109 research outputs found

    Operating Speed models for heavy vehicles on tangents of Spanish two-lane rural roads

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    Road safety is one of the most important public health concern in our society. In Spain, the most of the traffic accidents involving a heavy vehicle occur on two-lane rural roads. Current consistency models only rely on the analysis of the operating speed profile for passenger cars due to the few speed models available for heavy vehicles. Therefore, the main objective of this research was to analyze and model the free flow speed developed by heavy vehicles on tangents of two-lane rural roads. Thus, this research presents new speed models for estimating heavy vehicle speeds on tangents of two-lane rural roads. To do this, truck speeds were collected by means of Global Positioning System tracking devices, on 49 tangents sections that were identified from 12 road sections. Two different patterns were detected, which were associated with loaded and unloaded trucks. The combined effect of geometric and operational variables was analyzed. As a result, the most influential variables on loaded truck speeds were the speed of the preceding horizontal curve and the grade of the tangent, whereas unloaded truck speeds were significantly influenced by the length of the tangent and the speed of the preceding horizontal curve. Finally, several regression models were calibrated to predict the 85th and 15th percentile speeds for both loaded and unloaded trucks

    “Estudio de las aguas de bebida minerales de las provincia de Valencia”

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    With the investigation of determinates parameters in the mineral waters of the province of Valencia, we are looking for the possible relation between the composition of those waters and the geological characteristics of the zone. From the result of the analysis we deduce that the water s with minus mineralization are found al the oldest Buntsandstein terrenes of the north zone of the province, while the waters with more mineralization are found at Keuper terrene. The most mineral water s and potable waters are found at Triassic terrene or Cretaceous terrenes. About the waters to drink that are work commercially predominate the bicarbonated-caIciumed and bacteriologicaly they used to be correct in the work is correct. From the Miocene and Quaternary emanate water s with increased sulphate.Mediante la investigación de determinados parámetros, en las aguas de bebida minerales de la provincia de Valencia, buscamos la posible relación entre la composición de dichas aguas y las características geológicas de la zona. Del resultado de los análisis se deduce que las aguas menos mineralizadas se encuentran en los terrenos más antiguos del Buntsandstein de la zona Norte de la provincia, mientras que las más mineralizdadas las encontramos en terreno Keuper. La mayoría de las aguas minerales y de mesa se encuentran en terrenos triásicos o cretácicos. En las aguas de mesa que se explotan comercialmente predominan las bicarbonato-c4lcicas y bacteriológicamente suelen ser correctas si lo es la explotación. Del Mióceno y Cuaternario afloran aguas con sulfatos aumentados

    Estudio de las aguas de bebida minerales de las provincia de Valencia

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    Mediante la investigación de determinados parámetros, en las aguas de bebida minerales de la provincia de Valencia, buscamos la posible relación entre la composición de dichas aguas y las características geológicas de la zona. Del resultado de los análisis se deduce que las aguas menos mineralizadas se encuentran en los terrenos más antiguos del Buntsandstein de la zona Norte de la provincia, mientras que las más mineralizdadas las encontramos en terreno Keuper. La mayoría de las aguas minerales y de mesa se encuentran en terrenos triásicos o cretácicos. En las aguas de mesa que se explotan comercialmente predominan las bicarbonato-c4lcicas y bacteriológicamente suelen ser correctas si lo es la explotación. Del Mióceno y Cuaternario afloran aguas con sulfatos aumentados.With the investigation of determinates parameters in the mineral waters of the province of Valencia, we are looking for the possible relation between the composition of those water s and the geological characteristics of the zone. From the result of the analysis we deduce that the water s with minus mineralization are found al the oldest Buntsandstein terrenes of the north zone of the province, while the waters with more mineralization are found at Keu per terrene. The most mineral water s and potable waters are found at Triassic terrene or Cretaceous terrenes. About the waters to drink that are work com mercially predominate the bicarbonated-caIciumed and bacteriologicaly they used to be correct in the work is correct. From the Miocene and Quaternary emanate water s with increased sulphate

