414 research outputs found

    Методика выбора мест размещения транспортно-пересадочных узлов на основе оптимизационной математической модели

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    The article discusses development of a system of transport and interchange hubs (TIH). The need to create TIHs is due to an opportunity to increase efficiency of passenger flows in the urban public transport system, to reduce travel time for passengers, to ensure comfortable and safe conditions for transfer, and to improve quality of service to the population.  The objective of the research is to develop methods that allow solving the problem of optimal selection of TIH locations in any city according to the economic criterion and the criterion of the average travel time using the methods of mathematical modelling. The technique comprises search for optimal travel routes in the city and identification of effective interchange hubs using the developed software product called «Efficient transfers». Efficient transfer hubs with maximum passenger traffic are candidates for TIH locations. The work describes calculations made according the proposed methods and optimal options for location of this in the city of Samara considering limited funds, reduction in travel time and in the number of passengers using these TIHs. The research also resulted in obtaining the dependence of reduction in the average time of an urban trip on the number of TIHs.В статье рассмотрено формирование системы транспортно-пересадочных узлов (ТПУ). Необходимость создания ТПУ обусловлена возможностью повышения эффективности организации пассажиропотоков в системе городского общественного транспорта, сокращения времени поездки пассажиров, обеспечения комфортных, безопасных условий пересадки и улучшения качества обслуживания населения. Цель работы – разработка методики, позволяющей решать задачу оптимального выбора мест размещения ТПУ любого города по экономическому критерию и критерию среднего времени поездки с использованием методов математического моделирования. Методика включает поиск оптимальных маршрутов поездки по городу и определение эффективных пересадочных узлов с помощью разработанного программного продукта «Эффективные пересадки». При этом эффективные пересадочные узлы с максимальной величиной пассажиропотока являются кандидатами на создание в них ТПУ. В работе выполнены расчёты согласно предлагаемой методике и определены оптимальные варианты размещения транспортно-пересадочных узлов в городском округе Самара при ограниченных денежных средствах с учётом величины сокращения времени поездки и количества пассажиров, пользующихся этими пересадочными узлами. Получена зависимость сокращения среднего времени одной поездки по городу от количества транспортно-пересадочных узлов

    General Scheme of Risk – Oriented Audit Stages

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    The article examines the problem of applying risk-oriented approach in audit. A risk-oriented approach on the one hand allows to increase efficiency of auditors’ activity, the level of compliance with mandatory requirements, and on the other hand, to avoid the excessive inspections’ procedures in the formation of a scientifically grounded framework of reasonable sufficiency inherent to each specific audit. At the same time, risk-oriented approach needs to create its own methodological base, develop methodologies and relevant accompanying documents, and, most importantly, train personnel capable of implementing this innovative methodology. For this reason, topic of this paper is extremely relevant.     Keywords: audit, risk-oriented approach, planning, accounting (financial) statement

    Photovoltaic Response of Silicon Wafers Treated in the K2WO4-Na2WO4-WO3Melt

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    Texturing silicon wafers is one way to increase the performance of solar cells. This work is the first to report on the surface modification of Si wafers by processing in polytungstate melts. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method, and photoelectrochemical measurements were used to elucidate the effect of texturing conditions in the Na2WO4 - K2WO4 (1:1) melt containing 35 or 50 mol% WO3 at 973 K in air. As a result of cathodic treatment in the melt containing 50 mol% WO3 at the potential of -0.92 V (vs Pt) for 15 s, upright pyramids were formed on the Si surface. In addition, inverted pyramids appeared at the OTB/Si contact points. The photocurrent density of these samples was several times higher than that for the initial Si wafer or the Si wafer etched in 5 M NaOH solution at 353 K for 20 min. Mechanisms for the formation of upright and inverted pyramids were proposed. Unusual eight-faceted pyramids were formed on the Si surface during cathodic treatment in the melt containing 35 mol% WO3 at -1.19 V for 15 s, but the photocurrent density of such samples was low. © 2021 The Electrochemical Society ("ECS"). Published on behalf of ECS by IOP Publishing Limited.This work is performed in the frame of the State Assignment number 075-03-2020-582/1 dated 18.02.2020 (the theme number 0836-2020-0037). This work has been (partly) done using facilities of the Shared Access Center "Composition of Compounds" (IHTE, UB RAS)

    The study of titanium oxynitride coatings solubility deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering

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    To improve hemocompatibility of cardiovascular stents the coatings based on titanium oxides and oxynitrides were used. In the present work the morphology, surface properties (wettability and surface energy), and in vitro solubility of the ternary system Ti-N-O coating were investigated. Experimentally, low dissolution rate of the coating in saline NaCl (0,9%) was confirmed. Instrumental methods of quantitative analysis (XRF, AES) revealed that the Ti-N-O coating is chemical-resistant and does not change the qualitative and quantitative composition of body fluids

