1,325 research outputs found

    Understanding the Overrepresentation of Minorities in One State's Juvenile Justice System

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    The University Archives has determined that this item is of continuing value to OSU's history.McCarter, Susan A., Ph.D., Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University, 1997, Adjunct Faculty, Virginia Commonwealth University - "Understanding the Overrepresentation of Minorities in One State's Juvenile Justice System"The Ohio State University College of Social Wor

    Noise and Equivalent Circuit of Double Injection

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    Measurements of the high‐frequency noise of a silicon double‐injection diode result in 〈i^2〉 = α⋅4kT(1/r)Δf with α=1.04 and in agreement with the literature. A new interpretation demands Nyquist noise with α≡1 in these devices at high frequencies. This is in accord with an equivalent circuit derived for the double‐injection process. Speculations are made on the general validity of Nyquist noise in nonlinear devices at high frequencies. In addition, generation‐recombination noise is suggested as the prime source of the low‐frequency noise

    On the Statistical Distribution of Epidermal Papillomata in Mice

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    IN a previous investigation reported from this laboratory (Ball and McCarter, 1960) it was noted that tumours produced in the skin of the CFW mouse by treatment with 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) and croton oil, were not distributed among the mice in accordance with the expected Poisson's distribution. Animals bearing no tumours and those bearing many were much more numerous than expected. A quantitative analysis of induced primary adenomatous pulmonary tumours in mice was reported by Polissar and Shimkin (1954). They showed that the occurrence of such tumours was subject to Poisson's distribution and that deviations from this distribution could be attributed to heterogeneity of susceptibility in the animals. We have now analyzed the data obtained in our laboratory in three populations of mice undergoing epidermal carcinogenesis. MATERIALS AND METHODS Strain CFW.-These mice were females, purchased from Carworth Farms Inc., New City, New York. They were housed in groups of 10 in acrylic plastic boxes with stainless steel tops. The bedding was sawdust. Water and Purina Fox Chow Cubes were freely available. Strain CFW/D.-This strain originated when, through error, a male was included among the female CFW mice purchased from the supplier in 1958. Since that time, brother-sister mating has been carried out with a view to obtaining a single inbred line. Litters selected for brother-sister mating were chosen on the basis of health, number in the litter and even distribution of the sexes and not for sensitivity to carcinogenesis. The mice were in the thirteenth and fourteenth inbred generations when used. They were cared for as described above. Strain I.-This strain was obtained several years ago through the kindness of Dr. H. B. Andervont. The mice had been mated brother-to-sister for 71 to 72 generations when the experiment was begun. Chemicals. 7,1 2-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene and benzo((a)pyrene were obtained from Eastman Organic Chemicals. Croton oil was obtained from Bush and Co., Canada. Paraffin oil viscosity 125/135 NF was a product of Fisher Scientific Co., Montreal, Canada. Meprobamate (Miltown) was kindly supplied by Dr. F. M

    Methods of assessing the durability and service life of concrete structures

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    Characterisation of cover concrete is often the most viable means for assessing the durability and has become increasingly evident over the past 20 years. A variety of field methods and laboratory techniques exist, which provide a number of properties, such as air permeability index, water absorption rate, water permeability index, chloride diffusivity, electrical resistivity, moisture content and porosity gradient. Most techniques are economical and appropriate for assessing the durability of structures subjected to a single mechanism of deterioration. In reality, structures may face multiple deterioration mechanisms, stress/strains due to both environmental and structural loading and related acceleration of deterioration. Developing an understanding of such multimode deterioration may help in addressing the performance gap between laboratory and field. In this paper, a brief review of some of the ways by which a performance testing strategy could be developed is given so that service life prediction could be more realistic

    Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth: How the Tragedy of the Anticommons Emerges in Organizations

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    In organizations, conflict often revolves around commons resources because they are critical for influence, performance, and organizational survival. Research on property rights, territoriality, and social dilemmas suggests that to reduce such conflict, organizations should facilitate the (psychological) privatization of commons resources. We complement these three literatures by drawing from the legal, organizational, and social psychology literatures to model how psychologically privatizing organizational commons resources – to prevent a tragedy of the commons (an overuse problem) – can lead to the emergence of equivalently problematic tragedy in organizations: the tragedy of the anticommons (an underuse problem). Our model contributes to these literatures by conceptualizing a bottom-up behavioral process (in contrast to institutional allocation) of property distribution that leads to the emergence of the tragedy of the anticommons. The implications of this bottom-up behavioral process for property rights theory, territoriality theory, and the social dilemma paradigm are discussed