2,208 research outputs found

    Cognitive load theory in simulations to facilitate critical thinking in radiography students

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    Background. Problem solving and critical thinking are top future skills. High-fidelity simulations improve critical thinking, but also increase students’ cognitive load, possibly limiting their learning. Educators should therefore consider learning outcomes, problems that require critical thinking, the relationship between working and long-term memory, and intrinsic and extraneous cognitive loads when developing simulation scenarios. Objective. To report on the application of cognitive load theory (CLT) and students’ responses in terms of problem solving and new  insights during and after a simulation experience. Methods. A high-fidelity simulation, targeting multilevel communication, teamwork and prioritisation of learning outcomes, was designed according to CLT. Eighty students participated in presimulation knowledge, skills and attitudes acquisition and 10 participated in the  simulation. A qualitative descriptive design was followed and data were collected through video/audio recordings of the simulation and  reflection session, supported by educator and critical observer notes. Qualitative content analysis allowed comprehensive summarisation  of students’ problem-solving abilities and emerging new insights. Results. Eighty second-year radiography students formed the target population, with 10 simulation participants comprising the sample.  Communication with health professionals was good, but lacking towards patients. Intraprofessional team collaboration was suboptimal,  but interprofessional team collaboration was good. Students were mostly unfamiliar with the prioritisation responsibility. Upon reflection,  students came to new insights regarding teamwork and prioritisation. Conclusion. After application of CLT, critical thinking to facilitate problem solving during simulation was suggested and post-simulation reflection facilitated new insights. The exposure of large groups to the benefits of simulation validates further investigation

    'n Aantal sosio politieke persepsies van swart jeugdiges in Stedelike gebiede*

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    In September 1986 a survey was launched among a sample of black youths in metropolitan areas in the R S A in order to obtain a general picture of some of the most important sociopolitical perceptions of this section of South Africa n society. Trained black f ield -worker s used questionnaires to conduct interviews with 372 youths. The respondents ' views were obtained on, inter alia, the following: black education, school boycotts, black unrest, the type of government they would like to have, black and white leadership, the use of violence and negotiation, and their feelings towards other population groups . Most of the youths were in favour of the exis t in g system of authority at schools, disapproved of school boycotts, preferred the police rather than the army to combat crime, disapproved of the unrest in black residential areas and the current state of emergency and p referred a 'democratic government' and negotiation to violence. Most of the black you ths indicated that Mandela was the best ' black leader and also the best leader for South Africa, regarded the ANC as the organization with most support among blacks, considered their feelings towards whites as 'u n change d ' since a year ago, and felt more 'friendly ' towards coloureds and Indians than towards whites

    Die verhouding tussen integrasie- teorie en konflikteorie

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    The author bases his article on a comparison and evaluation of the contributions of conflict theoreticians and consensus theoreticians in dealing with the phenomenon of social conflict. He looks in some detail at the development of conflict theory, and analysis the views of especially Parsons in this regard. The author is of the opinion, however, that pure conflict theory in sociology, in so far as it manifests itself as an alternative orientation with regard to structural functionalism, should be rejected. He posits the view that there is nothing within the conceptual apparatus of conflict theory which clashes with integration theory, and he accepts the view of Dahrendorf who sees integration theory and conflict theory as applicable in certain situations and their particular demands. He feels that the opposition between the integration model and the conflict model is unfounded

    Kernaspekte van die kennissosiologie van Karl Mannheim

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    The author deals with certain crucial aspects of the sociology of knowledge of Karl Mannheim in view of the fact that he finds that the increase, worldwide, of interest in ideological difficulties in South Africa can fruitfully be dealt with in terms of this form of sociology. This is justified in part by Mannheim's viewpoint that thought is a function of human existence, and this function emanates from needs based on social factors. He traces Mannheim's use of the term ideology (in Sociology), culminating With the Idea that “the birth and death of ideology depends on certain social, economic and 'ecological' factors”. Subsequently he deals with a whole line of aspects of the sociology of knowledge as expounded by Mannheim, culminating in the idea that shifts in views with regard to lifeview and underlying values take place when there is a rapid upward (vertical) mobility, leading to uncertainties and a lack of trust in established values

