249 research outputs found

    Schedule-selective biochemical modulation of 5-fluorouracil in advanced colorectal cancer – a phase II study

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    BACKGROUND: 5-fluorouracil remains the standard therapy for patients with advanced/metastatic colorectal cancer. Pre-clinical studies have demonstrated the biological modulation of 5-fluorouracil by methotrexate and leucovorin. This phase II study was initiated to determine the activity and toxicity of sequential methotrexate – leucovorin and 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. METHODS: Ninety-seven patients with metastatic colorectal cancer were enrolled onto the study. Methotrexate – 30 mg/m(2) was administered every 6 hours for 6 doses followed by a 2 hour infusion of LV – 500 mg/m(2). Midway through the leucovorin infusion, patients received 5-fluorouracil – 600 mg/m(2). This constituted a cycle of therapy and was repeated every 2 weeks until progression. RESULTS: The median age was 64 yrs (34–84) and the Eastern Cooperative Group Oncology performance score was 0 in 37%, 1 in 55% and 2 in 8% of patients. Partial and complete responses were seen in 31% of patients with a median duration of response of 6.4 months. The overall median survival was 13.0 months. The estimated 1-year survival was 53.7%. Grade III and IV toxic effects were modest and included mucositis, nausea and vomiting. CONCLUSIONS: This phase II study supports previously reported data demonstrating the modest clinical benefit of 5-FU modulation utilizing methotrexate and leucovorin in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Ongoing studies evaluating 5-fluorouracil modulation with more novel agents (Irinotecan and/or oxaliplatin) are in progress and may prove encouraging

    Phase III trial of postoperative cisplatin, interferon alpha-2b, and 5-FU combined with external radiation treatment versus 5-FU alone for patients with resected pancreatic adenocarcinoma – CapRI: study protocol [ISRCTN62866759]

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    After surgical intervention with curative intention in specialised centres the five-year survival of patients with carcinoma of the exocrine pancreas is only 15%. The ESPAC-1 trial showed an increased five-year survival of 21% achieved with adjuvant chemotherapy. Investigators from the Virginia Mason Clinic have reported a 5-year survival rate of 55% in a phase II trial evaluating adjuvant chemotherapy, immunotherapy and external-beam radiation. DESIGN: The CapRI study is an open, controlled, prospective, randomised multi-centre phase III trial. Patients in study arm A will be treated as outpatients with 5-Fluorouracil; Cisplatin and 3 million units Interferon alpha-2b for 5 1/2 weeks combined with external beam radiation. After chemo-radiation the patients receive continuous 5-FU infusions for two more cycles. Patients in study arm B will be treated as outpatients with intravenous bolus injections of folinic acid, followed by intravenous bolus injections of 5-FU given on 5 consecutive days every 28 days for 6 cycles. A total of 110 patients with specimen-proven R0 or R1 resected pancreatic adenocarcinoma will be enrolled. An interim analysis for patient safety reasons will be done one year after start of recruitment. Evaluation of the primary endpoint will be performed two years after the last patients' enrolment. DISCUSSION: The aim of this study is to evaluate the overall survival period attained by chemo-radiotherapy including interferon alpha 2b administration with adjuvant chemotherapy. The influence of interferon alpha on the effectiveness of the patients' chemoradiation regimen, the toxicity, the disease-free interval and the quality of life are analysed. Different factors are tested in terms of their potential role as predictive markers

    The clinical and economic benefits of capecitabine and tegafur with uracil in metastatic colorectal cancer

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    Two oral fluoropyrimidine therapies have been introduced for metastatic colorectal cancer. One is a 5-fluorouracil pro-drug, capecitabine; the other is a combination of tegafur and uracil administered together with leucovorin. The purpose of this study was to compare the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of these oral therapies against standard intravenous 5-fluorouracil regimens. A systematic literature review was conducted to assess the clinical effectiveness of the therapies and costs were calculated from the UK National Health Service perspective for drug acquisition, drug administration, and the treatment of adverse events. A cost-minimisation analysis was used; this assumes that the treatments are of equal efficacy, although direct randomised controlled trial (RCT) comparisons of the oral therapies with infusional 5-fluorouracil schedules were not available. The cost-minimisation analysis showed that treatment costs for a 12-week course of capecitabine (£2132) and tegafur with uracil (£3385) were lower than costs for the intravenous Mayo regimen (£3593) and infusional regimens on the de Gramont (£6255) and Modified de Gramont (£3485) schedules over the same treatment period. Oral therapies result in lower costs to the health service than intravenous therapies. Further research is needed to determine the relative clinical effectiveness of oral therapies vs infusional regimens