    Использование нейронной сети для учёта и анализа показателей работы транспортного предприятия

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    Recently, the issue of determining actual values of passenger flow processed by urban public and suburban transport on each section of the route in real time has become even more relevant since those values affect planning, organisation of operations and performance of transport enterprises.It is not possible to assess the real volume of passenger flow with the number of tickets issued to passengers due to the large number of unaccounted passengers (the discrepancy between the number of tickets issued to passengers and the real number of passengers transported).The objective of the study which results are described in the article was to develop an intelligent system for calculating and analysing the transport enterprise performance, which allows automatically collecting, processing and analysing information about passenger flows, calculating the passenger rotation ratio on the route, drawing up optimal bus schedules and timetables, adjusting vehicle traffic intervals, determining the need for rolling stock to minimise the likelihood that a passenger is denied boarding, improving the quality of passenger service and reducing the operating costs of a transport enterprise.Real-time calculation of passenger flow values for each vehicle on the route of urban public transport is carried out by a quantitative method based on artificial neural network technology, which allows automatic processing of a large amount of information from CCTV cameras installed in vehicle interiors.The use of theoretical research methods helped to create an intelligent system capable to analyse and compare the number of tickets issued to passengers with the actual number of passengers transported on Samara city public transport route, the results were displayed through a graphical user interface. It was possible to reveal dependences of the number of unaccounted passengers on the route on the amount of passenger flow and the time of day.A possibility of using the proposed intelligent system in commuter trains was noted, provided that the cars are equipped with video surveillance cameras.В последнее время возрастает актуальность вопроса определения фактических значений пассажиропотока на городском общественном и пригородном транспорте на каждом участке маршрута в режиме реального времени, которые оказывают значительное влияние на планирование и организацию, а также на показатели работы транспортного предприятия.Оценить реальные размеры пассажиропотока по числу оформленных пассажирам проездных документов не представляется возможным из-за большого количества неучтённых пассажиров (несоответствия числа оформленных проездных документов реальному значению перевезённых пассажиров).Целью исследования, результаты которого приводятся в статье, является разработка интеллектуальной системы для расчёта и анализа показателей работы транспортного предприятия, которая в автоматическом режиме позволяет собирать, обрабатывать и анализировать информацию о пассажиропотоках, рассчитывать коэффициент сменности пассажиров на маршруте, составлять оптимальные графики и расписание движения автобусов, корректировать интервалы движения транспортных средств, определять потребность в подвижном составе с целью минимизации вероятности отказа пассажиру в посадке, повышения качества обслуживания пассажиров и снижения эксплуатационных расходов транспортного предприятия.Подсчёт значений пассажиропотока в режиме реального времени по каждому транспортному средству на маршруте городского общественного транспорта осуществляется количественным методом, основанным на технологии искусственной нейронной сети, позволяющим в автоматическом режиме обрабатывать большой объём информации с камер видеонаблюдения, которыми оборудуются салоны транспортных средств.С использованием теоретических методов исследования и с помощью интеллектуальной системы выполнены анализ и сравнение числа оформленных проездных документов с фактическим числом перевезённых пассажиров на маршруте городского общественного транспорта Самары с выводом результатов в графический интерфейс пользователя. Получены зависимости числа неучтённых пассажиров на маршруте от величины пассажиропотока и времени суток. Отмечена возможность использования предлагаемой интеллектуальной системы в пригородных электричках при условии оборудования вагонов камерами видеонаблюдения

    New way of laparoscopic intracorporeal term-terminal invagination ileotransverse anastomosis

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    Background. Laparoscopic surgery becomes a standard treatment for many surgical diseases. Defects of a stapler laparoscopic mechanical suture during the formation of an anastomosis after hemicolectomy are detected in 18% of observed cases.Objective. Development, substantiate reproducibility and safety of a manual intracorporeal term-terminal invagination ileotransverse anastomosis method after performing the right laparoscopic hemicolectomy.Material and Methods. Authors presented a description of the technique and their own experience of performing laparoscopic hemicolectomy on the right with the formation of a manual original anastomosis in 10 patients with pathology of the right half of the colon. Eight patients (80.0%) had a malignant tumor of the right half of the colon, 1 patient (10.0%) showed multiple polyps of the cecum and the ascending part of the colon, 1 patient (10.0%) developed a cystic-solid submucosa tumor of the ileocecal angle. One patient had metastatic lung disease at the time of establishing diagnosis. The postoperative follow-up period was 7–18 months.Results. There were no conversions to open surgery. All operations (n = 10) were ended completely laparoscopically – right hemicolectomy with standard D2 lymph node dissection. In one patient, we revealed intraoperatively the spread of the tumor to the gallbladder, which required additional cholecystectomy. The duration of the operation was 122.5 ± 10.7 min.; median blood loss was 107 ± 5.2 ml. At the time of follow-up all patients are alive.Conclusion. The technique is universal in the surgical treatment of patients with various pathologies of the right half of the colon

