1,187 research outputs found


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    This article describes a classroom action research held in writing class using a four-phase technique to improve the eleventh grade students’ writing skill and improve classroom situation. The method used in the research is classroom action research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle included four stages: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The research data were collected by using observation, interview, document, photograph and test (pre-test and post-test). The data were analyzed through descriptive analysis which consists of assembling the data, coding the data, comparing the data, building interpretation, and reporting the outcomes for the qualitative data and descriptive statistics for the quantitative data. The research findings show that a four-phase technique is able to improve students’ wriitng skill and classroom situation. It shows that there was an improvement of the students’ writing skill before and after the research. Key words: classroom action research, writing skill, a four-phase techniqu

    Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Penyadapan Oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Orupsi Terhadap Dugaan Pelaku Tindak Pidana Korupsi Dari Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia

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    Penelitian ini dilakuklan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kewenangan dan kewajiban KPK, dalam menanggulangi tindak pidana korupsi di Indonesia dan bagaimana keabsahan dari penyadapan yang di lakukan KPK, jika di lihat dari prespektif hak asasi manusia. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, dapat disimpulkan: 1. Kewenangan dan Kewajiban KPK, dalam memberantas tindak pidana korupsi di Indonesia, diatur jelas dalam Undang-Undang KPK. Beberapa kewenangan dari KPK adalah: Mengkoordinasikan penyelidikan, penyidikan, dan penuntutan tindak pidana korupsi, menetapkan sistem pelaporan dalam kegiatan pemberantasan korupsi, meminta informasi tentang kegiatan pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi, dan meminta laporan instansi terkait mengenai pencegahan tindak pidana korupsi. Selain kewenangan diatas KPK juga memiliki kewenangan lain yang diatur secara eksplisit dalam Pasal 8, 12, 13 dan Pasal 14 Undang-undang KPK. 2. Keabsahan penyadapan yang dilakukan oleh KPK di Indonesia diatur jelas dalam Pasal 12 ayat (a) Undang-undang KPK, yang berbunyi: Dalam melaksanakan Penyelidikan, Penyidikan, dan Penuntutan sebagaimana yang dimaksud dalam Pasal 6 huruf (c) KPK berwewenang melakukan penyadapan dan merekam pembicaraan. sehingga hasil dari penyadapan tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai alat bukti dalam membuktikan kejahatan tindak pidana korupsi. Dan jika diilihat dari prespektif HAM, penyadapan sama sekali tidak melanggar HAM, karena pada dasarnya menurut Pasal 28 j ayat (2) kebebasan hak-hak dapat dibatasi manakala demi kepentingan hukum, dan Negara

    Surface Plasmons for Probing Optical Data of Multi- Layered Thin Films

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    In this paper, we show how optical excitation of surface plasmons (SPs) can be used to obtain optical and geometrical parameters of specific layers in multi-layered thin film systems. The optimum coupling phenomenon between incoming p-polarized light and SPs appears as a minimum in the reflectance that is calculated using a standard matrix formalism. The sensitive dependence of the reflectance minimum on optical and geometrical parameters suggests that they can be determined accurately by fitting the measured attenuated total reflectance (ATR) to the matrix-calculated reflectance using the Simplex minimization method. The procedure is applied to the multi-layered system: Prism / Air gap / Al-oxide / Al / GaAs. At fixed incident light wavelength, the fitting parameters are the Al-oxide optical constant and the thickness of the air gap, Al-oxide and Al layers. Fortran codes are implemented for the reflectance calculations and the fitting procedures. The results show that the theoretical reflectance fits well the measured ATR at 633 nm wavelength. Moreover, the modeled Al-oxide optical constant at this wavelength agrees well with the literature. However, the reflectance fits are less good at 590 nm and 458 nm wavelengths and their modeled Al-oxide optical constants show a dispersion effect in disagreement with the literature. The modeled geometrical parameters are consistent with the nominal values

    Metal Corrosion: In-depth Analysis, Economic Impacts and Inhibition Strategies for Enhanced Infrastructure Durability

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    This study examines the corrosion of metallic materials, highlighting its significant impact on infrastructure and the global economy. We explore the various corrosive environments and the factors influencing this complex process. Corrosion causes substantial material wastage and deterioration in the performance of metallic materials. Our analysis highlights the economic importance of this phenomenon, estimated at 3.4% of global GDP, with consequent expenditure on anti-corrosion measures. Finally, we present the main types of corrosion and inhibition strategies aimed at improving the durability of industrial materials

    Perbandingan Implementasi Model Problem Based Learning dan Direct Instruction dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Jaringan Dasar Kelas X

