135 research outputs found

    Tissue factor in antiphospholipid antibody-induced pregnancy loss:a pro-inflammatory molecule

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    Fetal loss in patients with antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) has been ascribed to thrombosis of placental vessels. However, we have shown that inflammation, specifically complement activation with generation of the anaphylotoxin C5a, is an essential mediator of fetal injury. We have analysed the role of tissue factor (TF) in a mouse model of aPL-induced pregnancy loss. TF is the major cellular activator of the coagulation cascade but also has cell signaling activity. Mice that received aPL-IgG showed strong TF staining throughout the decidua and on embryonic debris. This TF staining was not associated with either fibrin staining or thrombi in deciduas. The absence of fibrin deposition and thrombi suggests that TF-dependent activation of coagulation does not mediate aPL-induced pregnancy loss. We found that either blockade of TF with a monoclonal antibody in wild type mice or a genetic reduction of TF prevented aPL-induced inflammation and pregnancy loss indicated a pathogenic role for TF in aPL-induced pregnancy complications. In response to aPL-generated C5a, neutrophils express TF potentiating inflammation in the deciduas and leading to miscarriages. Importantly, we showed that TF in myeloid cells, but not fetal-derived cells (trophoblasts), was associated with fetal injury, suggesting that the site for pathologic TF expression is neutrophils. We found that TF expression in neutrophils contributes to respiratory burst and subsequent trophoblast injury and pregnancy loss induced by aPL. The identification of TF, acting as an important pro-inflammatory mediator in aPL-induced fetal injury, provides a new target for therapy to prevent pregnancy loss in the aPL syndrome

    Occupational Therapy Intervention with Children Survivors of War

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    A preventive occupational therapy program with children surviving the Kosovo conflict is examined. The objective of the program was to facilitate the emotional expression of traumatic experiences in order to prevent the development of future psychological problems. The intervention was based on a community-centred approach with spirituality as a central focus of the intervention.The Model of Human Occupation and the Occupational Performance Process Model were utilized to guide the identification and intervention of occupational performance issues.The children’s return from a land of war to a land of children demonstrates the potential of occupational therapy intervention in this field. With increasing awareness of populations facing social and political challenges, there is a growing importance of the concept of occupational justice and the need to work against occupational apartheid.Cet article décrit un programme de prévention en ergothérapie qui était destiné aux enfants ayant survécu au conflit du Kosovo. L’objectif du programme était d’aider les enfants à exprimer les émotions qu’ils avaient ressenties lors d’expériences traumatiques afin de prévenir l’apparition de problèmes psychologiques. L’intervention était basée sur une approche communautaire s’articulant autour de la spiritualité. Le Modèle de l’occupation humaine et le Modèle du processus d’intervention dans le rendement occupationnel ont été utilisés pour cibler les difficultés en matière de rendement occupationnel et pour déterminer les interventions requises. Le retour des enfants d’un monde de guerre vers le monde de l’enfance démontre la possibilité de proposer une intervention ergothérapique dans ce domaine. La conscientisation de plus en plus grand face à la détresse des populations confrontées à des problèmes politiques et sociaux entraîne une augmentation de l’importance du concept de la justice occupationnelle et du besoin de lutter contre l’apartheid occupationnel

    Membrane-enclosed multienzyme (MEME) synthesis of 2,7-anhydro-sialic acid derivatives

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    Naturally occurring 2,7-anhydro-alpha-N-acetylneuraminic acid (2,7-anhydro-Neu5Ac) is a transglycosylation product of bacterial intramolecular trans-sialidases (IT-sialidases). A facile one-pot two-enzyme approach has been established for the synthesis of 2,7-anhydro-sialic acid derivatives including those containing different sialic acid forms such as Neu5Ac and N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc). The approach is based on the use of Ruminoccocus gnavus IT-sialidase for the release of 2,7-anhydro-sialic acid from glycoproteins, and the conversion of free sialic acid by a sialic acid aldolase. This synthetic method, which is based on a membrane-enclosed enzymatic synthesis, can be performed on a preparative scale. Using fetuin as a substrate, high-yield and cost-effective production of 2,7-anhydro-Neu5Ac was obtained to high-purity. This method was also applied to the synthesis of 2,7-anhydro-Neu5Gc. The membrane-enclosed multienzyme (MEME) strategy reported here provides an efficient approach to produce a variety of sialic acid derivatives

