27 research outputs found

    Deviations in the Zipf and Heaps laws in natural languages

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    This paper is devoted to verifying of the empirical Zipf and Hips laws in natural languages using Google Books Ngram corpus data. The connection between the Zipf and Heaps law which predicts the power dependence of the vocabulary size on the text size is discussed. In fact, the Heaps exponent in this dependence varies with the increasing of the text corpus. To explain it, the obtained results are compared with the probability model of text generation. Quasi-periodic variations with characteristic time periods of 60-100 years were also found. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Modelling of growth of syntactic relations network in English and Russian

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    © 2018 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved. Creation of the Google Books Ngram corpus opened up new opportunities for studying language evolution. This corpus consists of a large amount of digitized books written in 8 languages and contains information on frequencies of words, word combinations and syntactic relations of the last 500 years. In this paper, we present data on changes in the key characteristics of syntactic relations in English and Russian and propose a model which allows us to explain the observed changes. We used Google Books Ngram data (1800-2008) and performed modelling of network growth. Then, we compared the characteristics of the obtained model networks with the characteristics of the network of syntactic relations of the English and Russian languages. It was shown that selection of two parameters of the model allows us to obtain a very good correspondence between the changes in the clustering coefficient, the assortativity coefficient, and word distribution by the number of relations in the model network and in real networks of syntactic relations

    Determination of icariin in urine by high performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass-spectrometric detection

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    C использованием метода высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии-тандемной масс-спектрометрии разработан способ селективного определения икариина в пробах мочи. Для анализа биологических проб использовали обращенно-фазовый вариант высокоэффективной хроматографии на сорбентах с привитыми C18 группами. Определение осуществляли методом тандемной масс-спектрометрии с ионизацией электрораспылением в режиме регистрации выбранных ионных переходов для положительных ионов (энергия соударений - 40 %, ионный переход - с m/z = 677.2433 → 313.0703 (100 %), 369.1330 (35 %)). Выбрана процедура пробоподготовки, включающая в себя твёрдофазную экстракцию на картриджах SUPELCO HLB, концентрирование органического экстракта в токе азота и перерастворение сухого остатка. Предел детектирования составил 1 нг∙мл⁻¹. При валидации методики оценивали степень извлечения икариина из биологической жидкости (97 %), селективность и специфичность определения целевого соединения, а также влияние матрицы на ионизацию (4 %).Using the liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, the approach for the selective detection of icariin in urine samples was developed. Biological samples analysis was performed by the reversed-phase chromatography using the C18 sorbent. The method of tandem mass spectrometry with the multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode using the electrospray ionization technique in positive ion mode was used (the collision energy - 40 %, m/z = 677.2433 → 313.0703 (100 %), 369.1330 (35 %)). The sample preparation procedure comprising of the solid-phase extraction based on SUPELCO HLB cartridges, the evaporation of the organic extract in a stream of nitrogen and the reconstitution of residue was selected. The detection limit was 1 ng ml⁻¹. During the method validation, the extraction of icariin from a biological fluid (97%), the selectivity and the specificity of the target compound as well as the matrix effects of ionization (4 %) were studied

    Клиническое значение микробиоты легких и опыт применения ингаляционной антибактериальной терапии у детей Омского центра муковисцидоза (серия случаев)