    Estudio de la adecuación del bagazo de cerveza en alimentación animal. II. Experiencia de digestibilidad en cerdos de dietas conteniendo bagazo o soja

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    The digestibility of two semisynthetic diets with the same nitrogen and caloric content has been studled in pigs, the only source of protein being a fine fraction of dried brewers' grain or soya flour. This was done to establísh the digestive efficiency of this new protein concentrate compared to soya. Using direct method the digestibility has been studied in castrated male pigs weighing 26.7 Kg at the beginning of the experiments. The results obtained indicate a higher digestive utilization of all the nutrients studied in the diet containing soya. It was found that the digestibilíty coefficient of protein was 86.7% for this diet, and 60,8% for the diet containing the fine fraction of brewers' grain, a difference believed to be due to the excessive heating to which this subproduct was submittect during dessication.Se ha estudiado en cerdos la digestibilidad de dos dietas semisintéticas isonitrogenadas e isccalóricas llevando como única fuente de proteína fracción fina del bagazo de cerveza desecado o harina de soja, con el fin de conocer la eficacia digestiva de este nuevo concentrado protéico frente a la soja. Se ha estudiado la digestibilidad por el mtéodo directo en cerdos machos castrados de 26,7 kg al comienzo de las experiencias. Los resultados obtenidos nos muestran una mayor utilización digestiva de todos los nutrientes investigados en la dieta que tiene soja, encontrando un coeficiente de digestibilidad de la proteina de 86,7% para esta dieta, y de 60,8% para la dieta que contiene la fracción fina del bagazo, diferencia que creemos se debe al excesivo calentamiento al que se ha sometido este subproducto durante su desecación

    Material-driven fibronectin assembly for high-efficiency presentation of growth factors

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    Growth factors (GFs) are powerful signaling molecules with the potential to drive regenerative strategies, including bone repair and vascularization. However, GFs are typically delivered in soluble format at supraphysiological doses because of rapid clearance and limited therapeutic impact. These high doses have serious side effects and are expensive. Although it is well established that GF interactions with extracellular matrix proteins such as fibronectin control GF presentation and activity, a translation-ready approach to unlocking GF potential has not been realized. We demonstrate a simple, robust, and controlled material-based approach to enhance the activity of GFs during tissue healing. The underlying mechanism is based on spontaneous fibrillar organization of fibronectin driven by adsorption onto the polymer poly(ethyl acrylate). Fibrillar fibronectin on this polymer, but not a globular conformation obtained on control polymers, promotes synergistic presentation of integrin-binding sites and bound bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2), which enhances mesenchymal stem cell osteogenesis in vitro and drives full regeneration of a nonhealing bone defect in vivo at low GF concentrations. This simple and translatable technology could unlock the full regenerative potential of GF therapies while improving safety and cost-effectiveness

    El cromo en las aguas de consumo público de la provincia de Valencia y su relación con el impacto ambiental

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    The presence of chromium in potable water of the Valencia province has been determined in several samples, taken from the 16 different zones of this area. Only in 20% of the zones tested a positive result was found. Most of the municipiums in which chromium was detected on potable waters, were placed in the coastal areas, having their water supplies located on porosity vulnerable grounds close to industrial zones and liquid and solid residues dumpingplaces.Para estudiar la presencia de cromo en el agua de consumo público de la provincia de Valencia, ha sido realizado un muestreo en las 16 comarcas que la constituyen dando positivo en un 20% de ellas. La mayoría de los municipios en los que se detectó cromo, en sus aguas potables, estaban situados en la zona costera, con abastecimientos sobre terrenos vulnerables por porosidad, con industrias cercanas, y con vertederos de residuos sólidos y líquidos próximos, también sobre vuelos vulnerables a la contaminación

    Problemática de la presencia de detergentes en las aguas de consumo de la provincia de Valencia

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    Lead presence in potable water of Valencia has be en studied, Most of the municipies in the coast area which have water supplies in porous ground, with industries close, solids and liquids residues near, lead was detected in their potable water.Se ha realizado un estudio analítico de la presencia de plomo en aguas de consumo público de la provincia de Valencia, observando que la mayoría de los municipios en los que se detectó dicho elemento en sus aguas potables, estaban situados en la zona costera, con abastecimientos de agua situados en terrenos vulnerables por porosidad, con industrias cercanas y con vertederos de resíduos sólidos y líquidos próximos, sobre suelos vulnerables a la contaminación

    Problemática de la presencia de detergentes en las aguas de consumo de la provincia de Valencia

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    Realizamos un muestreo de las aguas de consumo público de la provincia de Valencia investigando la presencia de detergentes en dichas aguas por el método del azul de metileno, y lo relacionamos con determinados factores ambientales. La presencia de detergentes en las aguas de consumo público se detectó principalmente en municipios de la zona costera, con abastecimientos situados en terrenos vulnerables por porosidad, con industrias cercanas y vertederos de residuos sólidos y líquidos situados también sobre terrenos vulnerables, también se detectó en municipios de las zonas interior e intermedia. Aunque no crea todavía una problemática grave deben vigilarse adecuadamente, sobre todo las zonas industrializadas.We made an investigation about the public consumption waters of the province of Valencia, investigating the presence of surfactif in those waters, intervening the method of the Mehylene Bleu Method, and we relate it with sorne environment factors. The presence of surfactif in the public consumption water s was detected principally at townships of the coste zone with providings situated at permeables terrenes with porosity, with factorys near there, and sewers of solid-liquid residues situated on permeables terrenes too. Also we detected it at townships of intermedium zones and interior zone

    Plomo en aguas de consumo público de la provincia de Valencia

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    Questions made in a poll ellaborated in Department of Chemical Physics about the practices of Instrumental Techniques subject have been analyzed by mean of statistical procedures. Cluster analysis, variables dependence inference and n way classification have been the methods principally used. The results found case the elimination of unnecessary questions allowing its optimization. Besides, it helps the correct interpretation of the poll results.Mediante procedimientos estadísticos se ha analizado la hoja de preguntas empleada en una encuesta sobre las prácticas de la .asignatura de Técnicas Instrumentales. Los métodos utilizados han sido fundamentalmente el de análisis cluster, el de inferencia sobre la dependencia de las variables y el de clasificación con arreglo a n criterios. Los resultados encontrados facilitan la eliminación de preguntas innecesarias permitiendo así su optimización, a la vez que ayudan a interpretar más correctamente los resultados de la encuesta

    Quality of goats milk cheese as affected by coating with edible chitosan-essential oil films

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    [EN] The effectiveness of applying chitosan coatings containing rosemary and oregano essential oils to cheeses was analysed. Cheeses were coated by immersing the samples two or three times successively in the different formulations. The ripening indexes, water loss, fungal growth and sensory properties of the coated and noncoated cheeses throughout ripening were evaluated. The coatings both prevented weight loss and improved the microbial safety. The lipolytic and proteolytic activities were reduced in coated cheese, which is in line with the antimicrobial effect of active coatings. Sensory evaluation revealed that the cheeses double-coated with chitosan oregano oil were the best evaluated in terms of aroma and flavour.The authors wish to acknowledge the financing of the project by the Program of Support for Research and Development (PAID-05-12) of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Cano Embuena, AI.; Cháfer Nácher, MT.; Chiralt, A.; Molina Pons, MP.; Borràs Llopis, M.; Beltrán Martínez, MC.; González Martínez, MC. (2017). Quality of goats milk cheese as affected by coating with edible chitosan-essential oil films. International Journal of Dairy Technology. 70(1):68-76. https://doi.org/10.1111/1471-0307.12306S6876701Aenor 1979 UNE 87-004-79: Sensory Analysis: A guide for the installation of a test roomAguirre, A., Borneo, R., & León, A. E. (2013). Antimicrobial, mechanical and barrier properties of triticale protein films incorporated with oregano essential oil. 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