102 research outputs found

    Assessing Medical Doctors’ Knowledge and their Confidence in Spot Diagnosing Monkeypox in South-South Nigeria

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    Human monkeypox is an emerging viral zoonotic infectious disease caused by a DNA virus that belongs to the Orthopoxvirus genus. Knowledge of monkeypox, high index and sound clinical judgement particularly amongst medical doctors is critical to responding to monkeypox effectively. Previous studies have shown poor knowledge of monkeypox infection amongst doctors. This study aims to assess doctors’ knowledge of monkeypox and their confidence in diagnosing monkeypox prior to laboratory confirmation. A cross-sectional online survey containing 28-item scale and explanatory variables were used to assess respondents’ knowledge, confidence and risk perception on monkeypox. The participants were reached with online Google form posted on the Nigerian Medical Association group WhatsApp, Cross River State. The questionnaires were structured closed-ended and were self-administered to collect quantitative data. A total of 164 medical doctors working in Cross River State participated. Only 38 (23.2%) of them had good knowledge of monkeypox, using a > 60% cutoff point for good knowledge. Seventy-two percent (72%) displayed confidence to clinically diagnose monkeypox in their daily clinic runs. There was statistically significant relationship between knowledge category and medical sub-specialties (X2 =6.98; p=0.03). We conclude that knowledge of monkeypox amongst medical doctors practicing in Cross River State, Nigeria is currently low, though confidence to diagnose it is high, this confidence should be backed with sound medical knowledge to improve doctors’ capacity to respond to the emerging monkeypox infection

    Households’ Decision to Participate in Cooperative Organizations: Evidence from Farmers in Akwa Ibom State, Southern Nigeria

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    Farmer organizations are effective mechanisms for increasing agricultural production, income and reducing poverty. Regrettably, farmers have not taken advantage of the lofty benefits accruable to those who voluntarily join these organizations. The study estimated the factors influencing household’s decision to participate in cooperative organizations and also tested the level of agreement among identified constraints linked with participation. Multistage sampling procedure was employed to select 120 farmers for the study. Primary data were obtained using questionnaires. Data were analyzed using Probit model and Kendall’s coefficient of concordance. Results of analyses revealed that the mean age, years of educational attainment household size and years of farming experience were 32, 15, 5 and 7 respectively. Result of probit analysis further indicate that age of the farmer, farm income, household size, participation in meeting, major decision maker, distance of farm to the nearest road and farmers social status were the most critical factors influencing household’s decision to participate in cooperative organizations. Result of Kendall’s coefficient of concordance revealed that there was 0.42 (moderate agreement) between the ranking of constraints associated with farmers' participation in cooperative organizations. Furthermore, findings showed that the top five factors limiting households’ decision to participate in cooperative organizations were inadequate capital accumulation, high embezzlement of funds, poor leadership, recurring internal crises and lack of initiative. Policies to provide good and accessible roads, increase farmers incomes and encourage youths are rational options that will enhance effective participation in cooperative organizations


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    Precision Agriculture (PA) deals with the fine-tuned management of crop inputs including seeds, fertilizers, water, pesticides and energy inorder to create savings on these inputs, increase yield, augment profitability and protect the environment. This study was carried out with the aim of knowing the level of awareness of precision agriculture and the various factors affecting the adoption of precision agriculture by oil palm smallholder farmers in Essien Udim rural communities. Eighty respondents were interviewed. The data was analyzed using descriptive analysis such as frequency, percentage, mean and likert scale. The outcome of the study showed that most of the farmers were aware of precision agriculture because most of them had formal education. This means that the level of education of oil palm smallholder farmers could result to a high rate of agricultural technology adoption. On the constraints to the adoption of precision agriculture, the study revealed that lack of capital, information, facilities and low technical knowhow were the major constraints identified by the farmers. Since capital, information, facilities and technical knowhow were the major constraints, the availability of capital and agricultural information devices such as radio and mobile phones would help farmers to make informed decisions about what crops to sow or transplant and where to purchase affordable crop inputs and the market to sell their produce

