed clearly outperforms the two individual approaches on which it is built

    La energía disipada en membranas de pericardio sometidas a fatiga uniaxial como predictor de su durabilidad.

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    El pericardio es un material que se utiliza cuando se hace necesaria la sustitución de los velos de las válvulas cardiacas. En el presente trabajo se evalúa la durabilidad en fatiga de membranas de pericardio de ternera tratadas con glutaraldehído. Con tal propósito, se ensayaron 72 probetas de pericardio en condiciones fisiológicas de humedad y temperatura. Los ensayos se realizaron primero a fatiga hasta un número determinado de ciclos, entre un mínimo de 100 y un máximo de 4000, para luego ensayarse hasta rotura mediante un ensayo uniaxial de tracción simple. Las probetas consideradas control se sometieron a un único ensayo uniaxial de tracción. Se ha comprobado que la energía disipada en los primeros ciclos de las probetas que rompieron prematuramente (antes de finalizar el ciclado) es significativamente mayor que la energía disipada en las probetas que resistieron todos los ciclos de carga y descarga

    Reorganization of Muscle Coordination Underlying Motor Learning in Cycling Tasks

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    The hypothesis of modular control, which stands on the existence of muscle synergies as building blocks of muscle coordination, has been investigated in a great variety of motor tasks and species. Yet, its role during learning processes is still largely unexplored. To what extent is such modular control flexible, in terms of spatial structure and temporal activation, to externally or internally induced adaptations, is a debated issue. To address this question, we designed a biofeedback experiment to induce changes in the timing of muscle activations during leg cycling movements. The protocol consisted in delaying the peak of activation of one target muscle and using its electromyography (EMG) envelope as visual biofeedback. For each of the 10 healthy participants, the protocol was repeated for three different target muscles: Tibialis Anterioris (TA), Gastrocnemius Medialis (GM), and Vastus Lateralis (VL). To explore the effects of the conditioning protocol, we analyzed changes in the activity of eight lower limb muscles by applying different models of modular motor control [i.e., fixed spatial components (FSC) and fixed temporal components (FTC)]. Our results confirm the hypothesis that visual EMG biofeedback is able to induce changes in muscle coordination. Subjects were able to shift the peak of activation of the target muscle, with a delay of (49 ± 27°) across subjects and conditions. This time shift generated a reorganization of all the other muscles in terms of timing and amplitude. By using different models of modular motor control, we demonstrated that neither spatially invariant nor temporally invariant muscle synergies alone were able to account for these changes in muscle coordination after learning, while temporally invariant muscle synergies with adjustments in timing could capture most of muscle activity adaptations observed after the conditioning protocol. These results suggest that short-term learning in rhythmic tasks is built upon synergistic temporal commands that are robust to changes in the task demands

    Reorganization of Muscle Coordination Underlying Motor Learning in Cycling Tasks

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    The hypothesis of modular control, which stands on the existence of muscle synergies as building blocks of muscle coordination, has been investigated in a great variety of motor tasks and species. Yet, its role during learning processes is still largely unexplored. To what extent is such modular control flexible, in terms of spatial structure and temporal activation, to externally or internally induced adaptations, is a debated issue. To address this question, we designed a biofeedback experiment to induce changes in the timing of muscle activations during leg cycling movements. The protocol consisted in delaying the peak of activation of one target muscle and using its electromyography (EMG) envelope as visual biofeedback. For each of the 10 healthy participants, the protocol was repeated for three different target muscles: Tibialis Anterioris (TA), Gastrocnemius Medialis (GM), and Vastus Lateralis (VL). To explore the effects of the conditioning protocol, we analyzed changes in the activity of eight lower limb muscles by applying different models of modular motor control [i.e., fixed spatial components (FSC) and fixed temporal components (FTC)]. Our results confirm the hypothesis that visual EMG biofeedback is able to induce changes in muscle coordination. Subjects were able to shift the peak of activation of the target muscle, with a delay of (49 ± 27°) across subjects and conditions. This time shift generated a reorganization of all the other muscles in terms of timing and amplitude. By using different models of modular motor control, we demonstrated that neither spatially invariant nor temporally invariant muscle synergies alone were able to account for these changes in muscle coordination after learning, while temporally invariant muscle synergies with adjustments in timing could capture most of muscle activity adaptations observed after the conditioning protocol. These results suggest that short-term learning in rhythmic tasks is built upon synergistic temporal commands that are robust to changes in the task demands.This research has been supported by Spanish project ASSOCIATE “A comprehensive and wearable robotics based approach to the rehabilitation and assistance of people with stroke and SCI” (DPI2014-58431-C4-1-R), and the H2020 project EUROBENCH “European Robotic Framework for Bipedal Locomotion Benchmarking” (Grant Agreement No. 779963)

    Empresas de Arqueología y Arqueología urbana: investigación, negocio, profesión

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    El asunto que se argumenta en esta comunicación resulta más adecuado para un debate abierto que para su exposición extensa. En consecuencia, seremos breves, y nos limitaremos a presentar una serie de puntos referentes a la situación actual, enfocados desde la óptica de nuestra propia experiencia y, por tanto, con especial atención al caso de Madrid, y a plantear algunas propuestas que, en nuestra opinión, pueden ser de utilidad para, al menos, mejorar algunos aspectos de un sistema de funcionamiento todavía poco articulado