    Genome-wide scans identify known and novel regions associated with prolificacy and reproduction traits in a sub-Saharan African indigenous sheep (Ovis aries)

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    Maximizing the number of offspring born per female is a key functionality trait in commercial- and/or subsistence-oriented livestock enterprises. Although the number of offspring born is closely associated with female fertility and reproductive success, the genetic control of these traits remains poorly understood in sub-Saharan Africa livestock. Using selection signature analysis performed on Ovine HD BeadChip data from the prolific Bonga sheep in Ethiopia, 41 candidate regions under selection were identified. The analysis revealed one strong selection signature on a candidate region on chromosome X spanning BMP15, suggesting this to be the primary candidate prolificacy gene in the breed. The analysis also identified several candidate regions spanning genes not reported before in prolific sheep but underlying fertility and reproduction in other species. The genes associated with female reproduction traits included SPOCK1 (age at first oestrus), GPR173 (mediator of ovarian cyclicity), HB-EGF (signalling early pregnancy success) and SMARCAL1 and HMGN3a (regulate gene expression during embryogenesis). The genes involved in male reproduction were FOXJ1 (sperm function and successful fertilization) and NME5 (spermatogenesis). We also observed genes such as PKD2L2, MAGED1 and KDM3B, which have been associated with diverse fertility traits in both sexes of other species. The results confirm the complexity of the genetic mechanisms underlying reproduction while suggesting that prolificacy in the Bonga sheep, and possibly African indigenous sheep is partly under the control of BMP15 while other genes that enhance male and female fertility are essential for reproductive fitness

    Movimientos sociales, partidos políticos y democracia directa desde abajo en Uruguay (1985-2004)

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    La investigación politológica reciente indica que en los últimos años ha habido a nivel mundial una expansión del uso de mecanismos de democracia directa (MDD) y, especialmente, de su incorporación a los marcos normativos tanto nacionales como subnacionales (Scarrow, 2001). Dentro de ese panorama, Uruguay constituye un caso excepcional. A lo largo de las últimas dos décadas se registra en el país el uso sistemático de los MDD promovido por organizaciones sociales ajenas al gobierno, como parte central de las estrategias opositoras. En este trabajo se intenta realizar un estudio en profundidad del conjunto de iniciativas de ese tipo promovidas en Uruguay desde la recuperación democrática (1985) hasta el primer triunfo electoral de la izquierda (2004).Índice Prólogo 9 Introducción 11 Los debates actuales en torno a los mecanismos de democracia directa 12 Democracia directa y partidos 14 Uruguay 1985-2004: partidos, sociedad y democracia directa desde abajo 16 La investigación 23 Objetivos 23 Metodología 24 Una reseña de los MDD promovidos desde abajo en Uruguay entre 1985 y 2004 25 El referéndum contra la ley de caducidad. Democracia directa y derechos humanos 25 El plebiscito de los jubilados de 1989: la democracia directa vino para quedarse 32 El referéndum contra la Ley de Empresas Públicas de 1992: el Estado no se toca 38 Los plebiscitos de 1994: la agenda de las corporaciones 50 Las iniciativas del período 1998-2001: ¿crisis por desgaste? 58 Derrumbe económico y democracia directa. El ciclo exitoso de 2002 a 2004 72 Una tipología de los MDD promovidos desde abajo en Uruguay 79 Las iniciativas según el tipo de bien público en juego 81 Las iniciativas según el tipo de organización social que las promovió 82 Una tipología posible 83 Estatismo, sindicatos e izquierda política en los MDD El estatismo como seña de identidad 85 Un movimiento sindical predominantemente público, con agenda propia 87 Las transformaciones en el movimiento sindical uruguayo entre 1985 y 2004 88 Las relaciones entre sindicatos e izquierda política en el Uruguay del siglo XX 91 El triunfo electoral de la izquierda: ¿final de un ciclo? 94 Una perspectiva teórica para las relaciones entre sindicatos y gobiernos de izquierda 95 Consideraciones finales 100 El Estado uruguayo y las corporaciones a fines del siglo XX 102 Bibliografía 105 personas entrevistadas 109 Siglas 11