15 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Metode eksperimen adalah salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan oleh guru sebagai dasar dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran. Penelitian ini termasuk Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran IPA melalui metode eksperimen. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) ini dilaksanakan sebanyak 2 siklus dan meliputi empat tahap yaitu: kegiatan perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VI SDN Seboro Probolinggo tahun pelajaran 2012/2013. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah: observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran IPA melalui metode eksperimen mengalami peningkatan dari siklus I ke siklus II. Hasil observasi menunjukkan persentase rata-rata aktivitas belajar siswa pada siklus I sebesar 65,53% (kategori aktif), meningkat pada siklus II sebesar 80,6% (kategori sangat aktif), sehingga meningkat sebesar 15,07%. Persentase hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran IPA melalui metode eksperimen pada pokok bahasan konduktor dan isolator juga mengalami peningkatan. Pada siklus I mencapai 55% dan pada siklus II mencapai 85%, sehingga meningkat sebesar 30%.   Kata Kunci : metode eksperimen, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), aktivitas belajar siswa, hasil belajar siswa. &nbsp

    The suitability of fly ash based geopolymer cement for oil well cementing applications: A review

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    The increase in awareness towards global warming has prompted the research of alternatives to the conventional ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). In addition, studies have demonstrated that the use of geopolymer cement slurries resulted in lower carbon emission and superior cement properties compared to the ordinary Portland cement. In this study, the factors which affect the wellbore integrity in regards to cementing were identified and a comparison between Class G cement and Fly Ash Geopolymer (FAGP) cement pertaining to the identified factors were made. In addition, a thorough analysis on the factors affecting the properties of geopolymer in regards to its application in oil well cementing was performed. The results enable the finding of optimum parameters required to produce geopolymer cements for oil well applications. The FAGP cement achieved higher compressive strengths compared to Class G cement for all curing temperatures above 36⁰C. At optimum curing temperatures, for all curing time FAGP cement achieved higher compressive strengths in comparison Class G cement. Moreover, FAGP cement was found to be more susceptible to marine environment whereby curing medium of brine water resulted in higher compressive strengths. In addition, FAGP cement has lesser carbon footprint, superior chemical durability, lower permeability and higher crack propagation threshold in comparison the Class G cement. In addition, key variables which influence the compressive strength of FAGP cement such as type of activating solution, concentration of activating solution alkaline liquid to fly ash ratio, aging duration and water to binder ratio were identified and the corresponding optimum values in achieving highest compressive strength were suggested. The conclusion supports the usage of geopolymer cement for oil well cementing whereby it has an edge over conventional Portland cement for better short term and long term performance to ensure wellbore integrity throughout the producing life span of the well, with less hazards imposed on the environment

    Enhancement and reproducibility of high quality factor, one-dimensional photonic crystal/photonic wire (1D PhC/PhW) microcavities

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    Background: The production of compact and multi-functional photonic devices has become a topic of major research activity in recent years. Devices have emerged that can be used for functional requirements in high speed optical data processing, filtering, nonlinear optical functions such as all-optical switching - and many other applications. The combination of photonic crystal (PhC) structures consisting of a single row of holes embedded in a narrow photonic wire (PhW) waveguide realised in high index-contrast materials is a possible contender for provision of a range of compact devices on a single chip. This trend has been motivated by the availability of a silicon technology that can support monolithic integration to form fully functional devices on CMOS chips. Results: We have successfully demonstrated experimentally an enhancement of the quality factor of a one-dimensional (1D) photonic crystal/photonic wire (PhC/PhW) microcavity that can exhibit resonance quality factor (Q-factor) values as high as 800,000 - together with a low modal volume of approximately 0.5 (λ/n)3. These results are based on the use of a mode matching approach previously used for device design - through the engineering of tapered hole sections within and outside the cavity - and were achieved without removing the silica cladding layer below the silicon waveguide core. The simulation results obtained in this case also agree with the experimental results obtained. Conclusions: In this work we have demonstrated that the mode matching, as light enters the photonic crystal structure, can be further enhanced through the use of careful fine tuning of the third hole, t3 of the tapered hole region outside the cavity. The Q-factor value obtained was approximately four times greater than that achieved in our previous work on a similar structure

    A Study on Students' Anxiety in Speaking English

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    This research explains students’ anxiety in speaking English at the Fourth semester of English Education Study Program at Muhammadiyah University of Palu. This is qualitative research. In collecting data, the researcher used interviews. The researcher used three major phases of the data analysis, they were: data reduction, data display, and data verification. From the data analysis, the researcher came across some conclusions: first, researcher found that the factors of students' anxiety in speaking English are: come from the teacher (threatening acts, incomprehensible input, and pressure). Second, it comes from the students (lack of knowledge, fear of negative evaluation, low self-esteem, and should speak perfect). Third, comes from the environment (from non-intensive English school and unsupportive classmates)

    From real to virtual: adaptation model of performance arts during covid-19 period

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    Large-scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) due to the Covid-19 outbreak affected all aspects of life including the performing arts. The prohibition of the crowd which is characteristic of a conventional show forces the creators and performers to adapt. One of the ways taken is to adapt the show in the real world (real) to the virtual world (virtual) and sacrifice a number of aspects of the performing arts. This research develops a performance model of the Dipanegara Storybook which is transformed from the real world performance to the virtual world. This qualitative descriptive study uses an experimental method. Modeling is performed on the performance space, the viewer, as well as interactivity and audience involvement using digital technology, including 3D modeling, motion capture, augmented reality and real time game engine. Based on the developed model, this research has succeeded in identifying a number of aspects that can be adapted, as well as the advantages and disadvantages arising from these adaptations.Seni

    Tripodal Receptors for Cation and Anion Sensors

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    This review discusses different types of artificial tripodal receptors for the selectiverecognition and sensing of cations and anions. Examples on the relationship between structure andselectivity towards cations and anions are described. Furthermore, their applications as potentiometricion sensing are emphasised, along with their potential applications in optical sensors or optodes

    Implementasi Sistem Informasi Kuliner pada Angkutan Publik Berbasis SBC

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    Sistem informasi yang dibuat pada saat ini masih bersifat individu dengan akses gadget/ponsel, sehingga perlu dibuat sistem yang bisa diakses oleh publik. Khususnya kuliner, Hal tersebut bisa kita temui pada setiap sudut di berbagai tempat di kota Bandung. Tetapi untuk beberapa kalangan yang memakai kendaraan umum informasi tentang referensi kuliner yang dapat dikunjungi dan iklan lainnya tidak terpublikasikan dengan baik. Hal ini sering mengakibatkan ketidakefisienan informasi iklan baik tentang kuliner dan iklan lainnya kepada penumpang pada setiap kendaraan umum di kota Bandung. Dari permasalahan diatas maka dibuat suatu sistem informasi kuliner pada sebuah kendaraan umum berbasis mini pc dengan raspberry pi sebagai media server berikut tampilan digitalnya. Pada proyek akhir ini, akan dibuat suatu sistem pada rasberry pi yang dapat menginformasikan segala jenis iklan baik kuliner yang dilewati oleh kendaraan umum agar lebih mempermudah penumpang mengetahui tempat kuliner yang mungkin dapat menjadi referensi untuk di kunjungi. Dengan di implementasikannya mini pc sebagai media server pada transportasi umum yang diuji selama 6 jam nonstop yang dapat otomatis memutarkan video atau iklan pada awal pertama raspberry pi dinyalakan ini Sangat bermanfaat untuk Mempermudah penumpang mencari referensi Lokasi dan jenis kuliner yang akan dikunjungi melalui video yang ditampilkan