293 research outputs found

    Hidden Markov models predict the future choice better than a PSTH-based method

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    Beyond average firing rate, other measurable signals of neuronal activity are fundamental to an understanding of behavior. Recently, hidden Markov models (HMMs) have been applied to neural recordings and have described how neuronal ensembles process information by going through sequences of different states. Such collective dynamics are impossible to capture by just looking at the average firing rate. To estimate how well HMMs can decode information contained in single trials, we compared HMMs with a recently developed classification method based on the peristimulus time histogram (PSTH). The accuracy of the two methods was tested by using the activity of prefrontal neurons recorded while two monkeys were engaged in a strategy task. In this task, the monkeys had to select one of three spatial targets based on an instruction cue and on their previous choice. We show that by using the single trial’s neural activity in a period preceding action execution, both models were able to classify the monkeys’ choice with an accuracy higher than by chance. Moreover, the HMM was significantly more accurate than the PSTH-based method, even in cases in which the HMM performance was low, although always above chance. Furthermore, the accuracy of both methods was related to the number of neurons exhibiting spatial selectivity within an experimental session. Overall, our study shows that neural activity is better described when not only the mean activity of individual neurons is considered and that therefore, the study of other signals rather than only the average firing rate is fundamental to an understanding of the dynamics of neuronal ensembles

    IGFBP-3 inhibits Wnt signaling in metastatic melanoma cells.

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    In previous works, we have shown that insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3), a tissue and circulating protein able to bind to IGFs, decreases drastically in the blood serum of patients with diffuse metastatic melanoma. In agreement with the clinical data, recombinant IGFBP-3 was found to inhibit the motility and invasiveness of cultured metastatic melanoma cells and to prevent growth of grafted melanomas in mice. The present work was aimed at identifying the signal transduction pathways underlying the anti-tumoral effects of IGFBP-3. We show that the anti-tumoral effect of IGFBP-3 is due to inhibition of the Wnt pathway and depends upon the presence of CD44, a receptor protein known to modulate Wnt signaling. Once it has entered the cell, IGFBP-3 binds the Wnt signalosome interacting specifically with its component GSK-3β. As a consequence, the β-catenin destruction complex dissociates from the LRP6 Wnt receptor and GSK-3β is activated through dephosphorylation, becoming free to target cytoplasmic β-catenin which is degraded by the proteasomal pathway. Altogether, the results suggest that IGFBP-3 is a novel and effective inhibitor of Wnt signaling. As IGFBP-3 is a physiological protein which has no detectable toxic effects either on cultured cells or live mice, it might qualify as an interesting new therapeutic agent in melanoma, and potentially many other cancers with a hyperactive Wnt signaling

    Internal translation initiation in the mRNA for the Neurospora crassa albino-3 gene

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    The "ribosome scanning model" for translational initiation predicts that eukaryotic mRNAs should, as a rule, be monocistronic. However, cases have recently been described of eukaryotic mRNAs producing more than one protein through alternative translational initiation at several different AUG codons. The present work reports the occurrence of multiple translational start sites on the mRNA of the Neurospora crassa gene albino-3 (al-3), encoding the carotenoid biosynthetic enzyme geranylgeranyl-pyrophosphate synthase. This was revealed by the molecular analysis of an al-3 mutant carrying a deletion within the coding sequence, which was expected to prevent the synthesis of a functional geranylgeranyl-pyrophosphate synthase because of ribosome frameshifting and premature translational termination. However, the mutants could maintain appreciable geranylgeranyl-pyrophosphate synthase activity through a mechanism operating at the translational level, whereby a fraction of ribosomes initiated protein synthesis from either of two internal in-frame AUG codons located downstream of the deletion, thus producing a shortened but still active version of the geranylgeranyl-pyrophosphate synthase. The results presented indicate that the internal AUG codons are recognized mainly or solely by direct ribosome binding rather than by "leaky scanning" from the 5' end of the mRNA.The "ribosome scanning model" for translational initiation predicts that eukaryotic mRNAs should, as a rule, be monocistronic. However, cases have recently been described of eukaryotic mRNAs producing more than one protein through alternative translational initiation at several different AUG codons. The present work reports the occurrence of multiple translational start sites on the mRNA of the Neurospora crassa gene albino-3 (al-3), encoding the carotenoid biosynthetic enzyme geranylgeranyl-pyrophosphate synthase. This was revealed by the molecular analysis of an al-3 mutant carrying a deletion within the coding sequence, which was expected to prevent the synthesis of a functional geranylgeranyl-pyrophosphate synthase because of ribosome frameshifting and premature translational termination. However, the mutants could maintain appreciable geranylgeranyl-pyrophosphate synthase activity through a mechanism operating at the translational level, whereby a fraction of ribosomes initiated protein synthesis from either of two internal in-frame AUG codons located downstream of the deletion, thus producing a shortened but still active version of the geranylgeranyl-pyrophosphate synthase. The results presented indicate that the internal AUG codons are recognized mainly or solely by direct ribosome binding rather than by "leaky scanning" from the 5' end of the mRNA

