1,895 research outputs found

    Investigations of three dimensional flow characteristics in a three bladed rocket pump inducer

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    Because of the long and narrow passages between the blades of a rocket pump inducer, major effects from turbulence and viscosity make the flow through such a device truly three-dimensional and therefore difficult to measure or predict. To investigate the flow characteristics, conventional and three-dimensional hot-wire probe measurements were conducted in a model inducer 3 ft in diameter. Blade-to-blade variation of the three components of velocity at the exit and the corresponding turbulence intensities were obtained by means of hotwire probes aligned in the three coordinate directions. Analysis of the three-dimensional inviscid flow field led to qualitative prediction of the flow characteristics. Extensive measurements and theoretical analyses of the flow field showed that blade blockage, viscosity, and blade boundary layer interactions are the dominant influences on flow in this type of turbomachinery

    Three dimensional analysis and measurement of the flow in a three bladed rocket pump inducer

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    Three dimensional analysis and measurement of flow in three bladed pump inducer for liquid rocket engin

    Series-produced Helium II Cryostats for the LHC Magnets: Technical Choices, Industrialisation, Costs

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    Assembled in 8 continuous segments of approximately 2.7 km length each, the He II cryostats for the 1232 cryodipoles and 474 Short Straight Sections (SSS housing the quadrupoles) must fulfil tight technical requirements. They have been produced by industry in large series according to cost-effective industrial production methods to keep expenditure within the financial constraints of the project and assembled under contract at CERN. The specific technical requirements of the generic systems of the cryostat (vacuum, cryogenic, electrical distribution, magnet alignment) are briefly recalled, as well as the basic design choices leading to the definition of their components (vacuum vessels, thermal shielding, supporting systems). Early in the design process emphasis was placed on the feasibility of manufacturing techniques adequate for large series production of components, optimal tooling for time-effective assembly methods, and reliable quality assurance systems. An analytical review of the costs of the cryostats from component procurement to final assembly, tests and interconnection in the machine is presented and compared with initial estimates, together with an appraisal of the results and lessons learned

    Investigations and analysis of flow phenomena in axial flow inducers Semiannual progress report

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    Three bladed inducer and boundary layer measurements inside rotating helical blad

    Designing Vibrotactile Widgets with Printed Actuators and Sensors

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    Physical controls are fabricated through complicated assembly of parts requiring expensive machinery and are prone to mechanical wear. One solution is to embed controls directly in interactive surfaces, but the proprioceptive part of gestural interaction that makes physical controls discoverable and usable solely by hand gestures is lost and has to be compensated, by vibrotactile feedback for instance. Vibrotactile actuators face the same aforementioned issues as for physical controls. We propose printed vibrotactile actuators and sensors. They are printed on plastic sheets, with piezoelectric ink for actuation, and with silver ink for conductive elements, such as wires and capacitive sensors. These printed actuators and sensors make it possible to design vibrotactile widgets on curved surfaces, without complicated mechanical assembly

    Plaidoyer en faveur de quelques essences subalpines efficaces pour fixer le manteau neigeux et lutter contre les avalanches.

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    Le Mélèze tout d'abord, les Pins subalpins comme le Pin cembro, le Pin sylvestre et le Pin à crochets ensuite, l'Aulne vert, enfin ne bénéficient pas toujours d'une attention suffisante vis-à-vis de l'intérêt qu'ils ont pour le maintien du manteau neigeux et la lutte contre les avalanches. Des observations permettent pourtant d'expliquer leur action bienfaitrice et d'ébaucher quelques principes sylvicoles qui mériteraient d'être approfondis

    The Interconnections of the LHC Cryomagnets

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    The main components of the LHC, the next world-class facility in high-energy physics, are the twin-aperture high-field superconducting cryomagnets to be installed in the existing 26.7-km long tunnel. After installation and alignment, the cryomagnets have to be interconnected. The interconnections must ensure the continuity of several functions: vacuum enclosures, beam pipe image currents (RF contacts), cryogenic circuits, electrical power supply, and thermal insulation. In the machine, about 1700 interconnections between cryomagnets are necessary. The interconnections constitute a unique system that is nearly entirely assembled in the tunnel. For each of them, various operations must be done: TIG welding of cryogenic channels (~ 50 000 welds), induction soldering of main superconducting cables (~ 10 000 joints), ultrasonic welding of auxiliary superconducting cables (~ 20 000 welds), mechanical assembly of various elements, and installation of the multi-layer insulation (~ 200 000 m2). Defective junctions could be very difficult and expensive to detect and repair. Reproducible and reliable processes must be implemented together with a strict quality control. The interconnection activities are optimized taking into account several constraints: limited space availability, tight installation schedule, high level of quality, high reliability and economical aspects. In this paper, the functions to be fulfilled by the interconnections and the various technologies selected are presented. Quality control at different levels (component/ interconnect, subsystem, system) is also described. The interconnection assembly sequences are summarized. Finally, the validation of the interconnection procedures is presented, based in particular on the LHC prototype cell assembly (STRING2)

    The Interconnections of the LHC Cryomagnets at CERN: Strategy Applied and First Results of the Industrialization Process

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    The final interconnections of the LHC superconducting magnets in the underground tunnel are performed by a contractor on a result-oriented basis. A consortium of firms was awarded the contract after competitive tendering based on a technical and commercial specification. The implementation of the specific technologies and tooling developed and qualified by CERN has required an important effort to transfer the know-how and implement the follow-up of the contractor. This paper summarizes the start-up phase and the difficulties encountered. The organization and management tools put in place during the ramping-up phase are presented. In addition to contractual adaptations of the workforce, several configuration changes to the workflows were necessary to reach production rates compatible with the overall schedule and with the different constraints: availability of magnets, co-activities with magnets transport and alignment, handling of non-conformities, etc. Also the QA procedures underwent many changes to reach the high level of quality mandatory to ensure the LHC performance. The specificities of this worksite are underlined and first figures of merit of the learning process are presented