4,272 research outputs found

    Charged Rotating BTZ Black Hole and Thermodynamic Behavior of Field Equations at its Horizon

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    In this paper, we study different cases of the charged rotating BTZ black hole with reference to their horizons. For the existence of these cases conditions on mass, charge and angular momentum of the black hole are obtained. It is also shown that the Einstein field equations for the charged rotating BTZ black hole at the horizon can be expressed as first law of thermodynamics, dE=TdS+ΩdJ+Φdq+PrdAdE=TdS+\Omega dJ+\Phi dq+P_{r}dA.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Thermodynamic Interpretation of Field Equations at Horizon of BTZ Black Hole

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    A spacetime horizon comprising with a black hole singularity acts like a boundary of a thermal system associated with the notions of temperature and entropy. In case of static metric of BTZ black hole, the field equations near horizon boundary can be expressed as a thermal identity dE=TdS+PrdAdE = TdS + P_{r}dA, where E=ME = M is the mass of BTZ black hole, dAdA is the change in the area of the black hole horizon when the horizon is displaced infinitesimally small, PrP_{r} is the radial pressure provided by the source of Einstein equations, S=4πaS= 4\pi a is the entropy and T=κ/2πT = \kappa / 2\pi is the Hawking temperature associated with the horizon. This approach is studied further to generalize it for non-static BTZ black hole and show that it is also possible to interpret the field equation near horizon as a thermodynamic identity dE=TdS+PrdA+Ω+dJdE = TdS + P_{r}dA + \Omega_{+} dJ, where Ω+\Omega_{+} is the angular velocity and JJ is the angular momentum of BTZ black hole. These results indicate that the field equations for BTZ black hole possess intrinsic thermodynamic properties near horizon.Comment: 8 page

    On Modeling Geometric Joint Sink Mobility with Delay-Tolerant Cluster-less Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Moving Sink (MS) in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) has appeared as a blessing because it collects data directly from the nodes where the concept of relay nodes is becomes obsolete. There are, however, a few challenges to be taken care of, like data delay tolerance and trajectory of MS which is NP-hard. In our proposed scheme, we divide the square field in small squares. Middle point of the partitioned area is the sojourn location of the sink, and nodes around MS are in its transmission range, which send directly the sensed data in a delay-tolerant fashion. Two sinks are moving simultaneously; one inside and having four sojourn locations and other in outer trajectory having twelve sojourn locations. Introduction of the joint mobility enhances network life and ultimately throughput. As the MS comes under the NP-hard problem, we convert it into a geometric problem and define it as, Geometric Sink Movement (GSM). A set of linear programming equations has also been given in support of GSM which prolongs network life time

    Non-Invasive Induction Link Model for Implantable Biomedical Microsystems: Pacemaker to Monitor Arrhythmic Patients in Body Area Networks

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    In this paper, a non-invasive inductive link model for an Implantable Biomedical Microsystems (IBMs) such as, a pacemaker to monitor Arrhythmic Patients (APs) in Body Area Networks (BANs) is proposed. The model acts as a driving source to keep the batteries charged, inside a device called, pacemaker. The device monitors any drift from natural human heart beats, a condition of arrythmia and also in turn, produces electrical pulses that create forced rhythms that, matches with the original normal heart rhythms. It constantly sends a medical report to the health center to keep the medical personnel aware of the patient's conditions and let them handle any critical condition, before it actually happens. Two equivalent models are compared by carrying the simulations, based on the parameters of voltage gain and link efficiency. Results depict that the series tuned primary and parallel tuned secondary circuit achieves the best results for both the parameters, keeping in view the constraint of coupling co-efficient (k), which should be less than a value \emph{0.45} as, desirable for the safety of body tissues.Comment: IEEE 8th International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA'13), Compiegne, Franc

    AM-DisCNT: Angular Multi-hop DIStance based Circular Network Transmission Protocol for WSNs

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    The nodes in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) contain limited energy resources, which are needed to transmit data to base station (BS). Routing protocols are designed to reduce the energy consumption. Clustering algorithms are best in this aspect. Such clustering algorithms increase the stability and lifetime of the network. However, every routing protocol is not suitable for heterogeneous environments. AM-DisCNT is proposed and evaluated as a new energy efficient protocol for wireless sensor networks. AM-DisCNT uses circular deployment for even consumption of energy in entire wireless sensor network. Cluster-head selection is on the basis of energy. Highest energy node becomes CH for that round. Energy is again compared in the next round to check the highest energy node of that round. The simulation results show that AM-DisCNT performs better than the existing heterogeneous protocols on the basis of network lifetime, throughput and stability of the system.Comment: IEEE 8th International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA'13), Compiegne, Franc

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional Dan Komunikasi Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan Bank Jatim Cabang Malang)

