787 research outputs found
Irreducible Hamiltonian approach to the Freedman-Townsend model
The irreducible BRST symmetry for the Freedman-Townsend model is derived. The
comparison with the standard reducible approach is also addressed.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX 2.0
Profilul clinico-paraclinic și spectrul stărilor morbide concomitente în defectele congenitale ale peretelui abdominal anterior (gastroschizis și omfalocel)
Scopul studiului a fost evaluarea rezultatelor clinico-paraclinice ale afecțiunilor malformative ale peretelui abdominal cu identificarea
factorilor de risc congenitali și dobândiți care au influențat prognosticul bolii.
MATERIAL ȘI METODE. Evaluarea clinico-epidemiologică a pacienților din lotul general de studiu și analiza rezultatelor
tratamentului medico-chirurgical aplicat a fost efectuată în baza datelor extrase din fișele medicale de staționar ale copiilor cu defecte
congenitale ale peretelui abdominal internați în staționar pe perioada anilor 2005-2016 în secția de chirurgie a nou-născutului a IMSP
Institutul Mamei și Copilului, fiind selectate 64 cazuri clinice de gastroschizis și 59 cazuri de omfalocel.
REZULTATELE studiului au permis de a constata că defectele congenitale ale peretelui abdominal (gastroschizis și omfalocel) au
fost întâlnite mai frecvent la nou-născuții de sex masculin, cazurile de gastroschizis fiind asociate predominant cu vârsta de gestație
prematură și greutatea mică a nou-născuților, comparativ cu lotul de pacienți cu omfalocel unde au predominat nou-născuții la
termen cu greutate normală. Au fost stabilite rate semnificativ sporite ale malformațiilor congenitale asociate atât în lotul bolnavilor
cu gastroschizis (53,12%), cât și în cel cu omfalocel (61,02%), spectrul acestora fiind dominat de malformațiile tractului digestiv și
cele cardiovasculare.
CONCLUZIE. Malformațiile congenitale concomitente împreună cu prematuritatea, greutatea mică la naștere, sindromul de
compartiment și generalizarea procesului infecțios-septic au influiențat semnificativ evoluția și prognosticul nefavorabil al bolii.The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical-paraclinical results of the abdominal wall malformations (gastroschisis and
omfalocel) with the identification of congenital and acquired risk factors that influenced the prognosis of the disease.
MATERIAL AND METHODS. The clinico-epidemiological evaluation of the patients from the general study group and the analysis
of the results of the applied medical-surgical treatment was performed based on the data extracted from the stationary medical files of
the children with congenital defects of the abdominal wall hospitalized during the period 2005-2016 in the Newborn Surgery
Department of the IMSP Institute of the Mother and Child, being selected 64 clinical cases of gastroschisis and 59 cases of
THE RESULTS of the study allowed us to find that congenital defects of the abdominal wall (gastroschisis and omphalocele) were
more common in male neonates, gastroschisis being predominantly associated with premature gestation age and low weight of
newborns compared to the group of patients with omphalocele where predominated term newborns with normal birth weight. There
was established the significantly increased rates of congenital malformations associated with both the gastroschisis (53.12%) and the
omphalocell (61.02%) patients, dominated by malformations of the digestive tract and cardiovascular ones.
CONCLUSION. Concomitant congenital malformations, which together with prematurity, low birth weight, compartment syndrome
and generalization of the infectious-septic process, have significantly influenced the progression and unfavorable prognosis of the
Contemporary concepts in laparoschizis (Literature review)
State University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Nicolae Testemiţanu„
Surgical Pediatric Infections Laboratory
MSPI Institute of Mother and Child Care
Laboratory of surgical correction of congenital defects in childrenSummary
This article examines contemporary issues of etiopathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment methods in laparoschizis which are
reflected in literature. Despite the progress of surgical correction strategies, principles of surgical treatment of congenital abdominal wall defects are
still the same: to reduce the eviscerated abdominal cavity organs in safe conditions, closure of the abdominal wall defect with an acceptable cosmetic
appearance, identification and treatment of associated malformations, establishing an independent nutrition support until switching to a complete
enteral nutrition and detection and adequate treatment of abdominal, intestinal complications or wound. The prognosis of this malformation is severe
Multimedia delivery in the future internet
The term “Networked Media” implies that all kinds of media including text, image, 3D graphics, audio
and video are produced, distributed, shared, managed and consumed on-line through various networks,
like the Internet, Fiber, WiFi, WiMAX, GPRS, 3G and so on, in a convergent manner [1]. This white
paper is the contribution of the Media Delivery Platform (MDP) cluster and aims to cover the Networked
challenges of the Networked Media in the transition to the Future of the Internet.
