24 research outputs found

    The physicochemical and antioxidant properties of double-boiled kelulut honey

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    Kelulut honey is a unique Malaysian food that has beneficial components and high potential in many health aspects. In commercial processing plant, honey is usually subjected to thermal treatment, where its quality is compromised due to unstable and thermolabile components. Therefore, double boiling was chosen as it does not exert significant heat, thus minimizes damage done. The quality was determined after treated by double boiling technique at optimized condition. Three different sources of Kelulut honey based on the main types of foods consumed by the bees (Coconut, Multifloral and Wild Flowers) were tested. Kelulut honey samples were subjected to an optimized condition at 60 °C for 35 minutes. Thermal treatment at the same condition was conducted for comparison purpose. The results showed that double boiling treatment increased the total phenolic content of Kelulut-C honey significantly, from 2430.78 ± 12.24 to 2711.10 ± 23.00 mg GAE/100 g. The treatment also significantly increased the brown pigment for both Kelulut-C and Kelulut-W honey by 11.11 ± 0.00% and 27.27 ± 0.00%, respectively. Whereas, the pH and moisture content of all samples remain unchanged with no formation of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) was observed. A preliminary four-week storage study showed that double boiling treatment improves physicochemical properties of Kelulut honey as compared to the untreated samples for all three types of Kelulut honey tested. Meanwhile, a room temperature (27 °C) condition leads to an improvement of antioxidant properties as compared to cold temperature (4 °C). In conclusion, double boiling treatment has established itself as a good alternative processing method for Kelulut honey, hence increasing the possibility to bring forward Kelulut honey as a unique source for the application in food and beverages industries

    Social Media Research Trends In Malaysia: An Analysis Of Three Major Communication Journals In Malaysia

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    The emergence of social media such as blogs and microblogs; social networking sites; virtual game world; collaborative projects; content communities and virtual social world have garnered millions of users in Malaysia. With the development of social media, the academic and media environment have shown tremendous changes in mass communication research, leading to increasing numbers of research on social media. Hence, this quantitative study aspires to discuss various issues related to social media by tracing the research trends in Malaysia. Data were gathered through content analysis by reviewing social media research articles in three major communication academic journals in Malaysia such as Malaysian Journal of Media Studies (Jurnal Pengajian Media Malaysia), Malaysian Journal of Communication (Jurnal Komunikasi) and Global Media Journal-Malaysian Edition during a ten-year period. Findings on research topics, research methodology and theoretical frameworks were identified. Comparisons of data between the early emergence of social media (2004-2008) and current era of social media (2009-2014) were also made. The results of the study provided insights for researchers and practitioners into the patterns and issues associated with social media in the countr

    The role of brand self-relevance in developing brand loyalty: a study on the brand loyalty for Honda

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    This study investigates the role of brand self-relevance in developing brand loyalty on the automotive brand, Honda. In-depth interviews of 34 Honda owners in Malaysia were conducted. Those interviewed were asked on their feelings, experiences and loyalty towards Honda. The study conceptualised a research model combining Dick and Basu’s (1994) customer loyalty framework and Sirgy’s (1986) self-congruity theory. Results demonstrated there are two main self-relevance factors influencing consumers’ brand loyalty, which are product or brand user image congruity and need for self-expression. Specifically, study showed need of self-expression plays a significant role in influencing brand loyalty to portray consumers’ ideal, social and ideal-social self-images. Results also reveal brand self-relevance plays a significant role to both behavioural and attitudinal brand loyalty. Results illustrated brand self-relevance plays a more significant role in influencing consumers towards true loyalty than latent, spurious or no loyalty. This study suggests brand managers, advertisers and companies should focus on brand self-relevance in developing brand loyalty strategies to capture brand’s target market and retain them for a long duration of time. Findings provide a more specific direction in developing brand communication strategies and marketing plans to create strong and sustainable brand, retaining greater brand loyalty of the customers

    Persepsi pengguna media sosial terhadap individu berpengaruh dalam mempromosikan produk di instagram / Alin Bazilah Hassim, Nur Atikah A Rahman and Jamilah Ahmad.