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    This research aims at (1) discovering the comparison between pre-test and post-test results on experiment class using problem based learning; (2) discovering the result of post-test on experiment class using problem based learning and control class using direct instruction; (3) discovering the comparison of learning motivation of students between problem based learning method and direct instruction. The data analysis employed was t-test and single path of anava test. The result of the research indicates that problem based learning is higher than direct instruction on certain materials for instance network addressing protocol and network hardware.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui perbandingan hasil pretest dan posttest pada kelas eksperimen dengan model pembelajaran problem based learning; (2) mengetahui perbandingan hasil posttest pada kelas eksperimen dengan model pembelajaran problem based learning dan kelas kontrol dengan model pembelajaran direct instruction; (3) mengetahui perbandingan motivasi belajar antara siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran problem based learning dan direct instruction. Analisis data yang digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis adalah uji-t dan uji anava satu jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan model pembelajaran problem based learning lebih unggul dibanding direct instruction pada materi tertentu, seperti protokol pengalamatan jaringan dan perangkat keras jaringan

    Apikasi Pemandu Museum Gunungapi Merapi (Mgm) Dengan Konsep Layanan Berbasis Lokasi Dalam Ruangan Menggunakan Qr Code

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    Museum Gunungapi Merapi (MGM) merupakan wahana wisata yang dirancang sebagai wahana edukasi konservasi yang berkelanjutan serta pengembangan ilmu kebencanaan gunung api, gempa bumi, dan bencana alam lainnya. Terbatasnya media informasi yang terdapat di Museum Gunungapi Merapi menyebabkan pengunjung mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami informasi dan ditambah lagi perlu adanya tour guide untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih tentunya dengan berbagai keterbatasan, sehingga perlu dikembangkan aplikasi yang dapat membantu pengunjung untuk memudahkan akses informasi di lingkungan Museum Gunungapi Merapi. Penelitian ini menggunakan model proses pengembangan sistem Waterfall diawali dengan tahap analisis definisi persyaratan yaitu analisis kebutuhan. Dilanjutkan dengan tahap perancangan sistem dan perangkat lunak yaitu perancangan proses dan perancangan interface. Kemudian Implementasi sistem menggunakan ADT dan CodeIgniter. Pengujian yang dilakukan pada aplikasi menggunakan metode black box test, dan pengujian kecepatan pemindaian QR Code. Hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi MGM Apps (frontend) yang digunakan pengunjung untuk mengakses informasi dengan melakukan pemindaian QR Code dan Web Administrator MGM (backend) digunakan oleh pengelola museum untuk mengelola informasi. Hasil pengujian yang dilakukan menunjukan bahwa aplikasi layak dan dapat digunakan

    An overview of real-time quantitative PCR: Principles and formats for environmental microbiology studies

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    © Global Science Publications. A fluorescence-based real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) is a powerful and commonly used molecular technique for quantifying the rRNA or DNA of targeted organisms in environmental samples. qPCR assays are easy to perform, making them capable of high throughput and can combine high sensitivity with reliable specificity. qPCR analysis is the combination of the traditional endpoint PCR attached with fluorescents to record the accumulation of the amplicons in real time during each cycle of the PCR. Detection of amplicons during the early exponential phase enables quantification of the gene numbers because they are proportional to the starting template. This review is focussed on currently used qPCR platforms, the chemistries involved in real-time PCR systems mainly applied for the environmental microbiology studies. The various factors affecting quantification of environmental microbial communities using qPCR have also been discussed

    Applications of real-time quantitative PCR for environmental microbiology studies

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    © Global Science Publications. The real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) is a robust and sensitive molecular technique to quantify phylogenetic and key functional genes of microbial populations in various natural and engineered environmental ecosystems under varying physical and chemical environmental conditions. The generated quantitative qPCR data can be used to relate variation in abundance of specific microbial groups, species, family or functional gene of interest and levels of gene expression in comparison with the change in environmental factors and or system processes. In this review, several applications of qPCR for the understanding of environmental microorganisms have been presented. The main qPCR applications reviewed are: quantification of uncultured environmental bacteria, detection of pathogens in environmental samples, the effect of antibiotics on anaerobic digester microbial community and understanding mechanism of nitrification and ammonia metabolism in engineered environmental ecosystems

    A systemic risk assessment of OTC derivatives reforms and skin-in-the-game for CCPs

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    The G20 OTC (over-the-counter) derivatives reforms impose large collateral/liquidity demands on clearing members of Central Counterparty (CCP) clearing platforms in the form of initial margins, variation margins and contributions to the default fund. In Heath et al. (2016), it was shown how this introduces a trade-off between liquidity risk and solvency risk with the system manifesting considerable systemic risk from these two sources of risk while CCP penetration is at current levels. The authors extend this analysis to include the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) skin-in-the-game requirements for CCPs, which aim to ameliorate the contributions to the default fund by clearing members and also to prevent moral hazard problems associated with the too-interconnected-to-fail (TITF) status of CCPs as more and more derivatives are centrally cleared. The authors provide a systemic risk assessment of these features of the OTC derivatives reforms using network analysis based on 2015-end data on the derivatives positions for 40 globally systemically important banks (G-SIBs)
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