Internet has evolved and changed the way we work and live. End users of the Internet have been confronted
with a bewildering range of media, services and applications and of technological innovations concerning
media formats, wireless networks, terminal types and capabilities. And there is little evidence that the pace
of this innovation is slowing. Today, over one billion of users access the Internet on regular basis, more
than 100 million users have downloaded at least one (multi)media file and over 47 millions of them do so
regularly, searching in more than 160 Exabytes1 of content. In the near future these numbers are expected
to exponentially rise. It is expected that the Internet content will be increased by at least a factor of 6, rising
to more than 990 Exabytes before 2012, fuelled mainly by the users themselves. Moreover, it is envisaged
that in a near- to mid-term future, the Internet will provide the means to share and distribute (new)
multimedia content and services with superior quality and striking flexibility, in a trusted and personalized
way, improving citizens’ quality of life, working conditions, edutainment and safety.
In this evolving environment, new transport protocols, new multimedia encoding schemes, cross-layer inthe
network adaptation, machine-to-machine communication (including RFIDs), rich 3D content as well as
community networks and the use of peer-to-peer (P2P) overlays are expected to generate new models of
interaction and cooperation, and be able to support enhanced perceived quality-of-experience (PQoE) and
innovative applications “on the move”, like virtual collaboration environments, personalised services/
media, virtual sport groups, on-line gaming, edutainment. In this context, the interaction with content
combined with interactive/multimedia search capabilities across distributed repositories, opportunistic P2P
networks and the dynamic adaptation to the characteristics of diverse mobile terminals are expected to
contribute towards such a vision.
Based on work that has taken place in a number of EC co-funded projects, in Framework Program 6 (FP6)
and Framework Program 7 (FP7), a group of experts and technology visionaries have voluntarily
contributed in this white paper aiming to describe the status, the state-of-the art, the challenges and the way
ahead in the area of Content Aware media delivery platforms
Dependable workflow management system for smart farms
Smart Farming is a new and emerging domain representing the application of modern technologies into agriculture, leading to a revolution of this classic domain. CLUeFARM is a web platform in the domain of smart farming which main purpose is to help farmers to easily manage and supervise their farms from any device connected to the Internet, offering some useful services. Cloud technologies evolved a lot in recent years and based on this growth, microservices are more and more used. If for the server side, the scalability and reusability are solved in high proportion by microservices, on the client side of web applications, there was no independent solution until the recent emergence of web components. They can be seen as the microservices of the front-end. Microservices and web components are usually used isolated one of each other. This paper proposes and presents the functionality and implementation of a dependable workflow management service by using an end-to-end microservices approach
HDF on-line în tratamentul complicaţiilor dializei
HDF that includes diffusion and convection represents a method for the renal replacement,
which maximizes the elimination of the dissolved substances. HDF is convenient while preparing
the solution for the replacement by means of on-line. Thus the HDF possesses a strong efficacy that
allows to gives to the patient a high dose of dialysis within a relatively short period of time. So, we
can conclude that the HDF can serve as a fundamental method for the renal replacement in the
new century
Irreducible Hamiltonian BRST analysis of Stueckelberg coupled p-form gauge theories
The irreducible Hamiltonian BRST symmetry for p-form gauge theories with
Stueckelberg coupling is derived. The cornerstone of our approach is
represented by the construction of an irreducible theory that is equivalent
from the point of view of the BRST formalism with the original system. The
equivalence makes permissible the substitution of the BRST quantization of the
reducible model by that of the irreducible theory. Our procedure maintains the
Lorentz covariance of the irreducible path integral.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX 2.0
Model Adaptation with Synthetic and Real Data for Semantic Dense Foggy Scene Understanding
This work addresses the problem of semantic scene understanding under dense
fog. Although considerable progress has been made in semantic scene
understanding, it is mainly related to clear-weather scenes. Extending