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    Kebelakangan ini, pemasar menggunakan pelbagai kaedah komunikasi dalam mempromosikan produk, salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan individu berpengaruh di media sosial. Namun, walaupun makin ramai golongan muda sukakan pandangan individu berpengaruh untuk mendapatkan maklumat, analisis kajian lepas mendapati kajian yang membincangkan persepsi masyarakat terhadap individu berpengaruh di media sosial dalam mempromosikan produk masih kurang. Oleh itu, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menilai pandangan pengguna digital terhadap individu berpengaruh dan mengetahui elemen-elemen yang mendorong kepercayaan golongan ini untuk membeli produk. Kajian ini menggunakan Elaboration Likehood Model (ELM) untuk menerangkan bagaimana sikap boleh dibentuk dan diubah dengan cara yang berbeza melalui rangsangan yang diterima oleh individu, serta bagaimana rangsangan diproses, digunakan dan dijana oleh minda supaya perubahan sikap berlaku. Kaedah kualitatif digunakan melalui analisis kandungan komen-komen yang tertera di setiap gambar dan video yang telah diletakkan oleh individu berpengaruh, Vivy Yusof, di media sosial. Hasil dapatan mendapati pengikut mempunyai pandangan yang positif terhadap Vivy Yusof yang membuatkan pengikut mudah terpengaruh dengannya. Mesej yang disampaikan oleh Vivy melalui uga mengukuhkan lagi kepercayaan pengikut untuk membeli produk dUCK Cosmetics sehingga tingkah laku pengikutnya berubah

    Review on the status of theory and research of social media studies in Malaysia: a conceptual paper

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    In the recent years, the literature indicated that adoption and consequences of using social media on the users and society has become a popular topic among the communication scholars. However, past studies also show that prior efforts in discussing on the stature and scholarship of social media research in Malaysia is scarce. Thus, the purpose of this conceptual paper is to review on the theoretical patterns and research trends of social media related studies on Malaysian users. In particular, the method used is based on literature reviews in chronological order concerning new media, social media and research trends analyses from journal articles, thesis proceedings and conferences, book and more. A framework of analysis was generated to identify the frequency and occurrences in theoretical application, research topic areas, methodological approaches, types of contents, social media medium of interest and research developmental phases of social media studies. The study ends with summaries and recommendations to utilise comprehensive content analyses of communication and media journals in Malaysia to trace the theoretical trends and research patterns pertaining to social media research

    Research on the state of social media studies in Malaysia: 2004-2015

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    In the recent years, the advancement of social media plays a phenomenal role in the Malaysia’s media and academic landscape. Social media have garnered massive adoption among the online population, paving way for scholars to understand on the usage and impact of social media on the users in the country. The rising amount of research on social media illustrates a growing interest in this phenomenon. Despite the budding interest among scholars, the understanding on the research patterns and status on social media studies in Malaysia is still inadequate, comparing with the research trends analyses in the West. This paper investigated the trends of social media research in Malaysia from 2004 to 2015. A quantitative content analysis was conducted on 79 articles in 21 selected academic journals in identifying the methodological approach, theoretical application, topical, social media type, type of content and research developmental phases of social media scholarship. Findings revealed social media research in Malaysia is still in formative stage but increasing throughout the years. Unlike findings from past analyses, theory-driven articles in Malaysia were more prevalent than theoretical presence in the West. Nonetheless, Malaysian scholars still lack in conceptualisation and expansion of theories. The study suggests for a more explicit theoretical foundation and technology advancement in the future research. This study also suggests that future scholarly endeavours should have better methodological rigour and wider dispersion of social media medium and content type

    Keyboard warrior, online predator or cyber bully? The growing menace of child exposure to internet harm based on research evidence