    Synergistic and antagonistic effects between halide ions and carboxymethyl cellulose for the corrosion inhibition of mild steel in sulphuric acid solution

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    The corrosion and corrosion inhibition effect of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) for mild steel in sulphuric acid medium was investigated using chemical (weight loss and hydrogen evolution) techniques at 30–60 ïżœC. The effect of addition of halide ions (Cl-, Br -, and I-) was also studied. It was found that CMC functions as an inhibitor for acid induced corrosion for mild steel. Inhibition efïŹciency increases with increase in immersion time but decreases with increase in temperature. Addition of halide ions reveals that chloride ions (Cl-) antagonize the inhibition process whereas iodide ions (I-) exert synergistic effect on the corrosion inhibition by CMC. Corrosion inhibitive effect was afforded by adsorption of CMC molecules onto the mild steel surface both in the absence and presence of halide ions which was found to follow Langmuir adsorption isotherm model. The phenomenon of physical adsorption is proposed from decrease in inhibition efïŹciency with increase in temperature. The inhibition mechanism was further corroborated by the values of thermodynamic and kinetic parameters obtained from the experimental data. Keywords Carboxymethyl cellulose, Mild steel, Corrosion inhibition, Acid, Halides, Synergis

    Treatment of Schistosomiasis Haematobium with Praziquantel in Children : Its Effect on Educational Performance in Rural Nigeria

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    Schistosoma haematobium infection is highly endemic in Adim, a rural rice-farming community located within the rain forest of South-eastern Nigeria. With support from Rockefeller Foundation we initiated a treatment programme among the pupils of the only primary school in the community. All children in the school were screened yearly for infection using reagent strips and light microscopy. Infected children were treated with praziquantel (40 mg/kg body weight). To determine the effect of repeated treatment on the educational performance we followed up children (aged 8.0 - 8.9 years) who were in the same school grade through a three-year period. The prevalence of infection in the cohort measured at 12-monthly intervals with a session of treatment in between the screening were 69.1% at the beginning of the programme then 45.2% and 21.6% at the second and third yearly evaluation respectively. The school attendance rate in the cohort decreased from 86.7% at onset of treatment programme to 81.1% by the third yearly evaluation (p=0.24). Standardized, teacher-made educational tests were given to the pupils in between the treatment exercises. The pass rate among the cohort improved following the first treatment session from 81.4% to 90.7%, latter declined to 84.2% following the second treatment session but the net improvement in performance was statistically significant (x^2=7.20; p=0.027). The possibility of enhancement of educational performance as observed in this study should make regular, periodic treatment of children in communities with endemic schistosomiasis a more cost-effective and beneficial public health intervention strategy than was previously assumed

    Antimicrobial Stewardship Implementation in Nigerian Hospitals: Gaps and Challenges