recognition methods to adverse weather conditions such as fog is crucial for
outdoor applications. In this paper, we propose a novel method, named
Curriculum Model Adaptation (CMAda), which gradually adapts a semantic
segmentation model from light synthetic fog to dense real fog in multiple
steps, using both synthetic and real foggy data. In addition, we present three
other main stand-alone contributions: 1) a novel method to add synthetic fog to
real, clear-weather scenes using semantic input; 2) a new fog density
estimator; 3) the Foggy Zurich dataset comprising real foggy images,
with pixel-level semantic annotations for images with dense fog. Our
experiments show that 1) our fog simulation slightly outperforms a
state-of-the-art competing simulation with respect to the task of semantic
foggy scene understanding (SFSU); 2) CMAda improves the performance of
state-of-the-art models for SFSU significantly by leveraging unlabeled real
foggy data. The datasets and code are publicly available.Comment: final version, ECCV 201
Nickel Silicide Formation Using Excimer Laser Annealing
AbstractIn this work, we report on a self-aligned nickel silicide formation technique based on excimer laser annealing (ELA). We evaluate this process for the front contact formation of industrial PERC type solar cells on random pyramid textured Si surfaces where damage to surface texture, emitter passivation, or to the shallow junction should be avoided or minimized. PERC type solar cells obtained by POCl3 diffusion were processed on large area (12.5x12.5cm2) CZ-Si. Self-aligned litho-free Ni/Cu contacts defined by ps-laser ablation of the SiO2/SiNx anti-reflective coating (ARC) and subsequent ELA of the Ni layer were compared to conventional Ag screen printed contacts.The novel ELA process results in an absolute gain in Jsc of 0.8mA/cm2 as well as a drop of 0.3Ω.cm2 in series resistance (Rs) compared to SP Ag contacts due to reduced shading and resistance losses. This leads to 0.5% absolute increase in efficiency from 19.3% to 19.7% since other characteristics (Voc, pFF) could be maintained to the same level. In this work, the best performing cell with the ELA process reached an outstanding 20.0% energy conversion efficiency with Jsc=39.3mA/cm2, Voc=649.8mV, and FF=78.3%
Relationship between paraclinick manifestation in patients with bone renal disease
Catedra Medicină Internă Nr.1 FP SCMetabolic bone disease develops often in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF). Effective clinical management includes measures to control phosphorus retention and prevent hyperphosphataemia, to maintain serum calcium concentration within the normal range and to prevent excess parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion by the judicious use of vitamin D sterols.
Hyperphosphataemia thereby contributes to the pathogenesis of secondary hyperparathyroidism and its skeletal expression, namely osteitis fibrosa, also promotes, together with calcium, the deposition of calcium phosphate crystals in soft tissues, in particular in the vessel wall and in periarticular regions, with potentially dramatic consequeces. The occurrence of such extraskeletal calcifications is favoured by age, exessive intake of calcium, phosphate (protein) and vitamin D. Soft-tissue calcium deposits are now observed with increasing frequency in uraemic patients heaving low to normal serum PTH levels, in the sitting of adinamic bon disease.
Tulburările metabolismului mineral şi osos în Insuficienţa Renală Cronică (IRC) ocupă unul din locurile de frunte printre patologiile pacientului dializat. În asociere cu un şir de factori favorizanţi: vârsta, durata aflării la tratament prin hemodializă (HD), patologia de bază ce a dus la dezvoltarea IRC, hiperparatiroidismul secundar, excesul de calciu, fosfaţi (proteină), conţinutul de vitamină D, determină pronosticul maladiei şi caliatea vieţii pacienţilor (4, 5).
Toate aceste schimbări provoacă depunerea de cristale de pirofosfat de calciu în ţesuturile moi şi calcificare a pereţilor arteriolelor la pacienţii cu IRC, care în consecinţă duc la sporirea morbidităţii cardiovasculare.
Unele metode de tratament al tulburărilor metabolismului fosforului şi calciului au fost reevaluate prin prizma descoperirii complicaţiilor tardive ale tratamentului de lungă durată, în efortul de a reduce şi a preântâmpina efectele nedorite posibile (6).
Controlul retenţiei de fosfaţi şi prevenirea hiperfosfatemiei la pacienţii cu IRC este una din punctele strategice al managementului contemporan al dereglărilor metabolismului fosfaţilor, dar uneori insuficientă, în particular restricţiile de fosfaţi obţinută prin dietă hipoproteică (7).
Boala renală osoasă (BRO) reprezintă termenul ce defineşte o multitudine de sindroame printre care sunt: osteoporoza, osteomalacia, boala renală aplastică, osteoartropatia amiloidică
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