    Finding Exogenous Variables in Data with Many More Variables than Observations

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    Many statistical methods have been proposed to estimate causal models in classical situations with fewer variables than observations (p<n, p: the number of variables and n: the number of observations). However, modern datasets including gene expression data need high-dimensional causal modeling in challenging situations with orders of magnitude more variables than observations (p>>n). In this paper, we propose a method to find exogenous variables in a linear non-Gaussian causal model, which requires much smaller sample sizes than conventional methods and works even when p>>n. The key idea is to identify which variables are exogenous based on non-Gaussianity instead of estimating the entire structure of the model. Exogenous variables work as triggers that activate a causal chain in the model, and their identification leads to more efficient experimental designs and better understanding of the causal mechanism. We present experiments with artificial data and real-world gene expression data to evaluate the method.Comment: A revised version of this was published in Proc. ICANN201

    Emergency Department as an epidemiological observatory of Human Mobility: the experience of the Moroccan population

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    We conducted a retrospective study of the accesses to the Emergency Department registered from January 2000 to December 2014 in 5 major hospitals in the Metropolitan Area of Rome. We extrapolated data relating to patients of Moroccan origin from about 5 million total accesses, so we compared with Italians data which, in the same period, came to ED. The Moroccan population is distinguished by a larger number of diagnoses belonging to the ICD-9 code of Infectious Diseases and, more precisely, to Respiratory Infectious Diseases. There are also no differences in the assignment of such diagnoses to Moroccans with Italian citizenship, and this led to think that this could play an important role in the use of the ED and moreover that enrollment to the National Health Service may reduce its inappropriate use. Regarding to Degenerative Disorders, the result of our analysis is quite emblematic, showing that the accesses to the ED is due to Cardiovascular Diseases: 6.33% of Italians' accesses against 1.81% of Moroccans and 2.36% of Moroccans with Italian citizenship. The main explanation for this difference is, obviously, due to the age of the population: about 60% of Moroccans who accessed to ED was less than 40 years old. It is interesting how, in the field of ​​Cardiovascular Diseases, Moroccans have a lower percentage of diagnosis compared to Italians for acute diseases and a greater percentage of diagnoses for chronic diseases, suggesting once again that accesses to ED for migrants often is due to the inability to use the general services of the National Health Service. In conclusion, from the point of view of the Emergency Department, Migration Medicine still has Infectious Diseases as the main reason for access. Degenerative Disorders remain a prerogative of the Italians, but we could certainly assume that the Moroccan population would develop at some point with the aging

    Artificial Sequences and Complexity Measures

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    In this paper we exploit concepts of information theory to address the fundamental problem of identifying and defining the most suitable tools to extract, in a automatic and agnostic way, information from a generic string of characters. We introduce in particular a class of methods which use in a crucial way data compression techniques in order to define a measure of remoteness and distance between pairs of sequences of characters (e.g. texts) based on their relative information content. We also discuss in detail how specific features of data compression techniques could be used to introduce the notion of dictionary of a given sequence and of Artificial Text and we show how these new tools can be used for information extraction purposes. We point out the versatility and generality of our method that applies to any kind of corpora of character strings independently of the type of coding behind them. We consider as a case study linguistic motivated problems and we present results for automatic language recognition, authorship attribution and self consistent-classification.Comment: Revised version, with major changes, of previous "Data Compression approach to Information Extraction and Classification" by A. Baronchelli and V. Loreto. 15 pages; 5 figure

