1,730 research outputs found

    Trends in the development of cross-border trade in the Russian-Finnish borderlands

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    This article considers the development of cross-border trade and tourism in the Russian- Finnish borderlands in the 19th/21st centuries. We describe the evolution of cross-border trade in the Russian-Finnish borderlands at different stages of the territory’s development. The patterns of cross-border trade have always been depended on the national policies of the two countries. Since the 19th century, cross-border trade in the Russian-Finnish borderlands has been the product of two factors. The first one is the demand from local residents for certain imported goods that are either absent or much more expensive in their own country. The second factor is the possibility of receiving additional or even basic income. We distinguish several periods (peddlar trade, Soviet-Finnish tourism, shuttle trade, shopping tourism) in the evolution of Russian-Finnish cross-border trade and identify their major trends and characteristics. We describe the general patterns of cross-border trade in these historical periods and juxtapose the pertinent institutional, organisational and infrastructural settings. We explain why the direction of the flow of finance and goods changed. Until the early 20th century, goods were brought to and money collected from Finland’s borderlands. Since the 1920s, the opposite situation has been observed. The latter trend has been growing in recent years. In this article, we aim at providing a periodisation and detecting the trends in and features of the evolution of cross-border trade in the Russian-Finnish borderlands in the 19th/21st centuries. To this end, we carry out a statistics and data analysis. We describe the Russian and international approaches to studying cross-border shopping tourism. We address Finland’s experience in stimulating inbound shopping tourism from Russia and examine why the Russians are attracted to the neighbouring state

    Mathematical modeling of heat and mass transfer in a thermal protection coating with gas flow fluctuations

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    The thermochemical destruction of a carbon fiber-reinforced polymer when affected by a high enthalpy fluctuating gas flow is simulated numerically. The possibility of controlling the heat transfer process in the composite material is studied

    Last postglacial environmental evolution of the Laptev Sea shelf as reflected in molluscan, ostracodal and foraminiferal faunas

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    Temporal and spatial variations in the species composition of modern and Holocene assemblages of molluscs, ostracods, and foraminifers from the Laptev Sea shelf (Arctic Siberia) have been investigated to reconstruct palaeoenvironmental changes during the last postglacial times and associated sea-level rise. Analysis of coretop sediment samples allowed to distinguish four modern assemblages. The specific habitat preferences of these species groups, such as water depth and salinity, were then used to interpret past environmental changes on the basis of two radiocarbon-dated sediment cores from the eastern middle shelf region, i.e., obtained from the Yana (51 m water depth) and Lena (45 m water depth) palaeovalleys. Despite the water depth difference of the two core sites, all downcore data document uniform fossil evidence for a gradual transformation of the Laptev Sea shelf from a terrestrial to a marine environment due to the southward transgressing sea. Three major phases have been recognized. These reflect: (1) a nearshore brackish-water environment of the initial stage of inundation (11.3–11.1 in the Yana and 11.2–10.8 cal. ka in the Lena palaeovalley); (2) a shallow inner-shelf, fluvially affected environment (11.1–10.3 and 10.8–8.2 cal. ka); (3) a modern-like marine environment which eventually became established since 10.8 and 8.2 cal. ka, depending on the specific water depth of each core site

    Clinical case of chemoresistant tuberculosis in the patient with tuberous sclerosis: difficulties of diagnosis, features of the course and treatment.

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    In the practical activities of a modern doctor, significant difficulties are noted in the diagnostics and proper management of patients with hereditary diseases due to the limited coverage of the population by genetic researches. For a long time, the patients with a variety of complaints are observed by doctors of various specialties, and the therapy often has little effect due to a lack of understanding of the true causes of pathological changes. The situation is complicated by case of a combined course of a hereditarily caused disease and some other disease of an infectious, non-infectious or tumor nature. The aim of the research was to study the characteristics of clinical manifestations, course of tuberculosis with resistance to anti-TB drugs in a patient with a rare hereditary disease from the group of phacomotoses - Bourneville-Pringle disease or tuberous sclerosis. This disease has a wide range of clinical manifestations, accompanied with the development of benign neoplasms in various organs and systems, damages to the skin, brain, organs of vision, lungs, kidneys, heart, as well as the musculoskeletal and endocrine system. It leads to development of various infectious and non-infectious pathologies in these organs. The article covers a 4-year period of observation of a young patient with late diagnosed tuberous sclerosis, suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis and tuberculosis of urinary system, includes the initial diagnosis of a specific disease, the course, the dynamics against received treatment and the development of relapse with the formation of resistance to anti-TB drugs. The difficulties in the management of tuberculosis in this patient were in the detection of numerous neoplasms and changes in the internal organs, in particular in the kidneys and lungs, which characterized tuberous sclerosis, on the one hand this contributed to untimely diagnosis of tuberculosis, and on the other hand – worsening the course and the progression of a specific process, as well as an unfavourable prognosis for recovery


