1,791 research outputs found

    Implementasi Nilai-Nilai Islam Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan Pada Pelanggan Pendidikan

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    Currently we are in an era of quality, every consumer or customer of both goods and services expect quality. Institutions that rely on service quality, people will be increasingly in demand as customers. Instead institutionthat ignores its customers quality service will be abandoned. Customer education is always to be aware of the needs and expectations include the students and their parents who feel the direct impact of education services. One indicator of the low quality of education is the low level of trust and the level of customer satisfaction (learners and their parents) toeducational services. The low quality of educational services to customers often happens because the pengalola institutions ignore the universal values that the values of Islam. Now it\u27s time especially educational institutions of Islamic education institutions to review their Islamic values and implement them in improving the quality of service to its customers, in order to remain prosperous Islamic educational institutions and competitive in the global competition intensifis

    Forecasting wind speed data by using a combination of ARIMA model with single exponential smoothing

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    Wind serves as natural resources as the solution to minimize global warming and has been commonly used to produce electricity. Because of their uncontrollable wind characteristics, wind speed forecasting is considered one of the best challenges in developing power generation. The Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), Simple Exponential Smoothing (SES) and a hybrid model combination of ARIMA and SES will be used in this study to predict the wind speed. The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and the root mean square error (RMSE) are used as measurement of efficiency. The hybrid model provides a positive outcome for predicting wind speed compare to the single model of ARIMA and SES

    Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Batik Gonggong “Lawana” Tanjungpinang dalam Membangun Brand Awareness

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    The term of gonggong sounds foreign or strange impression for people outside the Kepulauan Riau. But for people in the Kepulauan Riau, is no stranger to this one sea slug. Gonggong (Strombus Turturella) is one of the many sea slug that are found around the Kepri waters. Batik Gonggong is new textile design in Indonesia. In 2010 open Selaras Shop as a manufacturer of batik gonggong with the brand "Lawana". In building brand awareness can be done through marketing communications. But in reality brand awareness is not present in the minds of consumers. Therefore, companies need to first know the marketing communication strategy that needs to be done for effective marketing.The type of research is qualitative with the presentation of descriptive analysis. The technique of collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation. Research subjects are Owner, Batik Designer, Employee and Constumer with purposive technique.The results of this study indicate that the segmentation of Batik Gonggong "Lawana" Tanjungpinang is from adults until children, Targeting, is for all circles, especially consumers who are interested in batik, and Positioning which has a unique style, limited edition motifs, and many options. Marketing communication strategy is done through advertising that is using electronic media and print media. Personal selling is done by direct presentation to consumers who come to the outlet, and also in events held by government agencies,private organizations and so on. Public Relations,opened mini workshop and build relationship with some government agencies. Direct marketing activities that use the phone and e-mail

    Phytochemical analysis and in-vitro antiurolithiatic properties of selected Malaysian herbs

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the phytochemical content of selected Malaysian herbs and their potential antiurolithiatic effects using in-vitro method. The herbs involved are Ceiba pentandra, Cymbopogon citratus, Euphorbia hirta, Melastoma malabathricum and Ortosiphon stamineus. Aqueous extracts of each herbs were prepared through decoction while Standard drugs Cystone, was used as positive control in comparison. Qualitative analysis was carried out to detect phytochemical presence and nucleation assay to investigate their inhibition effects towards calcium oxalate crystallization urolithiasis in vitro. Based on results, the same trends were observed between phytochemical content and inhibition rate of calcium oxalate crystallization. O. stamineus extract (73.48%) which showed the highest inhibition rate hold the most phytochemical content. while the lowest inhibition rate was occupied by C. citratus extract (45.45%) with the least phytochemical content. The high amount of phytochemicals particularly saponin followed by steroid and terpenoid in O. stamineus extract might contributes to the high inhibition activities of calcium oxalate crystallization as compared to low amount of phytochemicals observed in C. citratus extract. It can be concluded that O. stamineus possesses highest inhibition percentage against calcium oxalate which could be attributed to its saponins, tannins, steroid and terpenoid content

    Perbandingan Efisiensi Pengolahan Air Zat Warna Sintetis Indigosol Yellow sebagai Hasil Produksi Batik dengan Metode Fenton dan Ozonasi Katalitik terhadap Parameter Warna

