578 research outputs found

    Digestive alkaline proteases from the Tunisian barbel (Barbus callensis): Characterization and application as a detergent additive, in chicken feather-degradation and as a dehairing agent

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    Alkaline crude enzymes from the viscera of the Tunisian barbel (Barbus callensis) were extracted and characterized. Proteolytic crude extract from barbel viscera was active and stable in alkaline solution. The optimum pH and temperature were 11.0 and 55 °C, respectively, using casein as a substrate. The crude alkaline protease was extremely stable in the pH range of 5.0-12.0. Zymography activity staining using casein as a substrate showed the presence of at least five distinct proteases. The crude alkaline proteases showed stability towards various surfactants, bleach agents and compatibility with some commercial detergents. Alkaline proteases from the viscera of the barbel were tested in chicken feather-degradation and showed important feather degrading activity. Complete solubilisation of whole feathers was observed after 24h of incubation at 50°C. Additionally, crude alkaline protease demonstrated powerful capabilities of hair removal from skin and the collagen, the major leather-forming protein, was not significantly degraded. Considering its promising properties, alkaline crude enzyme from the viscera of the Tunisian barbel may be considered as a potential candidate for future use in several biotechnological processes

    Structure/function/properties relationships and application of a GH11 xylanase

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    Xylanases are hemicellulolytic enzymes, which are responsible for the degradation of the heteroxylans constituting the lignocellulosic plant cell wall. Due to their variety, xylanases have been classified in glycoside hydrolase families GH5, GH8, GH10, GH11, GH30 and GH43 in the CAZy database. In this work, we focus on GH11 family, which is one of the best characterized GH families with bacterial and fungal members. GH11 xylanases have for a long time been used as biotechnological tools in various industrial applications and represent in addition promising candidates for future other uses

    Multiscale model for the templated synthesis of mesoporous silica: the essential role of silica oligomers

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    A detailed theoretical understanding of the synthesis mechanism of periodic mesoporous silica has not yet been achieved. We present results of a multiscale simulation strategy that, for the first time, describes the molecular-level processes behind the formation of silica/surfactant mesophases in the synthesis of templated MCM-41 materials. The parameters of a new coarse-grained explicit-solvent model for the synthesis solution are calibrated with reference to a detailed atomistic model, which itself is based on quantum mechanical calculations. This approach allows us to reach the necessary time and length scales to explicitly simulate the spontaneous formation of mesophase structures while maintaining a level of realism that allows for direct comparison with experimental systems. Our model shows that silica oligomers are a necessary component in the formation of hexagonal liquid crystals from low-concentration surfactant solutions. Because they are multiply charged, silica oligomers are able to bridge adjacent micelles, thus allowing them to overcome their mutual repulsion and form aggregates. This leads the system to phase separate into a dilute solution and a silica/surfactant-rich mesophase, which leads to MCM-41 formation. Before extensive silica condensation takes place, the mesophase structure can be controlled by manipulation of the synthesis conditions. Our modeling results are in close agreement with experimental observations and strongly support a cooperative mechanism for synthesis of this class of materials. This work paves the way for tailored design of nanoporous materials using computational models

    Liquid marble-derived solid-liquid hybrid superparticles for CO2 capture.

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    The design of effective CO2 capture materials is an ongoing challenge. Here we report a concept to overcome current limitations associated with both liquid and solid CO2 capture materials by exploiting a solid-liquid hybrid superparticle (SLHSP). The fabrication of SLHSP involves assembly of hydrophobic silica nanoparticles on the liquid marble surface, and co-assembly of hydrophilic silica nanoparticles and tetraethylenepentamine within the interior of the liquid marble. The strong interfacial adsorption force and the strong interactions between amine and silica are identified to be key elements for high robustness. The developed SLHSPs exhibit excellent CO2 sorption capacity, high sorption rate, long-term stability and reduced amine loss in industrially preferred fixed bed setups. The outstanding performances are attributed to the unique structure which hierarchically organizes the liquid and solid at microscales

    Monitoring of National Drug Policy (NDP) and its standardized indicators; conformity to decisions of the national drug selecting committee in Iran

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    BACKGROUND: Pharmaceuticals have made an important contribution to global reductions in morbidity and mortality. To help save lives and improve health, it is important to be sure about equity to access to drugs, drug efficacy, quality and safety, and rational use of drugs, which are standardized National Drug Policy (NDP) objectives. NDP's indicators are useful to evaluate the pharmaceutical system performance in a country. Iran has adapted a National Drug List (NDL). Since management of drug supply in Iran takes place only for drugs that have been selected in NDL and this list is selected by the member of Iran Drug Selecting Committee (IDSC), thus evaluation of IDSC's decision making during last 5 years is an appropriate way to evaluate the implementation of drug supply system in the country. METHODS: To identify strengths and weaknesses of pharmaceutical policy formation and implementation in Iran, four standard questionnaires of the World Health Organization (WHO) were used. To assess the agreement between decisions of IDSC and standardized NDP indicators in the last 5 years (1998–2002), a weighted questionnaire by nominal group technique based on the questions that should be answered during discussion about one drug in IDSC was designed and used. RESULTS: There is a totally generics based NDP with 95% local production, that provides affordable access to drugs. The system, structures, and mechanisms were in place; however, they did not function properly in some topics. Assessment of 59 dossiers of approved drugs for adding to NDL during last 5 years showed that IDSC's members pay more attention to efficacy, safety, and rationality in use rather than accessibility and affordability. CONCLUSION: Revision of drug system in term of implementation of the processes to achieve NDP's objectives is necessary to save public health. Clarification of NDP's objectives and their impact for IDSC's members will result in improvement of the equity in access to pharmaceuticals
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