127 research outputs found

    Illocutionary Acts in Ellen Degeneres Talk Show

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    This study deals with the types of illocutionary acts in Ellen Degeneres Talk show. The objectives of this study were to describe the types of illocutionary Acts which were used in Ellen Degeneres Talk show, to discover the type of illocutionary act which was dominantly used in Ellen Degeneres Talk show, why it is dominant and to elaborate in what contexts the dominant type occurs. This research applied descriptive qualitative method. It took two episodes of Ellen Degeneres Talk Showwhich is taken randomly from internet. Based on the analysis, not all types of illocutionary acts were used in Ellen Degeneres Talkbecause Declarative is not found.There were 326 utterances in two episodes selected, and the percentages of data were 43.86% ofassertives, 30.67% of directives, 18.40% of expressives, 6.13% of commisives and 0% of declaratives. The writer does not find declarations in the dialogue because there is no utterance that has a function that can change the world or the status of people through speaker\u27s utterance. The most dominant type of illocutionary acts found was Assertives. It shows that in their conversation the host most gave information and statement because it happened in the context of talk show where Ellen as the host gave some information about her guess star, information about the theme of the show and also about guest\u27s personal life and career

    Analisa Pengaruh Jenis Mechanical Seal Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Pompa Sentrifugal

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    Minyak bumi merupakan senyawa hidrokarbon yang dihasilkan dari sisa-sisa hewan atau fosil yang telah mati dan tertimbun selama berjuta-juta tahun yang lalu. Dalam waktu yang sangat lama bahan-bahan tersebut tertimbun oleh bebatuan sedimen, dan akibat dari proses kimia dan fisika serta adanya tekanan dan temperatur yang tinggi maka terbentuklah minyak mentah. Minyak mentah yang terdapat didalam Perut bumi tidak keluar dengan sendirinya, untuk itu diperlukan alat pendukung yang tepat digunakan seperti pompa. Pompa yang dimaksud disini adalah pompa yang digunakan untuk menginjeksikan air panas kedalam Perut bumi. Pompa yang sering digunakan adalah pompa sentrifugal. Pompa sentrifugal memiliki salah satu komponen yang penting yaitu mechanicalseal. Mechanical seal adalah suatu komponen dalam sebuah konstruksi pompa yang berfungsi sebagai penghalang atau pengeblok keluar masuknya cairan, baik itu fluida proses maupun pelumas. Penggunaan jenis mechanical seal yang tepat sangat penting bagi unjuk kerja pompa sentrifugal. Untuk itu perlu diteliti pengaruh jenis mechanical seal terhadap unjuk kerja pompa sentrifugal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis mechanical seal terhadap unjuk kerja pompa sentrifugal. Selain itu untuk mengetahui jenis mechanical seal yang paling baik unjuk kerjanya. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara eksperimen dengan menguji pompa sentrifugal yang menggunakan jenis mechanical seal plan 11, plan 21, dan plan 23. Dari hasil pengujian diperoleh bahwa jenis mechanical seal memiliki pengaruh terhadap unjuk kerja pompa sentrifugal. Jenis mechanical seal yang paling baik unjuk kerja pompa sentrifugalnya adalah jenis mechanical seal Plan 23. Dimana jenis mechanical seal plan 23 memperoleh effisiensi yang paling tinggi dari jenis mechanical seal yang lain, yaitu sebesar 70 %. Sedangkandaya pompa yang diperoleh paling rendah dari jenis mechanical seal yang lain, yaitu sebesar 135 HP. Dan untuk temperaturnya mechanical seal ini paling rendah, yaitu sebesar 84,2

    Promoting Hots and Better Literacy for EFL Students Through the Cognitively Challenging Reading Material

