1,403 research outputs found

    Tracking human movement in office environment using video processing

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    In this paper, we proposed an approach of multi-person movement tracking in office environment without any identity conflicts. Simple image processing with frame differentiation method is applied to identify multiple human motion. An Expert System is applied to predict next camera occurrence of the tracking human. The main objective of this work is to detect and track multi-human motion using single camera in more than a room in an office

    Tanggapan Pengunjung Tentang Fasilitas Street Furnitures di Kawasan Wisata Hapanasa Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    Street Furnitures facilities is very important for a tourist attraction, which is to fulfill the wishes of visitors so that visitors feel comfortable and happy while in the tourist attraction, so as to increase tourist arrivals in the tourist attraction. The reseacrh aims to determine tourist responses in The Hot Water Hapanasan Rokan Hulu Riau Province. This study used a descriptive quantitative method to examine problems in the lift. The samples in this study were 5 respondents, who were taken by using accidental sampling. While data collection techniques in this study using observation, questioner, and interviews. By using a Likert scale as a measure to determine the length of the short interval. With sub-variables on street furnitures (Wardiyanto and Baiquni, 2011) is divided into Parking Area, Street Light and Pedestrian, Trash Can, Attraction List, Map and Information, Bench and Public Toilet. From the results of research conducted in the field of research on the tourist responses in Hot Water Hapanasan Rokan Hulu Riau Province in the category still lacking from good

    Regular Solution Theory Model Used To Predict Supercritical CO2 Extraction Of p-chlorophenol Contaminate From Water Stream.

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    The objective of this paper is the assessments of the feasibility of the extraction process utilizing a near critical carbon dioxide solvent with p-chlorophenol contaminate solute, which would be speeded up if it were possible to predict mutual solubility data

    Investigation of Buried Tank by Using Conductivity Multi Depth (CMD) at Perta Arun Gas (PAG) Lhokseumawe

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    Investigasi keberadaan tank/bunker yang tertimbun telah dilakukan dibagian area PT Perta Arun Gas (PAG) Lhokseumawe dengan menggunakan metode Conductivity Multi Depth (CMD) yang dilengkapi dengan satu set alat CMD. Enam buah lintasan pengukuran yang memiliki panjang 66 m dan memiliki spasi diantaranya 1 m telah didesain untuk mecakup area dugaan target. Hasil investigasi menunjukkan bahwa adanya keberadaan tangki/bunker. Keberadaan tangki/bunker tersebut sebagai hasil interpretasi nilai-nilai konduktivitas listrik yang bervariasi mulai dari 1210-1320 mS.m-1 atau setara dengan -227,26 sampai dengan -227,82 ppt. Dari variasi nilai konduktivitas listrik, maka dapat disketsa dimensi dari tangki/bunker dimana tangki tersebut terdiri dari 3 bagian dengan ukuran yang berbeda. Bagian pertama memiliki diameter 1 m dan panjang 8 m. Bagian kedua memiliki diameter 2,8 m dan panjang 11 m, sedangkan bagian terakhir memiliki diameter 2,5 m dan panjannya 19 m, sehingga panjang keseluruhan tangki adalah 38 m. Kedalaman tangki tersebut dari bagian yang paling kecil ke besar secara berturut-turut adalah 1 m, 3 m dan 4 m. Secara umum dapat dikatakan bahwa metode ini berhasil diaplikasikan untuk mendeteksi benda-benda logam yang tertanam. The investigation of buried tank was performed at the part of PT. Perta Arun Gas (PAG) area, Lhokseumawe by using the Conductivity Multi Depth (CMD) method and equipped by one-set of the apparatus. The six spreads of data acquisition whose 66 m long for every spread and 1 m spacing between them were set intending to cover the subsurface target and get a good resolution of its image. The result shows that there is an exsisted tank. This finding was derived according to electrical conductivity values where generally they vary from 1210 to 1320 mS.m-1 or equivalent to -227,26 until -227,82 ppt. From this various electrical conductivity the image of tank/bunker was sketched. The tank is consisted of three different sizes where the first part has the diameter 1 m in length and 8 m long. The second part is 2,8 m in diameter and has 11 m long, while the last part has a dimension 2,5 m in diameter and 19 m long. So that the total length of the tank is 38 m. Furthermore the depth of every part from the smallest to biggest is in average 1 m, 3 m dan 4 m respectively. In conclude it can be said this method proved that its application in detecting the burried metal objects is effectively successful