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    Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major clinical challenge globally. It is mainly a consequence of inappropriate prescribing and use of antibiotics. Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) ensures that antibiotics are prescribed and used appropriately. This study assessed AMS practice in selected Nigerian hospitals.Methodology: This was a cross sectional survey of 20 Federal, State and Private tertiary hospitals randomly selected from the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. Using an adapted WHO tool on AMS, data were collected from each hospital as regard the existence of AMS committee, Accountability and Responsibility, AMS actions, Education and Training, Monitoring and Evaluation, Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) practice, facilities to support AMS, and challenges to AMS implementation. Gaps and challenges to the implementation of the AMS among the hospitals were identified.Results: Only 6 (30%) of the 20 hospitals had AMS committees while 2 (10%) had any evidence of leadership commitment to AMS. All the hospitals had laboratory facilities to support culture and sensitivity testing. There were no regular AMS-related education or training, monitoring, evaluation or reporting activities in the hospitals, except in 7 (25%) that had participated in the global point prevalence survey (Global-PPS) of antimicrobial use and resistance being hosted by the University of Antwerp, Belgium. Challenges impeding AMS activities included lack of human and financial resources, prescribers’ opposition, lack of awareness and absence of AMS committees. Most of the gaps and challenges bordered on seeming lack of knowledge and inadequate communication among prescribers and other stakeholders.Conclusion: There is need for intense education and training activities for prescribers and other stakeholders, including but not limited to hospital administrators. Keywords: Survey, Antimicrobial Stewardship, Antimicrobial Resistance; Nigeria   French title: Mise en Ɠuvre de la gestion des antimicrobiens dans les hĂŽpitaux NigĂ©rians: lacunes et dĂ©fis Contexte: La rĂ©sistance aux antimicrobiens (RAM) est un dĂ©fi clinique majeur Ă  l'Ă©chelle mondiale. C'estprincipalement une consĂ©quence d'une prescription et d'une utilisation inappropriĂ©es d'antibiotiques. La gestion des antimicrobiens (AMS) garantit que les antibiotiques sont prescrits et utilisĂ©s de maniĂšre appropriĂ©e. Cette Ă©tude a Ă©valuĂ© la pratique de l'AMS dans certains hĂŽpitaux NigĂ©rians. MĂ©thodologie: Il s'agissait d'une enquĂȘte transversale de 20 hĂŽpitaux tertiaires fĂ©dĂ©raux, d'État et privĂ©ssĂ©lectionnĂ©s au hasard dans les six zones gĂ©opolitiques du NigĂ©ria. À l'aide d'un outil OMS adaptĂ© sur l'AMS, des donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es auprĂšs de chaque hĂŽpital en ce qui concerne l'existence d'un comitĂ© AMS, la responsabilitĂ© et la responsabilitĂ©, les actions AMS, l'Ă©ducation et la formation, le suivi et l'Ă©valuation, la  pratique de prĂ©vention et de contrĂŽle des infections (IPC), les installations pour soutenir l'AMS. et les dĂ©fis de la mise en Ɠuvre de l'AMS. Les lacunes et les dĂ©fis liĂ©s Ă  la mise en Ɠuvre de l'AMS parmi les hĂŽpitaux ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s. RĂ©sultats: Seuls 6 (30%) des 20 hĂŽpitaux avaient des comitĂ©s AMS tandis que 2 (10%) avaient des preuves d'engagement du leadership envers l'AMS. Tous les hĂŽpitaux disposaient d'installations de laboratoire pour soutenir la culture et les tests de sensibilitĂ©. Il n'y avait pas d'activitĂ©s rĂ©guliĂšres d'Ă©ducation ou de formation, de suivi, d'Ă©valuation ou de rapportage liĂ©es Ă  la MGS dans les hĂŽpitaux, sauf dans 7 (25%) qui avaient participĂ© Ă  l'enquĂȘte mondiale sur la prĂ©valence ponctuelle (Global-PPS) de l'utilisation et de la rĂ©sistance aux  antimicrobiens organisĂ©e par l'UniversitĂ© d'Anvers, Belgique. Les dĂ©fis entravant les activitĂ©s de l'AMS  comprenaient le manque de ressources humaines et financiĂšres, l'opposition des prescripteurs, le manque de sensibilisation et l'absence de comitĂ©s AMS. La plupart des lacunes et des dĂ©fis se limitaient Ă  un manque apparent de connaissances et Ă  une communication inadĂ©quate entre les prescripteurs et les autres intervenants.Conclusion: Des activitĂ©s d'Ă©ducation et de formation intensives sont nĂ©cessaires pour les prescripteurs et autres intervenants, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les administrateurs d'hĂŽpitaux. Mots clĂ©s: enquĂȘte, gestion des antimicrobiens, rĂ©sistance aux antimicrobiens; Nigeria   &nbsp

    ABO phenotypes and malaria related outcomes in mothers and babies in The Gambia: a role for histo-blood groups in placental malaria?

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    BACKGROUND: Host susceptibility to P.falciparum is critical for understanding malaria in pregnancy, its consequences for the mother and baby, and for improving malaria control in pregnant women. Yet host genetic factors which could influence placental malaria risk are little studied and there are no reports of the role of blood group polymorphisms on pregnancy outcomes in malaria endemic areas. This study analyses the association between ABO blood group phenotypes in relation to placental malaria pathology. METHODS: A total of 198 mother/child pairs delivering in Banjul and the Kombo-St Mary District (The Gambia) were analysed. ABO blood group was measured by agglutination. Placental malaria parasites wee enumerated and the presence of malaria pigment noted. Birth anthropometry was recorded and placental weight. Maternal and infant haemoglobin was measured. RESULTS: 89 (45%) subjects were primiparae and 110 (55%)multiparae. The ABO phenotype distribution was 38(A), 52(B), 6(AB) and 102(O). Placental histo-pathology showed active placental malaria in 74 (37%), past infection in 42 (21%) and no infection in 82 cases (41%). In primiparae blood group O was associated with a higher risk of active infection (OR = 2.99; 95% CI = 1.24–7.25), and a lower risk of past infection (OR = 0.31, 0.10–1.01, p < 0.05). In multiparae the O phenotype was associated with reduced prevalence of active or past placental infection (OR = 0.45; 95% CI 0.21–0.98). The mean feto-placental weight ratio was significantly higher in multiparae with group O women compared to non-O phenotypes (5.74 vs 5.36; p = 0.04). Among primiparae with active placental infection, mean birth weight was higher in children of mothers with the O phenotype (p = 0.04). CONCLUSION: These results indicate that blood group O was significantly associated with increased placental malaria infection in primiparae and reduced risk of infection in multiparae. This parity related susceptibility was not present with other ABO phenotypes. Cell surface glycans, such as ABO and related antigens have special relevance in reproductive biology and could modulate specific cell interactions as those associated with the pathogenesis of placental malaria

    Natural multi-occurrence of mycotoxins in rice from Niger State, Nigeria

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    Twenty-one rice samples from field (ten), store (six) and market (five) from the traditional rice-growing areas of Niger State, Nigeria were analysed for aflatoxins (AFs), ochratoxin A (OTA), zearalenone (ZEA), deoxynivalenol (DON), fumonisin B1 (FB1) and B2 (FB2), and patulin (PAT) by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) respectively. T-2 toxin was determined using TLC only. AFs were detected in all samples, at total AF concentrations of 28–372 Όg/kg. OTA was found in 66.7% of the samples, also at high concentrations (134–341 Όg/kg) that have to be considered as critical levels in aspects of nephrotoxicity. ZEA (53.4%), DON (23.8), FB1 (14.3%) and FB2 (4.8%) were also found in rice, although at relatively low levels. T-2 toxin was qualitatively detected by TLC in only one sample. Co-contamination with AFs, OTA, and ZEA was very common, and up to five mycotoxins were detected in a single sample. The high AF and OTA levels as found in rice in this study are regarded as unsafe, and multi-occurrences of mycotoxins in the rice samples with possible additive or synergistic toxic effects in consumers raise concern with respect to public health

    Organisational Branding, A Strategic Tool for Engineering Customer Satisfaction in Service Industry: A Study of Selected Banks

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    Effective brand strategies cannot be developed without the customers in mind, hence the need to examine how brand strategies affect the behaviours of these customers to yield a good result. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of organisational branding on the levels of customer patronage. A descriptive and survey design was adopted for the study. The population for this study consist of customers from Wema and Zenith bank within Lagos metropolis. The questionnaire was used in eliciting information from respondents, which contained two sections. Two research questions and hypotheses were raised and tested. The data collected was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 20.0), for frequency distribution. Further analysis was carried out using linear regression and correlation analysis. From the findings made in the study, there is a significant role played by brand identity in meeting customer expectation and there is a significant effect of brand culture on customer satisfaction. It was recommended that management should be conscious of their peculiar corporate identity once established in order to capitalize on their strengths and opportunities, as well as improve on their weaknesses and address their threats in good time and Managers should strive to create a peculiar brand culture in line with their given brand identity, as the creation of a strong brand culture will enable the staff of the organisation to deliver quality service for good customer satisfaction
