116 research outputs found

    Partial separability revisited: Necessary and sufficient criteria

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    We extend the classification of mixed states of quantum systems composed of arbitrary number of subsystems of arbitrary dimensions. This extended classification is complete in the sense of partial separability and gives 1+18+1 partial separability classes in the tripartite case contrary to a former 1+8+1. Then we give necessary and sufficient criteria for these classes, which make it possible to determine to which class a mixed state belongs. These criteria are given by convex roof extensions of functions defined on pure states. In the special case of three-qubit systems, we define a different set of such functions with the help of the Freudenthal triple system approach of three-qubit entanglement.Comment: v3: 22 pages, 5 tables, 1 figure, minor corrections (typos), clarification in the Introduction. Accepted in Phys. Rev. A. Comments are welcom

    STU Black Holes as Four Qubit Systems

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    In this paper we describe the structure of extremal stationary spherically symmetric black hole solutions in the STU model of D=4, N=2 supergravity in terms of four-qubit systems. Our analysis extends the results of previous investigations based on three qubits. The basic idea facilitating this four-qubit interpretation is the fact that stationary solutions in D=4 supergravity can be described by dimensional reduction along the time direction. In this D=3 picture the global symmetry group SL(2,R)×3SL(2,R)^{\times 3} of the model is extended by the Ehlers SL(2,R) accounting for the fourth qubit. We introduce a four qubit state depending on the charges (electric, magnetic and NUT) the moduli and the warp factor. We relate the entanglement properties of this state to different classes of black hole solutions in the STU model. In the terminology of four qubit entanglement extremal black hole solutions correspond to nilpotent, and nonextremal ones to semisimple states. In arriving at this entanglement based scenario the role of the four algebraically independent four qubit SL(2,C) invariants is emphasized.Comment: 47 pages LATE

    Topological expansion of beta-ensemble model and quantum algebraic geometry in the sectorwise approach

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    We solve the loop equations of the ÎČ\beta-ensemble model analogously to the solution found for the Hermitian matrices ÎČ=1\beta=1. For \beta=1,thesolutionwasexpressedusingthealgebraicspectralcurveofequation, the solution was expressed using the algebraic spectral curve of equation y^2=U(x).Forarbitrary. For arbitrary \beta,thespectralcurveconvertsintoaSchrošdingerequation, the spectral curve converts into a Schr\"odinger equation ((\hbar\partial)^2-U(x))\psi(x)=0with with \hbar\propto (\sqrt\beta-1/\sqrt\beta)/N.Thispaperissimilartothesisterpaper I,inparticular,allthemainingredientsspecificforthealgebraicsolutionoftheproblemremainthesame,butherewepresentthesecondapproachtofindingasolutionofloopequationsusingsectorwisedefinitionofresolvents.Beingtechnicallymoreinvolved,itallowsdefiningconsistentlytheB−cyclestructureoftheobtainedquantumalgebraiccurve(aD−moduleoftheform. This paper is similar to the sister paper~I, in particular, all the main ingredients specific for the algebraic solution of the problem remain the same, but here we present the second approach to finding a solution of loop equations using sectorwise definition of resolvents. Being technically more involved, it allows defining consistently the B-cycle structure of the obtained quantum algebraic curve (a D-module of the form y^2-U(x),where, where [y,x]=\hbar)andtoconstructexplicitlythecorrelationfunctionsandthecorrespondingsymplecticinvariants) and to construct explicitly the correlation functions and the corresponding symplectic invariants F_h,orthetermsofthefreeenergy,in1/N2, or the terms of the free energy, in 1/N^2-expansion at arbitrary ℏ\hbar. The set of "flat" coordinates comprises the potential times tkt_k and the occupation numbers \widetilde{\epsilon}_\alpha.WedefineandinvestigatethepropertiesoftheA−andB−cycles,formsof1st,2ndand3rdkind,andtheRiemannbilinearidentities.Weusetheseidentitiestofindexplicitlythesingularpartof. We define and investigate the properties of the A- and B-cycles, forms of 1st, 2nd and 3rd kind, and the Riemann bilinear identities. We use these identities to find explicitly the singular part of \mathcal F_0thatdependsexclusivelyon that depends exclusively on \widetilde{\epsilon}_\alpha$.Comment: 58 pages, 7 figure

    Best network chirplet-chain: Near-optimal coherent detection of unmodeled gravitation wave chirps with a network of detectors

