71 research outputs found

    Keterampilan Dasar Geometri Siswa Kelas V dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Bangun Datar Berdasarkan Kemampuan Matematika di Mi Al Istiqomah Banjarmasin

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterampilan dasar geometri siswa yang berkemampuan tinggi, sedang dan rendah di kelas V SD dalam menyelesaikan soal bangun datar segiempat. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga orang siswa SD yaitu siswa yang memiliki kemampuan matematika tinggi, siswa yang memiliki kemampuan matematika sedang dan siswa yang memiliki kemampuan matematika rendah. Kegiatan penelitian dimulai dengan memberikan tes kemampuan matematika. Nilai tes dijadikan sebagai acuan kemampuan siswa. Siswa dikelompokkan dalam tiga kemampuan berdasarkan pada Standar Ketuntasan Minimal (SKM) untuk mata pelajaran matematika yaitu: 80 ≤ x ≤ 100 (Kemampuan tinggi), 60 ≤ x < 80 (Kemampuan sedang) dan 0 ≤ x < 60 (Kemampuan rendah) Selain itu akan dipilih siswa yang komunikatif. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan tugas pemecahan dan wawancara. Keabsahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi waktu yang berbeda. Kemudian, data yang valid dianalisis untuk menarik kesimpulan. Sehingga hasil dari penelitian ini adalah profil keterampilan dasar geometri siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal bangun datar segiempat berdasarkan kemampuan matematika. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa subjek yang memiliki kemampuan tinggi, sedang dan rendah memenuhi indikator keterampilan dasar geometri yaitu keterampilan visual, verbal, menggambar, logika dan terapan

    Sastra dan Penjajahan: Membaca Karya Pengarang Tersohor Indonesia dan Malaysia

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    Makalah ini membincangkan hubungan antara sastra dengan penjajahan. Hal ini demikian karena karya sastra telah digunakan oleh pihak penjajah sebagai wahana untuk mewajarkan perlakuan penjajahan mereka ke atas peribumi dan negara jajahannya. Sebagai wacana balas, genre karya sastra bawaan penjajah Barat seperti novel, drama, cerpen dan sajak telah dijadikan alat juga oleh pengarang peribumi untuk menentang penjajahnya. Dengan melihat kepada penjajahan oleh Belanda di Indonesia dan Inggris di Malaysia, maka dua buah cerpen bertemakan politik karya Mochtar Lubis (Indonesia) berjudul “Kuli Kontrak” dan karya Keris Mas (Malaysia) berjudul Penjual Ubat Merdeka” telah dipilih untuk dijadikan materi kajian ini bagi melihat pertembungan dan pergeseran konsep dan idealisme antara peribumi tanah jajahan dengan penjajahnya. Untuk meneliti hal ini, teori kesusastraan pascakolonial digunakan sebagai teras kajian. Pada akhirnya ditemukan bagaimana karya sastra berfungsi sebagai medium yang meruntuhkan imperialisme dan kolonialisme Barat di kedua-dua buah negara ini

    Aktivitas Hepatoproteksi Ekstrak Etanol Kecambah Kedelai (Glycine Max) dengan Parameter Histopatologi Hepar pada Tikus yang Diinduksi Parasetamol

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    Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr) mengandung senyawa flavonoid yang berfungsi sebagai hepatoprotektor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas hepatoproteksi ekstrak etanol kecambah kedelai pada tikus jantan yang diinduksi parasetamol dengan parameter histopatologi. Ekstraksi dengan metode maserasi dengan menggunakan pelarut etanol 70% dilakukan untuk mendapatkan ekstrak etanol kecambah kedelai. Hewan uji yang digunakan adalah tikus jantan (Rattus norvegicus) sebanyak 15 ekor dan dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok, secara berturut-turut adalah kelompok I sebagai kontrol tanpa induksi, kelompok II sebagai kontrol dengan pemberian induksi parasetamol, kelompok III, IV dan V yang diberi ekstrak etanol kecambah kedelai, berturut-turut 200 mg/kgBB, 300 mg/kgBB dan 400 mg/kgBB. Pada hari ke-8 seluruh tikus, kecuali kelompok I, diberikan induktor kerusakan hepar, yaitu parasetamol dosis 180mg/200gBB. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol kecambah kedelai 400 mg/kgBB memiliki aktivitas hepatoproteksi paling efektif dibandingkan dosis 200 mg/kgBB dan 300 mg/kgBB dengan parameter histopatologi tikus jantan yang diinduksi parasetamol

    Learners’ perspective on critical factors to cloud VLE success: an empirical investigation

