473 research outputs found

    Investigation of the potential of topology optimization in additive manufacturing using the example of components subject to bending stress

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    In this application-oriented work, we examine the performance of topology-optimized structures as compared to the reference I-beam. We make use of the thermodynamic topology optimization based on a linear elastic compliance minimization, i. e. minimization of the elastic strain energy of the whole structure. We investigate, how the optimization of the rather theoretical strain energy influences the efficiency of more practical measurements, i. e. the force-displacement response at the loading points and the maximum tolerable force. For this purpose, starting from a cuboid design space with the boundary conditions of a 3-point and 4-point bending stress, the geometry with constant volume was optimized. The topology-optimized bending beams were subsequently produced by stereolithography and mechanically tested with respect to the previously defined boundary conditions. In order to avoid a falsification of results due to internal sample defects, all samples were previously examined with the aid of computer tomography with regard to the defects in the volume. As a general result, the topology-optimized bending beams can bear a higher load in the experiment, which shows the usefulness of the coupling of additive manufacturing and topology optimization methods without any special constraints or enhancements regarding the manufacturing process within the optimization

    The Empty Signifier Problem: Towards Clearer Paradigms for Operationalising "Alignment" in Large Language Models

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    In this paper, we address the concept of "alignment" in large language models (LLMs) through the lens of post-structuralist socio-political theory, specifically examining its parallels to empty signifiers. To establish a shared vocabulary around how abstract concepts of alignment are operationalised in empirical datasets, we propose a framework that demarcates: 1) which dimensions of model behaviour are considered important, then 2) how meanings and definitions are ascribed to these dimensions, and by whom. We situate existing empirical literature and provide guidance on deciding which paradigm to follow. Through this framework, we aim to foster a culture of transparency and critical evaluation, aiding the community in navigating the complexities of aligning LLMs with human populations.Comment: Socially Responsible Language Modelling Research (SoLaR) @ NeurIPs 202

    SimpleSafetyTests: a Test Suite for Identifying Critical Safety Risks in Large Language Models

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    The past year has seen rapid acceleration in the development of large language models (LLMs). For many tasks, there is now a wide range of open-source and open-access LLMs that are viable alternatives to proprietary models like ChatGPT. Without proper steering and safeguards, however, LLMs will readily follow malicious instructions, provide unsafe advice, and generate toxic content. This is a critical safety risk for businesses and developers. We introduce SimpleSafetyTests as a new test suite for rapidly and systematically identifying such critical safety risks. The test suite comprises 100 test prompts across five harm areas that LLMs, for the vast majority of applications, should refuse to comply with. We test 11 popular open LLMs and find critical safety weaknesses in several of them. While some LLMs do not give a single unsafe response, most models we test respond unsafely on more than 20% of cases, with over 50% unsafe responses in the extreme. Prepending a safety-emphasising system prompt substantially reduces the occurrence of unsafe responses, but does not completely stop them from happening. We recommend that developers use such system prompts as a first line of defence against critical safety risks

    CMRegNet-An interspecies reference database for corynebacterial and mycobacterial regulatory networks

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    BACKGROUND: Organisms utilize a multitude of mechanisms for responding to changing environmental conditions, maintaining their functional homeostasis and to overcome stress situations. One of the most important mechanisms is transcriptional gene regulation. In-depth study of the transcriptional gene regulatory network can lead to various practical applications, creating a greater understanding of how organisms control their cellular behavior. DESCRIPTION: In this work, we present a new database, CMRegNet for the gene regulatory networks of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032 and Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. We furthermore transferred the known networks of these model organisms to 18 other non-model but phylogenetically close species (target organisms) of the CMNR group. In comparison to other network transfers, for the first time we utilized two model organisms resulting into a more diverse and complete network of the target organisms. CONCLUSION: CMRegNet provides easy access to a total of 3,103 known regulations in C. glutamicum ATCC 13032 and M. tuberculosis H37Rv and to 38,940 evolutionary conserved interactions for 18 non-model species of the CMNR group. This makes CMRegNet to date the most comprehensive database of regulatory interactions of CMNR bacteria. The content of CMRegNet is publicly available online via a web interface found at http://lgcm.icb.ufmg.br/cmregnet

    contact.engineering -- Create, analyze and publish digital surface twins from topography measurements across many scales

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    The optimization of surface finish to improve performance occurs largely through trial and error, despite significant advancements in the relevant science. There are three central challenges that account for this disconnect: (1) the challenge of integration of many different types of measurement for the same surface to capture the multi-scale nature of roughness; (2) the technical complexity of implementing spectral analysis methods, and of applying mechanical or numerical models to describe surface performance; (3) a lack of consistency between researchers and industries in how surfaces are measured, quantified, and communicated. Here we present a freely-available internet-based application which attempts to overcome all three challenges. First, the application enables the user to upload many different topography measurements taken from a single surface, including using different techniques, and then integrates all of them together to create a digital surface twin. Second, the application calculates many of the commonly used topography metrics, such as root-mean-square parameters, power spectral density (PSD), and autocorrelation function (ACF), as well as implementing analytical and numerical calculations, such as boundary element modeling (BEM) for elastic and plastic deformation. Third, the application serves as a repository for users to securely store surfaces, and if they choose, to share these with collaborators or even publish them (with a digital object identifier) for all to access. The primary goal of this application is to enable researchers and manufacturers to quickly and easily apply cutting-edge tools for the characterization and properties-modeling of real-world surfaces. An additional goal is to advance the use of open-science principles in surface engineering by providing a FAIR database where researchers can choose to publish surface measurements for all to use.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    A comparison of the response of PADC neutron dosemeters in high-energy neutron fields

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    Within the framework of the EURADOS Working Group 11, a comparison of passive neutron dosemeters in high-energy neutron fields was organised in 2011. The aim of the exercise was to evaluate the response of poly-allyl-glycol-carbonate neutron dosemeters from various European dosimetry laboratories to high-energy neutron fields. Irradiations were performed at the iThemba LABS facility in South Africa with neutrons having energies up to 66 and 100 Me

    Определение интервалов квазистационарности экономических систем

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    В работе рассмотрен вопрос определения оптимального интервала адаптации алгоритма динамического управления капиталом для нестационарного случая методами расчета показателя Херста и построения автокорреляционной функции для анализа временных рядов. Проведен анализ влияния выбора интервала адаптации на эффективность алгоритма. Из анализа полученных результатов следует, что метод расчета показателя Херста позволяет более эффективно, чем метод построения автокорреляционной функции, определить интервал стационарности модели функционирования экономической системы.Робота присвячена питанню визначення оптимального інтервалу адаптації алгоритму динамічного керування капіталом для нестаціонарного випадку за допомогою методів розрахунку показника Херста і побудови автокореляційної функції задля аналізу часових рядів. Проведено аналіз впливу вибору інтервалу адаптації на ефективність алгоритму. Порівняння результатів проведеного аналізу дозволяє стверджувати, що метод розрахунку показника Херста дозволяє більш ефективно, ніж метод побудови автокореляційної функції, визначити інтервал стаціонарності моделі функціонування економічної системи