    Alat Penangkapan Ikan yang Ramah Lingkungan Berbasis Code Of Conduct For Responsible Fisheries di Kota Banda Aceh

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    . This study aims to (1) know the fishing gear that has the highest level of environmental friendliness (2) aspects of the code of conduct for responsible fisheries CCRF is often violated and (3) determine the level of concern for fishermen to use fish-friendly tool arrests lingkungannelaya Banda Aceh. The study was conducted in March through May 2014 in Fishing Port Beach (PPP) Lampulo and Fish Landing Places (TPI) Alue Naga. Descriptive method with the number of samples used in this study divided 175 people fishing the Purse Seine fishing, Tramell Net, and Gill Net Fishermen. Collecting data using a questionnaire and analysed using descriptive analysis of the results of the research described in graphic form, frequency and percentage (persen). The results of the study (1) a means of catching the highest level of environmental friendliness is a gill net (2) Aspects of CCRF most often violated by fishermen is the aspect of fishing gear selectivity and fishing aspects of the Act are protected and (3) the highest awareness level of fishing gears environmentally friendly fishing is done by using the capture tool Gill Net

    Pengaruh Temperatur terhadap Pembentukan Pori Arang Cangkang Sawit sebagai Adsorbansi

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    Had been conducted to influence temperature in burning process for getting carbon (C) and palm shell pore, that\u27s important to explore activated carbon otherwise useful for absorption. Carbonization process had been done for palm shell became activated carbon product varied with temperature to know the difference. Carbonization process had done with vacuum furnace with temperature 500 oC and 1000 oC, each as 40 minutes. During carbonization process, many smoke out at temperature 500 oC and after temperature 1000 oC no anymore smoke out. After that condition, it will getting activated carbon and thus it will done testing laboratory XRF to determine the composition. Testingresult shows that forming the graphite phase to all carbon obtained result content of carbon to high enough as 48 % for 500 oC and 50 % for 1000 oC. Testing Laboratory for SEM shows that for forming porous size was obtained 10 μm for 500 oC and 5 μm for 1000 oC. Temperature higher will getting large amount porous palm shell. Large amount active palm shell will good for using as absorber

    Low sidelobe and wideband characteristics of density tapered arrays for 5G mobile systems

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    Conventional mobile base station antennas are composed of equally spaced linear array antennas. In order to achieve low side lobe characteristics, excitation coefficients for array elements are determined by a feeding network. Because of complexity of the feeding network, applicable frequency range is limited. In 5G mobile system, multi frequency band operation is requested. For achieving low sidelobe and wide frequency characteristics, a density tapered array configuration is promising. Because of uniform excitation coefficients, feed network has no frequency dependence and wide frequency range application is expected. In this paper, abilities and design method of low sidelobe characteristics are investigated. By density tapering, sidelobe levels are reduced from-13dB to -16dB. As for wide band characteristics, low sidelobe characteristics are maintained during 28GHz to 56GHz operations. Usefulness of a density tapered array is numerically clarified

    Hubungan Panjang Berat dan Faktor Kondisi Ikan Betutu (Oxyeleotris Marmorata) di Sungai Ulim Kabupaten Pidie Jaya, Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the length weight relationship of the marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata) in Ulim River, Pidie Jaya District, Aceh Province, Indonesia. The sampling was conducted at three sampling locations during February to May 2016. The Linear Allometric Model (LAM) and Relative weight condition factors were performed in this study. The study b value ranged between 2.70 to 2.74 indicate a negative allometric growth pattern. The relative weight condition factor was tended to 100. It means that the Ulim Rivers is still in good condition.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan panjang berat dan factor kondisi ikan betutu (Oxyeleotris marmorata) di Sungai Ulim Kabupaten Pidie Jaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey eksploratif pada tiga lokasi sampling selama Februari 2016 sampai Mei 2016 sebanyak 12 kali sampling. Model yang digunakan adalah Linear Allometric dan Faktor kondisi berat relative. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata nilai b berkisar 2,70 sampai 2.74 memunjukkan pola pertumbuhan allometric negative dan factor kondisi berat relatif mendekai 100, bermakna kondisi perairan masih dalam kondisi yang seimbang