    Features of 80S mammalian ribosome and its subunits

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    It is generally believed that basic features of ribosomal functions are universally valid, but a systematic test still stands out for higher eukaryotic 80S ribosomes. Here we report: (i) differences in tRNA and mRNA binding capabilities of eukaryotic and bacterial ribosomes and their subunits. Eukaryotic 40S subunits bind mRNA exclusively in the presence of cognate tRNA, whereas bacterial 30S do bind mRNA already in the absence of tRNA. 80S ribosomes bind mRNA efficiently in the absence of tRNA. In contrast, bacterial 70S interact with mRNA more productively in the presence rather than in the absence of tRNA. (ii) States of initiation (Pi), pre-translocation (PRE) and post-translocation (POST) of the ribosome were checked and no significant functional differences to the prokaryotic counterpart were observed including the reciprocal linkage between A and E sites. (iii) Eukaryotic ribosomes bind tetracycline with an affinity 15 times lower than that of bacterial ribosomes (Kd 30 μM and 1–2 μM, respectively). The drug does not effect enzymatic A-site occupation of 80S ribosomes in contrast to non-enzymatic tRNA binding to the A-site. Both observations explain the relative resistance of eukaryotic ribosomes to this antibiotic

    The Molecular Basis for Oat Intolerance in Patients with Celiac Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Celiac disease is a small intestinal inflammatory disorder characterized by malabsorption, nutrient deficiency, and a range of clinical manifestations. It is caused by an inappropriate immune response to dietary gluten and is treated with a gluten-free diet. Recent feeding studies have indicated oats to be safe for celiac disease patients, and oats are now often included in the celiac disease diet. This study aimed to investigate whether oat intolerance exists in celiac disease and to characterize the cells and processes underlying this intolerance. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We selected for study nine adults with celiac disease who had a history of oats exposure. Four of the patients had clinical symptoms on an oats-containing diet, and three of these four patients had intestinal inflammation typical of celiac disease at the time of oats exposure. We established oats-avenin-specific and -reactive intestinal T-cell lines from these three patients, as well as from two other patients who appeared to tolerate oats. The avenin-reactive T-cell lines recognized avenin peptides in the context of HLA-DQ2. These peptides have sequences rich in proline and glutamine residues closely resembling wheat gluten epitopes. Deamidation (glutamine→glutamic acid conversion) by tissue transglutaminase was involved in the avenin epitope formation. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that some celiac disease patients have avenin-reactive mucosal T-cells that can cause mucosal inflammation. Oat intolerance may be a reason for villous atrophy and inflammation in patients with celiac disease who are eating oats but otherwise are adhering to a strict gluten-free diet. Clinical follow-up of celiac disease patients eating oats is advisable

    The Translation Factor eIF6 Is a Notch-Dependent Regulator of Cell Migration and Invasion

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    A growing body of evidence indicates that protein factors controlling translation play an important role in tumorigenesis. The protein known as eIF6 is a ribosome anti-association factor that has been implicated in translational initiation and in ribosome synthesis. Over-expression of eIF6 is observed in many natural tumours, and causes developmental and differentiation defects in certain animal models. Here we show that the transcription of the gene encoding eIF6 is modulated by the receptor Notch-1, a protein involved in embryonic development and cell differentiation, as well as in many neoplasms. Inhibition of Notch-1 signalling by γ-secretase inhibitors slowed down cell-cycle progression and reduced the amount of eIF6 in lymphoblastoid and ovarian cancer cell lines. Cultured ovarian cancer cell lines engineered to stably over-expressing eIF6 did not show significant changes in proliferation rate, but displayed an enhanced motility and invasive capacity. Inhibition of Notch-1 signalling in the cells over-expressing eIF6 was effective in slowing down the cell cycle, but did not reduce cell migration and invasion. On the whole, the results suggest that eIF6 is one of the downstream effectors of Notch-1 in the pathway that controls cell motility and invasiveness