6 research outputs found

    Assessment of uncertainty model of restrained expansion strains of fiber reinforced self-stressing concrete at the expansion stage

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    И. П. Павлова, И. В. Белкина, А. А. Лизогуб. Оценка ошибки моделирования собственных деформаций напрягающего фибробетона на стадии расширения.The article presents an analysis of existing approaches to predicting the self-strains and stresses of self-stressing concrete. The main premises and equations of the modified strains development model for determining the self-strains and stresses of fiber reinforced self-stressing concrete at the expansion stage. This mutual influence model constrains the elements in three directions. The presented model was verified against the background of experimental data. An assessment of the model uncertainties of the modified strains development model of fiber reinforced self-stressing concrete on the 3rd, 7th, 14th and 28th day of concrete age is estimated. The developed model is applicable for any composition of self-stressing concrete, as well as for various combinations of dispersed reinforcement


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    674 men of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus were recruited in effort to be inspected both for evaluation of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in serum blood and for filling a questionnaire. The group of a prostate cancer risk was selected among examined persons, who had a PSA level >4.0 ng/ml, and the PSA free/PSA total level was <15 %. We found a significant causation between lower physical activity, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, and prostate cancer risk.В результате проведенного анкетирования и на основании результатов лабораторных исследований 674 сотрудников НАН Беларуси выделена группа риска, куда вошли мужчины, уровень ПСА общий в сыворотке крови которых превышал значение 4,0 нг/мл, а соотношение ПСА свободный/ПСА общий было меньше 15 %. Установлена несомненная причинная связь недостаточной физической нагрузки в жизни сотрудников НАН Беларуси, употребление алкоголя, курение, наследственная предрасположенность и возможное развития рака простаты

    Организационно-методические приемы, используемые при формировании оптимальной структуры белорусской популяции черно-пестрого скота

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    The result of the dairy industry efficiency is a well-arranged genealogical structure of the reared livestock breed, and, consequently, of dairy herds . The paper presents the results of studying the evolution of formation and assessment of the state of genealogical structure of black-and-white cattle population, and its qualitative characteristics .  The formation chronology of the Belarusian population of black-and-white cattle is substantiated. It includes three stages: the first – 1930–1980, the second – 1980–1995, the third – 1995 to the present .  It is shown that historically creation of Belarusian population of black-and-white cattle is based on use of breeding material of Dutch first of all and then Holstein breeds. It has been determined that during the period of independent state development of the Republic of Belarus (from 1992 to the present), formation of dairy cattle population was performed on a planned basis .  Thanks to local selection, 8 plant lines and three related groups bred at the republic’s collective farms were formed in the breed . Plant lines and related groups allow for the systematic use of producing bulls in the marketable livestock due to scientifically substantiated rotation of the lines and increasing the genetic potential of cows dairy performance, and also contribute to the further improvement of the breed using the best world and local genetic resources .  It has been determined that the sore issue at present is use of local selection producers of at least 80 % of their total number .  Producing bulls of local selection provide not only increase in the productive longevity of the progeny, but also contribute to optimization of genealogical structure of the population .  The method of systematic analysis of breeding and genetic parameters made it possible to identify the most informative factors having effect on the economically useful traits display. Reliability of effect of each specific factor on breeding traits display is determined. The research results allow to substantiate the concept of formation of dairy cattle population perfect structure as a basis for development of large-scale selection programs at the level of population and regions, breeding plans for breeding farms with the aim to produce cost-effective breeding and dairy products. Результатом эффективности ведения молочной отрасли является грамотно сформированная генеалогическая структура разводимой породы скота, а следовательно, и дойных стад. В статье приведены результаты изучения эволюции формирования и оценки состояния генеалогической структуры популяции черно-пестрого скота, ее качественных характеристик. Обоснована хронология формирования белорусской популяции черно-пестрого скота, включающая три этапа: первый – 1930 –1980 гг., второй – 1980 –1995 гг., третий – с 1995 г. по настоящее время. Показано, что исторически создание белорусской популяции черно-пестрого скота основывается на использовании племенного материала сначала голландской, а затем голштинской породы. Установлено, что за период независимого государственного развития Республики Беларусь (с 1992 г. по настоящее время) формирование популяции молочного скота осуществлялось на плановой основе. Благодаря отечественной селекции в породе сформированы 8 заводских линий и три родственных группы, выведенных в племхозах республики. Заводские линии и родственные группы позволяют обеспечивать системное использование быков-производителей в товарном массиве скота путем научно обоснованной ротации линий и повышения генетического потенциала молочной продуктивности коров, а также способствуют дальнейшему совершенствованию породы с использованием лучших мировых и отечественных генетических ресурсов. Выявлено, что актуальной проблемой в настоящее время является выведение и использование производителей отечественной селекции не менее 80 % от их общего количества. Быки-производители отечественной селекции обеспечивают не только повышение продуктивного долголетия потомства, но и способствуют оптимизации генеалогической структуры популяции. Метод системного анализа селекционно-генетических параметров позволил выявить наиболее информативные факторы, влияющие на проявление хозяйственно полезных признаков. Установлена достоверность влияния каждого конкретного фактора на проявление селекционируемых признаков. Результаты исследований позволяют обосновать концепцию формирования оптимальной структуры популяции молочного скота как базиса для разработки программ крупномасштабной селекции на уровне популяции и регионов, планов племенной работы для племенных хозяйств с целью производства рентабельной племенной и молочной продукции