    Chromogranin A (CgA) as Poor Prognostic Factor in Patients with Small Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix: Results of a Retrospective Study of 293 Patients

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    BACKGROUND: Small cell carcinoma of the cervix (SCCC) is a very rare tumor. Due to its rarity and the long time period, there is a paucity of information pertaining to prognostic factors associated with survival. The objective of this study was to determine whether clinicopathologic finings or immunohistochemical presence of molecular markers predictive of clinical outcome in patients with SCCC. METHODOLOGY AND FINDINGS: We retrospectively reviewed a total of 293 patients with SCCC (47 patients from Cancer Center of Sun Yat-sen University in china, 71 patients from case report of china journal, 175 patients from case report in PubMed database). Of those 293 patients with SCCC, the median survival time is 23 months. The 3-year overall survival rates (OS) and 3-year disease-free survival rates (DFS) for all patients were 34.5% and 31.1%, respectively. Univariate and multivariate analysis showed that FIGO stage (IIb-IV VS I-IIa, Hazard Ratio (HR) = 3.08, 95% confidence interval (CI) of ratio = [2.05, 4.63], P<0.001), tumor mass size (≥ 4 cm VS <4 cm, HR = 2.37, 95% CI = [1.28, 4.36], P = 0.006) and chromogranin A (CgA) (Positive VS Negative, HR = 1.81, 95% CI = [1.12, 2.91], P = 0.015) were predictive of poor prognosis. CgA stained positive was found to be highly predictive of death in early-stage (FIGO I-IIa) patient specifically. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with SCCC have poor prognosis. FIGO stage, tumor mass size and CgA stained positive may act as a surrogate for factors prognostic of survival. CgA may serve as a useful marker in prognostic evaluation for early-stage patients with SCCC

    Surrogate endpoints for overall survival in digestive oncology trials: which candidates? A questionnaires survey among clinicians and methodologists

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Overall survival (OS) is the gold standard for the demonstration of a clinical benefit in cancer trials. Replacement of OS by a surrogate endpoint allows to reduce trial duration. To date, few surrogate endpoints have been validated in digestive oncology. The aim of this study was to draw up an ordered list of potential surrogate endpoints for OS in digestive cancer trials, by way of a survey among clinicians and methodologists. Secondary objective was to obtain their opinion on surrogacy and quality of life (QoL).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In 2007 and 2008, self administered sequential questionnaires were sent to a panel of French clinicians and methodologists involved in the conduct of cancer clinical trials. In the first questionnaire, panellists were asked to choose the most important characteristics defining a surrogate among six proposals, to give advantages and drawbacks of the surrogates, and to answer questions about their validation and use. Then they had to suggest potential surrogate endpoints for OS in each of the following tumour sites: oesophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, biliary tract, lymphoma, colon, rectum, and anus. They finally gave their opinion on QoL as surrogate endpoint. In the second questionnaire, they had to classify the previously proposed candidate surrogates from the most (position #1) to the least relevant in their opinion.</p> <p>Frequency at which the endpoints were chosen as first, second or third most relevant surrogates was calculated and served as final ranking.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Response rate was 30% (24/80) in the first round and 20% (16/80) in the second one. Participants highlighted key points concerning surrogacy. In particular, they reminded that a surrogate endpoint is expected to predict clinical benefit in a well-defined therapeutic situation. Half of them thought it was not relevant to study QoL as surrogate for OS.</p> <p>DFS, in the neoadjuvant settings or early stages, and PFS, in the non operable or metastatic settings, were ranked first, with a frequency of more than 69% in 20 out of 22 settings. PFS was proposed in association with QoL in metastatic primary liver and stomach cancers (both 81%). This composite endpoint was ranked second in metastatic oesophageal (69%), colorectal (56%) and anal (56%) cancers, whereas QoL alone was also suggested in most metastatic situations.</p> <p>Other endpoints frequently suggested were R0 resection in the neoadjuvant settings (oesophagus (69%), stomach (56%), pancreas (75%) and biliary tract (63%)) and response. An unexpected endpoint was metastatic PFS in non operable oesophageal (31%) and pancreatic (44%) cancers. Quality and results of surgical procedures like sphincter preservation were also cited as eligible surrogate endpoints in rectal (19%) and anal (50% in case of localized disease) cancers. Except for alpha-FP kinetic in hepatocellular carcinoma (13%) and CA19-9 decline (6%) in pancreas, few endpoints based on biological or tumour markers were proposed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The overall results should help prioritise the endpoints to be statistically evaluated as surrogate for OS, so that trialists and clinicians can rely on endpoints that ensure relevant clinical benefit to the patient.</p

