462 research outputs found

    Vibrational Spectrum of HMX at CO 2

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    The vibrational spectrum of solid standard HMX (octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine) was investigated. Two spectroscopic techniques were adopted for their different sensitivity and resolution. A preliminary survey of the absorption bands of the compound was performed in the 8000–400 cm−1 spectral range by employing the diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) technique at room temperature. The high-resolution line spectrum of HMX was obtained in the 9.2–10.8 μm spectral range by laser photoacoustic spectroscopy (LPAS) method, using a line tuneable 10 W stabilised cw CO2 laser light source. By comparing the data collected with the two techniques in the common frequency range, a very good agreement was observed

    Vibrational Spectrum of HMX at CO2 Laser Wavelengths: A Combined DRIFT and LPAS Study

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    The vibrational spectrum of solid standard HMX (octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine) was investigated. Two spectroscopic techniques were adopted for their different sensitivity and resolution. A preliminary survey of the absorption bands of the compound was performed in the 8000–400 cm−1 spectral range by employing the diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) technique at room temperature. The high-resolution line spectrum of HMX was obtained in the 9.2–10.8 μm spectral range by laser photoacoustic spectroscopy (LPAS) method, using a line tuneable 10 W stabilised cw CO2 laser light source. By comparing the data collected with the two techniques in the common frequency range, a very good agreement was observed

    Development of microwave superconducting microresonators for neutrino mass measurement in the HOLMES framework

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    The European Research Council has recently funded HOLMES, a project with the aim of performing a calorimetric measurement of the electron neutrino mass measuring the energy released in the electron capture decay of 163Ho. The baseline for HOLMES are microcalorimeters coupled to Transition Edge Sensors (TESs) read out with rf-SQUIDs, for microwave multiplexing purposes. A promising alternative solution is based on superconducting microwave resonators, that have undergone rapid development in the last decade. These detectors, called Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs), are inherently multiplexed in the frequency domain and suitable for even larger-scale pixel arrays, with theoretical high energy resolution and fast response. The aim of our activity is to develop arrays of microresonator detectors for X-ray spectroscopy and suitable for the calorimetric measurement of the energy spectra of 163Ho. Superconductive multilayer films composed by a sequence of pure Titanium and stoichiometric TiN layers show many ideal properties for MKIDs, such as low loss, large sheet resistance, large kinetic inductance, and tunable critical temperature TcT_c. We developed Ti/TiN multilayer microresonators with TcT_c within the range from 70 mK to 4.5 K and with good uniformity. In this contribution we present the design solutions adopted, the fabrication processes and the characterization results

    Fluorescence spectroscopy of normal and follicular cancer samples from human thyroid

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    An autofluorescence analysis has been performed on healthy as well as tumour thyroid tissue samples to distinguish follicular cancer from normal thyroid. Complete spectra and synchronous spectra have been recordered from properly stored samples. Fluorescence bands located at 350 nm and 400 nm has been observed in the analysed cancer samples

    Скрининг дисфункций щитовидной железы у детей с синдромом Дауна. Наблюдение детей в условиях практики семейного врача

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    Department of Pediatrics, Research Institute for Maternal and Child Healthcare, Congresul III al Medicilor de Familie din Republica Moldova, 17–18 mai, 2012, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Conferinţa Naţională „Maladii bronhoobstructive la copii”, consacrată profesorului universitar, doctor habilitat Victor Gheţeul, 27 aprilie, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaThyroid dysfunctions are detected significantly more frequently in children with Down syndrome (DS) compared to the group children with typical development. Our study conducted on a group of 52 children with DS aged 3 months – 3 years, beneficiaries of the Centre of Early Intervention “Voinicel” had shown an imbalance of thyroid hormones in the 36.5% of those surveyed, manifested by compensatory increased level of TSH in 89.4% of cases, and reduced levels of T3 and T4 – in 26.3% of children. The associated clinical signs frequently have been found: edemas in the cervical region and/or eyelids, dorsal parts of hands (42.8%), sweating (71.4%), sleep disturbances (57.1%), dry skin (50.0%), apathy (50.0%), clumsy, slow movements (64.2%), frequent infections (42.8%), low voice (35.7%). The correction of hypothyroidism by individually adjusted doses of L-Thyroxine has led to improvement in the clinical conditions of patients and the development of children. Based on the study results, an algorithm was proposed to monitor the children with DS in primary health care in order to identify hypothyroidism on the early stages and its correction to ensure a timely and optimal development of children with DS.Дисфункция щитовидной железы обнаруживается у детей с синдромом Дауна (СД) значительно чаще по сравнению с группой детей с типичным развитием. Наши исследования, проведенные на группе из 52 детей с СД в возрасте от 3 месяцев до 3 лет, посещающих Центр Раннего Вмешательства “Войничел”, выявили дисбаланс гормонов щитовидной железы у 36,5% исследованных, который проявлялся компенсаторным повышением уровня ТСГ в 89,4% случаев, снижением уровня Т3 и Т4 – в 26,3% случаев. Часто обнаруживались ассоциированные клинические признаки в виде отечности в области шеи и/или век, тыльной части рук (42,8%), потливость (71,4%), нарушение сна (57,1%), сухость кожи (50,0%), апатия (50,0%), неуклюжие, медленные движения (64,2%), предрасположенность к инфекциям (42,8%), низкий голос (35,7%). Коррекция гипотиреоза индивидуально регулированными дозами L-Тироксина привело к улучшению клинического состояния детей и к ускорению их развития. На основании результатов исследования был разработан алгоритм мониторинга детей с синдромом Дауна в условиях практики семейного врача с целью выявления гипотиреоза на ранней стадии и его коррекции в целях обеспечения оптимального развития детей с СД

    Classification of cancer cell lines using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and statistical analysis

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    Over the past decade, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time‑of‑flight mass spectrometry (MALDI‑TOF MS) has been established as a valuable platform for microbial identification, and it is also frequently applied in biology and clinical studies to identify new markers expressed in pathological conditions. The aim of the present study was to assess the potential of using this approach for the classification of cancer cell lines as a quantifiable method for the proteomic profiling of cellular organelles. Intact protein extracts isolated from different tumor cell lines (human and murine) were analyzed using MALDI‑TOF MS and the obtained mass lists were processed using principle component analysis (PCA) within Bruker Biotyper® software. Furthermore, reference spectra were created for each cell line and were used for classification. Based on the intact protein profiles, we were able to differentiate and classify six cancer cell lines: two murine melanoma (B16‑F0 and B164A5), one human melanoma (A375), two human breast carcinoma (MCF7 and MDA‑MB‑231) and one human liver carcinoma (HepG2). The cell lines were classified according to cancer type and the species they originated from, as well as by their metastatic potential, offering the possibility to differentiate non‑invasive from invasive cells. The obtained results pave the way for developing a broad‑based strategy for the identification and classification of cancer cell

    Communicative discourse of terminology used in gastronomical media culture

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    This article aims to analyze and describe the food discourse and terms of the French language, as well as to determine correlations with the French national and cultural worldview. The study also considers the current state of "gastronomical discourse" based on the French food semiotic and communicative mode