21 research outputs found

    Local Chicken Management in Rural Borno State,Nigeria

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    The locally adapted chickens are more readily available to resource-poor farmers and they can be productive without high disease-control inputs. Therefore, the study examined the management practices and the prospects of local chicken production in rural Borno state. The survey was carried out in two agro-ecological zones (Sahel savannah and Sudan savannah) of Borno state in Nigeria. Data were collected from 180 poultry keeping households in two seasons (cold-dry and hot-dry seasons) through interview using structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics using means and percentage was used to analyze the data. The result showed that 82.8% of the farmers had less than 1ha of farm land and 17.2% had above 1ha of farm land. Distribution of ownership of chickens revealed that 51.3% kept 6-10 chickens, 23.8% kept 1-5 chickens, 19.5% kept 11-20 chickens and 5% kept  above 20 chickens. Majority (65.8%) practice extensive system while 34.2% practice semi-intensive system. Only 2% of the farmers consult veterinary service. Chickens were mainly culled for home consumption (31.5%), trade (42.2%) and fear of disease (26.3%). 46.4% of farmers purchased their replacement stock, 24.1% of the farmers obtained theirs through inheritance or gifts, while 32.9% obtained theirs from hatched eggs. The major (55.8%) factor affecting market is the availability of substitute, 27.9% complained of unstable price while 16.3% identified sell of disease chicken as another factor affecting marketing. The study recommends proper training of the farmers on modern poultry management and they should be informed on the importance of veterinary services. Key words: Local chicken, Management system, Rural, Sahel savannah, Sudan savanna

    Simulation tooth internal elipsnogo linkings devices for beaming elipsnyh blanks

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    Наведено конструкцію пристрою для виготовлення гвинтових еліпсних заготовок із криволінійним внутрішнім еліпсним зубчастим зачепленням. Розроблено методику моделювання профілів зубів, розміщених по еліптичній поверхні, та їх розрахунку. Розроблено технологію виготовлення цих зубів Із використанням спеціального довб’яка та ділильного пристрою з числовим програмним керуванням.The design of the device for the manufacture of screw of the elips pieces with the curved inner elips toothing. The analyzed tooth placed on an elliptical surface and their calculation. The technology for manufacture of these teeth with a special shaping cutter and divider machines with a digital programe menage

    Antibiotics susceptibility against Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from different infections

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    In the present study, a total 70 samples were collected from different sites of infection which include 25(35.7%) samples from bronchial wash, 15 (21.4%) samples from urine, 15 (21.4%) samples from ear swabs, and 15 (21.4%) samples wound swabs), these samples have been collected and tested during period from March 2022 to June 2022. The results showed that, out of 70 samples, 62(88.5%) give positive culture, while 8(11.5%) samples were negative culture. Out of 62 positive culture on different types of growth media, and the bacterial was identified according to gram stain, biochemical tests and Vitek compact system, the results showed that, only 18(29.1%) isolates were related to Pseudomonas aeruginosa, while 44 (70.9%) samples were related to other types of microbial agents, these isolates which include 5/18(28%) isolates from bronchial wash, 4/18(22.1%) isolates from urine, 2/18(11.1%) isolates from ear swabs and 7/18(38.8%) isolates from wound swabs. To confirm the isolates of bacteria was used automated Compact Vitek-2 system use GN-ID cards which contained 64 biochemical tests.&nbsp

    Transnasal Endoscopic Approach to Expose the Medial Rectus From the Annulus of Zinn to the Penetration of Tenon's Capsule

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    Conventional strabismus surgery employs a conjunctival incision to gain access to Tenon's space where a wide variety of procedures are routinely performed on the tendon and anterior aspect of the extraocular muscles. Recently, transnasal endoscopic surgical techniques have gained acceptance as effective means of decompressing the medial wall and floor of the orbit in patients with thyroid-related orbitopathy.The orbital surface of the medial rectus and inferior rectus are exposed from the annulus of Zinn to a position close to where the muscles penetrate Tenon's capsule. In theory, this technique also provides the exposure necessary to locate and retrieve a "lost" medial rectus when the usual subTenon's approach fails to recover the muscle. Cadaver studies demonstrate the feasibility of exposure and suture placement in the stump of a lost medial rectus with passage of the suture through Tenon's capsule to transmit the force of the muscle to the globe, provided that the lost muscle is retrieved before severe contracture develops.PublishedN/

    Il plurilinguismo svizzero e la sfida dell\u2019inglese. Riflessioni dal laboratorio elvetico a confronto con l\u2019Europa

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    L\u2019inglese fa ormai parte del paesaggio linguistico europeo e svizzero; si \ue8 affermato con rapidit\ue0 sorprendente, dilagando tra i giovani, nel mondo accademico, economico e oltre in modo attrattivo e vincente. I testi specialistici offerti nel volume affrontano il fenomeno da pi\uf9 angolazioni, ne percorrono la storia, lo seguono in contesti diversi. Il \uablaboratorio elvetico\ubb e il contesto europeo sono in assonanza. Diversit\ue0 culturale, mobilit\ue0, nuove competenze, sono il segno di apertura e globalit\ue0 e non mettono necessariamente in dubbio il ruolo delle lingue nazionali. Appare essenziale, per motivi politici, sociali e anche economici, evitare il tramonto del plurilinguismo a vantaggio di un \uabmonolinguismo pi\uf9 l\u2019inglese\ubb e il sorgere di una sorta di lingua egemonica

    Evolutions and Improvements in CFOSAT SWIM Products

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    International audienceThe Chinese-French oceanography satellite, CFOSAT, was launched on October 2018. Two Ku-band scatterometers are on-board: SCAT for the wind observation and SWIM for the wave observation. After a first phase mainly dedicated to validation and identification of improvement possibilities, the ground processing and products generated were upgraded. This paper presents the main evolutions implemented and their positive impacts on the SWIM data quality