    The taxanes: toxicity and quality of life considerations in advanced ovarian cancer

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    The taxanes paclitaxel and docetaxel show good activity in the management of advanced ovarian cancer when used in conjunction with platinum agents. Accumulating evidence from clinical studies, particularly the latest results from the phase III comparative SCOTROC study, indicates that the two drugs confer similar rates of tumour response and survival in women with this condition. However, it is clear that paclitaxel and docetaxel differ in their tolerability profiles and in other respects, and cannot be regarded as directly equivalent drugs. In particular, paclitaxel is associated with significant neurotoxicity; peripheral neuropathy has also been reported with docetaxel, but to a lesser extent. Neutropenia appears more prevalent with docetaxel than with paclitaxel, although clinical trial data show that this adverse effect is manageable and need not compromise dose delivery. Docetaxel is also associated with potential benefits accruing from shorter infusion times and lack of need for premedication with intravenous histamine H1 and H2 antagonists. Emerging quality of life data are expected to shed further light on the overall benefit of chemotherapy in women with advanced ovarian cancer in general, and on taxane−platinum combinations in particular

    Phase II randomised trial of raltitrexed–oxaliplatin vs raltitrexed–irinotecan as first-line treatment in advanced colorectal cancer

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    The purpose of this phase II randomised trial was to determine which of two schemes, raltitrexed-irinotecan or raltitrexed-oxaliplatin, offered better activity and less toxicity in patients with advanced colorectal cancer (CRC). A total of 94 patients with previously untreated metastatic CRC were included and randomised to receive raltitrexed 3 mg m−2 followed by oxaliplatin 130 mg m−2 on day 1 (arm A), or CPT-11 350 mg m−2 followed by raltitrexed 3 mg m−2 (arm B). In both arms treatment was repeated every 3 weeks. Intent-to-treat (ITT) analysis showed an overall response rate of 46% (95% CI, 29.5–57.7%) for arm A, and 34% (95% CI, 19.8–48.4%) for arm B. Median time to progression was 8.2 months for arm A and 8.8 months for arm B. After a median follow-up of 14 months, 69% of patients included in arm A were still alive, compared to 59% of those included in arm B. Overall, 31 patients (65%) experienced some episode of toxicity in arm A and 32 patients (70%) in arm B, usually grade 1–2. The most common toxicity was hepatic, with 29 patients (60%) in arm A and 24 patients (62%) in arm B, and was grade 3–4 in four (8%) and four (9%) patients, respectively. In all, 14 patients (29%) from arm A and 24 patients (52%) from arm B had some grade of diarrhoea (P<0.03). Neurologic toxicity was observed in 31 patients (64%) in arm A, and was grade 3–4 in five patients (10%), while a cholinergic syndrome was detected in nine patients (19%) in arm B. There were no differences in haematologic toxicity. One toxic death (2%) occurred in arm A and three (6.5%) in arm B. In conclusion, both schemes have high efficacy as first-line treatment in metastatic CRC and their total toxicity levels are similar. Regimens with raltitrexed seem a reasonable alternative to fluoropyrimidines

    A phase II study of docetaxel in patients with metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck

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    This study was designed to evaluate the activity, safety and tolerance of docetaxel (D) in a selected population with metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN). Twenty-four patients with no prior palliative therapy were enrolled and received D 100 mg m−2 by 1 h of infusion, every 3 weeks. All but two patients had been evaluated for efficacy on lung metastatic sites. No prophylactic administration of anti-emetics or growth factors was given. A pharmacokinetic study was performed in 22 patients. Twenty-one patients were assessable for response and 24 for toxicity. One hundred and four cycles were administered with a median of 4.5 (range 1–9) per patient. The median cumulative dose was 449 mg m−2. Partial responses were achieved in five patients with a median duration of 18.7 weeks (range 13.1–50.3). The overall response rate was 20.8% with a median duration of 11.0 weeks (range 2.4–52.6). The most frequent side-effect was neutropenia (79.2% grade IV) but with a short duration (median 4 days) and no febrile neutropenia. The incidence of moderate/severe fluid retention was 29.2% with one treatment discontinuation. Other toxicities (all grades) were common (skin 75%, asthenia 50%, infection 29.2%, nausea 16.7%, diarrhoea 12.5%, stomatitis 16.7%, vomiting 8.3% and HSR 8.3%). A mean clearance of 19.6 l h−1 m−2 and an area under the curve of 6.00 μg ml−1 h−1 was found in the pharmacokinetic analysis. Docetaxel is active in this selected population with metastatic SCCHN, with a good tolerance. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig