1,343 research outputs found

    Femtoscopy correlations of kaons in Pb+PbPb + Pb collisions at LHC within hydrokinetic model

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    We provide, within the hydrokinetic model, a detailed investigation of kaon interferometry in Pb+PbPb+Pb collisions at LHC energy (sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV). Predictions are presented for 1D interferometry radii of KS0KS0K^0_SK^0_S and K±K±K^{\pm}K^{\pm} pairs as well as for 3D femtoscopy scales in out, side and long directions. The results are compared with existing pion interferometry radii. We also make predictions for full LHC energy.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Socio-cultural dimension of modern philosophical and educational paradigm

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    Social determinism of changes in the system of national education is the main factor determining the content and direction of educational reforms. Therefore, the analysis of the socio-cultural dimension of the most common basis for the modernization of education - the philosophical and educational paradigm - is of paramount importance for understanding the strategy and orientation of the development of domestic education. The purpose of the study is to determine the direction and effects of sociocultural determinants of the content of the contemporary philosophical and educational paradigm. The object of research is the philosophical and educational paradigm in the system of socio-cultural determinants. Proceeding from this, the subject of the study is the impact of socio-cultural factors on the content of the modern philosophical and educational paradigm and its study in the domestic philosophy of education. According to the goal, the following research objectives are defined: 1. To analyze the approaches to the analysis of the socio-cultural dimension of the modern philosophical and educational paradigm in the national philosophy of education. 2. To determine the main factors of socio-cultural influence on the content of modern philosophical and educational paradigm. 3. Determine the results of this influence on the content of the modern philosophical and educational paradigm. Based on the analysis of existing approaches to the definition of the socio-cultural dimension of the modern philosophical and educational paradigm, the main directions of social determination of the content of the contemporary philosophical and educational paradigm and the components of this content are specified. It is determined that in the sociocultural aspect the modern philosophical and educational paradigm is determined by the formation of the information society and the general process of anthropocentral reorientation of civilization. The most common direction in determining the content of the philosophical and educational paradigm of these factors is the introduction of culture as the main dimension of the modern educational process

    Взгляды постиндустриализма и постмодернизма на современное состояние общества

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    У статті розглядаються погляди на сучасний стан суспільства збоку таких теорій як постіндустріалізм та постмодернізм. Виясняється вплив соціально-економічних криз на різні сфери життя суспільства та індивіда. Розглядається теоретична складова процесів, які відбуваються в сучасному суспільстві.In article sights at a society current state from outside such theories as the postindustryalism and the postmodernism are considered. Influence of social and economic crises on various spheres of a life of a society and the individual is found out. The theoretical component of processes which occur in a modern society is considered.В статье рассматриваются взгляды на современное состояние общества со стороны таких теорий как постиндустриализм и постмодернизм. Выясняется влияние социально-экономических кризисов на различные сферы жизни общества и индивида. Рассматривается теоретическая составляющая процессов, которые происходят в современном обществе

    GTO complex implementation technology for educational system

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    The study analyzes practical experience of the GTO Complex implementation project at Belgorod State National Research University with a special emphasis on the GTO Complex implementation process control mechanism including the following modules: progress test, regulatory, design and corporate management module

    Долговременная динамика соотношения взрослых и молодых птиц у ближних и дальних мигрантов на осеннем пролете на Куршской косе Балтийского моря

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    Было проанализировано соотношение взрослых и молодых птиц на осеннем пролете на Куршской косе Балтийского моря у 25 видов ближних и 19 дальних мигрантов в период с 1962 по 2016 гг. Сравнительный анализ показал, что доля взрослых особей среди пойманных в большие ловушки «рыбачинского типа» птиц была значимо выше у ближних мигрантов (19,4%), чем у дальних (5,4%). У видов, совершающих преимущественно дневные миграции, доля взрослых особей была выше, чем у ночных мигрантов (24,3% против 7,4% у ближних мигрантов и 7,4% против 4,5% – у дальних). У подавляющего большинства видов были выявлены значительные межгодовые колебания в соотношении взрослых и молодых особей. Однако значимые долговременные тренды в изменении этого соотношения были выявлены только у 3 видов ближних мигрантов и одного дальнего мигранта. Доля молодых особей, отлавливаемых на осеннем пролете, оказалась значимо связанной со средней температурой воздуха в Балтийском регионе весной и в начале лета (июнь): чем выше была температура в этот период, тем большая доля молодых птиц присутствовала в осенних отловах. Такая связь была выявлена у 8 видов ближних и 2 дальних мигрантов. Мы предполагаем, что это объясняется, в первую очередь, лучшей успешностью размножения этих видов в годы с высокой температурой воздуха весной и в начале лета в исследуемом регионе

    Warp-X: a new exascale computing platform for beam-plasma simulations

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    Turning the current experimental plasma accelerator state-of-the-art from a promising technology into mainstream scientific tools depends critically on high-performance, high-fidelity modeling of complex processes that develop over a wide range of space and time scales. As part of the U.S. Department of Energy's Exascale Computing Project, a team from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, in collaboration with teams from SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, is developing a new plasma accelerator simulation tool that will harness the power of future exascale supercomputers for high-performance modeling of plasma accelerators. We present the various components of the codes such as the new Particle-In-Cell Scalable Application Resource (PICSAR) and the redesigned adaptive mesh refinement library AMReX, which are combined with redesigned elements of the Warp code, in the new WarpX software. The code structure, status, early examples of applications and plans are discussed

    Technological progress in operation of multiservice sport centers viewed as management issue

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    Objective of the study was to consider benefits of social technologies in application to the modern multiservice sport center (MSC) management systems. To analyze the factors and conditions of effect on the MSC service progress, we performed a questionnaire survey of the MSC clientele and service personnel in July-October 2015 in the Belgorod regio

    Vortex phases in mesoscopic cylinders with suppressed surface superconductivity

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    Vortex structures in mesoscopic cylinder placed in external magnetic field are studied under the general de Gennes boundary condition for the order parameter corresponding to the suppression of surface superconductivity. The Ginzburg-Landau equations are solved based on trial functions for the order parameter for vortex-free, single-vortex, multivortex, and giant vortex phases. The equilibrium vortex diagrams in the plane of external field and cylinder radius and magnetization curves are calculated at different values of de Gennes "extrapolation length" characterizing the boundary condition for the order parameter. The comparison of the obtained variational results with some available exact solutions shows good accuracy of our approach.Comment: RevTex, 11 pages, 10 figure