    'N aantal sosiopolitieke persepsie van swart jeugdiges in stedelike gebiede*

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    In September 198G a survey was launched among a sample of black youths in metropolitan areas in the R S A in order to obtain a general picture of some of the most important sociopolitical perceptions of this section of South Africa n society. Trained black field -worker s used questionnaires to conduct interviews with 372 youths. The respondents ' views were obtained on, inter alia, the following: black education, school boycotts, black unrest, the type of government they would like to have, black and white leadership, the use of violence and negotiation, and their feelings towards other population groups . Most of the youths were in favour of the existing system of authority at schools, disapproved of school boycotts, preferred the police rather than the army to combat crime, disapproved of the unrest in black residential areas and the current state of emergency and p referred a 'democratic government' and negotiation to violence. Most of the black youth s indicated that Mandela was the best ' black leader and also the best leader for South Africa, regarded the A N C as the organization with most support among blacks, considered their feelings towards whites as 'u n changed ' since a year ago, and felt more 'friendly ' towards coloureds and Indians than towards whites

    Kroniek van Perdepoort

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    Kroniek van Perdepoort is seker een van die waardigste bekroonde prosawerke in Afrikaans (CNA-prys, 1975, en Hertzogprys, 1976). As roman is dit van haas ewe groot omvang as Die groot gryse, en het dit 'n besonder ryk betekenislading en 'n interessante struktuur - 'n bewys van gerypte talent. By nadere ondersoek van enkele strukturele en tematiese as= pekte daarvan kom 'n verrassende veelkantigheid aan die lig

    Supply chain risks and smallholder fresh produce farmers in the Gauteng province of South Africa

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    A survey of 52 smallholder fresh produce farmers was conducted in the Gauteng province of South Africa to grasp how risk and its management affect the mainstreaming of smallholder farmers into formal, high-value markets. The study employed a supply chain analysis approach, which focused on the functions and risks that occur along the fresh produce chain. The results highlight the risks that impede the participation of smallholder farmers in formal, high-value chains. At the production level, risk is prominent from input procurement through to the post-harvest stage of the chains. At the retail and consumption level, risks are linked to the adherence to quality and quantity standards, including prescribed packaging, grading, labelling and traceability and transport requirements. As a result of these risks across the formal chain, smallholder farmers often resort to distributing their products in low-value informal markets. The consequence is that smallholder farmers tend to remain trapped in poverty, in part, because of their risk appetites and their ability to bear risk.Further research is required in the areas pertaining to smallholder farmers’ risk appetite and risk-bearing ability and mechanisms to deal with the particular risks in the value chain that impede their all-round ability to escape the “smallholder dilemma”.Keywords: Smallholders, supply chain risks, fresh produce, high-value market

    An evaluation of the Contractor Development Model of Working for Water

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    The Working for Water programme of the South African Department of Environmental Affairs has as its major objective the eradication of invasive alien plant species. However, it also has a social development component, which aims at the promotion of small business and entrepreneurship development. This paper explores the socio-economic rationale of one component, the Contractor Development Model. It does so via an examination of the programme’s assumptions, and the development of its impact theory. The study revealed a shortcoming in monitoring data for the programme, and a relative lack of assessment of the effectiveness of its activities. It is suggested that the selection criteria for contractors be re-examined, and that consideration be given to two additional elements that may strengthen the effectiveness of the training: mentoring and networking

    An Internationalized Classroom using Research Teams

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    Overview: (1) What is internationalization of the curriculum (loC)? (2) Why is loC important to SLP/A? (3) How can we internationalize student learning? (4) How can we assess cross-cultural awareness or effectiveness

    SLPs and AUDs Go Global: A Research-based Cross-linguistic Consortium

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