178 research outputs found
Metoda Adaptive Beamforming Untuk Cognitive Radio
Salah satu peluang pemanfaatan spektrum secara bersama antara secondary users dan primary users adalah dengan memanfaatkan perbedaan sudut datang sinyal (Angle of Arrival- AoA). Dengan aplikasi multi antena, arah berkas dari masing-masing dibentuk dan dapat diatur sehingga terfokus dan tidak saling mengganggu karena memberikan interferensi. Pada tulisan ini diusulkan teknik beamforming di sisi penerima. Arah berkas dari larik dibuat maksimum pada arah datang sinyal dan minimum pada arah referensi. Dengan algoritma LMS (Least Mean Square), pembobot dihitung secara iteratif agar memberikan nilai MSE (Minimum Square Error) dari sinyal keluaran larik dan sinyal referensi yang minimum. Algoritma yang diusulkan selanjutnya dicoba disimulasikan untuk beberapa nilai parameter step size
Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu dalam Menerbitkan Perizinan di Kota Kediri (Studi Peraturan Walikota Kediri Nomor 43 Tahun 2014 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu)
Tujuan dari negara Indonesia yang tertuang dalam pembukaan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 alenia 4 adalah untuk memajukan kesejahteraan umum, mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, dan ikut melaksanakan ketertiban dunia yang berdasarkan kemerdekaan, perdamaian abadi dan keadilan sosial. Atas dasar kesejahteraan umum tersebut maka salah satu bentuk dari kesejahteraan umum adalah melaksanakan pelayanan publik yang baik bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Salah satu bentuk dari pelayanan publik adalah pelayanan dalam menerbitkan perizinan. Pelayanan publik dalam menerbitkan perizinan yang baik harus memenuhi beberapa unsur diantaranya adalah adanya kepastian hukum, prosedur yang praktis, tidak berbelit-belit, ada kejelasan batas waktu penyelesaian, kejelasan persyaratan dan kejelasan biaya yang harus ditanggung oleh pemohon izin. Kesan umum pelayanan perizinan di Indonesia adalah berbelit-belit, tidak ada kepastian hukum, dan waktu penyelesaian izin yang lama. Atas dasar itu maka perizinan di Indonesia harus di reformasi. Pemerintah Kota Kediri telah mengesahkan peraturan dalam bentuk Peraturan Walikota Kediri Nomor 43 Tahun 2014 tentang Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu. Tujuan dari Peraturan Walikota tersebut adalah memberikan perlindungan dan kepastian hukum kepada masyarakat, mewujudkan proses pelayanan terpadu yang cepat, murah, mudah, transparan, pasti dan terjangkau serta mendekatkan dan memberikan pelayanan yang lebih luas kepada masyarakat.Kata Kunci : Penyelenggaraan, Pelayanan Perizinan, Kota Kedir
Analisis Pro Dan Kontra Dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Air Ngesong Di Desa Punten Kecamatan Bumiaji Kota Batu
: Analysis Pro and Con over Management of Water Resources Ngesong at Punten Village Bumiaji Sub-district Batu City A critical source of water and an increase in the need for clean water is making Governments should manage water resources are integrated. Local Planning and Development Agency, the Official of Cipta Karya and the Drink Water Local Company Batu city coordinated to manage water sources Ngesong to satisfy the need of people in Ngaglik Village and around. However, the source of water is also managed and utilized by the communities surrounding the water source so the pros and cons in the management of water resources. The government should approach the surrounding community to create agreement by taking a middle way to have no parties who were cheated. This research to know, described and analyzing parties pro and con and agreements reached in the management of water sources Ngesong in the Batu city. The research type is descriptive with qualitative approach. The results showed that the pro consist of Local Planning and Development Agency, the Official of Cipta Karya and the Drink Water Local Company Batu city coordinate with each other to make RISPAM for a master plan to management of water sources Ngesong. The cons community consists of the village of Gunung Sari, Sumberejo Village and Ngaglik Village because the management of the water resource inventory resulted in declining investment and a water line pipes made of public facilities and private grounds being damaged. Agreement reached with the greenery around water sources, rectification back public facilities through which the drainage pipes and indemnity compensation to the people whose private land traversed by drainage pipes
