83,962 research outputs found

    The Weyl tensor two-point function in de Sitter spacetime

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    We present an expression for the Weyl-Weyl two-point function in de Sitter spacetime, based on a recently calculated covariant graviton two-point function with one gauge parameter. We find that the Weyl-Weyl two-point function falls off with distance like r^{-4}, where r is spacelike coordinate separation between the two points.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    The relationship between cooling flows and metallicity measurements for X-ray luminous clusters

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    We explore the relationship between the metallicity of the intracluster gas in clusters of galaxies, determined by X-ray spectroscopy, and the presence of cooling flows. Using ASCA spectra and ROSAT images, we demonstrate a clear segregation between the metallicities of clusters with and without cooling flows. On average, cooling-flow clusters have an emission-weighted metallicity a factor ~ 1.8 times higher than that of non-cooling flow systems. We suggest this to be due to the presence of metallicity gradients in the cooling flow clusters, coupled with the sharply peaked X-ray surface brightness profiles of these systems. Non-cooling flow clusters have much flatter X-ray surface brightness distributions and are thought to have undergone recent merger events which may have mixed the central high-metallicity gas with the surrounding less metal-rich material. We find no evidence for evolution in the emission-weighted metallicities of clusters within z~0.3.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS letters (December 1997). 6 pages, 2 figures in MNRAS LaTex style. Minor revision

    Oxygen Absorption in Cooling Flows

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    The inhomogeneous cooling flow scenario predicts the existence of large quantities of gas in massive elliptical galaxies, groups, and clusters that have cooled and dropped out of the flow. Using spatially resolved, deprojected X-ray spectra from the ROSAT PSPC we have detected strong absorption over energies ~0.4-0.8 keV intrinsic to the central ~1 arcmin of the galaxy, NGC 1399, the group, NGC 5044, and the cluster, A1795. These systems have amongst the largest nearby cooling flows in their respective classes and low Galactic columns. Since no excess absorption is indicated for energies below ~0.4 keV the most reasonable model for the absorber is warm, collisionally ionized gas with T=10^{5-6} K where ionized states of oxygen provide most of the absorption. Attributing the absorption only to ionized gas reconciles the large columns of cold H and He inferred from Einstein and ASCA with the lack of such columns inferred from ROSAT, and also is consistent with the negligible atomic and molecular H inferred from HI, and CO observations of cooling flows. The prediction of warm ionized gas as the product of mass drop-out in these and other cooling flows can be verified by Chandra, XMM, and ASTRO-E.Comment: 4 pages (2 figures), Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters, no significant changes from previous submitted versio

    Competition between charge and spin order in the t−U−Vt-U-V extended Hubbard model on the triangular lattice

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    Several new classes of compounds can be modeled in first approximation by electrons on the triangular lattice that interact through on-site repulsion UU as well as nearest-neighbor repulsion VV. This extended Hubbard model on a triangular lattice has been studied mostly in the strong coupling limit for only a few types of instabilities. Using the extended two-particle self consistent approach (ETPSC), that is valid at weak to intermediate coupling, we present an unbiased study of the density and interaction dependent crossover diagram for spin and charge density wave instabilities of the normal state at arbitrary wave vector. When UU dominates over VV and electron filling is large, instabilities are chiefly in the spin sector and are controlled mostly by Fermi surface properties. Increasing VV eventually leads to charge instabilities. In the latter case, it is mostly the wave vector dependence of the vertex that determines the wave vector of the instability rather than Fermi surface properties. At small filling, non-trivial instabilities appear only beyond the weak coupling limit. There again, charge density wave instabilities are favored over a wide range of dopings by large VV at wave vectors corresponding to (3)×(3)\sqrt(3) \times \sqrt(3) superlattice in real space. Commensurate fillings do not play a special role for this instability. Increasing UU leads to competition with ferromagnetism. At negative values of UU or VV, neglecting superconducting fluctuations, one finds that charge instabilities are favored. In general, the crossover diagram presents a rich variety of instabilities. We also show that thermal charge-density wave fluctuations in the renormalized classical regime can open a pseudogap in the single-particle spectral weight, just as spin or superconducting fluctuations

    Weakly nonlinear waves in magnetized plasma with a slightly non-Maxwellian electron distribution. Part 2, Stability of cnoidal waves

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    We determine the growth rate of linear instabilities resulting from long-wavelength transverse perturbations applied to periodic nonlinear wave solutions to the Schamel–Korteweg–de Vries–Zakharov–Kuznetsov (SKdVZK) equation which governs weakly nonlinear waves in a strongly magnetized cold-ion plasma whose electron distribution is given by two Maxwellians at slightly different temperatures. To obtain the growth rate it is necessary to evaluate non-trivial integrals whose number is kept to a minimum by using recursion relations. It is shown that a key instance of one such relation cannot be used for classes of solution whose minimum value is zero, and an additional integral must be evaluated explicitly instead. The SKdVZK equation contains two nonlinear terms whose ratio b increases as the electron distribution becomes increasingly flat-topped. As b and hence the deviation from electron isothermality increases, it is found that for cnoidal wave solutions that travel faster than long-wavelength linear waves, there is a more pronounced variation of the growth rate with the angle ξ at which the perturbation is applied. Solutions whose minimum values are zero and which travel slower than long-wavelength linear waves are found, at first order, to be stable to perpendicular perturbations and have a relatively narrow range of ξ for which the first-order growth rate is not zero

    Waveforms for Gravitational Radiation from Cosmic String Loops

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    We obtain general formulae for the plus- and cross- polarized waveforms of gravitational radiation emitted by a cosmic string loop in transverse, traceless (synchronous, harmonic) gauge. These equations are then specialized to the case of piecewise linear loops, and it is shown that the general waveform for such a loop is a piecewise linear function. We give several simple examples of the waveforms from such loops. We also discuss the relation between the gravitational radiation by a smooth loop and by a piecewise linear approximation to it.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, Revte

    Method and apparatus for aligning a laser beam projector Patent

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    Laser beam projector for continuous, precise alignment between target, laser generator, and astronomical telescope during trackin

    A uniform metallicity in the outskirts of massive, nearby galaxy clusters

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    Suzaku measurements of a homogeneous metal distribution of Z∌0.3Z\sim0.3 Solar in the outskirts of the nearby Perseus cluster suggest that chemical elements were deposited and mixed into the intergalactic medium before clusters formed, likely over 10 billion years ago. A key prediction of this early enrichment scenario is that the intracluster medium in all massive clusters should be uniformly enriched to a similar level. Here, we confirm this prediction by determining the iron abundances in the outskirts (r>0.25r200r>0.25r_{200}) of a sample of ten other nearby galaxy clusters observed with Suzaku for which robust measurements based on the Fe-K lines can be made. Across our sample the iron abundances are consistent with a constant value, ZFe=0.316±0.012Z_{\rm Fe}=0.316\pm0.012 Solar (χ2=28.85\chi^2=28.85 for 25 degrees of freedom). This is remarkably similar to the measurements for the Perseus cluster of ZFe=0.314±0.012Z_{\rm Fe}=0.314\pm0.012 Solar, using the Solar abundance scale of Asplund et al. (2009).Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA