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    The purpose of this research are: Firstly, to determine and analyze the effect of transformational leadership style on employees work performance. Secondly, to find and analyze the impact of organizational communication on employees work performance. Thirdly, to determine and analyze the influence of transformational leadership style and organizational communication simultaneously on employees work performance. The type of this research is survey with quantitive approach. The population in this research was all employees of Jatim bank Malang as many as 74 people. This research was using saturate or census sampling technique, that is establishment of the number samples from all members of the population is 74 people. This research used analyze tool which multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that: (1) transformational leadership style has a significant positive effect on employee work performance. (2) organizational communication has a significant positive effect on employee work performance. (3) simultaneously, transformational leadership style and organizational communication has significantly effect to employee work performance. (4) this research resulted that the influence of transformational leadership style and organizational communication to employee performance by 56.6% while the remaining 43.4% is influenced by other factors. For instance, one of them is ability which can affect to employee work performance. (5) in terms of affecting employee work performance, transformational leadership style experienced more dominant than organizationalcommunication

    Graffiti Dalam Acara “Feels Like Home”

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    Graffiti merupakan salah satu cabang seni yang berkembang dalam lingkungan masyarakat modern saat ini. Di kota- kota besar seperti Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Jogjakarta, hingga Medan hal ini jelas terlihat dari banyaknya gambar graffitinbsp; menghiasi sudut ndash; sudut kota dan banyaknya acara graffiti di kota-kota besar. Tidak hanya sampai di kota-kota besar, perkembangan graffiti di Indonesia pun telah mewabah hingga kota Tuban, Jawa Timur. Di kota ini graffiti ada sejak tahun 2005. graffiti telah masuk ke kota ini dan menjadi lifestyle bagi para pelakunya. MCA (Me Can Awesome) adalah salah satu kelompok tertua, terbentuk sejak 14 Februari 2006. Tahun ini mereka akan mengadakan sebuah acara dengan judul ldquo;Feels Like Homerdquo;. Acara ini merupakan acara peringatan hari jadi ke-8 yang di selenggarakan di Tuban, Jawa Timur. Penulis beranggapan bahwa acara ini merupakan subjek yang tepat untuk meneliti perkembangan seni graffiti di kota tersebut baik secara ideologi, proses, maupun visualisasi. Kata Kunci : Graffiti, Feels Like Home Graffiti is one of the branches of the arts thrive in today's modern society. In big cities such as Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, to field it is clearly evident from the many pictures of graffiti adorning the corner - the corner of the city and many graffiti events in major cities. Not only in the big cities, the development of graffiti in Indonesia has also endemic to the city of Tuban, East Java. In this city there since 2005. Graffiti has entered into this city and become a lifestyle for the perpetrators. MCA (Me Can Awesome) is one of the oldest group, formed since February 14, 2006. This year they will hold an event titled Feels Like Home. This event is an event marking the 8th anniversary which was held in Tuban, East Java. The author considers that this event is a proper subject for researching the development of graffiti art in the city either ideology, process, and visualization. Keywords : Graffiti, Feels Like Hom

    Pengaruh Penerimaan Pemakaian Kekayaan Daerah terhadap Peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah Provinsi Papua

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    Makin meningkatnya persaingan diberbagai sektor di Indonesia sejalan dengan semakin meningkatkan profitabilitas dan likuiditasnya dalam membantu pertumbuhan perekonomian bangsa pada umumnya dan Provinsi Papua khususnya. Berbicara tentang Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah memang sungguh menarik. Kasus tidak tercapainya target PAD ini tidak saja terjadi di satu Kabupaten atau Provinsi, tapi juga di beberapa Kabupaten atau Provinsi di Indonesia. Penilaian, akan diketahui Nilai Wajar dari masing-masing asset, baik asset operasional dan non operasional (asset berlebih), kemudian juga terungkap mengenai kelengkapan legalitas, kondisi Asset, hingga status yang menempati (yang menggunakan) dari masing-masing asset tersebut. Mungkin orang awam berpikir bahwa Pemda tahu benar siapa-siapa pengguna asset Negara/Pemda, padahal Kenyataannya tidak demikian. Banyak asset yang telah berpindah tangan/berubah kepemilikan karena tidak adanya pengelolaan asset yang benar dan bahkan banyak asset yang memiliki legalitas kepemilikan ganda atau berstatus quo. Proyek Study Optimalisasi asset ini satu persatu kendala diatas dapat diatasi, tinggal bagaimana terwujudnya birokrasi yang baik untuk perijinan serta keamanan yang terjamin sehingga mendukung setiap penyelenggaraan kegiatan investasi. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh penerimaan pemakaian kekayaan daerah terhadap peningkatan pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) Provinsi Papua. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan studi korelasional yaitu mempelajari hubungan dua variabel atau lebih, yakni sejauh mana variasi dalam satu variabel berhubungan dengan variasi dalam variabel lain. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial realisasi penerimaan retribusi pemakaian kekayaan daerah berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah Pemerintah Provinsi Papua. Nilai R square 0,342 yang mengindikasikan bahwa variabel independen tersebut hanya dapat menjelaskan variabel dependen sebesar 34,2%. Sedangkan sisanya sebesar 65,8% dijelaskan oleh faktor-faktor lain yang tidak disertakan dalam penelitian ini
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