122 research outputs found

    Correlation of trichome density and length and polyphenol fluorescence with susceptibility of five cucurbits to \u3ci\u3eDidymella bryoniae\u3c/i\u3e

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    The fungal pathogen Didymella bryoniae causes gummy stem blight and black rot on a broad spectrum of cucurbits. However the substantial differences in susceptibility among Cucurbitaceae are not well studied. Susceptibility was characterized with muskmelon (Cucumis melo), watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), cucumber (Cucumis sativus), pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo), and zucchini (C. pepo). Lesion diameters on leaf disks inoculated with agar plugs were measured 7 days after inoculation, and the necrotized areas of leaf disks inoculated with conidial suspensions were measured 48 h after inoculation (hai). For each species, the number of trichomes was counted on 16 leaf pieces using a stereomicroscope. Lengths of ≄21 trichomes per species were measured. Polyphenol autofluorescence was recorded at 48 hai and quantified. Watermelon had the lowest trichome density and the shortest trichomes. Zucchini showed the highest trichome density, and pumpkin had the longest trichomes. Trichome density was negatively correlated with mean necrotized leaf area, and trichome length was highly negatively correlated with lesion diameter. Mean fluorescing area was correlated with lesion diameters and mean necrotized leaf area. This is the first study in which trichome morphology and polyphenol autofluorescence in inoculated cucurbit leaves were correlated with susceptibility to D. bryoniae

    Method of diagnosing gummy stem blight in plants using a polymerase chain reaction assay

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    The present invention provides a sensitive test for objectively diagnosing the presence of Didymella bryoniae, the causative agent of gummy stem blight, and differentiating it from similar, nonpathogenic Phoma species. The assay is applicable to DNA isolated from extracts from plant leaves, stem or seed. The detection method employs a polymerase chain reaction technique, using specific oligonucleotide primers for amplification. PCR Products can be visualized using an ELISA-based calorimetric detection system

    Method of diagnosing gummy stem blight in plants using a polymerase chain reaction assay

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    The present invention provides a sensitive test for objectively diagnosing the presence of Didymella bryoniae, the causative agent of gummy stem blight, and differentiating it from similar, nonpathogenic Phoma species. The assay is applicable to DNA isolated from extracts from plant leaves, stem or seed. The detection method employs a polymerase chain reaction technique, using specific oligonucleotide primers for amplification. PCR Products can be visualized using an ELISA-based colorimetric detection system

    Western Bumble Bee: Declines in the Continental United States and Range-Wide Information Gaps

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    In recent decades, many bumble bee species have declined due to changes in habitat, climate, and pressures from pathogens, pesticides, and introduced species. The western bumble bee (Bombus occidentalis), once common throughout western North America, is a species of concern and will be considered for listing by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). We attempt to improve alignment of data collection and research with USFWS needs to consider redundancy, resiliency, and representation in the upcoming species status assessment. We reviewed existing data and literature on B. occidentalis, highlighting information gaps and priority topics for research. Priorities include increased knowledge of trends, basic information on several life‐history stages, and improved understanding of the relative and interacting effects of stressors on population trends, especially the effects of pathogens, pesticides, climate change, and habitat loss. An understanding of how and where geographic range extent has changed for the two subspecies of B. occidentalis is also needed. We outline data that could be easily collected in other research projects that would increase their utility for understanding range‐wide trends of bumble bees. We modeled the overall trend in occupancy from 1998 to 2018 of Bombus occidentalis within the continental United States using existing data. The probability of local occupancy declined by 93% over 21 yr from 0.81 (95% CRI = 0.43, 0.98) in 1998 to 0.06 (95% CRI = 0.02, 0.16) in 2018. The decline in occupancy varied spatially by landcover and other environmental factors. Detection rates vary in both space and time, but peak detection across the continental United States occurs in mid‐July. We found considerable spatial gaps in recent sampling, with limited sampling in many regions, including most of Alaska, northwestern Canada, and the southwestern United States. We therefore propose a sampling design to address these gaps to best inform the ESA species status assessment through improved assessment of how the spatial distribution of stressors influences occupancy changes. Finally, we request involvement via data sharing, participation in occupancy sampling with repeated visits to distributed survey sites, and complementary research to address priorities outlined in this paper

    AUX1-mediated root hair auxin influx governs SCFTIR1/AFB-type Ca2+ signaling

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    Auxin is a key regulator of plant growth and development, but the causal relationship between hormone transport and root responses remains unresolved. Here we describe auxin uptake, together with early steps in signaling, in Arabidopsis root hairs. Using intracellular microelectrodes we show membrane depolarization, in response to IAA in a concentration- and pH-dependent manner. This depolarization is strongly impaired in aux1 mutants, indicating that AUX1 is the major transporter for auxin uptake in root hairs. Local intracellular auxin application triggers Ca2+ signals that propagate as long-distance waves between root cells and modulate their auxin responses. AUX1-mediated IAA transport, as well as IAA- triggered calcium signals, are blocked by treatment with the SCFTIR1/AFB - inhibitor auxinole. Further, they are strongly reduced in the tir1afb2afb3 and the cngc14 mutant. Our study reveals that the AUX1 transporter, the SCFTIR1/AFB receptor and the CNGC14 Ca2+ channel, mediate fast auxin signaling in roots

    Virtual genome walking across the 32 Gb Ambystoma mexicanum genome; assembling gene models and intronic sequence

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    Large repeat rich genomes present challenges for assembly using short read technologies. The 32 Gb axolotl genome is estimated to contain ~19 Gb of repetitive DNA making an assembly from short reads alone effectively impossible. Indeed, this model species has been sequenced to 20× coverage but the reads could not be conventionally assembled. Using an alternative strategy, we have assembled subsets of these reads into scaffolds describing over 19,000 gene models. We call this method Virtual Genome Walking as it locally assembles whole genome reads based on a reference transcriptome, identifying exons and iteratively extending them into surrounding genomic sequence. These assemblies are then linked and refined to generate gene models including upstream and downstream genomic, and intronic, sequence. Our assemblies are validated by comparison with previously published axolotl bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) sequences. Our analyses of axolotl intron length, intron-exon structure, repeat content and synteny provide novel insights into the genic structure of this model species. This resource will enable new experimental approaches in axolotl, such as ChIP-Seq and CRISPR and aid in future whole genome sequencing efforts. The assembled sequences and annotations presented here are freely available for download from https://tinyurl.com/y8gydc6n. The software pipeline is available from https://github.com/LooseLab/iterassemble
