254 research outputs found

    Expressive function and categorization of Italian interjections

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    The article deals with such linguistic units as interjections. Examination of these language components affects the sphere of their semantics, classification and structure. Their categorization permits to determine specific features unique to these linguistic phenomena. A hypothesis is put forward about the correlation of interjection locutions and phraseological unit

    The Pine Woods along the sea shoreline: a natural defence of the north italian Adriatic coastal zone.

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    Considering the importance of the pine woods in the Adriatic costal zone, like a natural defence against the attack of the storm waves tending to produce the regression of the shoreline, this study is a preliminary attempt for a more detailed investigation that will try to correlate geological, lithological, climatological and paleobotanical parameters to obtain a better knowledge of the evolutional trend of the different environments in different times of the North Italian Adriatic coastal zone

    Categorization of phraseological units: Russian/Italian expressions

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    Marabini, A. Categorization of phraseological units: Russian/Italian expressions / A. Marabini, A. A. Mezzina // Научный результат. Сер. Вопросы теоретической и прикладной лингвистики. - 2020. - Vol.6, N3.-P. 58-71. - Doi: 10.18413/2313-8912-2020-6-3-0-5. - Refer.: p. 69-71.The current article takes into consideration the typology proposed by the Italian linguist Federica Casadei, which will serve as a basis for the authors’ categorization of specific Russian expressions. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the full and partial correspondence of Italian and Russian phraseological units through a new schematizatio

    Methods & Techniques for the Anti-erosion and anti-flooding protection in mountainous drainage basins in evrytania (Greece)

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    The object of this study is to depict and evaluate the methods and techniques implemented or scheduled for the anti-erosion - anti-flooding protection in mountainous drainage basins in Evrytania, which exhibit intense erosion phenomena and constitute a danger of flooding for the downstream areas. Among these areas are also inhabited areas, such the town of Karpenisi, and for this reason the optimum way of management of these drainage basins constitutes an important element for the development of the town and also for the "sustainability" of the greater area (Evrytania, Greece)

    Works for the diversion of bed of rivers and torrents and their impact to the environmental of the Lagoons of Greece and Italy

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    This work deals with the comparative account and evaluation of the impact to the environment and especially with the alterations to the geomorphological structure and the hydro-geomorphological processes caused by the works for the diversion of the beds and the flow of rivers and torrents in the greater area of the "Katafourko lagoon" in Greece and of the "Venice lagoon" in Italy. Human intervention in the study areas, was of different aims in each location, but it all resulted in the alteration of the dynamic evolution of the hydro-geomorphological processes which has led to the creation of an "artificial" environment, controlled to a great extend by human power and which in turn, in the long term re-strengthens and reenforces the possibility of environmental destabilization

    The "new diverted bed" of the Sperchios river and the new National Road Athina-Lamia in the area of the "Alamana Bridge" and the impact to the environment to the coastal area of the Maliakos Gulf and the Delta (Fthiotida-Greece)

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    The purpose of this work is to depict and evaluate the alterations in the geomorphological characteristics and the hydro-geomorphological processes as well as the effects to the environment of the coastal area of the Maliakos gulf and the delta of the Sperchios river, as a result of the construction of the "new bed" of the new diverted bed of Sperchios river, the "New Alamana Bridge" and the construction of the long embankments which are constructed in order to facilitate the road works for the New National Road Athina-Lamia in the section Thermopylae - Lamia (Fthiotida-Greece)

    Toponymic phraseological unit, linguistic thinking and discourse: Russia, France and Italy

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    Studies phraseological units with a toponymic component on the material of linguistic and discursive manifestations in Russian, French and Italian linguistic cultures. National discourse in correlation with linguistic thinking is studied based on interpretative analysis of phraseology. In the context of the anthropocentric paradigm, the authors carry out a linguistic interpretation of systemic toponymic phraseological mean