    Comprehensive assessment of specific antibodies on infectious activity of tick-borne encephalitis virus

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    Vaccines for prophylactic immunization provide the most reliable and effective protection against the vast majority of infectious diseases. Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) represents a high-priority medical issue at the territory of the Eurasian continent. Of great importance is assessing a role of distinct antibody titers especially low titers, observed quite often in vaccinated individuals, sometimes posing obstacles in determining a threshold of seropositivity as well as the level of specific protection against TBE virus. We aimed at obtaining data to assess antiviral activity of virus-specific antibodies with distinct titer levels based on the in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo experimental studies with a highly virulent Far-Eastern strain of tick-borne encephalitis virus. The in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo comprehensive experimental studies with a highly virulent Far-Eastern strain of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) were conducted and the dynamics of antiviral activity of virus-specific antibodies at variable titers (1:100–1:3200) was measured (timeframe ranged within 1–96 hours p.i.) to provide a rationale for evaluating the antiviral immune response. It was found that the in vitro experiments demonstrated that the IgG at 1:100 titer exerted a weak anti-TBEV neutralizing effect at all time-points examined. The IgG 1:400 titer caused a 2 log PFU/mL decline in TBEV Dal strain yield at 72 h post-infection, whereas at 1:3200 titer it completely suppressed TBEV replication throughout the observation period. The ex vivo experiments with blood serum obtained from vaccinated subjects demonstrating a range of TBEV antibody titers (sera from vaccinated individuals with varying anti-TBEV antibody titers) and in vivo (outinbred white mice) experiments revealed a delayed virus elimination for antibody titers at 1:100 and 1:200 as well as rapid virus elimination (1–2 days p.i.) for antibody titers greater than 1:400. Thus, antibody titer at 1:400 may be considered as the universal anti-TBEV protection threshold. In order to properly conclude regarding the revaccination schedule it is advised to start with testing blood serum for durability of anti-TBEV immune response. Subjects with TBEV antibody titers at 1:100 and 1:200 should be strongly recommended to undergo a mandatory revaccination. Such an approach is believed to be the most effective way toward enhancing efficacy of vaccine-mediated protection against TBE

    Project of NNbar Experiment at the WWR-M Reactor

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    Supersource of ultracold neutrons on the basis of superfluid helium is under construction in PNPI NRC KI. It must provide UCN density 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than existing sources. For the new source we propose an experiment on search for neutron–antineutron oscillations based on the storage of ultracold neutrons in a material trap. The sensitivity of the experiment mostly depends on the trap size and the amount of UCN in it. The results of simulations of the designed experimental scheme show that the sensitivity can be increased by ∼ 10–40 times compared to sensitivity of previous experiment depending on the model of neutron reflection from walls

    Diversity of avenanthramide content in wild and cultivated oats

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    Background. Oat grains accumulate substantial amounts of various phenolic compounds that possess biological activity and have a potential to considerably increase health benefits of oats as a food. Avenanthramides (AVA) is an important group of these compounds due to their antioxidant, anti-itching, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative activities.Materials and methods. Using combined HPLC and LC-MS analyses, we provide the first comprehensive review of the total avenanthramide content and composition in cultivated and wild oats. The AVA content was measured in 32 wild and 120 cultivated oat accessions obtained from the global collection of the N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR), St. Petersburg, Russia.Results and conclusion. The wild hexaploid A. sterilis L. had the highest total AVA content, reaching 1825 mg kg–1. Among cultivated accessions, naked oat cv. ‘Numbat’ (Australia) had the highest AVA content, 586 mg kg–1. The AVA composition exhibited a wide diversity among the analyzed samples. Accessions were identified where AVAs A, B and C, which are generally considered as major AVA, had a low percentage, and instead other AVAs prevailed. The AVA content in eight oat cultivars revealed significant annual changes in both the total AVA content and the proportions of individual AVAs. Using HPLC analyses, 22 distinguishable peaks in AVA extracts of oat seeds were detected and quantified. Several of these peaks, which have not been previously documented, presumably represent different AVAs. Further analyses are needed to detail these findings and to determine the specific AVA structures in oat grains

    Monitoring of the Effectiveness of Public Relations to Optimize the Website of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Affairs for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters

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    Development of websites as an important component of PR-collaboration to achieve their audiences in today's information environment has become one of the defining criteria of perception of the effectiveness of state institutions activities. The study presents the initiation of market research to identify advantageous features, tools, and internet communication technologies in the activities of the five public institutions of Rostov region. Data analysis served as the justification for proposals of the expert group on benchmarking for the website of the Southern Regional Center of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (SRC MES of Russia). Keywords: expert survey method, website optimization, online communications, public relations JEL Classifications: A10, 010, Z1