Simulasi Numerik Terbentuknya Reattachment Length Terhadap Perubahan Tinggi Obstacle Pada Tee Duct
Simulasi Numerik digunakan untuk melihat fenomena aliran melintasi tee duct dengan menggunakan viscous turbulence model Reliazible k-epsilon. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan simulasi numerik untuk mengkaji karakteristik aliran melintasi tee duct berukuran sisi inlet 1 meter, panjang sisi keluar 1 meter dan ukuran duct 0,15 m x 0,15 m. Pada studi ini, akan dipasang obstacle pada tee duct dengan penambahan variasi tinggi obstacle (t/D) pada sisi tee duct t/D = 0,5 dan 1 dengan menggunakan asumsi dalam keadaan steady flow, incompressible flow. Prosedur simulasi numerik mengacu dari ten element policy. Simulasi numerik dengan menggunakan viscous turbulence model tipe Realizable k-e (RKE) yang sesuai untuk melihat fenomena reattachment dan diskritisasi menggunakan Second Order Upwind. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa reattachment length semakin menurun dengan meningkatkanya ketinggian obstacle yaitu pada t/D = 1 dibanding tanpa obstacle. Kata kunci - tee duct, obstacle, k-ε turbulence model, second order upwin
From “Hot Mommies” to Differently Abled Mothers: Diverse Portrayals of Mothering in an Indonesian Women’s Magazine
Mothering and motherhood are among two key components of the construction of femininity. This study examined how mothering is embodied and performed by various women in Femina, Indonesia’s most popular women’s magazine, which targets primarily middle- or upper-middle-class women in their twenties and thirties. The sample set consisted of 17 portrayals of women as mothers in Femina during the years 2015 and 2016. We found that Femina depicts various ways in which women can function as mothers while remaining contented and balancing their different roles; in doing so, the magazine encourages a feminine and feminist celebration of mothering. Femina’s representations allow for the bridging and embracing of differences while at the same time constructing an ideal notion of femininity that highlights women’s ability to be successful in each of the multiple domains they enter, including their role as a mother
DIALLEL ANALYSIS OF RESISTANCE TO BACTERIAL STALK ROT (Pectobacterium chrysanthemi pv. zeae Burk., McFad. and Dim.) IN CORN (Zea mays L.)
One of the major disease problems affecting maize farming in the Philippines is bacterial stalk rot (BSR) caused by Pectobacterium chrysanthemi pv. zeae Burk., McFad. and Dim., which is formerly known as Erwinia chrysanthemi. The annual loss due to BSR is estimated at PhP. 20 million equivalent to Rp3.5 billion. At present, there is no effective control method against BSR and, therefore, varietal improvement through breeding resistant germplasms is needed. The present study aimed to determine the combining ability and the extent of additive and non-additive genetic effects in corn inbred lines with a range of reaction to BSR. Four resistant lines (S3YB 137-1-1-B, TUPI (S3) 5-1-B, TUPI (S3) 15-2-B, and 97-835) and two susceptible lines (CML 295 and 97-733) were used as genetic materials. Generation of test entries and evaluation of disease resistance were conducted at the experimental farm station of University of the Philippines Los Banos and Institute of Plant Breeding Los Banos, respectively, during 2002 to 2003 wet seasons. Griffing’s diallel mating system Model 1, Method 1 was followed in generating the test entries to make a total of 36 entries (six selfed parental lines and 15 each of F1 crosses and their reciprocalcrosses). The entries were then evaluated for disease resistance in a yield trial following a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with two replications. Results of diallel analysisshowed two lines, S3YB 137-1-1-B and TUPI (S3) 5-1-B, exhibited the best general combining ability (GCA) for resistance to BSR, while the crosses S3YB 137-1-1-B x TUPI (S3) 5-1-B and TUPI (S3) 5-1-B x 97-835 performed the best specific combining ability (SCA) for the resistance. GCA effect was greater than that of SCA. This indicated that additive gene effects were found to be more important than non-additive gene effects in the expression of resistance to BSR in the six corn lines used. Therefore, breeding programs towards recurrent selection that emphasize GCA would be more appropriate forBSR resistance improvement involving those six lines
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