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    The article shows the role of mothers' adverse pregnancy and birth, in the formation of pathology of the reproductive system, for the girls with, connective tissue dysplasia. The most significant risk factors were revealed: the threat of premature termination, of pregnancy, preeclampsia, preterm, birth, and. also basic phenotypic features of connective tissue dysplasia syndrome were determined. Menstrual function disorders in adolescent girls are characterized by early menarche, hypomenstrual syndrome, uterine bleeding of puberty

    Genetic variability and structure of SNP haplotypes in the DMPK gene in Yakuts and other ethnic groups of northern Eurasia in relation to myotonic dystrophy

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    The genetic variability of the DMPK locus has been studied in relation to six SNP markers (rs2070736, rs572634, rs1799894, rs527221, rs915915, and rs10415988) in Yakuts with myotonic dystrophy (MD) in the Yakut population and in populations of northern Eurasia. Significant differences were observed in the allele frequencies between patients and a population sample of Yakuts for three SNP loci (rs915915, rs1799894, and rs0415988) associated with a high chance of disease manifestation. The odds ratios (OR) of MD development in representatives of the Yakut population for these three loci were 2.59 (95% CI, p = 0,004), 4.99 (95% CI, p = 0.000), and 3.15 (95% CI, p = 0.01), respectively. Haplotype TTTCTC, which is associated with MD, and haplotype GTCCTT, which was observed only in Yakut MD patients (never in MD patients of non-Yakut origin), were revealed. A low level of variability in the locus of DMRK gene in Yakuts (He = 0.283) compared with other examined populations was noted. An analysis of pairwise genetic relationships between populations revealed their significant differentiation for all the examined loci. In addition, a low level of differentiation in territorial groups of Yakut populations (FST = 0.79%), which was related to the high subdivision of the northern Eurasian population (FST = 11.83%), was observed

    Effect of Thermal Exposure on Structure of the Ultrafine-GrainedZr-1Nb Alloy

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    Effect of annealing at temperature range of 573–823 K on stability of the ultrafine-grained structure of the Zr-1wt.%Nb alloy was studied by methods of transmission electron microscopy. Growth kinetics of grain–subgrain structure elements of alloy was investigated

    Local Pedagogical History in Training Bachelors of Education

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    the main aim of the study is to investigate the issues of pedagogy and technology of local history studies applied in training Bachelors of Education at a pedagogical University. The authors describe results of experimental work carried out at Stary Oskol branch of Belgorod State National Research University and approbation of local pedagogical history technology. Regarding the methods used in the study, we consider the training system containing local history concepts is made up by the following components: the training process, educational activities and research, teacher’s internship, extracurricular and outreach activities. The outcomes of the study demonstrate that local pedagogical history contributes significantly to training Bachelors of Education

    Reactive trityl derivatives: stabilised carbocation mass-tags for life sciences applications

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    The rational design of novel triarylmethyl (trityl)-based mass tags (MT) for mass-spectrometric (MS) applications is described. We propose a "pKR+ rule" to correlate the stability of trityl carbocations with their MS performance: trityls with higher pKR+ values ionise and desorb better. Trityl blocks were synthesised that have high pKR+ values and are stable in conditions of MS analysis; these MTs can be ionised by matrix as well as irradiation with a 337 nm nitrogen laser. 13C-Labelled tags were prepared for MS quantitation applications. Moreover, the tags were equipped with a variety of functional groups allowing conjugation with different functionalities within (bio)molecules to enhance the MS characteristics of the latter. The MS behaviour of model polycationic trityl compounds with and without the matrix was studied to reveal that poly-trityl clusters are always singly charged under the (MA)LDI-TOF conditions. Several peptide-trityl conjugates were prepared and comparisons revealed a beneficial effect of trityl tags on the conjugate detection in MS. Trityl compounds containing para-methoxy- and dimethylamine groups, as well as a xanthene fragment, showed considerable enhancement in MS detection of model peptides; thus they are promising tools for proteomic applications. Dimethoxytrityl derivatives allow one to distinguish between Arg- and Lys-containing peptides. Maleimido trityl derivatives are suitable for the efficient derivatisation of thiol-containing peptides in pyridine

    Peculiarities of chidren's risk assessment on ingestion of chemicals with drinking water

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    © 2010 RJPBCS.Results of the noncarcinogenic health risk assessment for the child population living in different districts of the city of Kazan are given in the article. The risk assessment was carried out for the peroral route of ingestion with the account of standard and regional exposure factors. Risk level analysis with application of local factors (particularly at the level of 95% pers.) and age differences in exposure to the chemicals ingested with drinking water showed that application of standard values resulted in underestimation of the actual health risk for the child population