1,705 research outputs found

    MuRF1 mono-ubiquitinates TRα to inhibit T3-induced cardiac hypertrophy in vivo

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    Thyroid hormone (TH) is recognized for its role in cellular metabolism and growth and participates in homeostasis of the heart. T3 activates pro-survival pathways including Akt and mTOR. Treatment with T3 after myocardial infarction is cardioprotective and promotes elements of physiological hypertrophic response after cardiac injury. Although T3 is known to benefit the heart, very little about its regulation at the molecular level has been described to date. The ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) regulates nuclear hormone receptors such as estrogen, progesterone, androgen, and glucocorticoid receptors by both degradatory and non-degradatory mechanisms. However, how the UPS regulates T3-mediated activity is not well understood. In this study, we aim to determine the role of the muscle-specific ubiquitin ligase muscle ring finger-1 (MuRF1) in regulating T3-induced cardiomyocyte growth. An increase in MuRF1 expression inhibits T3-induced physiological cardiac hypertrophy, whereas a decrease in MuRF1 expression enhances T3’s activity both in vitro and in cardiomyocytes in vivo. MuRF1 interacts directly with TRα to inhibit its activity by posttranslational ubiquitination in a non-canonical manner. We then demonstrated that a nuclear localization apparatus that regulates/inhibits nuclear receptors by sequestering them within a subcompartment of the nucleus was necessary for MuRF1 to inhibit T3 activity. This work implicates a novel mechanism that enhances the beneficial T3 activity specifically within the heart, thereby offering a potential target to enhance cardiac T3 activity in an organ-specific manner

    Provenance analysis of the Late Ediacaran basins from SW Iberia (Serie Negra Succession and Beiras Group): Evidence for a common Neoproterozoic evolution

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    This study makes a comparison of the populations of detrital zircon from Late Ediacaran greywackes of the Ossa-Morena Zone (OMZ) and the southern domains of the Central Iberian Zone (S-CIZ). The results obtained reveal that the main difference between the age spectra of both populations of detrital zircon is the Neoproterozoic, in particularly the Cryogenian grains. Our new data suggest that deposition in both CIZ and OMZ Ediacaran basins was coeval and shows a long lived magmatic event typical of the northern Gondwana margin (Avalonian–Cadomian belt and Pan-African belt). Overall, SW Iberia shows the following sequence of Cryogenian and Ediacaran zircon-forming events: i) ca. 850–700 Ma, Pan-African suture (well represented in the Beiras Group and in the Mares Formation of the Serie Negra Succession); ii) ca. 700-635 Ma, Early Cadomian arc (dominant in the Beiras Group and in the Mares Formation of the Serie Negra Succession); and iii) ca. 635-545 Ma, Late Cadomian arc (the most important in the Mosteiros and Escoural formations of the Serie Negra Succession). The obtained results reinforce that the Late Ediacaran basins of SW Iberia were evolved together in the active margin of North-Gondwana in the same paleogeographic scenario but sufficiently separated to justify the differences mainly identified in their Neoproterozoic detrital zircon contents. This finding shows that there is no apparent reason to believe that the boundary between the OMZ and the S-CIZ marks a Cadomian suture

    Intercellular Communication by Exchange of Cytoplasmic Material via Tunneling Nano-Tube Like Structures in Primary Human Renal Epithelial Cells

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    Transfer of cellular material via tunneling nanotubes (TNT) was recently discovered as a novel mechanism for intercellular communication. The role of intercellular exchange in communication of renal epithelium is not known. Here we report extensive spontaneous intercellular exchange of cargo vesicles and organelles between primary human proximal tubular epithelial cells (RPTEC). Cells were labeled with two different quantum dot nanocrystals (Qtracker 605 or 525) and intercellular exchange was quantified by high-throughput fluorescence imaging and FACS analysis. In co-culture, a substantial fraction of cells (67.5%) contained both dyes indicating high levels of spontaneous intercellular exchange in RPTEC. The double positive cells could be divided into three categories based on the preponderance of 605 Qtracker (46.30%), 525 Qtracker (48.3%) and approximately equal content of both Qtrackers (4.57%). The transfer of mitochondria between RPTECs was also detected using an organelle specific dye. Inhibition of TNT genesis by actin polymerization inhibitor (Latrunculin B) markedly reduced intercellular exchange (>60%) suggesting that intercellular exchange in RPTEC was in part mediated via TNT-like structures. In contrast, induction of cellular stress by Zeocin treatment increased tube-genesis in RPTEC. Our data indicates an unexpected dynamic of intercellular communication between RPTEC by exchange of cytosolic material, which may play an important role in renal physiology

    Plasma lipidomics of monozygotic twins discordant for multiple sclerosis

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    Blood biomarkers of multiple sclerosis (MS) can provide a better understanding of pathophysiology and enable disease monitoring. Here, we performed quantitative shotgun lipidomics on the plasma of a unique cohort of 73 monozygotic twins discordant for MS. We analyzed 243 lipid species, evaluated lipid features such as fatty acyl chain length and number of acyl chain double bonds, and detected phospholipids that were significantly altered in the plasma of co-twins with MS compared to their non-affected siblings. Strikingly, changes were most prominent in ether phosphatidylethanolamines and ether phosphatidylcholines, suggesting a role for altered lipid signaling in the disease

    APOE polymorphism and its effect on plasma C-reactive protein levels in a large general population sample

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    The literature on association between apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene variations and plasma levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) remains inconsistent, mainly due to low statistical power of previous studies. To clarify this question, we analysed data from large population sample of randomly selected individuals from 7 Czech towns (2886 males and 3344 females, the HAPIEE study). In both males and females, the lowest levels of plasma hsCRP were observed in the carriers of the APOE ε4ε4 and ε4ε3 genotypes. The median (inter-quartile range, IQR) concentration of hsCRP in carriers of the most common APOE ε3ε3 genotype (two thirds of participants) was 1.13 (IQR 0.56; 2.33) mg/l in men and 1.23 (IQR 0.61; 2.65) mg/l in women, compared with 0.72 (IQR 0.61; 0.86) mg/l in male and 0.72 (IQR 0.61-0.85) mg/l in female carriers of APOE ε4ε3/ε4ε4 genotypes; the differences were statistically significant (p<0.001). The association between APOE and CRP was not materially affected by adjustment for age, sex, history of cardiovascular disease or cardiovascular risk factors. This study, the largest to date, provides robust evidence of an association between plasma hsCRP and the APOE genotype, an association not explained by history of cardiovascular disease nor its risk factors

    Prokaryotic Heme Biosynthesis: Multiple Pathways to a Common Essential Product

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    The advent of heme during evolution allowed organisms possessing this compound to safely and efficiently carry out a variety of chemical reactions that otherwise were difficult or impossible. While it was long assumed that a single heme biosynthetic pathway existed in nature, over the past decade, it has become clear that there are three distinct pathways among prokaryotes, although all three pathways utilize a common initial core of three enzymes to produce the intermediate uroporphyrinogen III. The most ancient pathway and the only one found in the Archaea converts siroheme to protoheme via an oxygen-independent four-enzyme-step process. Bacteria utilize the initial core pathway but then add one additional common step to produce coproporphyrinogen III. Following this step, Gram-positive organisms oxidize coproporphyrinogen III to coproporphyrin III, insert iron to make coproheme, and finally decarboxylate coproheme to protoheme, whereas Gram-negative bacteria first decarboxylate coproporphyrinogen III to protoporphyrinogen IX and then oxidize this to protoporphyrin IX prior to metal insertion to make protoheme. In order to adapt to oxygen-deficient conditions, two steps in the bacterial pathways have multiple forms to accommodate oxidative reactions in an anaerobic environment. The regulation of these pathways reflects the diversity of bacterial metabolism. This diversity, along with the late recognition that three pathways exist, has significantly slowed advances in this field such that no single organism's heme synthesis pathway regulation is currently completely characterized

    Arctic pathways of Pacific Water: Arctic Ocean model intercomparison experiments

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    Pacific Water (PW) enters the Arctic Ocean through Bering Strait and brings heat, fresh water and nutrients from the northern Bering Sea. The circulation of PW in the central Arctic Ocean is only partially understood due to the lack of observations. In this paper pathways of PW are investigated using simulations with six state-of-the art regional and global Ocean General Circulation Models (OGCMs). In the simulations PW is tracked by a passive tracer, released in Bering Strait. Simulated PW water spreads from the Bering Strait region in three major branches. One of them starts in the Barrow Canyon, bringing PW along continental slope of Alaska into the Canadian Straits and then into Baffin Bay. The other initiates in the vicinity of the Herald Canyon and transports PW along the continental slope of the East-Siberian Sea into the transpolar drift, and then through Fram Strait and the Greenland Sea. The third branch begins near the Herald Shoal and the central Chukchi shelf and brings PW waters into the Beaufort Gyre. Models suggest that the spread of PW through the Arctic Ocean depends on the atmospheric circulation. In the models the wind, acting via Ekman pumping, drives the seasonal and interannual variability of PW in the Canadian Basin of the Arctic Ocean. The wind effects the simulated PW pathways by changing vertical shear of the relative vorticity of the ocean flow in the Canada Basin

    Multi-omics analysis identifies drivers of protein phosphorylation.

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    BACKGROUND: Phosphorylation of proteins is a key step in the regulation of many cellular processes including activation of enzymes and signaling cascades. The abundance of a phosphorylated peptide (phosphopeptide) is determined by the abundance of its parent protein and the proportion of target sites that are phosphorylated. RESULTS: We quantified phosphopeptides, proteins, and transcripts in heart, liver, and kidney tissue samples of mice from 58 strains of the Collaborative Cross strain panel. We mapped ~700 phosphorylation quantitative trait loci (phQTL) across the three tissues and applied genetic mediation analysis to identify causal drivers of phosphorylation. We identified kinases, phosphatases, cytokines, and other factors, including both known and potentially novel interactions between target proteins and genes that regulate site-specific phosphorylation. Our analysis highlights multiple targets of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 1 (PDK1), a regulator of mitochondrial function that shows reduced activity in the NZO/HILtJ mouse, a polygenic model of obesity and type 2 diabetes. CONCLUSIONS: Together, this integrative multi-omics analysis in genetically diverse CC strains provides a powerful tool to identify regulators of protein phosphorylation. The data generated in this study provides a resource for further exploration

    Current perspectives on recommendations for BRCA genetic testing in ovarian cancer patients.

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    Traditionally, BRCA genetic testing has been undertaken to identify patients and family members at future risk of developing cancer and patients have been referred for testing based on family history. However, the now recognised risk of ovarian cancer (OC) patients, even those with no known family history, harbouring a mutation in BRCA1/2, together with the first poly adenosine diphosphate ribose polymerase inhibitor (PARPi; olaparib [Lynparza]) being licenced for the treatment of BRCA-mutated OC, has led to reconsideration of referral criteria for OC patients. Provided here is a review of the existing data and guidelines in the European Union, relating to recommendations, as well as considerations, for the referral of OC patients for BRCA genetic testing. Based on this review of newly updated guidance and up-to-date evidence, the following is recommended: all patients with invasive epithelial OC (excluding borderline or mucinous), including those with fallopian tube and peritoneal cancers, should be considered as candidates for referral for BRCA genetic testing, irrespective of age; genetic testing should ideally be offered at diagnosis, although patients can be referred at any stage; retrospective testing should be offered to patients in long-term follow-up because of the implications for family members and individual future breast cancer risk; and germline BRCA testing of a blood/saliva sample should initially be conducted and, if negative, tumour tissue should be tested (to identify non-germline [somatic] BRCA PARPi therapy candidates)

    Learning automaton based on-line discovery and tracking of spatio-temporal event patterns

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    Discovering and tracking of spatio-temporal patterns in noisy sequences of events is a difficult task that has become increasingly pertinent due to recent advances in ubiquitous computing, such as community-based social networking applications. The core activities for applications of this class include the sharing and notification of events, and the importance and usefulness of these functionalites increases as event-sharing expands into larger areas of one's life. Ironical
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