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    Atmospheric pressure air plasma jets within dc, pulsed and self-oscillatory current regimes are realized. It is shown that the main mechanism of inactivation of bacteria Staphylococcus aureus is the effect of chemically active molecules of NO, NO2 and HNO2. The method of IR absorption spectroscopy is used to investigate chemical active component concentrations. The optimal regime of discharge inducing plasma jets, which is more suitable for production of bactericidal components, is found. Получены воздушные плазменные струи атмосферного давления на постоянном, импульсно-периодическом и автоколебательном токовых режимах. Показано, что основным механизмом инактивации бактерий Staphylococcus aureus является воздействие химически активных молекул NO, NO2 и HNO2. Методом ИК-абсорбционной спектроскопии определены их концентрации. Выявлен оптимальный режим разряда, индуцирующий плазменные струи, наиболее подходящий для получения бактерицидных компонент.

    Use of cultivated plants and non-plant remedies for human and animal home-medication in Liuban district, Belarus

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    Background: To use any domestic remedy, specific knowledge and skills are required. Simple logic dictates that the use of wild plants in the context of limited interaction with nature requires prior identification, while in the case of non-plant remedies and cultivated plants this step can be omitted. This paper aims to document the current and past uses of non-plant remedies and cultivated plants in the study region for human/animal medication; to analyze the human medicinal and veterinary use areas in the context of the remedy groups; to qualitatively compare the results with relevant historical publications; and to compare the intensity and purpose of use between the remedy groups. Methods: During field studies 134 semi-structured interviews were conducted with locals from 11 villages in the LiubaÅ\u84 district of Belarus. Currently used home-remedies as well as those used in the past were documented by employing the folk history method. The subject was approached through health-related uses, not by way of remedies. Interview records were digitalized and structured in Detailed Use Records in order to ascertain local perceptions. An Informant Consensus Factor (FIC) was calculated for remedy groups as well as for different use categories. Results: In the human medication area the use of nearby remedies was neither very diverse nor numerous: 266 DUR for 45 taxa belonging to 27 families were recorded for cultivated plants along with 188 DUR for 58 different non-plant remedies. The FIC values for both remedy groups were lower than for wild plants. In the ethnoveterinary medicine use area there were 48 DUR referring to the use of 14 cultivated plant taxa from 12 families and 72 DUR referring to the use of 31 non-plant remedies. The FIC value for the whole veterinary use area of cultivated plants was relatively low, yet similar to the FIC of wild plants. Conclusions: Differences between remedy groups were pronounced, indicating that in domestic human medicine cultivated plants and non-plant remedies are either remarkably less important than wild ones or not considered worth talking about. In ethnoveterinary medicine non-plant remedies are almost equally important as wild plants, while cultivated plants are the least used. People in study area seem to still more often rely on, or are more willing to talk to strangers about, wild plants, as promoted by both official medicine and popular literature

    Research of Satisfaction of Quality of Educational Results from the Viewpoint of Education Services Consumers

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    The purpose of the research was to prepare recommendations for the academic philosophy and academic teaching community on achievement of a high degree of satisfaction with the quality of educational results in humanities (with philosophy taken as an example) among students of non-humanities professions. For this purpose, we have studied the phenomenon of satisfaction with the quality of the educational results in the Ukrainian market of education services. The research was carried out since November 2018 till March 2020. In our work, we relied on theoretical and practical conclusions of American, European and Ukrainian researchers of the phenomenon of satisfaction with education services. The research interest of our multidisciplinary team was focused on specific aspects of teaching at the technical and medical higher educational institutions in Odessa, Ukraine. The theoretical aspect of the work is focused on clarification of the concepts of “educational results”, “quality of the educational results”, “practice orientation” in teaching philosophy for non-humanities professions (marine engineers, healthcare workers, etc.). The empirical part of the work is important for improvement of the educational programs in the area of humanities taught at non-humanities higher education institutions in order to enhance their quality and competitive ability in the market of education services. This work resulted in formulation of recommendations for the academic philosophers and academic teacher community and stakeholders (owners of education services), students of non-philosophical professions with possibility of their integration into the education services provision process