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    The searches of impulsive gravitational waves (GW) in the data of the ground-based interferometers focus essentially on two types of waveforms: short unmodeled bursts and chirps from inspiralling compact binaries. There is room for other types of searches based on different models. Our objective is to fill this gap. More specifically, we are interested in GW chirps with an arbitrary phase/frequency vs. time evolution. These unmodeled GW chirps may be considered as the generic signature of orbiting/spinning sources. We expect quasi-periodic nature of the waveform to be preserved independent of the physics which governs the source motion. Several methods have been introduced to address the detection of unmodeled chirps using the data of a single detector. Those include the best chirplet chain (BCC) algorithm introduced by the authors. In the next years, several detectors will be in operation. The joint coherent analysis of GW by multiple detectors can improve the sight horizon, the estimation of the source location and the wave polarization angles. Here, we extend the BCC search to the multiple detector case. The method amounts to searching for salient paths in the combined time-frequency representation of two synthetic streams. The latter are time-series which combine the data from each detector linearly in such a way that all the GW signatures received are added constructively. We give a proof of principle for the full sky blind search in a simplified situation which shows that the joint estimation of the source sky location and chirp frequency is possible.Comment: 22 pages, revtex4, 6 figure

    Covariant Affine Integral Quantization(s)

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    Covariant affine integral quantization of the half-plane is studied and applied to the motion of a particle on the half-line. We examine the consequences of different quantizer operators built from weight functions on the half-plane. To illustrate the procedure, we examine two particular choices of the weight function, yielding thermal density operators and affine inversion respectively. The former gives rise to a temperature-dependent probability distribution on the half-plane whereas the later yields the usual canonical quantization and a quasi-probability distribution (affine Wigner function) which is real, marginal in both momentum p and position q.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figure

    On The Universality Class Of Little String Theories

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    We propose that Little String Theories in six dimensions are quasilocal quantum field theories. Such field theories obey a modification of Wightman axioms which allows Wightman functions (i.e. vacuum expectation values of products of fundamental fields) to grow exponentially in momentum space. Wightman functions of quasilocal fields in x-space violate microlocality at short distances. With additional assumptions about the ultraviolet behavior of quasilocal fields, one can define approximately local observables associated to big enough compact regions. The minimum size of such a region can be interpreted as the minimum distance which observables can probe. We argue that for Little String Theories this distance is of order {\sqrt N}/M_s.Comment: 25 pages, late

    Point massive particle in General Relativity

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    It is well known that the Schwarzschild solution describes the gravitational field outside compact spherically symmetric mass distribution in General Relativity. In particular, it describes the gravitational field outside a point particle. Nevertheless, what is the exact solution of Einstein's equations with ÎŽ\delta-type source corresponding to a point particle is not known. In the present paper, we prove that the Schwarzschild solution in isotropic coordinates is the asymptotically flat static spherically symmetric solution of Einstein's equations with ÎŽ\delta-type energy-momentum tensor corresponding to a point particle. Solution of Einstein's equations is understood in the generalized sense after integration with a test function. Metric components are locally integrable functions for which nonlinear Einstein's equations are mathematically defined. The Schwarzschild solution in isotropic coordinates is locally isometric to the Schwarzschild solution in Schwarzschild coordinates but differs essentially globally. It is topologically trivial neglecting the world line of a point particle. Gravity attraction at large distances is replaced by repulsion at the particle neighbourhood.Comment: 15 pages, references added, 1 figur

    Fermions and Kaluza-Klein vacuum decay: a toy model

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    We address the question of whether or not fermions with twisted periodicity condition suppress the semiclassical decay of M^4xS^1 Kaluza--Klein vacuum. We consider a toy (1+1)-dimensional model with twisted fermions in cigar-shaped Euclidean background geometry and calculate the fermion determinant. We find that contrary to expectations, the determinant is finite. We consider this as an indication that twisted fermions do not stabilize the Kaluza--Klein vacuum.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    On the curvature of vortex moduli spaces

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    We use algebraic topology to investigate local curvature properties of the moduli spaces of gauged vortices on a closed Riemann surface. After computing the homotopy type of the universal cover of the moduli spaces (which are symmetric powers of the surface), we prove that, for genus g>1, the holomorphic bisectional curvature of the vortex metrics cannot always be nonnegative in the multivortex case, and this property extends to all Kaehler metrics on certain symmetric powers. Our result rules out an established and natural conjecture on the geometry of the moduli spaces.Comment: 25 pages; final version, to appear in Math.

    Twisted convolution and Moyal star product of generalized functions

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    We consider nuclear function spaces on which the Weyl-Heisenberg group acts continuously and study the basic properties of the twisted convolution product of the functions with the dual space elements. The final theorem characterizes the corresponding algebra of convolution multipliers and shows that it contains all sufficiently rapidly decreasing functionals in the dual space. Consequently, we obtain a general description of the Moyal multiplier algebra of the Fourier-transformed space. The results extend the Weyl symbol calculus beyond the traditional framework of tempered distributions.Comment: LaTeX, 16 pages, no figure