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    Industri batik belakangan ini banyak menggunakan zat warna sintetis pada proses produksi batiknya seperti industri batik rumah tangga di kawasan Kelurahan Jenggot, Kecamatan Pekalongan Selatan, Kota Pekalongan yang menggunakan zat warna sintetis jenis Indigosol Yellow. Diketahui air limbah batik tersebut mengandung kadar COD sebesar 1100 mg/L yang melebihi baku mutu dan warna yang pekat. Hal tersebut akan menyebabkan pencemaran apabila tidak dilakukan pengolahan terlebih dahulu. Penelitian ini menawarkan alternatif pengolahan air limbah batik zat warna sintetis Indigosol Yellow tersebut dengan menggunakan dua metode yaitu metode fenton yang merupakan salah satu teknologi AOPs, dan proses ozonasi katalitik. Pengolahan dengan dua alternatif tersebut kemudian akan dibandingkan efisiensinya terhadap parameter warna. Metode fenton menggunakan tiga variasi dosis reagen fenton yaitu 1 ml H2O2 + 0,25 gr FeSO4.7H2O; 1 ml H2O2 + 0,5 gr FeSO4.7H2O,dan 1 ml H2O2 + 1 gr FeSO4 .7H2O dengan putaran pengadukan 200 rpm. Hasil terbaik metode ini pada dosis 1 ml H2O2 + 1 gr FeSO4 .7H2O dengan efisiensi penurunan warna 99.52%. Sedangkan metode kedua digunakan tiga variasi dosis juga yaitu 30 ppm O3+2 gr FeSO4.7H2O ; 60 ppm O3+2 gr FeSO4.7H2O dan 90 ppm O3+2 gr FeSO4.7H2O dengan putaran pengadukan 200 rpm, flowrate ozon 5 lpm. Dosis terbaik pengolahan ini berada di dosis 90 ppm O3+2 gr FeSO4.7H2O2 dengan nilai penurunan warna 25.71%. Meskipun kedua pengolahan yang ditawarkan memberikan penurunan warna, namun hasil signifikan menunjukkan bahwa metode fenton lebih baik dan efisien dalam pengolahan air limbah zat warna sintetis Indigosol Yellow

    Evaluation of Phyllanthus niruri L. from Malaysia for In-vitro Anti-Urolithiatic properties by different solvent extraction

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    The Phyllanthus niruri is traditionally used for curing of kidney disorders and urinary stones in Malaysia. Hence the current work was aimed to evaluate the effect of different solvents extract (n- hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol and water) of P. niruri for in vitro anti-urolithiatic properties in terms of inhibition activity on CaOx by using the rate of CaOx aggregation assay and dissolution of calcium oxalate (CaOx) crystal by using titrimetry method. Cystone was used as positive control. The effects of cystone on slope of nucleation and aggregation as well as growth of CaOx were evaluated spectrophotometrically. The highest yield percentage of P.niruri was occupied by methanol (5.74 %). The maximum inhibition against aggregation of CaOx crystals was also occupied by methanol (66.67 % ± 1.61) and was comprised with alkaloid, steroid, terpenoid and tannin. Dissolution effect on calcium oxalate crystals indicates that the aqueous extracts of P. niruri was found to be more effective in dissolution of CaOx with 63.33 % ± 1.44. P. niruri significantly (P < 0.05) inhibited the slope of nucleation and aggregation of CaOx crystallization, and reduced the crystal density. The results of the present study confirmed that P. niruri leaves can be used as remedial mediator for urolithiasis. However, further studies are required for isolation and identification of active constituents and their in-vivo confirmation

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Anak Sebagai Pelaku Tindak Pidana Dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak Di Indonesia. (Putusan No. 02/pid.sus.anak/2015/pn-unr.kab.semarang)

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    Anak adalah titipan Tuhan kepada kedua orangtua, masyarakat, bangsa, dan negara sebagai generasi penerus dalam mencapai cita-cita dan eksistensi suatu Negara. Berkenaan dengan yang dimaksud dengan anak sesuai dengan ketentuan Undang-Undang No 11 tahun 2012 pasal 1 angka 3 yaitu :“Anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum yang selanjutnya disebut anak adalah anak yang telah berumur 12 (dua belas) tahun, tetapi belum berumur 18 (delapan belas) tahun yang diduga melakukan tindak pidana”. Dalam konvensi-konvensi Internasional telah mengatur mengenai Perlindungan Anak dan cara pelaksanaan penyelesaian permasalahan anak dalam proses Peradilan Pidana.Negara berkewajiban memenuhi hak setiap anak atas kelangsungan hidup,tumbuh dan berkembang, perlindungan dari tindak kekerasan dan diskriminasi. Selain pemerintah, masyarakat dan keluarga bertanggung jawab dalam memberikan perlindungan. Negara Indonesia berdasarkan isi Undang-Undang No 11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak pelaksanaan Perlindungan Anak pada proses Peradilan Pidana Anak tercantum pada UUSPPA Pasal 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60, 61, dan 62 berkenaan dengan tindak pidana yang dilakukan anak diatur pada KUHP pasal 363 ayat 1 ke-5. Dalam pertanggung jawaban tindak pidana, anak tidak seluruhnya berupa pemidanaan. Dalam menjalani proses pemidanaan anak diberikan hak-hak yang sebagaimana di atur pada Pasal 4 butir (a) sampai (g) Undang-Undang No 11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan pidana Anak


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