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    The use of Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in academic institutions is becoming an imperative for many institutions. The growth of the advanced education system now is depending on the increased of Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) technology utilization. Education institution communities are encouraged to adopt a variety of VLE technology to support the process of teaching and learning. The objective of this research is to measure perspective of VLE acceptance among lecturers in the context of Moodle application by using data from 541 lecturers at selected Higher Education Institutions. A framework of research constructed based on a comprehensive study on the theory of service quality and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Eight factors hypothesized which consist of five independent variables; organization support, knowledge support, technical assistance, system characteristics and lecturer style and innovation, two belief variables; perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use and one dependent variable; behavioral intention to use the VLE. All the factors were tested to determine whether they are important in influencing future use of the VLE and statistical analysis methods determined the key driving factors. Results of regression analysis showed that university lecturers have an above average level of VLE acceptance with the very high level of significant value

    Parasitological and serological investigation into lymphatic filariasis among immigrants at Semenyih Detention Centre, Selangor, West Malaysia

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    Parasitological and serological investigations for lymphatic filariasis were performed on 450 immigrants detained at the Immigration Centre at Semenyih, Seiangor, West Malaysia. The country of origin of these immigrants were Indonesia, The Philippines, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. Brugia malayi adult worm homogenate (BmAH) antigen was used for the detection of antifilarial IgG. A monoclonal antibody-based ELISA (MAb.XC3~ELISA) specific for filarial circulating antigens and non-phosphorylcholine reactive was used to detect antigenemia in these immigrants. Parasitologically 67 (14.89 %) were positive for W, bancrofti and 54 (12.0%) for Brugia malayi. Serologically 63 % had antifilarial IgG titre to the BmAH antigen. While Bancroftian filariasis is now unknown in Peninsular Malaysia, the potential of it to be reintroduced into Peninsular Malaysia by the immigrant population is discussed

    A rare case of alpha-thalassaemia intermedia in a Malay patient double heterozygous for α+ –thalassaemia and a mutation in α1 globin gene CD59 (GGC → GAC)

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    A rare case of thalassaemia-intermedia involving a non-deletion alpha thalassemia point mutation in the α1-globin gene CD59 (GGC → GAC) and a deletion α+ (-α3.7) thalassaemia in which use of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) C-gram Hb subtype profile and DNA molecular analysis helped establish the diagnosis

    Pre-assessment of microbiology quality and antibiotic resistance of vibrio parahaemolyticus from cockle (Anadaragranosa) in Malaysia.

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    Introduction Vibrio species has shown one of the most important bacterial diseases in marine cultured organisms, affecting a large number of species of fish and shellfish. Among well known species is Vibrio parahaemolyticus which associated with cockle and reported as one of the important foodborne diseases in developing countries. Objectives The study was conducted to determine the microbiology quality of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in cockles (Anadaragranosa) in Selangor, Perak, Melaka and Negeri Sembilan. Methods A total of 12 cockle samples were purchased from wet market throughout 3 weeks in September 2009. Out of the 12 cockle samples, 120 isolates were randomly produced and tested for microbiology quality of V. parahaemolyticus by growing onto Thiosulphate Bile-Salt Sucrose (TCBS) agar. Tentative colonies of V. parahaemolyticus were then examined for biochemical test and antibiotic resistance patterns towards bacitracin, vancomycin, penicillin, chloramphenicol, amikacin, enrofloxacin and cifrofloxacin. Results The highest mean colony counting value for Vibrio grown onto TCBS agar was from Melaka with 4.19 x 105cfu per gm, followed by Perak (4.15 x 105cfu per gm), Negeri Sembilan (3.72 x 105cfu per gm) and Selangor with 1.58 x 105 cfu per gm. Biochemical tests showed 75 isolates were positive for V. parahaemolyticus with 29.3% (22/30) isolates were from Perak, 26.3% (20/30) isolates were from Selangor, 22.6% (17/30) isolates were from Melaka and 21.2% (16/30) isolates were from Negeri Sembilan. As for antibiotic resistance pattern, all V. parahaemolyticus isolates were resistant toward one or more antibiotic tested with 100% (75/75) isolates resistant toward bacitracin, 99% (74/75) toward vancomycinand 92% (69/75) toward penicillin. Inspite of this, none of the V. parahaemolyticus isolates were resistant toward chloramphenicol, amikacin, enrofloxacin and cifrofloxacin. Conclusion The presence of V. parahaemolyticus in all cockle samples with their antibiotic resistance properties was alarming. More samples should be studied in obtaining an accurate view of microbiology quality and antibiotic resistance of V. parahaemolyticusin cockle samples in Malaysia

    Neill’s mapping function simplification for dry component using regression methods

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    The modeling of the GPS tropospheric delay mapping function should be revised by simplifying its mathematical model. The current tropospheric delay models use mapping functions in the form of continued fractions. This model is quite complex and need to be simplified. By using regression method, the dry (hydrostatics) mapping function models has been selected to be simplified. There are twenty six operations for dry mapping function component of Neill Mapping Function (NMF), to be carried out before getting the mapping function scale factor. So, there is a need to simplify the mapping function models to allow faster calculation and also better understanding of the models