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    A growth of antibiotic-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa from patients with cystic fibrosis decreases a lung function significantly, which requires searching new, up-to-date antibiotics. Goal. An investigation of clinical and microbiological features of respiratory lesion and an assessment of elimination therapy at chronic P. aeruginosa infection in children on the example of the Regional Cystic Fibrosis Center. Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of case histories of children at the Omsk Cystic Fibrosis Center (n=48) was performed, with evaluation of clinical and functional parameters depending on age and microbiological status of respiratory airways. The comparative evaluation of two drugs inhaled tobramycin Bramitob and Tobramycin-Gobbi efficiency was performed. Results. An association of microorganisms was identified from the majority of bacterial cultures of cystic fibrosis patients’ sputum (66.7%). Staphylococcus aureus (18.9%) and P. aeruginosa (16.6%) with the significant prevalence of non-mucoid forms were in the lead at the group of clinically relevant pathogens. From 2011 to 2016 amount of P. aeruginosa strains, which were sensitive to the all usable antibiotics, decreased, an especially significant decline of sensitivity was registered to amikacin (32.7%) and сiprofloxacin (48.6%). Children infected with P. aeruginosa had a lot more deviations of lung function measured by the computed bronchophonography and spirometry, they more often had changes in chest computed tomography than patients free of P. aeruginosa infection. Change from inhaled tobramycin Bramitob into inhaled tobramycin Tobramycin-Gobbi in the patients’ treatment didn’t lead to the elevation of respiratory syndrome exacerbation rates, didn’t increase requirement in the intravenous antibacterial treatment and didn’t influence to the rank of microbial colonization of sputum. Conclusion. In length of time, the increase of P. aeruginosa resistance to antipseudomonal antibiotics is observed, which makes reasonable the introduction high-concentrated forms of antibiotics. The replacement of inhaled tobramycin from Bramitob to Tobramycin-Gobbi didn’t cause the impairment of patients’ clinical and functional condition and didn’t change the microbiological status.  Актуальность. Высев антибиотикорезистентной синегнойной палочки у больных муковисцидозом значительно ухудшает функцию легких, что требует поиска новых, современных антибактериальных средств. Цель. Изучение клинико-микробиологических особенностей поражения органов дыхания и оценка эффективности элиминационной терапии при хронической синегнойной инфекции у детей на примере регионального центра муковисцидоза.Материалы и методы. Проведен ретроспективный анализ историй болезни детей Омского центра муковисцидоза (n=48) с оценкой клинических и функциональных показателей в зависимости от возраста и микробиологического статуса дыхательных путей. Дана сравнительная оценка эффективности лекарственных препаратов ингаляционного тобрамицина. Результаты. В большинстве бактериальных посевов мокроты (66,7%) больных муковисцидозом микроорганизмы высевались в ассоциации. Из клинически значимых патогенов лидировали золотистый стафилококк (18,9%) и синегнойная палочка (16,6%) со значительным преобладанием немукоидных форм. За период 2011–2016 гг. произошло снижение количества чувствительных штаммов Pseudomonas aeruginosa ко всем используемым антибиотикам, из них значимое снижение отмечено к амикацину (32,7%) и ципрофлоксацину (48,6%). У детей, инфицированных синегнойной палочкой, отмечались более выраженные отклонения в показателях функции внешнего дыхания по данным компьютерной бронхофонографии, спирометрии и чаще встречались изменения при мультиспиральной компьютерной томографии органов грудной клетки, чем у больных, свободных от синегнойной инфекции. Смена ингаляционных форм тобрамицина у некоторых больных не привела к повышению частоты обострений респираторного синдрома, не увеличила потребность в назначении внутривенной антибактериальной терапии и не повлияла на степень микробной колонизации мокроты.Заключение. В динамике отмечается рост устойчивости P. aeruginosa к антисинегнойным препаратам, что делает обоснованным внедрение высококонцентрированных ингаляционных форм антибиотиков. Замена одного ингаляционного тобрамицина на другой не вызвала ухудшения клинического и функционального состояния у 4 проанализированных пациентов и не изменила их микробиологический статус.Статья издается при поддержке компании «Генфа».Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов, о котором необходимо сообщить


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    The aim of this study was to analyze drug therapy of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) in Russia. Methods. Findings of the Russian National Register of CF patients, 2014, were used in this study. The 2014 Register included data for 2,131 patients (2,092 alive and 39 died) from 74 regions of Russia. The median age was 10.2 (15.2) years, 29.2% of patients were aged 18 years and older. We analyzed administration of bronchodilators, inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), systemic steroids, dornase alfa, hypertonic saline solution, macrolides, systemic and inhaled antibiotics, pancreatic enzymes, ursodeoxycholic acid, and fat-soluble vitamins. Results. Drug administration rates were as follows: bronchodilators, 65.9%; ICS, 21.7%; systemic steroids, 5.5%; macrolides, 32.4%; dornase-alfa, 92.8%; hypertonic saline solution, 45.9%; intravenous antibiotics, 62.3%; oral antibiotics, 73.3%; inhaled antibiotics, 41.3%; pancreatic enzymes, 93.3%; ursodeoxycholic acid, 91.4%; and fat-soluble vitamins, 88.3%. Conclusion. Compared to treatment of CF patients in the Western Europe, there is higher rate of administration of pancreatic enzymes, ursodeoxycholic acid, dornase alfa, hypertonic saline solution and intravenous antibiotics in Russia. Compared to treatment strategy in USA, there is higher rate of administration of pancreatic enzymes and lower rate of administration of bronchodilators, hypertonic saline solution and inhaled antibiotics in Russia. Муковисцидоз (МВ) – тяжелое мультисистемное заболевание, требующее комплексного медикаментозного и немедикаментозного лечения. Особенностям лекарственной терапии разнородных по числу и возрасту групп больных МВ, проживающих в разных регионах России, посвящено ограниченное число работ, однако общий анализ данных большой группы пациентов в рамках единого регистра ранее не проводился. Цель. Выявление особенностей медикаментозной терапии больных МВ в России по данным национального Регистра (2014). Материалы и методы. Использованы сведения о пациентах (n = 2 131; 2 092 живых и 39 умерших) из 74 регионов России, состоящих в национальном Регистре больных муковисцидозом (2014). Медиана возраста пациентов составила 10,2 (15,2) года, доля взрослых (не моложе 18 лет) – 29,2 %. Проанализирована частота назначения лекарственной терапии бронходилататорами, ингаляционными (иГКС) и системными (сГКС) глюкокортикостероидами (ГКС), дорназой альфа, гипертоническим раствором натрия хлорида, макролидами, системными и ингаляционными антибактериальными препаратами (АБП), панкреатическими ферментами, урсодезоксихолевой кислотой (УДХК), жирорастворимыми витаминами. Результаты. Частота применения медикаментозной терапии по России распределена следующим образом: бронходилататоры – 65,9 %; иГКС – 21,7 %; сГКС – 5,5 %; макролиды – 32,4 %; дорназа альфа – 92,8 %; гипертонический раствор натрия хлорида – 45,9 %; внутривенные АБП – 62,3 %; пероральные АБП – 73,3 %; ингаляционные АБП – 41,3 %; панкреатические ферменты – 93,3 %; УДХК – 91,4 %; жирорастворимые витамины – 88,3 %. Отмечено, что взрослым больным наиболее часто назначаются бронхолитические препараты, АБП и ГКС; реже применяются панкреатические ферменты и УДХК. Заключение. Среди особенностей терапии российских больных по сравнению со странами Западной Европы можно выделить высокую долю назначения панкреатических ферментов, УДХК, дорназы альфа, гипертонического раствора и внутривенных АБП. По сравнению с США чаще назначаются панкреатические ферменты, реже – бронходилататоры, гипертонический раствор натрия хлорида и ингаляционные АБП