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    This literature review presents evidence from the literature which suggests that learning a foreign language in a classroom situation need a major shifting in its teaching and learning process. Memorizing language grammar does not necessarily provide the tools for teaching a person to speak, read, write and think with the target language. Educators need to be aware that language description (the language structures or rules) is not the same with language function (communication and thinking process). Current literature review surveys books and scholarly articles which are relevant to literacy issue by providing description, summary, and critical evaluation of these works in relation to the research problem being investigated. Latest findings from cognitive psychology field stresses that language acquisition can be achieved through cognitively challenging reading material. The students will feel more engagement with reading material which is not specifically design to learn English; they will read a reading material which is relevant to their lives and also interesting from their point of view. The reading material also must be comprehensible to the students. By understanding the content, they will add more layers to their conceptual thinking, and this will hone their High Order Thinking Skill. This work is of great importance to teachers as it demonstrates that teachers would help students become more literate by investing their time in choosing interesting and relevant reading materials.   Keywords: Language, Literacy, Acquisition, Thinking, Readin

    Analisis Perbedaan Kinerja Pemerintah Daerah yang Dipimpin Kepala Daerah Berlatar Belakang Entrepreneur dan Nonentrepreneur

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    In the implementation of regional autonomy, the regional head is expected toimplement visionary and innovative leadership patterns to fulfill hisobligations in developing regions, providing quality services, and creatingprosperity of the local community. In this study, the sample used is limited tolocal governments in Sumatera and Java who conducted elections of regionalheads (Pilkada) in 2010 ie as many as 111 provinces, districts, and cities. Thedata used secondary data, namely the score of local government in rankingand performance status of local government, obtained from the website of theMinistry of Home Affairs; and Audit Opinion, as seen in the summary ofaudit report result by the Supreme Audit Board (BPK). The conclusions ofthis study are: 1) there is a difference between the performance of localgovernment in Sumatera and Java, led by the Head of Region entrepreneurand non-entrepreneur background based on score of local government indetermining the rank and status of local government administration; 2) Thereis no difference between the performance of local government in Sumatera andJava led by the head of region with entrepreneur and non-entrepreneurbackground based on audit opinion of Supreme Audit Board (BPK) on LocalGovernment Financial Report (LKPD

    Aplikasi Penjadwalan Mata Kuliah Jurusan Teknik Informatika Fakultas Teknik Universitas Palangka Raya Dengan Algoritma Genetika

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    Scheduling courses in informatics engineering is needed to arrange an optimalschedule so that there is no conflict when teaching courses. In this journal of informaticsengineering has a problem in making a schedule because of frequent clash of teachinghours and the room used.Based on the problem, then to solve the above problem is to use the geneticalgorithm method. The genetic algorithm method is used for scheduling optimization.The final result of this research is the website program of Scheduling Courses inthe Department of Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, Palangkaraya University, whichcan display information about course schedules and this will be a tool for departments toprocess scheduling data through the course scheduling application

    Rancang Bangun Website Badan Pengawas Pemilihan Umum (Bawaslu) Kalimantan Tengah

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    The misuse of digital image images is increasing, data or information that is of a personal nature can easily be known by others who are not entitled through digital images. This can cause material and immaterial losses to people whose personal information is misused by others. Then the application applies the Rijndael algorithm to secure digital image images which contain information or data that is of a personal nature. In securing digital image images, Rijndael's algorithm is used to protect the information contained in the image, the algorithm runs with processes such as SubBytes, ShiftRows, MixColumns, and AddRoundKey. The methodology applied is data collection methods such as field studies and literature studies, then Waterfall software development methods (Communication, Planning, Modeling, Construction, and Deployment) for system desig

    The Impact of Auditor Quality, Financial Stability, and Financial Target for Fraudulent Financial Statement

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    This study analyzes the influence of financial stability, financial targets and the role of the quality of auditors against fraud measures financial statements. This study using purposive sampling and use of the 21 companies that commit fraud recorded in the financial statements of the Financial Services Authority and 21 companies did not commit fraud which includes compass 100 in the Indonesia Stock Exchange using logistic regression analysis. The study found a positive effect of variable quality auditor against fraudulent financial reports, found a negative influence financial stability and financial variables against the target of fraudulent financial statements. Limitation of this study are limited variables and proxy variables used to measure financial targets, further research is recommended to add the variables that affect the occurrence of acts of fraud financial statements, and look for a proxy for a target financial variables
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