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    The internet has come along with a myriad of positive and negative challenges. One of the positive developments is the increased access for all age categories, especially people of young ages; however, it is not without a side effect. A cyberbullying threat has become interesting areas of research over the years because of the importance of the concepts toward understanding children’s online behaviours and making the internet safe again for the kids to surf. Thus, this article seeks to provide a further understanding of the phenomenon by reporting the findings of a study performed in Selangor, a state of Malaysia. A questionnaire was administered to 375 respondents selected using stratified random sampling from a population of 6,671 primary and secondary school pupils aged 9 to 16 years. The key findings revealed that most children had been involved in the act of cyberbullying. Interestingly, most of them were aware of online threats but did not know that it was bad behaviour. However, most of them were rarely involved in a sex-related cyberbullying incident. A collective approach to guarantee the internet safety of children and balance their online prospects and risks is recommended to ensure children’s online safety

    Parental attachment and cyberbullying experiences among Malaysian children

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    The purpose of this article is to illustrate the links between the three factors of parental attachment (i.e., communication, trust, and alienation) and cyberbullying experiences among school-going children. A total of 375 students aged 9 to 16 years old were selected using stratified sampling method from 8 schools in Selangor. The authors adapted a 10-item instrument from the previous studies of Youth Internet Safety Survey (YISS) and EUkidsonline scales to assess the cyberbullying prevalence based on two sub-dimensions (online harassment and sex-based bullying). The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to analyse the construct validity of the scales. Structural equation modelling (SEM) then was used to test the study hypotheses. The final model has an estimated that 10% (R2=.95) of the variance in cyberbullying is explained by parental attachment, indicating only the alienation factor predicted the children’s cyberbullying experiences. The findings, however, supported a differentiated approach to positive parenting

    Seeking of agriculture information through mobile phone among paddy farmers in Selangor

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    Introduction:Mobile phone is one of the communication tools that have always mattered in many fields included agriculture. The development of the agriculture sector in the rural area is significant to diminish poverty among farmers. Agricultural activities are known to provide opportunities for employment and generating income in the rural area. Poverty can be reduced through adequate investment and improvement in the agriculture sector. Enhancing the use of mobile phone will empower farmers with relevant agriculture information. Thus, agriculture production and profits as well as farmers’ food security and livelihood will increase. Methodology:This study uses a quantitative approach, where an adopted and adapted questionnaire was employed to obtain the data needed. Through purposive sampling, 400 respondents were surveyed. The respondents selected were those who are involved in paddy farming in Selangor. Results: The finding of the study reveals that paddy farmers in Selangor are comfortable using mobile phones in seeking agricultural information. The result for communication appsindicates that WhatsApp is the best choice to get information using a mobile phone as 279 respondents responded they were comfortable using WhatsApp to get and share information through a mobile phone. Whereas, the highest agriculture information the farmers sought are information on pest control, farm safety information, and information on pesticide/weed. Conclusion/Recommendation:Due to the well-received mobile phones usage among farmers, it is recommended that organizations such as the Department of Agriculture and Barat Laut Selangor Integrated Agriculture Development Area (IADA) to improve strategies indistributing information on paddy farming using mobile phones

    The prevalence of obesity and the knowledge, attitude and practice of healthy lifestyle among the adult population in Kampung Banyuk, Kampung Kerto and Kampung Langup

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    Background Obesity has become a great public health concern and prevent!ive measures need to be done. Objective The objective of this research is to determine the prevalence ofobesity and their knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) towards a healthy lifestyle among the residents in Kampung Banyok, Kampung Kerto and Kampung Langup. Methods A cross-sectional study was done among 126 randomly selected villagers aged 18 years and above from the three selected villages. They were interviewed based on a questionnaire and their body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Results It was found that more than half of the respondents are obese. Among the respondents, for the healthy lifestyle component, the level of good KAP is 69.2%, 46.8% and 60.3% respectively. As for obesity component, the level of good KAP is 60.3%, 54% and 54.8% respectively. Among the obese respondents, the level of knowledge and attitude on healthy lifestyle and obesity is better. Obese respondents have better obesity preventive practice while the non-obese respondents have better practice on healthy lifestyle. The only significant correlation noted was between knowledge and practice on obesity albeit a negative one. Conclusion The level of knowledge and attitude and practice on healthy lifestyle among the obese respondents are encouraged but more effort in the preventive practice ofobesity shou1d be done to reduce the prevalence.