    Deviations in the Zipf and Heaps laws in natural languages

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    This paper is devoted to verifying of the empirical Zipf and Hips laws in natural languages using Google Books Ngram corpus data. The connection between the Zipf and Heaps law which predicts the power dependence of the vocabulary size on the text size is discussed. In fact, the Heaps exponent in this dependence varies with the increasing of the text corpus. To explain it, the obtained results are compared with the probability model of text generation. Quasi-periodic variations with characteristic time periods of 60-100 years were also found. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    A method of semantic change detection using diachronic corpora data

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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. The article proposes a method for detecting semantic change using diachronic corpora data. The method is based on the distributional hypothesis. The analysis is performed using frequencies of syntactic bigrams from the English and Russian sub-corpora of Google Books Ngram. To obtain the word co-occurrence profile in its new meaning, syntactic bigrams that contributed most to the word distribution change are selected and their time series are clustered. The method is tested on a group of English and Russian words which gained new meanings in the 20th century. The obtained results show that the proposed method allows one to detect semantics changes, as well as to determine the time of these changes

    A Corpus-Based Study of the Rate of Changes in Frequency of Syntactic Bigrams in English and Russian

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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. The article describes general regularities of frequency dynamics of syntactic bigrams and the method used to analyse them. The work objective is to quantitatively estimate the typical rate of change in frequency of syntactic bigrams in English and Russian. Both changes in frequency of words contained in syntactic bigrams and changes in the co-occurrence of these words influence the total rate of changes in frequency of syntactic bigrams. Their contribution to the total rate of frequency changes was estimated using decomposition of the Kullback-Leibler symmetrized divergence. It was also determined to what extent frequencies of the syntactic bigrams respond to major social events. Data on frequencies of syntactic bigrams from the English and Russian sub-corpora of Google Books Ngram were used as a study material. It was found that the regularities of the syntactic bigram usage are similar in English and Russian. The proposed approach can be used in other fields of science

    A corpus-based study of adjectives that describe people

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    The computer methods were used in this article to study attributive constructions, namely, Russian adjectives that combine with the words chelovek, muzhchina, zhenshchina. The research was based on the Google Books text corpus. Besides, the Open Corpora morphological dictionary was used to automatically determine parts of speech of the words that contain in the obtained word combinations. Approximately 17 thousand adjectives were identified and classified into five groups. The center and periphery of the colour palette of the studied colour adjectives were identified. The analysis of the adjectives describing appearance and physical parameters of a person revealed the most significant body parts. The obtained data also allowed making a frequency portrait of a typical man and woman of the 19th and 20th centuries. It was also revealed how age is represented by adjectives in the Russian texts. Analysis of the opinion adjectives showed the most significant traits of character attributed to the words under study. Adjectives that describe physical condition, emotional state and social status demonstrated the most typical ones for Russian written culture. All the adjectives were analysed in terms of frequency. It was shown that most often the adjectives combine with the generic word person. As for the nouns man and woman, there are adjectives that combine more often with woman and never with man and vice versa. The diachronic analysis of the adjectives showed how their use in combination with the nouns under study can change with time and how it can respond to significant historical events