14 research outputs found

    Remarks on simple interpolation between Jordanian twists

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    In this paper, we propose a simple generalization of the locally r-symmetric Jordanian twist, resulting in the one-parameter family of Jordanian twists. All the proposed twists differ by the coboundary twists and produce the same Jordanian deformation of the corresponding Lie algebra. They all provide the κ\kappa-Minkowski spacetime commutation relations. Constructions from noncommutative coordinates to the star product and coproduct, and from the star product to the coproduct and the twist are presented. The corresponding twist in the Hopf algebroid approach is given. Our results are presented symbolically by a diagram relating all of the possible constructions.Comment: 12 page

    Constraints on the quantum gravity scale from kappa - Minkowski spacetime

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    We compare two versions of deformed dispersion relations (energy vs momenta and momenta vs energy) and the corresponding time delay up to the second order accuracy in the quantum gravity scale (deformation parameter). A general framework describing modified dispersion relations and time delay with respect to different noncommutative kappa -Minkowski spacetime realizations is firstly proposed here and it covers all the cases introduced in the literature. It is shown that some of the realizations provide certain bounds on quadratic corrections, i.e. on quantum gravity scale, but it is not excluded in our framework that quantum gravity scale is the Planck scale. We also show how the coefficients in the dispersion relations can be obtained through a multiparameter fit of the gamma ray burst (GRB) data.Comment: 9 pages, final published version, revised abstract, introduction and conclusion, to make it clear to general reade

    Bicrossproduct construction versus Weyl-Heisenberg algebra

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    We are focused on detailed analysis of the Weyl-Heisenberg algebra in the framework of bicrossproduct construction. We argue that however it is not possible to introduce full bialgebra structure in this case, it is possible to introduce non-counital bialgebra counterpart of this construction. Some remarks concerning bicrossproduct basis for kappa-Poincare Hopf algebra are also presented.Comment: 11 pages, contribution to the proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS7), 7-13 August 2011, Prague, Czech Republi

    Generalized Poincare algebras, Hopf algebras and kappa-Minkowski spacetime

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    We propose a generalized description for the kappa-Poincare-Hopf algebra as a symmetry quantum group of underlying kappa-Minkowski spacetime. We investigate all the possible implementations of (deformed) Lorentz algebras which are compatible with the given choice of kappa-Minkowski algebra realization. For the given realization of kappa-Minkowski spacetime there is a unique kappa-Poincare-Hopf algebra with undeformed Lorentz algebra. We have constructed a three-parameter family of deformed Lorentz generators with kappa-Poincare algebras which are related to kappa-Poincare-Hopf algebra with undeformed Lorentz algebra. Known bases of kappa-Poincare-Hopf algebra are obtained as special cases. Also deformation of igl(4) Hopf algebra compatible with the kappa-Minkowski spacetime is presented. Some physical applications are briefly discussed.Comment: 15 pages; journal version; Physics Letters B (2012

    Twisted bialgebroids versus bialgebroids from Drinfeld twist

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    Bialgebroids (resp. Hopf algebroids) are bialgebras (Hopf algebras) over noncommutative rings. Drinfeld twist techniques are particularly useful in the (deformation) quantization of Lie algebras as well as underlying module algebras (=quantum spaces). Smash product construction combines these two into the new algebra which, in fact, does not depend on the twist. However, we can turn it into bialgebroid in the twist dependent way. Alternatively, one can use Drinfeld twist techniques in a category of bialgebroids. We show that both techniques indicated in the title: twisting of a bialgebroid or constructing a bialgebroid from the twisted bialgebra give rise to the same result in the case of normalized cocycle twist. This can be useful for better description of a quantum deformed phase space. We argue that within this bialgebroid framework one can justify the use of deformed coordinates (i.e. spacetime noncommutativity) which are frequently postulated in order to explain quantum gravity effects.Comment: 13 pages, version accepted for publicatio

    Unified description for

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    In this paper we provide universal formulas describing Drinfeld-type quantization of inhomogeneous orthogonal groups determined by a metric tensor of an arbitrary signature living in a spacetime of arbitrary dimension. The metric tensor does not need to be in diagonal form and κ\kappa -deformed coproducts are presented in terms of classical generators. It opens the possibility for future applications in deformed general relativity. The formulas depend on the choice of an additional vector field which parametrizes classical rr-matrices. Non-equivalent deformations are then labeled by the corresponding type of stability subgroups. For the Lorentzian signature it covers three (non-equivalent) Hopf-algebraic deformations: time-like, space-like (a.k.a. tachyonic) and light-like (a.k.a. light-cone) quantizations of the Poincaré algebra. Finally the existence of the so-called Majid–Ruegg (non-classical) basis is reconsidered

    Unified description for κ\kappa κ -deformations of orthogonal groups

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    Funded by SCOAP

    Quantum deformations of the flat space superstring

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    We discuss a quantum deformation of the Green-Schwarz superstring on flat space, arising as a contraction limit of the corresponding deformation of AdS_5 x S^5. This contraction limit turns out to be equivalent to a previously studied limit that yields the so-called mirror model - the model obtained from the light cone gauge fixed AdS_5 x S^5 string by a double Wick rotation. Reversing this logic, the AdS_5 x S^5 superstring is the double Wick rotation of a quantum deformation of the flat space superstring. This quantum deformed flat space string realizes symmetries of timelike kappa-Poincare type, and is T dual to dS_5 x H^5, indicating interesting relations between symmetry algebras under T duality. Our results directly extend to AdS_2 x S^2 x T^6 and AdS_3 x S^3 x T^4, and beyond string theory to many (semi)symmetric space coset sigma models, such as for example a deformation of the four dimensional Minkowski sigma model with timelike kappa-Poincare symmetry. We also discuss possible null and spacelike deformations.Comment: v3, published version, 12 page

    Quantum deformations of the flat space superstring

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